Guest Nanks Report post Posted March 27, 2003 Matt and Jeff Hardy made their first appearance ever on Get in the Ring this past week . The Hardys each spoke honestly and candidly about a variety of topics contained in their new book Exist to Inspire. To check out the interviews for yourselves check out This Sunday listen in for interviews from the WrestleMania Press Conference with Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Stephanie McMahon, Vince McMahon, Kurt Angle, Booker T and Jonathan Coachman shows why he is an early favorite for the 2003 GIR interview guest of the year. Interview with Matt Hardy Matt opened the interview with a Mattitude fact "Matt thinks Exist to Inspire is great." Sir A feels that the book is so different than the books written by older wrestlers and Matt agrees that it has a different vibe. He feels that he and Jeff bare everything in the book and don't "dance around facts." Matt says it is truly a story of two kids who had no connections in the business who busted their asses and made it. Sir A feels that the book addresses all of the rumors about the Hardys that have been running rampant on the internet for the last several years. Matt explains that he was worried that he they wouldn't be certain things that they wanted to talk about i.e.- rumors that Jeff is a drug addict- but the WWE allowed them to talk about everything. Sir A remarks about the amazing story of how the Italian Stallion took advantage of the Hardys. Matt says that he didn't treat them right but that no one can ever take away that Stallion was their first connection to the WWE. Matt agrees that he doesn't remember anyone else making it to the top who started out as jobbers in the WWE . Matt discusses how the Hardys were two of four guys who lifted Mabel to the Ring after Mabel won the KOR tournament and says it was one of his "heaviest accomplishments." Sir A brings up the fans unhappiness that A-Train supposedly got his spot a few months back and that the fans feared Matt would be held back, however Matt is going for the Cruiserweight belt against Mysterio at WrestleMania. Matt thinks it will be an awesome match and that they have good chemistry. He remembers him debuting in ECW and always wanted to work against him so he is really excited to work with him at Mania. Sir A was very interested in their relationship with Michael Hayes. They talk about how there is a difference in the mentality of a lot of the older and younger guys when they're on the road. Matt remarks how it is amazing how sports entertainment is now run like a business and recalls that in the old territory days guys were essentially allowed to do whatever they wanted if they were the big names. He is not bitter about Jeff getting special treatment now that they are singles wrestlers. In fact, they get along even better now because they don't see each other as much. He used to have to drag Jeff around when he was late and it isn't his responsibility to take care of Jeff as he is his own man. They discuss his Vengeance match with Jeff and why it didn't work. Matt explains in the book that he was sick and that, at the time, Jeff really didn't care about the business. Also, Matt wanted to have a good match with Jeff but save something for a future match since they were planning to have more matches together down the road. It frustrated him that he couldn't explain to the fans what went wrong and knows they can have a good match together he just doesn't know if they will have another scheduled by the promoters. The discussion turns to the OMEGA group which included Shannon Moore and Shane Helms. Sir A asks if it is hard that some guys never made it to the WWE- i.e.- Marty Garner. Matt says that Marty is still trying and that he would love for him to get an opportunity because has worked so hard. It hurts Matt that he hasn't gotten that chance but you never know and maybe he will one day. Sir A told his Jules Strongbow story for the millionth time on the show. Matt tells about how wrestler court is a scary situation- The Undertaker is usually the judge and Bradshaw serves as the prosecutor. The wrestlers must abide the decision if they know what is good for them. Matt believes it is something that is missing from wrestling right now because it was a really good way to teach new people who made mistakes in a serious but fun way. It is a scary situation if you're involved but it doesn't happen as much as it once did. As to the mysterious Monkey Boy character referenced in the book, Matt can't identify him for legal reasons, but he believes that it wouldn't be hard to figure out who it was if you do some research. Sir A prods him for a clue and Matt says that he was more of a manager than a wrestler at the time. Sir A concludes an otherwise interesting interview by complaining about the lack of progress in his radio career and that he is still on WGBB to which Matt replied at least he has job security. Interview with Jeff Hardy Sir A calls him the most misunderstood man in pro wrestling. He believes the book gives a good insight into Jeff. Jeff says the Internet rumors about him are "crap" and not true. Jeff has a very different perspective from Matt so Jeff was really happy with the way the book was laid out. It was the first tag team book so he was nervous. He is not callous about wrestling, he loves wrestling and the crowds but he hates the politics in the business. He's young and not sure of his passion in life and he's trying to figure it out. Jeff says how Shannon Moore during an interview said a term in the White House would be good to prepare someone for a career in wrestling. Jeff describes the politics as pretty bad and sickening backstage. He agrees that there are likely so many politics because the WWE is the only place to make a good living right now. The talk again turned to Michael Hayes. Sir A speculates that Michael must feel that Jeff was given a gift that he wasn't given and that Hayes, despite being an all-time great, looks at Jeff like "you know what I could have done with your talent". Jeff agrees and says it even inspired a song he wrote. Jeff believes he is taking advantage of his wrestling potential, but that he also has to follow his heart. He never said he hated wrestling just that he was burned out and wanted a break. The boys discuss how music is a part of your soul and not just a hobby for some people. Jeff agrees and Sir A suggests that he write music for wrestling like Jimmy Hart did. Jeff admits that he has used pain pills but insists he's not a drug addict. He just shows up late for work and rumors start. He read that someone wrote he suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome which is also untrue. Sir A asks about the risks he takes and the potential for serious injuries and whether Jeff thinks he'll be around 5 years from now. Jeff has always been concerned about injuries, especially after Droz got hurt as he was a "big jacked up dude who was so healthy." Jeff gets nervous before every match because he always knows that he may not be walking after any match, no matter how big or small. However, he tries not to hesitate and discusses how he got hurt once when tried to be too safe. His potential for serious injury has pushed him towards music somewhat but these days he feels good and has been fortunate. Sir A remarks how Jeff doesn't let people push him around and talks about how Jeff refused to kiss Lita and was punished for it. Jeff never understood how losing a match is a punishment, but he believes they finally got his number because he has been taken off good shows like Hawaii house shows which he was looking forward to. It is frustrating that he makes suggestions to which he is told no. i.e.- a TLC highspot which he felt comfortable with but they were nervous about. He says next time he is going to bring action figures and show them how things can work. Sir A suggests using Triple H dolls to get what he wants. Jeff wisely doesn't respond. He hopes to be on the WrestleMania card but he doesn't have a match yet. He has been having good matches with Christian lately but he knows it is a stacked card and hopes he can just squeeze in there somewhere. He loves being home and remembers when he used to want just to get out of his hometown and go to LA, but now he feels there's no place like home. He admits getting every other weekend off but doesn't understand why he gets resentment for it as he doesn't get paid when he doesn't work. Most guys complain if they don't work but he appreciates the time off. He says that JR has been very cool to him about his situation. 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Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted March 27, 2003 I was just going to post this. This was a pretty good read. Never thought I'd say this, but I may have to get the book now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites