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Guest Brian

Holy shit Vince is crazy

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Guest Brian

--As things are currently laid out, the Vince McMahon vs. Hulk Hogan match is set for 25 minutes (that includes ring intros so it means a 22:00 or so match). The decision of which match to go on last hadn't been decided as of yesterday.



From Meltzer.


Once this gets past the lock-ups, people are going to be shitting all over it until the comeback. This is going to take a miracle.

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Guest Nevermortal

As long as they don't actually try and wrestle, I bet that they could have at least a watchable garbagey brawl.

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Guest bob_barron

I guess Hogan intends on doing a LOT of posing.


And the ramp is gonna be really long so that'll burn some of the 25.



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Guest RedJed

20 minutes wont be that bad if they have a match laid out properly and since this is a street fight, chances are it will consist alot of outside brawling, they may even do the old HC match route and do some of it in the backstage.


Somehow big matches with Vince have turned out to be watchable just about every time somehow.

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Guest notJames

For this left off the RAW tag title match, among many of the other neglected WW_ superstars.


[This is the sound of me shaking my head in utter disdain.]


Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

We all know what will happen. Piper, Snuka, Orton, Mr. T, Orndorf, King Kong Bundy, Slaughter, will all come out seperately as "ghosts of wrestlemania past" which will totally distract from the actual match at hand.

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Guest redbaron51

RedJed is right


A lot of Vinnie Mac matches are enjoyable, but Hulk Hogan?


Thats carrying 280 dead carcass around the ring

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Guest Brian

Yeah, Vince worked well with people who had full mobility and could bump or people who could work. But Hogan's a different beast.

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Guest Mattdotcom

Twenty-Five Minute Breakdown (could contain minor SmackDown Spoilers):


Four minutes for intros.


Two minutes for a pose-down.


One minute for a lock-up/shove/pose-down.


Three minutes for weak brawling.


(Vince hits a low blow to take over. Hogan makes those funny noises, too.)


Five minutes of ringside brawling. Hogan will blade.


Two minutes of Hulking up.


One minute for the legdrop, Shane interferes.


Two minutes for a McMahon beat-down, Nick Hogan saves.


Two minutes for Vince cheating and a false finish.


One minute for a comeback and Hogan win.


Two minutes of Hogan posing.

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Guest The Hamburglar

The only way I see this even lasting that long is if the go the Armageddon 99 route that Vince did with HHH and just have Vince bump like the crazed old maniac he really he is. I definitely see Vince taking a big fall if this is the case. Hey, this isn't really the main event is it? Even Vince couldn't be that dumb, right? Right?

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Guest Eagan469

They better god-damn play "Real American" for Hogan - it'll make the crowd explode whether or not the match is shitty

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Guest Brian

They better have Hogan give five-minute retirment speech at the end to eat up some of that time.

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Guest Mattdotcom
Even Vince couldn't be that dumb, right? Right?


Someone was gonna say XFL. For once, I wanna be that person.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Don't forget about the 10 minute "Hogan Begging" spot where Hogan, down and bloody, pleads with McMahon to stop and conceeds that McMahon is the one true Lord of Professional wrestling... but then wins in the end anyways.

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Guest BionicRedneck



This is probably gonna be the worst pro-wrestling match ever. Or maybe that accolade will go to Train/Show vs. Jones/Taker.

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Guest RedJed

Well that match he had with Shane at Mania 17 was pretty damn good, yet neither of them had very little to do with carrying one or the other. The way that match was laid out just made it bearable more than anything, not from Vince or Shanes ability to put it all together. I could see a very similar situation happen here. Likely see a few run-ins, from guys like the crooked Montreal ref, etc.

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Guest Brian

But Shane's a pretty good bumper. With Hogan, that's a handicap.


Funny thing is reading the report from Meltzer about SmackDown, the one serious segment they've done to actually build the match caused them to get the biggest pop when running down the card. And masturbating match gets the main event slot.

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Guest Mole

This match is gonna blow.


Vince is going to have to carry Hogan, which is weird because Hogan is the wrestler here.

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Guest Brian

Hogan can carry a semi-smart match if he wants to, but Vince is not the physical worker he needs to do it with.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

This match should be 10 minutes max, a side attraction to pop the crowd in between the important matches. Instead they get 20+ minutes in the main event. Didn't they used to make fun of WCW for puting has beens and non-wrestlers in PPV main-events?

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

This match's value is in a ten-fifteen minute big name match in the middle of the card, like Piper/Adonis or Shane/Vince. If they put this in the main it is a big mistake, and tells me three things.


1) Rock is winning.

2) Hogan is winning.

3) HHH is winning, and doesn't want the other brand's title to be seen as better than his.

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Guest deadbeater

Austin did twenty minutes of Vince McMahon beatdown in a PPV. After he felt he was done, Austin left the ring. McMahon then pulled off a Buzz Sawyer and and insulted Austin into giving McMahon more of a beatdown. Hopefully, this match will be like that.

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Guest El Satanico
Austin did twenty minutes of Vince McMahon beatdown in a PPV. After he felt he was done, Austin left the ring. McMahon then pulled off a Buzz Sawyer and and insulted Austin into giving McMahon more of a beatdown. Hopefully, this match will be like that.

Put McMahon in Austin's spot and Hogan in Vince's spot then I'd agree.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Maybe, if we all wish hard enough, the power of our collective will might be able to stop it...

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Guest humongous2002


HULK, A different beast indeed.

Well this Hulk could carry anyone to a good match even Vince, but the AGING balding orange Hulk can't even carry himself to the crapper. where he belongs.

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Guest bob_barron


This is why RVD's on Heat.

What does it matter that he's on HEAT? He still gets the same bonus and now you can watch him for free

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