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Guest Steve J. Rogers

To bps, anglesault and those who think hhh is not

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Guest Brian

The first thing I would have done is spent more time explaining that Triple H was out for eight months on an injury caused by Jericho, and that he had come back barring doctor's reccomendation and health consequences just to take his chance and participate in the title match of WrestleMania. I also wouldn't have had him drop his title shot, as that kills momentum. I wouldn't have had that main event a show where the focus was on Rock/Hogan. Where a guy is losing his property, losing his wife, and making a last shot at the big game, they should have spent more time building a sentimental base of support. He should have been getting screwed by Steph and Jericho at every turn. He should have been getting his leg bashed every night. He should have come into every arena limping.  They had an easy storyline there and they spent time focusing on a Triple H/Steph storyline where Triple H was almost always getting the upperhand. Of course I also wouldn't have had HHH win; I would have had his leg brutalized until he gets the upperhand, until he decides to throw it all away in an act of revenge by pedigreeing Steph, only to not be able to get up. Then Jericho locks in the Walls, and Trips passes out. I'm big on the pass out finish, because it rarely ever gets used and doesn't hurt credibilty. And in this case, on two fronts. HHH gave it all up, risked it all because he was tired of getting screwed by his ex. And because he didn't tap. And then send the fans home happy (theoritically) with Rock going over Hogan. But my point is, they had this whole story of triumph in adversary, of revenge, of pain and anguish; and they failed to capitalize on it.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Thanks, Brian.


I actually hadn't seen that you had replied...it must have fallen off the page before I got back to the boards.


I agree completely that the WWF could have done the HHH push far better...and I think that my point wasn't really that they did give him such a great push...just that with the push he got...he really should have been more over than he is.  


Far more so.  


The fact of the matter is that HHH got a big push (Although I agree not as good a push as it should have been...but big (as far as how much tv time, winning the rumble...Winning the title at the Main Event of Mania...and so on)


At the same time I agree completely with your post...had they pushed him right...perhaps he would be over.


And I thank you for clarifying it for me, as I misunderstood at first.  I wasn't thinking in terms of How he was pushed...rather how hard he was.


So as it turns out...I don't disagree with you at all...I was just aiming at a different target.

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Guest goodhelmet

Brian, send your resume to WWFE  right now because that was the most rational, most sensical storyline buildup I've seen yet. Then again, you wouldn't get hired because it was actually intriguing, compelling and logical.


And bps, as hard as they push HHH, his INTENSITY will never match the INTENSITY of your avatar because it is that...damn...good!!!!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

As it says in my quote.


Thanks go to Some Guy.


Greatest Avatar Ever...well...except for Al Snow.

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