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Guest 5_moves_of_doom


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Guest 5_moves_of_doom




While the tech crew is busy setting up the ring area inside the A.C.C., we go all the way up inside a balcony. Alex Zenon is seen sitting quietly, trying to focus on the copy of FHM in his hands.


"Hoo-hoo, this is gonna be good!"


Zenon looks to his right for an instant, sending an annoyed glance in that direction. Releasing a sigh, he returns to his magazine ...


"C'mon man, me against Cutthroat. That's RATINGS GOLD~!"


Zenon: For the last time, he is not HERE anymore!!


"Ffft. Fine ..."


The camera slowly pans over to our left and Zenon's right ... revealing Tod deKindes sprawled over two chairs, with feet resting on a table, and with pad and pen in hand.


Zenon: What's taking you so long anyways? The boys are gonna be here in an hour and you got NOTHING planned so far! I got the JL brass breathing down my neck and they're pressuring ME to produce a hell of a show tonight.


Tod: Yeah, you got that knack for getting them their coffee juuuuuust right.


Zenon: Wh-- ...


Tod: But anyways! Here's what I got. Do you wanna hear it or are you gonna be a TOTAL downer and turn me down again?


Zenon: ... (he can do nothing but sigh angrily)


Tod: ... Well?!


Zenon: ... Give it.


Tod: (sits upright) Ok. Now unlike you, I don't stay at home watching pointless dreck like Trading Spaces and scratching myself; I try to come up with GOOD matches. (pointing to temple) THIS is a wrestling mind, and tonight, this is SO gonna be a wrestling show. First off, everybody likes a title match. So we'll take the European champ, what's-his-name ...


Zenon: Tryst.


Tod: ... No, the CHAMP, not some chick craving for attention by a bunch of virgins!


Zenon: ...


Tod: You take him, and put him in a "No Gravity Match" for the SJL European championship. Heh?


Zenon: Against who?


Tod ... (shuffles papers, makes a few notes ... scratches out some names) ... How 'bout Kaine?


Zenon: Is he even a contender?


Tod: Well, that's an interesting factor. I mean, he IS pretty good and he's climbing up the ranks pretty fast. How 'bout... I don't CARE! ... Right.


Zenon: (sighs) ... What's a "No Gravity Match" anyway?


Tod: Easy! No pinfalls. No submissions. None of that standard crap. The ONLY way to win is to SUCCESSFULLY hit five non-consecutive offensive moves off the top rope.


Zenon: Hmm. That works. What next?


Tod: TV title match!!


Zenon: ... Oooo-kay ...


Tod: Y'know what, I woke up this morning and I had a dream ... "Toronto Death Match".


Zenon: Oy.


Tod: Now THAT, is a wrestling match. These pretty little blue mats out there? Forget 'em! Top rope moves? Forget 'em! Piledrivers? You do NOT do that to a man's neck!


Zenon: I've seen you do piledrivers all the time.


Tod: And I see you've been eyeing that Calvin Klein ad a little too long, but that's not the issue! In this match, if either wrestler comes off the top rope OR delivers a piledriver, that is an AUTOMATIC disqualification! And just to make things interesting, the title WILL change hands on a DQ.


Zenon: Ok, so who's Terry Wayne defending against?


Tod: I was thinking Cutthroat.


Zenon: Tod, Cutthroat hasn't been here in months.


Tod: Could you BE any more of a downer?! Fine. I'll just put ... (shuffling papers) ... Quiet Death in there instead.


Zenon: Sounds good enough. Then what?


Tod: Eh. Sean Atlas against Dace Night. Wanted to make it for the World title, but the BOREJOBS upstairs won't let me.


Zenon: That actually sounds like a good match. I'm impressed.


Tod: (writing more notes) Oh, and Dace can only win by submission.


Zenon: That's a little one-sided, wouldn't you think?


Tod: (mumbling something like "I don't know")


Zenon: How bout you make it so that Atlas can only win by pinfall as well?


Tod: Eh. Whatever.


Zenon: That actually looks like a solid show. Although there might be room for one more match.


Tod: Glad you asked! I got just the thing ...


He handed over his paper to Zenon, who proceeded to read it...




Tecnicos: Va'aiga (team captain), Christian Blackwell, "Picture Perfect" Aaron Carpenter vs Rudos: "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins (team captain), Omega Storm, John Duran

Desc: What to do with a bunch of names lying around? Put them all in a match together! In all seriousness, Tod thinks that these fine people deserve an opportunity to showcase their talents in the main event, regardless of alliances. He's seen enough AAA tapes to know good lucha when he sees it, so let's see how the JL fares at it. The rules are as follows: Basic rules apply, one man from each team in the ring at all times. When one man is knocked to the outside of the ring, a partner can take his place without tagging. If the team captain is pinned, then the team loses the match. HOWEVER, if any of the other two participants are pinned, they are simply eliminated and the match goes on. To recap, the match ends when A) all three members of a team are eliminated, or B) ONLY the team captain is eliminated. Enjoy."



Zenon: ... You're kidding me, right?


Tod: I say when in doubt, go mexican!!


Zenon: Six guys. Some of 'em who've never even been to Mexico. And you're booking them in a lucha libre match ... Wow.


Tod: Do you have a BETTER idea?!


Zenon: Y'know what? This is your card. If anything screws up tonight, it's YOUR ass.


Tod: You're just upset because you didn't come up with it! Consider this my way of giving back to the same company that got me where I am today.


Zenon: ... Your logic will never cease to baffle me, Tod.


As Zenon rolled up his magazine and got up to leave, Tod put his feet back onto the nearby table and rested his hands back behind his head, flashing a proud grin...


...Just as we fade into the show opening.

















*** BOOM ***


King: "Hey! Ho! Let's go!"

Axis: "WELCOME!!"

King: "Hey! Ho! Let's go!"

Axis: "Ladies, gents, and everything IN BETWEEEEEN!!!!!"

King: "Hey! Ho! Let's go!"

Axis: "TO SJL CRIMSOOOOOOOOON!! Coming to you LIVE (on tape) from the AIR CANADA CENTER in Toronto, Ontario, Canadaaaaaaa!"

King: "Hey! Ho! Let's go!"

Axis: "Shut up Joey Ramone. And now, may we all rise for the singing of the Canadian National Anthem..."


Johnny Rotten, wardrobed in a red sparkly lounge singer suit and hat to boot, takes center stage in the middle of the ring, microphone in hand, and here we go...

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

"O Canada!

Our home and native land!

True patriot love in all thy sons command.


With glowing hearts we see thee rise,

The True North strong and free!


From far and wide,

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.


God keep our land glorious and free!

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.


O Canada, we stand on guard for thee."

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Axis: "Righto, and now, the CARD!!"



SJL Crimson

Date: March 27th, 2003

Venue: Air Canada Center in Toronto, Ontario, Canada




Tryst © vs Kaine

Desc.: What's a No Gravity Match, you say? It's very simple. There are no DQ's, countouts, pinfalls or submissions. The only way to win is to successfully perform FIVE top rope moves onto your opponent, and by that we mean ANY move where either the attacker and/or the victim is propelled off the top rope (superplex, flying headscissor, frog splash, missile dropkick, any springboard move, etc.) The score is kept by the referee, and the first wrestler to gather up five moves (which don't have to be in a row) is the winner. Any further questions regarding the match, direct them to me.




"Dark Rebel" Terry Wayne vs Quiet Death

Desc: Even though neither participant are from Toronto, Tod has decided to honor his hometown.He has devised the Toronto Death Match, and the rules are: Top rope moves are banned. Piledrivers are illegal. Failure to observe these rules result in a DQ. You win by either pinfall or submission. Or DQ, if you're stupid. Oh, and a DQ results in a title change. :D





Sean Atlas vs Dace Night ©

Desc: With Va'aiga as the #1 contender for Dace's title, Tod has decided that the master of Horrorcore (Tod: "What the hell is that, anyway?"), Dace should get a little warmup in the form of Sean Atlas. The two will wrestle a normal No-DQ match, but with an interesting stipulation. Dace Night can ONLY win via submission, whereas Sean Atlas can ONLY win via a pinfall. The decision has to take place inside the ring.




Tecnicos: Va'aiga (team captain), Christian Blackwell, "Picture Perfect" Aaron Carpenter vs Rudos: "Hollywood" Spike Jenkins (team captain), Omega Storm, John Duran

Desc: What to do with a bunch of names lying around? Put them all in a match together! In all seriousness, Tod thinks that these fine people deserve an opportunity to showcase their talents in the main event, regardless of alliances. He's seen enough AAA tapes to know good lucha when he sees it, so let's see how the JL fares at it. The rules are as follows: Basic rules apply, one man from each team in the ring at all times. When one man is knocked to the outside of the ring, a partner can take his place without tagging. If the team captain is pinned, then the team loses the match. HOWEVER, if any of the other two participants are pinned, they are simply eliminated and the match goes on. To recap, the match ends when A) all three members of a team are eliminated, or B) ONLY the team captain is eliminated. Enjoy.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom



King looks at Axis with an inquisitive look as we fade in from the SJL Crimson logo.


“What the hell are you talking about, Axis?”


“It’s a saying, King. A saying.”


“Yes...but usually people have a point when they bring up this quote-unquote ‘saying.’ Do you have a point?”




“Anyway. Welcome to another ram-shacklingly ridiculous version of Es Jay El Crimson, live from the metrodome in Trenton, New Jersey.”


“King...you have to stop doing commentary on the fly. The Metrodome isn’t in Jersey...and it ain’t where we are.”


“Well hell, how am I supposed to know that? Nobody told me.”


“Uh...don’t you book the venues?”




There is a moment of silence.


“That being said, we are coming at you LIVE from the Air Canada Centre right here in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. How are you liking the Canadian people thus far, King?”


“Well Axis, they’re all exactly like Mr. Galatea foretold them to be so many nights ago; Molson drinking walking stereotypes.”


“That’s right, King. That’s absolutely right. So anyway. The last time you saw us, Tryst shocked the World, taking the SJL European Championship from Sean Atlas in a time when Atlas seemed all but unbeatable. It was a spectacular match, King, wouldn’t you say?”


“I would. Although I’d have to say my favorite spot was the one where Tryst dropped Atlas on his head. He didn’t mean to, but the brutality is just fantastic. Plus, it got the job done. Atlas is STILL walking around with a sore neck, which may hinder him tonight in his match-up with our World Champion, Dace Night.”


“It very well may.”




A voice screams over the loudspeaker as “Forest” by System of a Down begins to blast over the Public Announce system, and the lights begin to black out...not conventionally, however; they begin to black out in sections, causing a bit of confusion in the crowd as they begin to rumble, getting louder with every passing moment. The Smarktron flashes to live as we enter into the forest...run...running through. Dodging the branches and leaves. Leaping over the fallen old trees. The Darkness begins to take hold as clouds cover the sky in the night...but in one place, they begin to part. The moon makes an appearance, and it shines down upon the forest. As a solitary figure emerges from the trees, the moon catches hold of his eyes and lights them up like a blue flame, supernatural. Staring forward, he lets no distraction take hold of him; and so he reaches over his back and grabs an arrow from his quiver...pulls it back...and lets it fly. The crowd EXPLODES! The entryway raises a white hot light that stretches across itself and draws attention to the shadow emerging from the tunnel. He makes one step. Then another...and then he stops, staring out into the sea of his admirers as they welcome him into their hearts as a hero.


“Ladies and Gentlemen...your Smartmarks Junior League European Champion....you know him as the Sherwood Fable...he stands at six feet, one inch tall...and he weighs in at two hundred and eighteen pounds...hailing from Bairnsdale, Britain...he is TRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTTT!!!!!!!!!”


Euro title strapped around his waist, he bolts down the ramp, heading straight for the ring as the crowd continues to cheer. Diving in, he quickly gets back to his feet and tosses his bow and quiver to the timekeeper as he leaps to the second rope at the turnbuckle, lifting his newly gained title to the crowd as they continue to cheer some more. As “Forest” fades out, he jumps back down off of the turnbuckle. Tossing his belt to the timekeeper, he turns around, jumping around a bit to loosen up as he stares down towards the entryway, awaiting the first sighting of Kaine.


“Did you hear that reaction, King? These people really love Tryst...he really is their hero.”


“Don’t get all sentimental on me, Axis. You sound a bit jealous.”


Axis refrains from responding, but he drops his eyes a bit in hurtful disdain. Without further adieu, the lights begin to drop out once more and "Feuer Frei" by Rammstein begins to blast over the PA system. The crowd jolts from the cheers for Tryst to the jarring boos hurtled at Kaine, who walks calmly and cockily through the entryway, scowling out at the crowd and taunting them to hate him just a little bit more than they already do. Continuing his scowl, he begins to descend the ramp, headed for the ring.


“And your challenger...from Munich, Germany...standing at five feet, six inches tall...and weighing in at one hundred and seventy four pounds...he is “The Untouchable”...he is KAIIIIIIIINE!!!!!!!”


“And the crowd really just doesn’t want Kaine to be out here. He’s like a scapegoat for their problems, King!”


“Yeah, the throw their problems at him to relieve their own consciences from guilt. It’s sickening to me.”




And as Kaine continues his trek to the ring, Tryst stares at him as if he were the very face of evil; not glancing away, not even for a moment. Kaine dives into the ring under the bottom rope, the referee calls for the bell, and the action begins. They quickly lock horns, Tryst gaining control with his sizable height advantage. Whipping Kaine towards the ropes, he awaits his return and as he does so, he leaps into the air and catches his opponent across the face with his shin. Kaine falls hard to the mat but is quick to get up as Tryst lands on his hands and feet and gets up to meet Kaine. Kaine leaps into the air to try and catch Tryst off guard with a standing dropkick, but Tryst counters, leaping into the air and kicking Kaine in the small of the back. As he falls to the mat, Kaine stifles a groan of pain. The crowd pops for the creativity shown by The Sherwood Fable, and he gets back up, awaiting Kaine to do the same. As they meet eye to eye for a moment, the animosity is clear; they each have a goal. Tryst, to retain his title and be a champion for the people. Kaine, to get the gold for his own personal well being, and gloating rights. Tristan Whitt cannot let that happen...he cannot let this gold fall into the hands of a fiend. And so as the moment ends, Kaine leaps to his feet and attempts a side-kick at the jaw of Tryst, who ducks underneath it, grabs Kaine’s ankle, and spin kicks him in the jaw.


“Ouch! Nice counter by Tryst, who is delivering his usual quick start.”


“That’s the one thing he has over everyone that he’s faced, really; he gets off to a quick start and sets his own pace for the match. If Kaine lets Tryst take control, it’s over no matter what style he wrestles.”


Kaine falls to the mat following the kick, and Tryst releases his ankle as he falls. Raising his arms to get the crowd involved, Tryst turns back around as Kaine is getting up to his feet, and he irish whips him into the corner! Following him closely in, he pulls him backwards with the reverse momentum from hitting the turnbuckle, and rolls him into a school boy pin! Quickly remembering that he can’t win with a pin, Tryst releases the hold and gets to his knees, pondering a new game plan. Kaine looks confusedly at Tryst, as if to laugh at him, but holds it back and keeps his serious demeaner. As Tryst gets back up to his feet, he begins to circle around Kaine...who begins circling the opposite way, keeping the Sherwood Fable in front of him. They both go in for each other again, and the lock up ends with Tryst again coming up on top. Whipping Kaine to the ropes, he runs to the turnbuckle as quickly as he can. Not stopping to climb up onto the ropes, he runs upwards onto the turnbuckle and pushes off as he reaches the top. Turning to face his running opponent as he pushes off of them, he lifts up his knee and catches Kaine in the face mid-stride, sending him flailing out of control, ending in a train wreck of sorts tumbling into the ropes. Tryst lands on one knee in the center of the ring...face down in dramatic fashion. He turns to the ref for an official ruling, and the referee raises his right arm to signal a point for Tryst!



Tryst: 1

Kaine: 0



“That’s one for Tryst! Boy, and what a move it came off of.”


“What a move, Axis, but he was risky as hell. Kaine could have held onto the ropes and done any number of things to Tryst, who leapt without even looking. He’s dangerous, is what he is.”


“King...you sound like a movie, dude. Is Tristan Whitt your little ‘Rebel without a Cause?’”


“...I’m not going to respond to that, you insolent little fo–...there is no way that I’m seeing this.”




Axis turns to see what King is looking at, only to see Stillwell wheeling out a chalkboard from the back and onto the entry stage! One side has Tryst on it, the other has Kaine’s name. Stillwell holds up a piece of chalk high into the air, and the crowd pops like mad as he turns to the chalkboard and makes a mark under Tryst’s name!


“STILLWELL! YES! I love that guy, King!”


“Yeah, well I don’t. I can’t understand why he doesn’t just ditch Tryst. I mean, he could leave right now.”


“Hmm...I’d imagine it wouldn’t be worth it, as Tryst would probably just track him down again.”


“...point taken.”


Tryst pulls Kaine back up to his feet, and leans him up against the ropes. He runs across the ring and leaps up onto the ropes for a springboard maneuver for a quick 2-0 lead on Kaine, but The Untouchable falls to the mat and rolls out underneath the bottom rope to avoid it. Tryst, seeing this, grabs onto the top rope and leaps up, springboarding again and corkscrewing into the air! Kaine can’t see it, as he’s looking the other way...and as he turns to get back into the ring, he’s taken to the ground with a corkscrew plancha! Stillwell again holds the chalk high up into the air before making another mark below Tryst’s name.



Tryst: 2

Kaine: 0



“Two to nothing, King! This could easily turn into a quick demolishing.”


“Don’t count Kaine out just yet, Axis. The bad guys always have something up their sleeves.”


As both men lie motionless on the ground for a few moments, they begin to get up at about the same time. Looking over at Tryst, Kaine quickly throws a right hand that crosses the jaw of Tryst. His head turns, and Kaine gets to his feet to try and take advantage. Waiting for Tryst to get to his feet, Kaine sets up behind him and pulls both of his legs out from underneath him, dropping him to the ground on his face. He doesn’t stop there, though...he follows it up with a boston crab! As he begins to pull away as Tryst’s legs, Tristan begins reaching over for the ropes instinctively. As he realizes that he’s outside the ring and that there are no ropes to reach, he decides to start swinging backwards to try and hit Kaine, to force him to release the hold. He swings a few times to no avail...but on the fourth try, he connects with the back of Kaine’s head, and as he loosens up the hold, Tryst is able to force his legs out of it. Kaine tumbles forward while holding the back of his head, and Tryst begins to get to his knees. As he gets to one foot, though, Kaine comes rushing from behind and leaps into the air, landing an elbow to the base of his spine!


“That’s GOTTA hurt, King!”


“It probably did, Axis. I’ll tell you what; why don’t you let me try it on you, and you can tell me if it hurts or not?”


“King, I hate you so very much.”


Tryst flattens to the ground as Kaine lands on top of him, staring up at the ceiling. He quickly gets off of his opponent and pulls him to his feet to try and jump start some offense. Irish whipping him at the ring barrier, he runs in and knees him in the stomach not long after. Glaring out at the now quieting crowd, he moves to make an obscene gesture towards them, but quickly thinks better of it and begins striking at Tryst. Right hand after right hand, he lays into him for a bit before pulling him back off of the ring barrier. Setting him up quickly, he jolts him overhead with a snap suplex. He gets up quickly to take advantage, and runs to the ring. He leaps up and grabs a hold onto the top rope and swings himself around the outside of the turnbuckle to the ropes on the other side...letting go of the ropes, he springboards off of the other ropes and flips backwards onto the already downed Tryst! The crowd pops for the spot, but quickly resorts back to boos for the heel.



Tryst: 2

Kaine: 1



“There’s one for Kaine, King, on a spectacular swinging springboard moonsault. Have you ever seen a move like that before?”


“I don’t think so, Axis, but I drink a lot.”


“Fair enough.”


As they lie there on the ground, Kaine starts to get up, rolling himself off of Tryst in his first collection of movements. As he gets to a knee he reaches up for the ring apron and starts to pull himself up. Meanwhile, Tryst is now starting to stir, garnering a great reaction from the crowd, who begins to chant for the Sherwood Fable. Kaine gets his second foot on the ground and leans against the ring apron as Tryst gets a hold of the apron and begins to pulls himself up. Kaine rolls into the ring while Tryst gets his second foot on the ground and quickly follows suit. He gets to his feet and Kaine spins him around, whipping him quickly into the turnbuckle at the corner. Running in quickly, Kaine connects a knee to the midsection, and grabs Tryst by the head, tossing him out of the turnbuckle and into the middle of the ring. Tryst struggles to remain on his feet while Kaine climbs the turnbuckle, and as he turns around, Kaine leaps into the air and locks his legs around Tryst’s head, spinning him to the mat with a top rope headscissors!



Tryst: 2

Kaine: 2



“They’re all tied up now at two a piece, King. It’s anybody’s ball game now.”


“Except that this isn’t baseball, you dumbass.”


“It’s an expression, you punk. Why can’t you ever be nice?”


“I think we both know the answer to that, Axis.”


Kaine is up before Tryst and quickly begins taunting him to get back up. Tryst turns his head to his opponent before rushing right at him, spearing him into the ropes! It knocks the wind out of Kaine, and Tryst takes advantage, sending him into the turnbuckle. As he follows suit, he lifts Kaine up and onto the top of the turnbuckle. Climbing up, he begins pounding away at the face of Atlas. Right hands, one after another. One. Two. Three. Four. He stops there, instead pulling Kaine’s head underneath his arm and launching himself backwards off of the ropes, driving Kaine to the mat with an implant ddt! The referee is hesitant to make a call on the move, but after a few moments...he counts it!



Tryst: 3

Kaine: 2



Tryst lies there for a moment before getting up, staring up at the ceiling and trying to plan his next move out. He rolls away from Kaine and gets to a knee, looking over at his still downed opponent, and decides to go for a quick road to a victory. He moves to the turnbuckles again and climbs up them, signaling to the crowd as he leaps backwards into a moonsault...but Kaine moves out of the way! Tryst lands hard on his chest and yelps in agony as Kaine laughs in retort whispering some taunting words that can’t be heard by the camera. Sitting up, Kaine looks over at his downed opponent and continues getting to his feet, jawing some more to rile up his opponent. He pulls Tryst to his feet and they lock horns once more. Whipping him into the ropes, he drops him to the mat with a drop toe-hold, comboing it into a cross face arm bar for good measure as he connects with the mat. He begins to wrench away at the neck and arm of Tryst, pulling and tearing with all of his might as Tryst fights to get out of the move. Kaine only can hold it on for a few moments, however; not being too proficient at such submission moves, there was a flaw in his application of it. And as Tryst manages his way out of the move, he pushes Kaine into the corner as he stands up to his feet. The crowd again begins to chant for him.


“The crowd is really behind Tryst, as they usually are. But Kaine has mounted something resembling a comeback...what will this all mean in the end, King?”


“Nothing. Absolutely nothing. You know, nobody’s even watching this match right now...the camera’s aren’t on.”




“You gullible bastard.”




As Tryst stands up to his feet, he stares over at Kaine, who is pulling himself up to his feet yet again. They run at each other and meet in the middle of the ring, locking up yet again. Kaine moves to whip Tryst towards the ropes, but it’s countered by a whip by Tryst, sending Kaine into the ropes. But seeing an opportunity, Kaine leaps onto the ropes and springs off of them, kicking Tryst in the jaw and tying the score!



Tryst: 3

Kaine: 3



“And we’re tied!”


“Thank you, Captain Obvious.”


“King, suck it.”


“Pfft. You’ve got nothing on me, Axis.”


“Oh yeah? Remember what you said in Kaine’s match last show? I believe it was.... ‘Tryst doesn’t stand a chance against Atlas.’”


“....I refuse to answer this ridiculous allegation.”


Tryst turns and falls to the ropes at Kaine lands on his feet and quickly rushes toward Tryst. Turning around, the Sherwood Fable ducks underneath a clothesline attempt from Kaine, spinning him around before kicking him in the stomach and kneeing him in the face, sending him flailing backwards into the ropes before connecting a side kick to the face of the Untouchable, sending him over the tope rope and falling towards the ground. Luckily enough for Kaine, he manages to hold onto the top rope and tries to pull himself up. Tryst runs to the ropes and runs upwards on them...leaping off of them and kicking Kaine in the face with all of his strength! Kaine loses his grip on the rope and falls backwards to the mat as Tryst grabs hold of the rope to stop his descent, instead landing easily on the ring apron and staring down at Kaine.



Tryst: 4

Kaine: 3



“And we’re almost done here, King! Tryst is one move away from retaining in his first ever European Title defense!”


“Dude, stop getting so excited. You act like you’ve got money on this match.”


King stops for a second, then turns to Axis.


“Hey, that’s a damn good idea! You want in on this?”


“No, King, I don’t think it’s legal.”


“Pfft, fuck legal. Everything that’s illegal is instantly better!”


Tryst drops down off of the ring apron and pulls Kaine back up to his feet, rolling him back into the ring to try and end this match. As Kaine lies there motionless, Tryst gets up onto the apron, grabs onto the top rope, and slingshots himself over and into a senton bomb! He connects with Kaine and the crowd goes wild!


“No! The referee isn’t counting it!”


“Of course he isn’t, Tryst’s feet were on the ground when he started the move. Silly mistake.”


Tryst can’t believe it! He urges the referee to count it, but to no avail; the referee simply refuses. As Tryst pulls Kaine up to his feet, he leans him up against the ropes and gets in a few knife edge chops to his chest. Then, grabbing his arm, he whips Kaine into the ropes on the other side. Anticipating him running back like normal, Tryst gets on the ropes and leaps off of them, toward the center of the ring. Kaine, though, does the same, leaping off of the top rope for a drop kick. He catches Tryst off-guard and in the middle of the air, hitting him in the chest and dropping him straight to the mat!



Tryst: 4

Kaine: 4



“Oh my! What a desperation counter by Kaine!”


“It paid off big-time, and Tryst finally got caught with his blind anticipation.”


Tryst falls hard to the mat and Kaine tries to take advantage, coming off of the hard drop kick. He gets up and runs to the ropes, springing off of them with a moonsault to try to end his quest for the European Championship...but Tryst gets his knees up! Kaine lands chest first on the knees of the Sherwood Fable and rolls of onto his back on the mat. They both lie there without moving for a few moments...but then they begin to get up. Tryst rolls onto his stomach and begins trying to get up, using the ropes as his aid...and Kaine rolls the other way, using the same method. The crowd once again begins to chant “Sher-wood!” as they cheer on their hero. He pulls himself up, while Kaine does the same on the other side. They get to their feet at about the same time...and they lock horns in the middle of the ring. Kaine takes control with a cheap knee to the groin, followed by throwing him into the corner. He follows him in and lifts him up to the top rope, climbing up himself and standing atop the ropes as he pulls Tryst up to his feet on them.


“Uh oh, this looks like the end for Tryst. If Kaine pushes him off, it’s all over!”


“Yeah, and it looks like he’s about to–ugh. Here we go.”


Kaine moves to push Tryst off of the top, but Tryst blocks, knees him in the stomach, and lifts him up into a suplex as he begins to fall backwards...he twists him mid-air, and drives him face first into the mat!




“Shut up. Please...just shut up.”


The crowd explodes as the referee calls for the bell, and Funyon makes his usual announcement.


“Here is your winner....and STILL Smartmarks Junior League European Champion.....TRYYYYYYYYYYST!!!!”


As they lie there on the mat, “Forest” by System of a Down screams across the PA, just barely drowning out the crowd as we fade out to commercial.


“We’ll be right back!”

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

The fans awaken by the camera turning on and trying to catch everyone in the arena – but the scene of the screaming fans doesn’t last as they cut the scene and switched it towards the commentary table where King and Axis sit.


Axis: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to a crazy night here – and now we have another crazy stipulation match.


King: Dark Rebel T.V. titleholder Terry Wayne goes head to head with Quiet, the Dark man – that takes souls and has fun with it – Quiet Death.


Axis: Quiet Death did a good job in that tag match – facing the world champion there and a person that is now making some noise, Carpenter. Death and Storm made some noise.


King: I still say they were cheated, but oh well.


Axis: Whatever…the stipulation of this match is that there are no piledrivers, or any variation of a piledriver done whatsoever.


King: Yeah, jerking Terry.


Axis: Whatever – and there are no top rope moves done whatsoever as well.


King: Yeah, jerking Death.


Axis: I’m sure either man can win without using those moves – lets just get this match started.


A cloud of smoke emerges around the area coming from the smoke starters by the side of the entryway. The illumination from the top changes colors from black to dark blue as two lightning bolts comes from the ceiling and hits the bottom part of the Tron, causing it to start as a figure emerge on the screen. No face, just a black hooded clothing material covering the figures head. Now the smoke is covering the entranceway not letting any camera angle take view of anything around that area. The Tron shows ‘Death’, but it slowly dissolves into a two words. “Quiet Death”. All of a sudden, a beat starts hitting the amps, slowly hitting people’s ears as the smoke slowly dissolves from the area.


Funyon: The following match is schedule for one fall and it’s for the Television Title with a 15-minute time limit. Coming in first, hailing from parts unknown and weighing in at 221 pounds – QQUIET DDEATH!!


“Thou shall not fall…”


“Thou shall not fly…”


“Thou shall not fear…”


“Thou shall not live…”


The chorus of “Thou shall not cry” by Bauhaus hits the loudspeakers as the cloud clears up, showing an image of a male’s body, head tilted down to the floor. Drips of water mixed with sweats coming off his baldhead. The person known as ‘Quiet Death’ slowly lifts his head up as he breathes hard. He slowly makes his way down the ramp, the lights that they put by the edge of the ramp lights up with the color red on right side and the color black on the left side. Every step that ‘Quiet Death’ takes, the Tron shows an image of a rope formatted in a way of a hanging, a lethal injection, and a gun. He reaches the ring and slides in, ‘Death’ makes his way to the middle of the ring and stands there, by this time, the Tron images changes back to the person with the black hooded clothing over his head and faceless. ‘Quiet Death’ has his head down in the ring, and when he raised it, the image of ‘Death’ in the Tron removes the hoodie from his head displaying the face of…“Quiet Death”. The lights slowly turn back to the way they were as ‘Quiet Death’ goes towards the corner and crouches down waiting for the champion.


Axis: …


King: What?


Axis: Nothing.


From behind the curtain, Terry comes out - he has his title wrapped around his waist as he slowly walks down the aisle angrily looking at all the low lives on the stands. Comes down the cover of the Nine Inch Nails song "Hurt" by Johnny Cash. A grainy, black and white video snake eating a rabbit is shown on the Smarktron.


Funyon: And his opponent, hailing from Norfolk, Virginia and weighing in at 230 pounds. The Television Champion – ‘DARK REBEL’ TTERRY WWAYNE!!


The referee Hall goes to the middle of the ring right after he grabbed the title from Terry, he raise the title way up in the air and then goes towards the side of the ring and gives the belt to Funyon – he walks back to the middle of the ring and signals for the bell.








Death and Terry walks around the ring right before locking up, Terry use his little strength to over power Death to the corner – Death raises his hands up as if to release him. Hall goes towards them and demands Terry to step back, now he raises his arm up as if he’s not going to do anything. He steps back and looks up with a smile on his face. Terry then throws a right hand to surprise Death but he saw it coming and ducks it causing Terry to stumble to the corner. Terry turns around only to get hit with quick right hands, like a machine gun Death throws about 6 right hands before stepping back. Terry stumbles forward with his hands up and then he crumbles down to the mat face first.


Axis: Seems like Death want that title, badly.


King: Since he got cheated, who wouldn’t?


Death bends down to help Terry up to his feet but he gets poked in the eye – Terry points to his head as if he was using his intelligence. He then quickly followed up with a right hand and then a knee to the gut that causes Death to double over. Terry then puts Death in a standing head scissor position and then slashes his neck, as this is the end.


King: (Screaming in the ring) Don’t do it, you’re going to get Disqualify.


Terry did not wrap his arms around Death’s waist - instead he jumps up and lands hard on the mat with a headscissors stomp.


Axis: Now that’s what you call old school


Terry steps back and laughs at Death holding his head – he tries to shake off the ringing as he looks up but gets taken down with a clothesline by Terry. Death twirls around so that he’s facing the mat as he gets on all fours. Terry looks down, smile and then kicks him right on the rib cage causing him to twirl in mid air and land on the mat back first. Terry waves at the referee to come over as he makes the cover, Hall starts pounding the mat.






Death easily kicks out.


King: He got to do more than that.


Axis: …


King: Speak up boy.


Terry looks at the referee for a second before getting up – he walks around the ring for a second and sees Death once again on all fours and once again he kicks Death by the rib cage and the same thing that happen before happened again. Terry walks around the ring again, smile on his face and enjoying the hatred from the fans – he looks towards Death again and once again he’s on all fours, coughing. Terry goes over there again as Death tilt his head a little, knowing what’s about to come. Terry swings his leg again towards the rib cage of Death – Death bends his elbows a little, waiting for the kick. Once the kick made contact, he jerks his elbows to straighten. The strike caused Death to get in the air, but Death also propelled himself up and he landed on his feet – Terry puts a surprised look that lasted for a second because Death knocks him down with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head. The fans show their appreciation again with a standing ovation from Death’s agility.




Axis: …


King: What the hell is wrong with you? Talk.


Axis: No offence, but I’m saving my breath for people that I actually think they are worth watching. You know what, I really don’t care if that offended you – cause I’m really sick and tired of you offending me, that’s going to change.


King: (Chuckling) Ok.


The kick caused Terry to roll out of the ring and grab his head in pain – he walks around the outside for a second as Hall already started the count out.








Terry looks up in the ring and noticed Death not making any movement to follow him – because he knows the referee got the final word about the title.






Death just stands beside Hall waiting for Terry to get back in the ring – Terry finally decides to slide in the ring once he heard Hall scream (Seven). Now Death is all over him, not giving him a chance to get to his feet. Death kicks him in the back a few times before helping him to his feet – he grabs him by the arm and whips him across the ring and to the ropes – Terry bounces back and Death goes a spinning heel kick, but Terry ducks it and continued running towards the other ropes – he springboards back and noticed Death bending over for back body drop but Terry jumps over him, flipping at the process and grabbing Death’s waist and pulling him into a pinning predicament. Death goes down back rolls back and into his feet and then kicks Terry in the chest, Death backs up and then steps forward and kicks Terry in the chest again.


King: This is what he calls the ‘Unsighted Lightning’.


Axis: …


King: (Turning to Axis and screaming) WHAT!


Axis: That’s not the Unsighted Lightning; Terry is sitting and is not on his knees.


King: It’s still the same move.


Death takes about two steps back this time, closes his eyes with his hands balled into a fist and then steps forward, swinging the right leg with precision and alacrity right to the side of the face of Terry causing a loud smack coming from the contact. The crowd gave a positive reaction after the sound of ‘Ohhh’. Death looks around before looking down at the motionless Terry. Death makes the cover while hooking the far leg pinning his weight down on Terry’s chest. Hall, the referee goes towards Terry’s shoulders and begins to pound the mat.








No, Terry got his right shoulder up at the last second and this match continues.


Death gets up a bit disappointed – he bends down and grabs Terry by the neck/head area and helps him up to his feet, he grabs him by the arm and whips him across the ring, but Terry reverses it and Death goes towards the ropes – he bounces off, Terry walks forward a few steps and slaps in the Sleeperhold.


Axis: Once again, that’s old school right there.


King: And he has him in the middle of the ring, there’s nowhere he can go.


Axis: …


King: You know I’m really getting sick and tired of you doing that.


Axis: (He turns to look at King) ………


Terry applies more pressure on the Sleeperhold and there’s nothing Death can do – The referee is right on top of it and is seeing if this is a Sleeperhold or a chokehold. Death’s eyes are getting glossy and his body movement went from active to minimum movement. His eyes close and his arms drops right to his side as Terry screams at the referee to check on him. The referee grabs the right arm of Death and lifts it high in the air – the referee has his hands up as well with his index finger up. He lets the arm goes and it falls to the side of Death’s body. The referee screams (ONE) and grabs the arm again - he has his index and middle finger up this time. He lets the arm go and he tumbles down to the side of Death’s body as the referee screams (TWO). Hall grabs the arm again and raises it in the air, the referee’s hand shows the number three and he drops the arm again.


It’s dropping



















Continues to Drop























More dropping


























Almost down


























NO! Death’s arm shoots up and Terry’s face is in shock as Death’s body is moving more then usual. The crowd gets behind Death. Death back elbows Terry once and then shifts his body to the side, he wraps his right arm around Terry’s waist – lifts him up in the air and then falls forward, slamming Terry’s face in the mat with the ‘Face Death’. Death then made his way for the pin.






Terry kicks out yet again.


Death now gets up, still showing no kind of emotion, he takes about 5 feet back and just waits there, knees bend slightly and waiting for Terry to get up. Terry is now on one knee and looks like he doesn’t know where he is. He stumbles to both his feet, he wobbles back and forth, then he turns around and Death goes for a standing sidekick – Terry saw it coming – grabs it – twirls him around – kicks him in the gut – applies a front facelock and drops a DDT on Death. Death was position as an exclamation point then falls to the mat again, facing up. Terry crawls to him and hooks the near leg. Hall goes to his shoulders again and pounds the mat.








NO! Again Death kicks out at the last second.


King: This match can go either way – there are a lot of close calls.


Axis: …


King: You know what, don’t say anything anymore you’re really starting to annoying me.


Axis: Join the club,


Terry is now getting annoyed as he gets to his feet - he looks around the audience who are showing him what they feel about him. He slashes his throat, signifying that it’s over now – he helps Death up and places him in a standing head scissor position, he wraps his arms around his waist and lifts him up. Death is on his shoulders right now, but Death starts punching him on the head, all of a sudden he twirls around so that he’s still on top of Terry’s shoulders but facing the same direction he is. Then Death falls back, wrapping his legs around Terry’s neck/head and hitting a REVERSE HURRICANRANA! Terry lands right on his head.


King: Oh my.


Death gets up but doesn’t make a cover - instead he goes to the nearest corner. He goes through the ropes and makes his way up the turnbuckle, slowly but surely. Terry is now getting up, he looks around and noticed Death going up the turnbuckle, Terry smiles and continues to get up. Death is now on top of the turnbuckle looking down in the ring – Terry is now up on his feet and stands facing Death with his eyes closed and a smile on his face. Death looks down at Terry the leaps off, flipping over Terry and landing right behind him on his feet. Terry still waits for the impact, but after about 2 seconds of nothing, he opens his eyes and noticed that Death was no long there, he looks back and ‘WHAM’, Death takes Terry down with the ‘ENZIGURI DEATH’.


King: Whoa.


Death goes for the cover.








No Terry kicks out.


Death helps Terry up to his feet, goes behind him and applies a waist lock – he then lifts him up and over with a German Suplex, with a bridge.








No! Terry manages to move his shoulder up, but Death doesn’t let go of the waist lock – he gets up, making Terry get to is feet as well, then the waist lock tuned into a full nelson – Death the lifts him up and over with a Dragon Suplex, with a bridge.








NO! Terry manages to get out of the pin by rolling his shoulder over and he’s still alive.


King: All that’s left is the Tiger Suplex, but I doubt that he’ll pull that out.


Axis: …


King: You know what…just don’t talk, at all.


Axis: …


Death gets up, and is finally showing some emotion as he screams at the referee – after the screaming he goes and helps Terry up, but Terry quickly jerks Death’s hands away and is pleading for Death to stop attacking him, then he motions for a time out. Death exhales and without a second wasted, he gets poke in the eye, and then gets taken down with a clothesline. Death quickly gets up and then gets taken down again but this time with a swinging neckbreaker. Death turned so that he’s not facing up and gets pinned, he’s facing the mat, and that’s when Terry drops a knee right on the back of the neck of Death – he then goes on top of his and applies a camel clutch, but instead of pulling back, he’s twisting the neck to the side.


King: Now that’s something you don’t see every day.


Death does not give up – he then gets helped up by Terry and then gets whipped across the ring. Death bounces off and sees Terry close to the ropes, Terry then trips him up with a drop toe hold and Death’s neck lands right on the bottom rope. Terry then goes through the same ropes, takes a few steps back, jogs forward and hits a leg drop right on the back of the neck of Death.


Axis: He’s working the neck.


King: You finally speak, oh my lord.


Terry is on the outside but he grabs the head of Death and places it between the middle and top rope. He then twirls Death around so that he’s facing the ceiling and that’s when Terry, who climbed on the apron, drop down to the floor again, snapping Death’s neck right on the middle rope. Terry the slides back in the ring and gets Death off of the ropes, he then applies a front face lock, twirls around so that they are back to back and that’s when Terry lifts Death up in a hanging neckbreaker. After about 10 seconds in that position and Death not giving up, Terry lets him go, Death just falls to the mat, motionless, and Terry makes the cover.








NO! Death kicks out at the last second. Terry gets up, obviously upset – he helps Death up to his feet and once again applies a standing head scissor, but before Terry can wrap his arms around him, Death stood up and Terry’s head is suspended down Death’s back.


King: This could be the ‘Back Death Driver’.


Axis: Isn’t that a variation of a piledriver?


King: No.


Axis: Yes it is - isn’t it kind of like a reverse piledriver?


King: No.


Axis: You don’t know do you?


King: …


Axis: Right.


Death has him in that position with Terry’s head suspended down his back, but Death doesn’t fall, instead he pulls the legs and Terry’s body jerks up and is on top of Death’s shoulders and in fluid motion Death pushes the legs outward and drives Terry’s face in the mat.


King: Now that was unbelievable – he just hit his move, Death by numbers.


Axis: Ok, now that’s impressive.


Death quickly goes and covers Terry after hitting his move - he drives his forearm down on Terry’s chin. He hooks the near leg and the referee goes towards Terry’s shoulders and begins to pound the mat.

























The referee jumps up and signals for the bell.








The crowd gets up and cheers, not because of the outcome of the match, because the match itself was good.


Funyon: The winner of this match and NEW TELEVISION CHAMPION!!! QQUIET DEATH!


King: This match was a quick pace match, but it was nothing but non-stop action and that’s what I like to see and now we have a new champion and I could say that he’s deserving for the title. There was only one person that actually pinned him and that was Tryst in a hard battle, and Tryst is now the European champion.


Axis: Tryst rocks.


King: Dude, he’s not from Australia.


Axis: I know…he still rocks.


King: Now that we got this match out of the way, the next match will be one of a kind. It will be the champion Dace…


Axis: Night (interrupted) vs. Atlas in what I might say could be the match of the month if not year. Submission vs. Pin fall, this is something I cant wait to see.


King: Yeah, it’s a shame that it’s not for the title, because Atlas would of probably beat him, Dace doesn’t deserve that title, but oh well.


Axis: You’re going to see how he deserves it, just stay tune for the next match, don’t change the channel.


King: Hey, that was good…I like the way you threw that in.


Axis: Yeah, I’ve been working at it for about a few minutes.


King: Very good.


Axis: Thanks.



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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Ben Hardy stands outside a dressing room door back stage.




"Dace, can I get an interview?" Hardy calls out.


The door swings back, and the World Champion's head pokes out of the door.


"What the fuck do you want? Oh, Ben, it's you, what can I do for you?"


"I was wondering if you could give us an interview before your match tonight?" Questions Hardy


Stepping full out of the door way, Dace stands in a pair of black jeans and boots, his upper body being shown off.


"Indeed you can Hardy."


Glaring down the camera, Dace takes the mic in one hand.


"Atlas, I don’t like you, the group you're in and what they stand for. So simply, I'm gonna go out there tonight and hurt you.

And if you think your neck's hurt as it is, just wait till I'm finished with it. You're fucked now boy."


"Ermm, short and to the point I see." Hardy says slowly.


"Yep, now I really must get to an important pre-match relaxation."


Dace strides back into his dressing room, slamming the door behind him.


"Back to the show I guess folks"

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

We return to live action with the trademark Crimson music blaring in the background. It fades down as we get a close-up view of out commentators.


[King] SJL Champion Dace Night is about to face Sean Atlas in a unique type of match.


[Axis] That’s right, King. The match is a Pinfall vs. Submission matchup, and according to the rules set up for tonight’s bout, Sean Atlas can only win by pinfall, while Dace won’t earn a victory unless he makes Atlas submit.


[King] And don’t forget, it’s also a no-disqualification match, so these guys can do anything to each other to set up their winning combination. Essentially, this will come down to impact moves from Sean and submission techniques by the champion, Dace Night.


[Axis] Exactly, King, allowing each man to do what he does best. This is definitely an important match for both men, especially for Sean Atlas. He’s got to redeem himself after taking a hard loss to Tryst on Sunday. If he can pin the champion here tonight, Sean will solidify his place among the SJL’s best.


[King] Let’s get it on!


The opening chords to Breaking Benjamin’s “Polyamorous” blare on the loudspeaker, eliciting instantaneous jeers from the fans. Then, as soon as the drums hit...




An explosion of white pyrotechnics goes off in front of the entrance, and as the smoke clears, the frame of Sean Atlas becomes more distinct. He walks through the smoke left behind by the pyro and descends down the ramp, towards the ring. Funyon, still tired from working SWF Smarkdown last night, goes to work.


“The following contest is a No-disqualification, Submission versus Pinfall Match! Introducing first, the competitor who can only win the bout via pinfall, hailing from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 230 pounds... SEAN ATLAS!”


Sean arrives at ringside, looking out at the booing fans. His dark, beady eyes stand out from the plain white mask that adorns his face. After walking up the steel steps in the corner, he steps onto the apron, then inside the ring. He walks slowly, deliberately, as if to conserve energy for the match at hand.


[King] You know, Atlas just looks... strange without a title on him.


[Axis] No, it’s not that. He’s walking a lot differently, and not moving as much. As we’ve been told, he sustained a small neck injury when Tryst, unable to lift him up, dropped Atlas right on his head last Sunday. You can be sure that Dace Night will concentrate on the neck here tonight.


As Sean Atlas’ music fades out, the boos from the crowd can be heard more clearly. He leans back against the ropes opposite the entranceway, looking out at the curtain in the distance, anticipating his opponent...


Suddenly, hammering into the Sky Dome with all the force of hell, “Winds of Creation” by Decapitated rips out on the speaker system, and under red and purple light flashing throughout the arena, Dace Night makes his entrance. Just he sets foot on the stage, a loud cheer erupts from the Canadian fans, cheering the SJL Champion. Dressed in his usual black trenchcoat, and carrying the title on his shoulder, Dace walks down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans as he goes.


“And his opponent, allowed to use only a submission maneuver to win the match, hailing from Birmingham, England, weighing in at 254 pounds, he is the SJL WORLD CHAMPION... DACE “HORRORCORE” NIGHT!!!”


The sustained applause continues for Night as he reaches the ring and places his belt on the apron. Taking off his trenchcoat, Dace reveals an Anti-M7 shirt, educing another pop from the fans. Clearly, he wears it to spite Sean Atlas and take him off his game tonight.


Dace jumps on the apron, picking up his belt on the way. He steps inside and locks eyes with Sean Atlas, who walks forward from the ropes. They come near one another while the referee, Ced Ordoñez, takes the belt from Dace and hands it to a ringside assistant. The crowd noise lessens as the competitors come nose to nose and prepare for the start of the match...




And it’s on! The two grapplers lunge at each other just as the bell sounds, locking in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. They briefly struggle until Dace, the larger of the two, gets a decisive advantage and forces Sean to back up. Forcing him all the way to the ropes, Dace pulls out of the tie-up and takes Sean’s arm. Pushing against the ropes, Dace whips Atlas across the ring... he bounces off and runs back... Dace with a lariat! But Atlas ducks it, running under the arm and to the other ropes. He comes off just as the champion turns around... and strikes Atlas with an Elbow Smash!



[Axis] Sean Atlas goes down early here to the champion’s stiff attack.


[King] Come on, one elbow and you’re already creaming your pants? Relax, Axis.



Atlas bounces off the canvas and returns to his feet. Dace immediately lays his hands on him from behind to lift him up, hooking his leg... and slams him down with a Backdrop Suplex! They both come to their feet and Dace, who rose just a bit faster, comes up from behind again and puts Atlas in a half nelson. Sean instantly shifts his body and rotates to face Dace, with their arms interlocked. He straightens the champion’s arm out and prepares to use a Single Arm DDT... but Dace writhes away, shifting his hand to lift Atlas up... and Dace slams him down across his knee in a backbreaker!



[Axis] Faithless! Dace Night took Atlas off his feet as if to hit a Uranage, but brought him back down in a backbreaker. Innovative maneuver from the champion!


[King] Ironic too, is the name of that move, considering the beliefs held by both guys.



As the sudden cheer let out by the crowd quiets down, Dace stands. He moves himself near Sean’s head and drops a knee on him! He quickly stands again, leaves his feet for a moment a collapses onto Sean with his knee again! Both times, the knees hit the neck and shoulder area more so than the head. Dace stands again, taking Sean Atlas up with him. Rearing his hand back as the fans cheer him on, Dace snaps it and... *SMACK* ...Chops Atlas square in the chest!












The strikes take Sean into the corner, where Night ends the barrage of chops. He leans in, taking Atlas’ hand and steps back, sending him running diagonally across the ring. Atlas crashes with his back against the turnbuckle pads and looks on as Dace charges at him... and the champion leaves his feet! But Atlas ducks out of the way, causing Dace to smash right into the corner! From behind, Sean quickly drops and rolls Dace up with a School Boy!






Ced drops as Sean modifies the pin and gets his head between Dace’s legs while trying to use the ropes for leverage



...But No! Before Ced can even count to two, Dace knocks his legs against the sides of Sean’s head, swiftly kicking out of the cover.



[King] Atlas is a bit too eager here, trying to win the match without using any offence.


[Axis] Can’t blame him for being desperate, can ya?


[King] Desperate? I’d call it enthusiasm, really.


[Axis] Hah!



Dace gets to his feet, disregarding Atlas’ efforts entirely. He swiftly lifts his knee and strikes Sean in the gut, causing him to double over. Showing growing signs of anger on his face, Dace steps over, applying a standing headlock on Sean. Quickly reaching around the waist, the champion lifts Atlas, setting him up for a Powerbomb... but Sean escapes! He flips and lands on his feet, coming face to face with Night. Though just as he gets his footing down, Dace drives his forearm into Atlas collarbone, taking him down with a Lariat!


Night gets Atlas standing again and takes his arm to Irish whip him to the ropes. He walks him over to the middle of the ring and sends him speeding off. Sean runs to the ropes, bounces, and upon his return to Dace is lifted off his feet, spun around and SLAMMED down once again onto the knee of the champion! As Atlas wails in throbbing pain, Dace stands and much to Sean’s dismay, lifts him up instantaneously. Night throws his arm around Sean’s neck... and DROPS down, smashing his cranium into the ring!



[Axis] A DDT by the champion, who seems to be concentrating on working Sean’s neck and back.


[King] Oh, that’s cheap! He knows Atlas’ neck is hurting since he was so thoughtlessly dropped on his head last Sunday. That’s shameful, even for him.


[Axis] Oh, shameful? I’d call it strategy, really...


[King] Oh, so now you think you’re funny, huh?


[Axis] I think you’re funny.



Dace keeps his arm tapered across Sean’s neck, but modifies his position to lie down on his chest. He reaches through, under Atlas to lock his hands around Sean’s neck... setting up the Crownless, a Front Neck Lock! The fans cheer their champion on as he tightens the hold, wrapping his thick appendages around Atlas’ head... Sean struggles to get out of it, kicking his legs and using his own arms to try attacking Dace... It has no effect on the hold however, as Dace Nigh has it firmly lock on... More cheers from the crowd while Ced Ordoñez drops down, asking Atlas if he’ll quit... Sean is defiant however, and refuses...



[Axis] A good choice of submission holds by Dace.


[King] It’s still far too early for him to win though... Atlas doesn’t give up this easy.



Atlas continues to fight the submission, trying to pry Dace’s arms away... He realizes the futility of it and instead, tries something different... As Ced continues to pester him, Sean uses his legs to push one side of his body up, rotating it against Dace’s applied forces... Dace tries to counter by putting more weight on that one side... but it backfires! Atlas uses the shift in force to rotate the other way, turning them both onto their backs! The fans boo as Sean takes advantage of the new position, slips out of the Crownless!


He gets to his feet near the ropes, leaning on them with one hand while using the other to rub some feeling into his neck. Night stands up as well, furious that Atlas manages to escape the hold. He takes a step back to spring off the ropes for momentum and charges at Atlas across the ring. Sensing the trembling mat and seeing Dace from the corner of his eye, Atlas drops down on his back, lowering the top rope... causing Dace Night to lope himself right out of the ring!



[Axis] The champion lands in a heap onto the floor, right here in front of us.


[King] Great sense of awareness by Sean Atlas, especially following the hold by Dace.



Sean rolls right out of the ring, standing with Dace at the base of his feet. He takes the champion by his head and hand to lift him up, then, with all the might he can gather, whips Dace parallel to the ring... *CRASH* ...directly into the steel steps! Dace hits the structure with his back, groaning as the pain registers in his mind. From several yards away, Atlas accelerates, then glide down onto the protective mat and drives the sole of his shoe between Dace’s legs and into his crotch! Multiple “ouch” and “oohhhs” are heard from the fans, many of whom can sympathize with the pain of the champion.



[King] Good job by Atlas, taking full advantage of the no-Disqualification stipulation in this match.


[Axis] It could backfire though. They don’t call Dace “Horrorcore” for nothing.



Sean takes Dace by the arm and rolls him inside the ring. He stands on the apron and walks to the corner, then climbs it as Dace slowly tries to stand up. Sean reaches the top rope and waits until Dace is fully standing and facing him. Then, just as he turns around, Atlas leaps off the top rope headlong, and drives his shoulder into the chest and gut of the champion!



[Axis] A top-rope Spear by Sean Atlas, taking Dace Night down!


[King] He’s cover him!













NO! Not even two and a half before Dace lifted his shoulder off the mat.



[Axis] That’s right, Seano. It’ll take a lot more to finish him off.


[King] Aren’t you supposed to be objective?


[Axis] Aren’t you?


[King] ...Point taken.



Sean reluctantly stands up. Realizing it’ll take a lot more impact moves to take down someone as unconquerable as Dace Night, he takes him by the hand and gets him to a standing position. Pulling back, Atlas whips Dace towards the ropes... but doesn’t let go, causing Night to snap right back into Sean’s arms. Atlas catches him and wraps his hands around his waist to set up a belly-to-belly... but Dace fights it and throws the arms away!


Locking his own arms around Sean’s body, Dace slides around and gets behind Atlas, back-to-back. He pops his hips and lifts, trying a German Suplex... and he can’t do it as Sean struggles down, causing Dace to swing him back. Using the momentum, Atlas slides, feet first, under Dace and once there, grabs onto Dace’s arms to lock in a Full Nelson! He lifts the champion off his feet and prepares to slam him down...


Dace escapes! He manages to pull one arm out of Sean’s grip and landed on his feet. Swinging around behind him once again, Dace has a Half Nelson locked on momentarily, until Atlas spins around to face him. Extremely alert, Dace lifts his knee and strikes Atlas’ gut with it once again. He puts on a front face lock and lifts Sean off his feet, vertically into the air... and DROPS him down with a stunner!


[Axis] Sentenced! Sean Atlas has been sentenced by Dace Night, who continues to attack his vulnerable neck.


[King] Interesting sequence between the two technicians there, though Dace Night got the better of it in the end.


To the cheers of the crowd, Atlas falls down onto his back. He clutches his neck as Dace stands up, confident in himself after taking Sean down successfully. He walks around near Atlass head and then drops down, his legs over Sean’s face. He lays one leg across Sean’s neck, under his chin, then lays his other leg across it, forming a figure four...



[Axis] Nevermortal! Dace just continues to use his signature moves.


[King] Signature? Please. They’re common, everyday moves hat Dace gave names to.


[Axis] But they work, don’t they? Just watch as he chokes Sean out, cutting off the blood supply to his brain.



Dace does indeed choke Sean Atlas, giving him trouble breathing... Ced drops down again to ask Sean about quitting, but he continuously refuses... He tries to pry away Dace’s legs, but he doesn’t budge and in fact, holds on to Sean’s head for leverage... Atlas kicks his legs, hoping to dislodge himself, which doesn’t work very well either... To Ced’s continuous inquiries about giving up, Atlas yells out indiscernible noises, mostly cries of pain...



[Axis] How much longer can he last, dammit?


[King] He’s resilient. Maybe not as much as Dace, but Sean doesn’t go down easily.



Dace rears back, applying even more pressude to the neck, all the while holding on to Sean’s head... Atlas now tries to at least get Night’s dirty mitts off his face, only getting his hands to slip... but they slip enough to pull Sean’s mask off slightly, which suddenly infuriates him.



[King] Ohh, bad move, champ. If Atlas feels that mask slide even a little bit, something clicks in his head and sets him off.



True to the Suicide King’s words, Atlas does fight it off with more liveliness. He takes Dace’s knee and pushes it up, trying to find that one little opening to move his head through... and he does! Atlas rolls out, free to breathe easily again! Dace quickly come to his feet, also angry at the fact that Sean escaped. He takes Atlas and brings him up... but in all his rage, Sean propels himself into Dace’s gut, backing him up all the way into the corner!



[Axis] Like a bull with gas, Sean Atlas just snapped and drove Dace halfway across the ring.


[King] Shouldn’t have touched the mask...



Atlas grabs on to the middle rope. Breathing heavily, he thrusts his shoulder into Dace Night’s midsection. Repeatedly, he backs up and plunges into Dace’s abs. He does it with so much force that Dace’s body bends and back into the space between the top and middle rope. Eventually though, he stops Sean with a swift kick to the head.


Taking a step back while holding his head, Atlas gives Dace enough time to get a small running start and drive his knee into Sean’s back! Atlas stumbles forward but doesn’t fall, still able to keep his balance relatively well. Meanwhile, Dace turns him around and extends his arm, setting up a Single Arm DDT... but Sean reads the move, as he often performs it himself, and takes Dace’s hand away. Holding it, Atlas wraps Dace’s own arm around his neck, so that Dace’s back is to him...



[King] Sean reverses into the Immaculate Neckbreaker....



He turns, preparing to hit the indicated move... but Dave evades it! He unwraps himself from his own arm, held by Sean, and turns around to face Atlas. With their hands locked, Dace lowers his head and gets it under Sean’s arm, then wraps one hand around him in an attempt to set up a Northern Lights Suplex... but he can’t loosen the grip Sean’s got on his hand, and suddenly feels his back getting clubbed from above. Once Sean gets enough punches to the back in on Dace, he lets ho of the hand and wraps his arms around the champion with a Waistlock. He lifts, trying to hit a Wheelbarrow Suplex...


And does! Dace lands hard on his back, letting out a grunt as his body hit the canvas.



[Axis] Another incredible chain of counters from both men, reading each other as they go along.


[King] Dace seems to be growing more frustrated as the match continues, especially when Atlas reverses one of his moves.



Sean stands, but the resilient Dace Night stands at roughly the same time. Atlas comes up to the side of Night and moves his leg in between Dace’s hoping to set up a Russian Leg Sweep. Dace is much too aware to call for it, however, and as Sean reaches over with his hand to slam him down, Dace grabs the arm away and spins Atlas around to face him. He attempts to lower Atlas’ head and set him up for a Piledriver... or not...! Dace wraps his arms around Sean’s waist and quickly gutwrenches him up onto his shoulder.



[Axis] He’s setting up the Dark Star Driver! This move is devastating!



Atlas gets lifted up, and Dace prepares to slam him down when unexpectedly, Atlas slides forwards, feet first, and escapes the Dark Star Driver attempt!



[King] Quick and evasive Sean, keep doing that!



As he turns around, he quickly meets the black boot of Dace Night as he raises his leg and kicks Atlas with the Yakuza Kick! Sean goes down spinning as he falls, landing on his chest. Adamant in what he wants to do, Dace finally gets the opportunity to attack and comes down near Sean’s head. He places Atlas’ arm between his legs and reaches around his head, locking his wrists together in front of Sean’s face! The crowd ambience grows louder as Dace locks on the rare submission hold!



[Axis] Code Black! This is it, King, Dace has Sean Atlas in the crossface. There’s no getting out now!


[King] No...His neck...It might be too damaged for him to survive this...


[Axis] If you couldn’t tell before, it’s pretty clear now that Dace Night is frustrated and FURIOUS!


As Ced drops down yet again, screams of torture can be heard emanating form behind Sean’s mask... Cries of pain caused by the vicious hold take over, and Atlas tries to fight it. Dace yells as well, pulling back on Sean’s head, tilting it beyond the limits that nature intended... He draws the arm back as well, though he didn’t work on it as much as he planned to, focusing in on the neck more...


Unexpectedly, Sean’s other arm, his free one, is swinging about, oftentimes colliding with Dace’s head... Then, one lucky strike ends up hitting Dace in the temple, and he loosens the grip a bit... Aware of this, Atlas swings back again, attacking the same point on Dace’s head... Finally, the champion lets Sean go, grabbing his aching skull while rolling away! He rolls to the edge of the ring and stands up on the outside.



[King] Atlas got out of it! That crafty little bastard escaped another of Dace’s submission holds.


[Axis] And in the process, hurt Dace Night, infuriating him even more.


[King] A great strategy... but what’s Dace doing on the outside? And... what? He’s going under the ring to look for something...



Dace lifts the apron, reaches under the ring and pulls out...



A light bulb tube!



[Axis] King! That’s one of Dace’s trademark thumbtack-filled-light bulb tubes! The champion is about to go Horrorcore on Sean Atlas!


[King] Not until we see the weedwhacker, buddy.



Dace slides back inside the ring, tube in hand. Meanwhile, Sean Atlas is halfway up, and unable to see the champion, Night. Though as Dace firmly plants his feet to await Atlas, the ring vibrates just enough for Sean to know where he stands. Suddenly, he turns around, facing Dace and the tack-filled tube. The champ swings... And misses! Atlas ducks under and evades the shot! Dace turns around, looking to hit Sean again... but he’s quickly iven a taste of the rubber sole of Sean’s boot as he thrusts his leg into Dace’s face with a Superkick!


The tube of light goes flying into the air above the ring as Dace turns around and stumbles all the way to the ropes. Meanwhile Atlas follows the flight of the tube and as it comes back down, catches it with one hand! Dace leans against the ropes, his back to Atlas, who wields the menacing glass tube in his hands...



[King] Yes! Atlas loves anything that can be swung, and a light tube across the back of the head of Dace could finally finish him off!



Sean walks towards Dace methodically, letting the anticipation build as he draws near. The crowd starts a commotion, and many of the ringside spectators try to warn Dace. He soon takes the hint, and backs up off the ropes, quickly turning around... but Sean Atlas is quicker, and draws the glass tube back...! Then dashes past Dace, laying the tube across his neck with one hand while hooking his arm from behind with the other, locking on the Katahajime Choke with a thumbtack-filled glass lighbulb tube!



[King] What in the world?!


[Axis] No, Sean, you can’t win that way! You have to pin him!!


The boos from the fans sound like they came from the depths of hate as he tightens and perfects the hold on Dace’s neck and arm... The fluorescent tack-filled tube is positioned at a slight angle to Sean’s arm across the champ’s neck, adding to the pressure... Dace’s arms flail in the air while he tries to escape, but he was too unprepared for the hold... Ced, confused as to why Sean would apply the hold, stops himself from asking Dace about giving up...



[King] Wait, that’s genius!


[Axis] Unreal, Dace never expected this!


[King] Exactly! Atlas knew that Dace wouldn’t expect a choke, so he waited till the perfect time to use it! The tube is just icing on the cake.


[Axis] But he can’t win like this, and he knows it!


[King] You moron, of course he knows it! He’ll use it to weaken Dace Night, then finish him off. Brilliant!



Sean Continues to tighten his grip, refusing to budge even for a moment... Dace’s arms no longer flail, as he just tries to move Sean’s arm, or at least the tube... He can dislodge neither from around his neck, and slowly, the choke starts to get to him... Dace’s knees weaken and his balance becomes hard to keep... Sean can feel Night’s weight getting harder to hold up, and prepares himself as Dace has trouble standing upright... He drops to one knee, then to both knees, and Sean drops with him...



[King] It’s working! The choke is knocking Dace out cold!


[Axis] Never did I see this coming...



Finally, the champion is nearly insensible... Atlas no longer feels any resistance from him, and looks around at the crowd, the ref, and anyone he can see, clearly smiling under the mask. Hasty, he lets go of the hold, and pulls the tube out with his right arm. He rears it back, holding the glass cylinder over his head, as if in victory... and just as the first feeling of consciousness returns to Dace Night, Atlas swings the glass pipe down, SHATTERING it on the skull of the champion!!!



[Axis & King] Oh my god!



Shards of glass fly from the point of impact. Thumbtacks sparkle in the arena’s light. Dace falls entirely, face first to the canvas. The fans jeer and boo Atlas, while some even throw objects into the ring. A small pool of blood begins to form near Dace’s head, and the referee checks on him. Meanwhile, Atlas struts around the ring, exchanging verbal squabbles with the many spectators in the crowd. He still holds a piece of the glass tube in his hand, and in response to the now numerous items thrown at him, tosses ther remaining piece out into the crowd.



[Axis] Does he have any shame at all?


[King] None, Axis! None whatsoever, and may the Atheist God bless him for it.



Dace moves ever so slightly, indicating he’s conscious. Finally, Sean Atlas draws his attention to the fallen Night and pushes Ced Ordoñez out of the way. He falls to his knees and drapes an arm over Dace, arrogantly covering the bleeding champion. Ced pauses for a small moment, but then quickly begins to count...


















The crowd simply ERUPTS as Dace lifts his shoulder off the canvas!



[King] What?!?


[Axis] He kicked out! He kicked out! The champion will not go down!


[King] Atlas is in disbelief, as are the rest of us at Dace’s resilience...But...How??


[Axis] I don’t know, King, but this match ain’t over yet!



Atlas springs to his feet, unwilling to accept the fact that he has not yet won. He stares at Ced, who shrugs back, just as shocked as him. Fuming, Sean takes the champion by his hair and lifts him up, getting him to his feet. Dace still isn’t fully alert though, and has trouble standing straight. But none of that concerns Sean Atlas, as he lowers his shoulder and hooks the leg, making sure to have a tight grip on Dace. He takes him off the ground, then cradles his neck to hold him in a fireman’s carry...



[King] This is it, this is it!


[Axis] There’s nothing that Sean can follow this up with save for...



As the blood flows freely from the head of the champion, the fans rise off their seats and stand, watching as Sean Atlas turns, falls, and DRIVES DACE NIGHT’S BLOODY SKULL INTO THE CANVAS!



[Axis & King] SAINT’S DEMISE!



Fallen thumbtacks and glass splinters rebound off the mat while Sean pushes Dace’s body down onto his back. Atlas covers Dace’s body, hooking the near leg...
























T H R E E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



[King] Sean Atlas wins!






“The winner of this bout... SEAN ATLAS!”



The familiar tones of “Polyamorous” are heard over the speaker system once again as Sean rolls off the fallen champion. Ced Ordoñez lifts his Sean’s hand in the air in victory, but Atlas simply uses it to help himself stand up. He then tosses Ced’s arm away and walking twards the ropes, rubs his aching neck.



[King] With the help of a few foreign objects and some clever strategy, Sean Atlas managed to defeat the champion in this match.


[Axis] But how indomitable was Dace Night? After being choked out and receiving a blow to the head so severe that it’ll leave a scar, he STILL kicked out.


[King] Very true, but he couldn’t stop himself from falling to the Saint’s Demise.



Exhausted, Sean Atlas drops down and rolls out of the ring. He heads for the timekeeper’s table and once there, clumsily rummages around until he gets his hand on Dace’s World title belt...



[Axis] Hey, that’s not yours! You haven’t earned the right to touch that belt!



But Atlas is too weary to respond to Axis’ taunts. He raises the belt above his head, drawing out more jeers.



[King] This answers all the questions. Is Sean Atlas the real deal? Yes. Can he hang with the best in the League? You bet. When most people predicted him to lose, he overcame the odds and defeated a champion. He’s got the title in his hands, but not in his possession.



Atlas stands, victorious, holding a belt that isn’t his, and points to himself as the next man to earn the title of SJL Champion.



[Axis] No matter how hard he clutches that belt, He is not the champion. Nor is he the number one contender.


[King] That’s right, Va’aiga is, and we’re about to see him in the Main Event. Stay tuned, folks!

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Hundreds of Mexican fans push and shove, just so they can be close to the ring, salivating as various scantily women pose as they circle the ring. They’re not there for any particular reason, but it should increase the ratings a point or two. The fans are all up from their seats, cheering wildly as they know what is next on the card. As final checks are done to the ring, the camera pans through the thousands on thousands of screaming fans, finally stopping on the two local moronic commentator’s on the Junior League, The Suicide King and Axis.


“What did he say!?”


“Why am I listed second!?”


Ahem, and now we cross to our two favourite commentator’s in the whole wide world, Axis and the Suicide King!


“That’s better.”


“Wait, why do I have to be second!?”


“Oh pipe down frenchy. As it’s plain to see, everyone in this arena, and indeed everyone watching at home are pumped about our Main Event tonight! For once, Tod deKindes did something right, and booked a fantabulous Lucha Libre Trios Elimination Match!” Axis shouts, breathing heavily afterward.


“I have never seen a match like this done in the SJL or indeed the SWF Axis, so this promises to be a unique match to say the very least,” King replies. “Unique as in a total clusterfuck! Six of the Junior League’s best fight it out under Lucha Libre rules, and I just hope Axis, that everyone knows those rules!”


“I sure bloody don’t,” Axis mutters. “You’d think they’d fill me in on the details, but oh no! Let’s keep the Aussie in the dark as always!”


“Settle down! I’ll get you through this, you have to remember that I have wrestled all over the world! I know the rules like the legs of a tall busty blonde in a bikini…” King drifts off into his own world as he drools over the women at ringside.


“You’re no help as usual,” Says Axis with a frown. “Well, this will be a new experience for us all folks, so just sit back, relax and enjoy! And stop watching news about the freaking war! I swear, George Dubbya is such a moron, there’s no need-“


The sound technicians scramble to cut Axis’ mic, as he continues his rant without anyone hearing it. After avoided a nasty media incident, they cue up “Three Libras” by a Perfect Circle, as the lights begin to dim, and out from behind the black curtain steps Christian Blackwell, member of team Tenicos for tonight, and getting a great reaction because of it. Blackwell looks down at the ramp solemnly as the music continues to play, flames spurting out either side of him, all the way down the ramp, as if he were a druid. Funyon, mic in hand, prepares to do the long introductions for this match…


“Ladies and Gentleman, the following match is a Lucha Libre Trios Elimination Match!” Massive applause is heard once again, “A win will be accomplished if one of the team captains is eliminated, or all three members are eliminated. Introducing first, for team Tenicos, originating from Rosslare Ireland. Standing six foot four, and weighing two hundred and thirty seven pounds, please welcome, CHRISTIAN BLACKWELL!”


The Irishman climbs the steel steps and enters the ring, pacing around the ring as the cheers continue, producing a hint of a smile from Blackwell, until he hears…


“Pictures in the mi-i-ir-or…”




… And his smile soon fades, as green pyrotechnics come shooting down from atop the rafters, exploding on the stage as “Pictures in the Mirror” by the Living End kicks up to a rousing cheer from the capacity crowd. As soon as the smoke clears, Aaron Carpenter comers busting out from the back, bolting the down the ramp way but taking the time to slap hands with his loyal fans, sliding into the ring and jumping to his feet. Blackwell just stares at the youngster as he climbs to the top rope and raises his arms in the air, prompting louder applause. Funyon finds is difficult to hear himself over the fans.


“… And his partner, from Washington D.C, standing six foot three and weighing two hundred and twenty eight pounds, he is, “Picture Perfect”, AARON CARPENTER!”


“I don’t think Blackwell knows how to react,” King says to his partner. “Blackwell busted Carpenter open in his first ever Junior League match, and I don’t think he’s forgiven himself for it, although, I thought it was damn impressive!”


“It was nothing of the sort King!” Axis retorts. “Carpenter didn’t deserve that treatment, but I’m glad too see Blackwell is nearly back to his old self.”


“Oh he’s not Axis, but he’s so cunning that he’ll play along with his partners, just as long as he’s victorious in the end. Trust me Axis, I have an instinct about these things.”


“Whatever the case may be,” Axis replies. “Team Tenicos is just bursting with natural talent, Blackwell, the experienced ring general, Carpenter the exciting young rookie, and…”


“You know what time it be…”


“This man, the Maori Badass!”




“Shhhhh…” Axis whispers, cupping his hand over King’s mouth. “Don’t say it!”


The crowd cheers even louder then before and some even start doing the New Zealand rugby war dance, as “Strike it” by Dub War starts to play, as the Maori Badass stalks down the ramp way and slides into the ring. As the chorus hits he drops the Maori hand sign and pyro shoots off around him, as Carpenter and Blackwell look on silently.


“… And then leader of team Tecnicos, standing six foot eight inches tall, and weighing in at two hundred and eighty five pounds, from Rotorua, New Zealand, please welcome, the Maori Badass… Va’aiga!”


