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Guest AaronMarco

Getting the feel of things

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Guest AaronMarco

Yep, I am.


I think this is a VAST improvement over EZ.


(back to exploring around the new digs)

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Guest Jon Richardson

Yeah, I may as well check things out too.  And in good news, I may suddenly be attending law school in the States after all.  Seems most schools are willing to throw gobs of money at me.  Either way, whenever I find out what the #### I'll be doing come May, you guys will be among the first to know...



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Guest The Masked Yodeler

Some quick comments:


1.  Move the movie folder from wrestling to pop culture, it just make sense.  Unless, of course, the purpose of the movie folder is to discuss Santa With Muscles and The Scorpion King.


2. Create a Testing Grounds Folder.  When the board officially opens and all the new posters come in, it will be severely needed.  Without it, the WWF and Smarks Feedback folder's will look like alt.test.


BTW, can we put images in our sigs?  For the life of me, I haven't figured out how.

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Guest RetroRob215

I REALLY like the new board.  It is a lot better than EZBoard.  


Anyway, you know my user name, if you want to ban me go ahead.  Otherwise I'll go back to being my old self.  You know, answering stupid questions and using moderate amounts of sarcasm.  I'm willing to put the past behind me, so I have no reason to "bait" or flame you guys anymore.  I understand that a few of my comments about Scott's personal life were out of line, considering I never met him before, so I'll retract those statements.  That is all...

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Guest DokDoyle

Just checking to see if the Sig worked


Very nice place, better then ezboard and easier on the eyes

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Guest Real Chosen 1

This type of forum is the one i'm used to, (since i work on this and other types but not an ezboard) so i like it, however i always preferred Delphi when we switched last time so i'll probably be bitching about this one soon.


In the last one i was quiet but now i feel like chatting more, I am the Real Chosen 1, AKA James, i work on a couple of websites, and work on multiple forums (3strandwrestling.com esp) as i love forum stuff. #### i still hold the record for being banned on one (i was banned on the first day of the EZboard as i offered my services and crossed wires led to me being banned then unbanned by JJ). I also live in Belfast in Northern Ireland, Ireland's better than NI.


Anyway I am a big history an politics buff so if the current events folder could return (hey i could mod it...just kidding) but seriously i love that stuff so i would appreciate it a lot. I've been visiting Rantsylvania/Smarks and Scott's homepage for well over 2 years and the standard remains high, i hope this forum is just as fun.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

Hey RetroRob, how did you get a pic in your sig?  I messed around with it for a while and couldn't figure it out.  Html didn't work, and neither did iB codes, unless I screwed up on either of them.


*edit:  I figured it out.  I was just doing the iB codes wrong*

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Guest brett_quadsound

Hmmm. I like the look and feel of this new board. It feels, I don't know...friendlier or something.


Maybe that's just because no one's here yet.  :0





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Guest Don Becker
Hmmm. I like the look and feel of this new board. It feels, I don't know...friendlier or something.


Maybe that's just because no one's here yet.  


Enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts, since in about twelve hours it'll be open to the public.

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Guest Real Chosen 1

What do you think of my idea for a current events folder here? its my favourite area.


BTW wouldn't it be cool if you limited the forum to 200 or so members and set up another for another 200, and so on, so everyone gets to chat and get to know people better, sucky idea but hey.


Don, i hope you don't mind but i'm posting first posts in many folders so once the forum opens tomorrow, people have something to bite on.

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Guest Army Eye
Don, i hope you don't mind but i'm posting first posts in many folders so once the forum opens tomorrow, people have something to bite on.

You sure you want to do that?  I think everything is getting wiped whenever the grand opening takes place.. that's what becker said on the old board

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Guest muswp1

I think what Don meant was everything on the OLD boards are getting wiped out.  Don if I am wrong about that, feel free to correct me.

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Guest Don't Work Me Keith

How easy is it to add folders?  It would be nice to have:



--General Banter


Basically, the same ones we had on the EZ-Board (or as many as "relevant-ly" possible).

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Guest Carbon Tiger

I'll be here with the anti troll bat. Something tells me the new banning softwere will get a nice test run beofre long.

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Guest KK Rage

I think we need the General Banter folder back, for, uh, General Banter. Otherwise, the board looks really cool.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Is the board running super slow for anyone else?


Also...I miss the following boards:



General Banter

Smarks Krew

Fantasy Booking Crap

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Holy shit! This is my first post here, and ####, these button options blow me away. A helluva lot more easier to use than clicking open an EZboard window where you actually have to put in some effort and figure out stuff.


Oh yeah, using sigs 24/7 ain't bad either!

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Guest Troy Maskell

It's definatly an improvement and I'm not really complaining but does the board seem slow to load for anyone else?

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Guest Don Becker

It's all your fault... you in the collective sense, anyway - the board ran fine when thgere were only two people on at a time... :)


Seriously, though, I think the lag is due to higher-than-normal activity from the initial crush of visitors.  If it's still like this tomorrow, I'd be concerned.

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Guest Tiger Suplex 85

I love the new board. Reminds me of the old WrestlingTalks. Good stuff.

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