Va’aiga turns around and calls his partners together, who do so, but still very cautious of each other. Va’aiga, experienced in these sorts of contests explains how things will go, but Blackwell cuts him off to make fun of his accent. Va’aiga stares at Blackwell before dancing an Irish jig and putting him in his place. The three converse quietly as they hear Downing Pool’s “Sinner” kick up, and they all turn their heads to the entranceway, John Duran walking out shortly afterward, staring down the three men in the ring while he scowls at the fans at ringside who dare boo him.


Funyon gets on the schtick~! “… And their opponents, introducing first, for team Rudos, hailing from Champaign, Illinois. Standing six foot eight and weighing in at two hundred and sixty five pounds, he is… JOHN DURAN!”


“Too many hosses for my liking…” King remarks. “That doesn’t make for an exciting Lucha Libre match! Actually, there have been a lot of hosses hired lately…”


Axis puts on a cowboy hat and replies, “Nothing to do with me, no siree…”


Duran spits on the floor in front of the fans, growling at them as they hurl abuse his way. He soon puts the fans out of his mind as the glances back to his three opponents, deciding it wise to stay outside of the ring, just in case…


“If I saw Va’aiga flanked by Blackwell and Carpenter, I’d stay well away too,” Axis comments.


The arena lights die out for a few moments, then re light in a fast strobe, going from neon green, to light blue, to white at random. The house speaker’s rumble with thunder for a moment, then a loud thunderclap is heard, accompanied with a bright flash of pyro from the entranceway. After the thunder, "One of A Kind" by Breaking Point spins up nice and loud, as Omega Storm charges down the ramp way, smirking as the fans boo the former Television champion as he runs down the people and the pathetic town they live in. Omega reaches the ring and glances at Duran, looking at the man that had taken his T.V title away from him, and considers revenge… until he looks into the ring, looking at the Tenicos team being cheered by the fans, and singling out Blackwell, pointing at him shouting taunts his way, that Blackwell simply ignore…


“And his partner, hailing from New Haven, Connecticut. Standing six foot three and weighing two hundred and forty five pounds, please welcome ladies and gentleman… THE OMEGA STORM!”


There’s no welcome of the sorts for Grines as he forgets the fans entirely now, focusing on the team in the ring, whispering to Duran as Va’aiga grunts and threatens to charge them there and them, but is luckily restrained by Carpenter and Blackwell.


“This Rudos team should not be underestimated…” King explains. “Duran has been impressive since coming to the Junior League, he and Storm both nabbing the T.V title. Storm has provided us with a few upset victories before…”


"Look at me Now" by Reveille starts over the loudspeaker, as multicolored lights begin to flash over the arena, and the fans start hissing already!


“… And so has this man, “Hollywood” Spike Jenkins! He’s won two grueling gauntlets and ended Atlas’ mighty winning streak, this man can not be counted out in ANY contest, not even with TNT the SWF World Champion!”


“Do you realize what your saying there, man!?”


“… Good point, nearly anyone could beat TNT.”


Before Spike makes his first appearance, Funyon gets on the stick once again, “And last but certainly not least, the captain for team Rudos. From Hollywood, California, standing six foot one and weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds. He is the King of the World, please welcome… “HOLLYWOOD” SPIKE JENKINS!”


Spike appears in a flash, walking down the ramp way, seeing himself too good to associate with the fans that boo him so. Storm and Duran both turn to the leader of the Rudos, not happy that he is in charge, but accept it all the same.


“This promises to be a thrilling contest,” Axis remarks. “All six men in this match are at the top of their game at the moment, and a win here for either team will vault them to bigger things.”


“Spike and Va’aiga are both the longest serving Junior Leaguers in this match, and have been granted the position of captain. These two have a lot more riding on the line in this match, and will need all the help they can get from their two teammates to win this match, because if they get pinned, it’s all over!”


Spike is the first to try and get in the ring, but Va’aiga is determined to keep him out, screaming, ”MY HOUSE!” to massive cheers from the crowd! Spike grumbles, heading around the ring and pushing away some ringside attendants, snapping up a steel chair! Spike slides into the ring, the referee crowding him, trying to grab the steel chair from his clutches, but Va’aiga does that for him, kicking Spike down onto the canvas! The crowd is at a fever pitch as the bell rings and each team climbs up onto the ring apron!


“Ding, Ding, Ding!”


“Spike’s doing what I would do, that’s for sure!” King exclaims. “How dare a brute like Va’aiga keep him from getting in the ring! Smack him upside the head with that char I say!”


“Oh pipe down King, Spike’s will lose the match for his team if he does that! And Storm and Duran aren’t the best guys to have offside.”


As King chuckles, Va’aiga picks Spike up and throws him into a corner and starts hitting body blows by the dozen, winding the king of the world. Storm has had enough and climbs into the ring, running across to Va’aiga and striking him in the back of the head with an elbow blow! Blackwell threatens to enter the ring as Storm smirks at him, luring him into hostile territory, but the referee holds him back, giving Spike enough time to low blow Va’aiga!


“Antics ahoy!” Axis yells. “With so many men at ringside, the referee is going to have his work cut out for him as we just saw there, Storm and Spike team up to surprise Va’aiga, and Blackwell is the one being held back!”


“It’s what I love to see Axis, go team Rudos! Cheat to win!”


The fans boo heavily as Spike strikes Va’aiga with right hands, but Va’aiga’s eyes suddenly grow wide, practically no selling Jenkins’ blows! The Maori monster lunges at Spike, trying to take his head off with a clothesline! But Hollywood manages to duck at the last second, quickly spinning around and aiming at Va’aiga’s head with the “Last Dance” Superkick! Va’aiga catches Spike’s foot and smiles as Spike hops on one foot, begging Va’aiga not to do anything. Va’aiga spins Spike around on one foot, but Spike counters with a discus lariat! The hard blow doesn’t knock Va’aiga down though, as he stumbles backward into the ropes, coming back towards Spike as Duran picks up the steel chair by his feet and tosses it to Jenkins…


“He can’t do it! He’ll get his team disqualified!” Axis cries, almost laughing. “I can’t believe Spike would be that stupid!”


Jenkins laughs to himself as the referee calls out for him to stop, but it’s too late as the chair cuts through the air and comes crashing down…




… Striking Va’aiga on the skull! The Maori monster falls to the canvas as Spike throws the chair away, glancing to the referee, telling him to do his job…


Funyon gets on the mic, announcing to the livid crowd, “The winner of the FIRST fall by Disqualification…the team of CHRISTIAN BLACKWELL, AARON CARPENTER and VA’AIGA!”


“WHAT!?” Axis shouts, as livid as the fans. “The FIRST fall!? This can’t be!”


King chuckles once more, “Oh but it is Axis, and the most dangerous weapon in team Tenicos arsenal has been severely cut down, and this may turn into a pin fall for Spike! I admire Spike more and more every time I see him perform his underhanded tricks, makes me wish I were still wrestling…”


Spike poses for the crowd, but he is bought back to earth by Storm and Duran, who yell at him to pin Va’aiga while he’s still down! Spike drops to the mat and hooks the Maori monster by the leg, as the fans chant along and the referee slams his hand on the canvas…



























“Spike pins Va’aiga! Spike Pins Va’aiga! Spike Pins Va’aiga!” Shouts Axis


Funyon grabs the stick again and announces… “The winners of the second fall, the team of JOHN DURAN, OMEGA STORM AND HOLLYWOOD SPIIIIIKE JEEEEEEEEENKINS!”


“Well that levels it at one fall each, and it appears that the tecnicos are having to start the THIRD fall of this match with a man down too!” replies Suicide King, not without a hint of smugness


“Spike pinning Va’aiga after a fierce chairshot there”


“Given what happened in their last match, turnabout is fair play, Axis.”


To prove Suicide King’s point, a SJL Rewind double feature shows the previous match between Va’aiga and Spike Jenkins, where Va’aiga’s caught Spike’s Chair going for his “I just Broke Your Nose” kick, and promptly smashed the seating device over Spike’s head, taking him down for an easy three count pin. Meanwhile back in the ring Spike is trying for double the pleasure, double the fun and leaps off the second rope hitting a perfect Quebrada off the second rope, moonsaulting back down onto Va’aiga and looking for the pinfall.



















THR… and Aaron Carpenter breaks it up by hitting a slingshot senton down onto both men, breaking up the pin cover. To counteract that Omega Storm leaps onto the top rope and flies down over the whole pile with HUGE impact of a massive body press. Christian Blackwell then gets to the centre of the top rope and springboards in himself with a big splash of his own! “It’s a dogpile in the center of the ring,” declares Axis.


“Did someone drop a quarter?” replies Suicide King. Meanwhile John Duran has decided he’s had enough of this high flying lunacy and strides into the ring, throwing Blackwell off the pile, turfing his partner Omega Storm unceremoniously aside and picking up Aaron Carpenter. Spike and Va’aiga both summon the energy to roll away and to the outside as Duran fries a pair of right hands into Aaron Carpenter. “Duran’s not afraid to bully smaller opponents,” comments Axis, “and Aaron Carpenter will need all of his speed to avoid the powerful Duran. Duran fires a pair of headbutts into Carpenter’s lower head and then snaps off a lightning fast DDT. Duran picks Carpenter quickly off the mat and whips him into the ropes, shoulderblocking the smaller superstar down. “The cruiserweight Carpenter is overpowered here, King” comments Axis.


“Aaron Carpenter isn’t a cruiserweight,” corrects Suicide King, “at 228lbs he’s a pound over the generally accepted cruiser limit of 227. It’s the equivalent of 100kgs”


“Well you’re a mine of information today, King”


“Just glad to be right all the time, Axis” says the King with a pronounced smirk. Duran lifts Carpenter off the canvas again and spins him round, taking him down HARD with a massive powerful spinebuster. “Spine on the pine!” adds Axis, in a somewhat pronounced parody of Jim Ross. Duran drapes an arm over the fallen Carpenter
















TH… and Blackwell leaps in and breaks the cover up with a stomp. Duran stands promptly, and as Aaron Carpenter rolls out of the ring, Blackwell takes down Duran with a judo leg sweep and bars Duran’s leg. Blackwell rolls forward with the legbar and grabs hold of an arm of Duran’s with his other free arm, then rolls onto his back lifting Duran into the air bent round his stretched limbs. “What on earth is THAT?” asks Suicide King, but before Axis has a chance to unscramble the true nature of the hold Omega Storm leaps in and elbow drops Blackwell, causing him to drop Duran back down to the canvas. Duran rolls out as Storm takes over on Blackwell with stomps and a solid elbow drop. Omega Storm lifts Blackwell up from the canvas and uses a standing switch to position himself for his rolling German suplexes. The crowd, though booing Storm like the good rudo he is, counts along with the suplexes as Omega Storm fires them off.

























FIIIIII…. Storm struggles to lift Blackwell for this fifth suplex in his sequence, but given a grunt of pain and effort gets him over…






Storm tosses Blackwell to his corner, and with Va’aiga still a little woozy from Spike’s chairshot, Aaron Carpenter comes back in. Carpenter and Storm lock up, with Storm powering Carpenter down in a collar and elbow. Carpenter goes for an armdrag, but the lucha-style training of the Omega Storm allows him to counter down to a high hiptoss and follow up quickly with a drop of the leg and a casual self serving cheer to the crowd, who respond with a round of boos. Strom picks Carpenter up off the canvas and kicks him sternly in the guts, bending the young star double. Storm hooks first one, then the other of Carpenter’s arms butterfly style and hits a beautiful stalling butterfly suplex, bridging this up and setting up a second, but instead of following through after the delay, Storm simply falls forward, driving Carpenter down forcefully to the mat. Storm applauds himself and Duran and Spike Jenkins give him a round of applause from the rudos corner as well, sending the crowd into a shower of boos. “Not a popular athlete Omega Storm,” says Axis.


“Popularity doesn’t win you wrestling matches Axis,” replies Suicide King, “Only talent wins you wrestling matches.” Storm thinks about covering but decides, again to boos, to peel Carpenter off the canvas again and lock in a tight side headlock, setting Carpenter up for a suplex. Storm lifts Carpenter up vertical then drops him straight down, driving him shoulders and upper back first into the mat with a Falcon Arrow! Storm grabs Carpenter, sensing a victory, by the hair and lifts him up for another double bending guts kick. Storm turns Carpenter over and lifts him into the inverted crucifix position, turning to face all four sides of the crowd before hitting the OMEGA CLOUDBURST! Omega storm, filled with confidence, locks Carpenter into the UNPREDICTABLE WEATHER, and stands aside. Spike Jenkins and John Duran both enter the ring, Spike sitting atop Carpenters back and flexes, while Duran and Omega Storm flex to either side. The crowd explodes into a resounding chant of “ASSHOLES!” while out of the tecnico corner Va’aiga and Blackwell explode and charge the posing rudo team, Blackwell dislodging Spike with a dropkick and Va’aiga spearing Duran with a powerful shoulder tackle, flattening the massive young star and then rising quickly to rebound off the far ropes and Rugby Tackle Omega Storm down from behind!! While Blackwell untangles Carpenter. Va’aiga leaps to his feet and screams out “MY HOUSE!”


“It’s Va’aiga’s house again,” shouts Axis. “the massive Maori has recovered.”


“This match may flow strangely, but that’s lucha for ya!” adds Suicide King. Omega Storm rolls out of the ring to recover, as does Aaron Carpenter and referees Kivell and Long send John Duran and Va’aiga back to their respective corners, leaving Spike Jenkins and Christian Blackwell in the ring. Blackwell takes Spike down with a quick STO and moves round to a front chancery on the mat, but spike breaks and rolls over, smacking Blackwell disrespectfully on the top of the head before standing to drop his 420 legdrop. Spike stands in a crouch, grinning to himself as he lets Blackwell stand, then Sweeping Blackwell’s leg out with a carefully aimed kick as Blackwell moves in for another judo style takedown. “Spike Jenkins knows how to mix his techniques to counter the opponent’s style,” comments Suicide King, “It’s his ability that makes him my favourite SJL wrestler”


Spike takes over on the mat with a headlock, then spins back round to a single leg crab, then trainsitioning quickly to an armwringer, showing off his knowledge of the basic holds, before laying back and applying a lazy grounded hangman style neckbreaker, leaning back like a Travis Pastrana Lazy Boy! Spike grins and mocks the crowd with a yawn, leading to a massive round of boos and a growing “Spike Sucks!” chant. Va’aiga tries to enter the ring by Eddy Long wards him off while Matthew Kivell checks on the hold. Finally Blackwell counters and rolls Spike over, but Spike breaks and stands, and giving the accusative crowd a dark look waits for Blackwell to stand before rolling outside the ring and tagging in Duran. Blackwell leaves the ring as well leaving John Duran in with the Maori Badass. “The two biggest wrestlers are in the ring now, and business….” starts Axis.


“Is about to pick up?” finishes Suicide King, adding “It may have escaped your notice, but business seems already pretty damn hot here. The fast paced action of lucha libre mixed with some of the best talent the SJL has to offer!”


Va’aiga glares at Duran who responds in kind, the two musclebound wrestlers circling each other before locking up. Duran fires off a cursory left hand, and Va’aiga is forced to give ground to dodge. Va’aiga swats a careless left hand back and Duran cedes a dodge of his own. The pair lock up and move to a lower grip. Duran takes a step round attempting to lever Va’aiga round in a belly to belly suplex, but Va’aiga steps through and counters to one of his own. Va’aiga holds on to cover…











TW… and Duran kicks out even before the referee’s hand has hit the mat a second time. Duran and Va’aiga stand and face off again, Va’aiga steeping in looking to lock in for a suplex, but Duran slaps Va’aiga’s arm away, spinning the big Maori, then hitting a quick belly to back suplex of his own. Duran holds on in a back press…














TH… Va’aiga kicks out. “Va’aiga is at a much greater risk here than John Duran,” notes Suicide King, “as a fall on him would end the match, whereas a fall on John Duran would only make it 3 on 2”



“I wouldn’t want to go 3 on 2 against such fine athletes as Va’aiga, Christian Blackwell and Aaron Carpenter” replies Axis


“Well if I had Spike Jenkins as the other member of my two,” responds the King crisply, “We could outsmart the opposition without much problem.”


Va’aiga grabs for Duran as he stands, pushing the massive Duran down to the canvas. Duran stands quickly, the young and hungry star unwilling to stay down, even against the #1 contender to the world title. Duran pushes Va’aiga, and Va’aiga pushes him back. Meanwhile in the rudos corner Spike is bouncing frantically on the turnbuckles, eager to get his hands on the Massive Maori and avenge his previous two losses to Va’aiga. Duran steps outside the ring and Spike leaps in, then before Va’aiga can grab the Hollywood star Spike rolls outside allowing Omega Storm to reenter the ring. Va’aiga barks abuse at Spike who responds by tapping the side of his head to show he’s thinking. The crowd boos Spike again. Va’aiga moves to the ropes to try to grab Spike and send him back in the ring, but Omega Storm capitalizes with a rollup on the Maori Badass!




















THR… and Va’aiga powers out. “Spike is trying his hardest to outspyche Va’aiga here,” comments Axis.


“Outsmarting Va’aiga isn’t too hard, as that little exchange has demonstrated!” retorts King.


Va’aiga grabs Omega Storm, giving him the look reserved for those who attempt a cheap win over the proud Maori wrestler (and Spike Jenkins generally), and thrusts the none too small Storm down to the mat with a forceful shove. Va’aiga lifts Omega Storm up and suplexes him quickly over, floating over to a back mount and hammering two punches to the kidneys of Storm before Eddy Long drags him to his feet to give him a ticking off about the closed fist! “Va’aiga is cheating again!” says Suicide King, mocking incredulity, “a closed fist is still illegal in Lucha!”


Va’aiga draws breath deeply and whips Omega Storm into the ropes, then launching himself after the talented Storm with a hard shoulder tackle! Storm drops to the mat and Va’aiga leaps to his feet and growls down at Storm. Va’aiga lifts storm up and hiptosses him out of the ring, then rushes over to the rudo corner and drags Spike Jenkins in over the top rope!


In the middle of the ring Va’aiga and Spike lock up, the two familiar opponents exchanging a solid glare as they wrestlers jostle for leverage. Va’aiga goes to whip Spike to the ropes, but the cunning Jenkins drags Va’aiga back across him, blocking Matthew Kivell’s view. Spike drops to his knees and again, in full view of referee Eddy Long hits Va’aiga with a low blow. Va’aiga doubles up and drops to the canvas, and Spike drops to cover













TH… and Matthew Kivell lifts Eddy Long off the mat. “Hey that’s not right!” protests King.


“The referees are having a, well you could say disagreement here.” Adds Axis


Long and Kivell face off and Kivell, through some ridiculously over the top gestures, demonstrates that he thinks, from Va’aiga’s reaction, that Spike hit a low blow. Eddy Long responds by shaking his head furiously and pointing to his thigh. Kivell shouts his disapproval at Long, and Long responds by pointing at his shirt logo in an “I’m the referee, damnit” fashion. Kivell slaps Long. Long slaps Kivell. John Duran leaps into the ring, but Va’aiga gets to his feet to block him off to his feet. Spike goes to attack Va’aiga two on one, but Carpenter leaps into the ring over the top rope to cut off Spike. Omega Storm leaps into the ring himself and tries to make it three on two but Christian Blackwell runs out to stop him. “It’s breaking loose here, everyone’s in the ring and everyone’s brawling,” Axis comments


“Look at the refs, Axis, look at the refs!” Screams Suicide King.


Eddy Long and Matthew Kivell are exchanging some weak looking strikes as the six dangerous and highly talented wrestlers in the ring exchange strikes. Omega Storm and Spike Jenkins go to whip the pair of wrestlers that they are facing into each other, but Blackwell do-see-do counters Storm’s whip sending Storm flying at full speed into a charging Aaron Carpenter. The pair clash and bounce off each other. Meanwhile Blackwell uses the small bit of confusion to sneak round the melee’s and DDT down Spike Jenkins in the corner. Blackwell rolls through with the DDT and floats over to a cover, but Omega Storm leaps over in a big old fashioned Vertical Splash breaking up the cover. Aaron Carpenter jumps on top of the pile with TODAY’S HIGHLIGHT, bouncing off the backs of the pile of wrestlers onto the top rope, before springboarding off back onto the pile with another example of his Picture Perfection, his triple jump moonsault. Axis comments that ”It’s all got out of control here.”


“It’s always out of control. This is just adding a lucha element to the out of controlness.” Replies Suicide King, grinning.


“Are you making any sense?”


“Well Axis, you wouldn’t understand. This isn’t your sort of match I feel.”


“And you yourself are a lucha expert?”


“¡Rudos, rudos, rudos!” finishes Suicide King with a stunning Mexican accent.


In the ring center Kivell and Long have finished scuffling ineffectively and separate again to continue their refereeing tasks with their trademark varying degrees of integrity. Meanwhile at the far edge of the ring John Duran and Va’aiga are exchanging punches. Duran fires off a stiff right hand into the chest of Va’aiga, then a right. Va’aiga staggers back a half step towards the ropes and Duran uses this off balancing effect to fire a head BUTT onto the skull of the massive Maori. However Va’aiga absorbs the impact of the blow and Duran takes a half step off in response to a long cold stare from the Maori Badass. Surveying the scene Axis comments that, “Head butting Va’aiga is never a wise choice of tactic, given the immense cranial strength of the Maori Badass.”


“There’s nothing worth damaging up there anyways,” replies Suicide King as Va’aiga fires off a left cross punch into the jaw of Duran, spinning the Chicagoan backwards towards a turnbuckle. Va’aiga fires a second, then quickly a third and Duran slumps against the buckle, and Va’aiga capitalizes by first kissing his fist, then firing off a massive right hand, nearly sending Duran over the top, and Va’aiga waits for Duran to slump back down, dropping his Rugby Player frame down into a crouch and launching a massive tackle, crushing Duran’s back against the ring post.


“That looks like it hurt,” claims Suicide King


“Years of playing rugby has given Va’aiga considerable strength in the tackle,” comments Axis


“Union or League?” asks King.


“You’re incredibly clued in for a resident of a non rugby playing nation.” Says Axis, shocked by King’s depth of knowledge


“The King knows all,” smugly replies King, “And you should know this by now.”


Omega Storm and Aaron Carpenter have tied up in the opposite side of the ring to the Duran/Va’aiga encounter. Storm quickly overpowers Carpenter, not for the first time in the match, and blasts a couple of forearms into Carpenter’s head, rocking the Picture Perfect star. Storm looks for his Suplex Powerslam, but Carpenter slides a leg across to block. Storm looks for a suplex type move again, but Carpenter has the move well scouted and steps across again. Omega Storm pushes Carpenter off violently, and Aaron bounces off the ropes, but reshapes his body and wraps an arm round Omega’s neck, and uses the momentum of the rebound to fire off a PICTURE THIS Neckbreaker Drop! “And what a move there from Picture Perfect!” shouts Axis


“Ah it wasn’t THAT impressive,” replies Suicide King, as ring center Spike and Christian Blackwell have locked up, and Spike takes the advantage with an arm wringer. Blackwell reverses that and quickly armdrags Spike over. Spike gets to his feet quickly and armdrags Blackwell over. Another armdrag for Jenkins, another for Blackwell and the pair face off. Blackwell feigns a loss of concentration and Spike attempts to capitalize with another trademark low blow, but Blackwell shows he was leading Spike on by grabbing Spike’s arm as it drop low and twisting it round behind his back into a hammerlock. Aaron Carpenter leaps to the top rope and frames Omega Storm, Kevin Nash style. Christian Blackwell elbows Spike Jenkins in the ribs with his free arm and then locks in the double hammerlock as Spike’s arm comes out as a reflex reaction. Va’aiga calls out to the crowd, kicks Duran in the guts and gutwrenches him up across his stomach. “It appears the tecnicos have the advantage here.”


“And on this week’s $64,000 question,” quips Suicide King, “with his specialist subject the damn obvious….”


And then all at once, Va’iga drives John Duran down to the mat with the RUNNING MAORI DROP! Aaron Carpenter mortals off the top rope with his PICTURE PERFECT Shooting Star Legdrop! And simultaneously Christian Blackwell forces Spike Jenkins down and flips over to the NARCOSYNTHESIS! Aaron Carpenter grabs hig leg and lets his face contort into a scream of pain, knowing that he shouldn’t have to cover. Va’aiga leaps back to his feet and calls out to the crowd! Va’aiga adds a Mexican shout of “¡MI CASA!”


The always sharp Toronto Crowd responds with a chant of “IT’S HIS HOUSE!” Meanwhile Spike guts up in the middle of the ring and staunchly refuses to tap to the Narcosynthesis, despite the searing pain of the move wracking through his body. “Spike Jenkins showing great resilience here, he isn’t tapping to this deadly submission hold,” comments Axis.


“For all of his bad press,” adds Suicide King, “Spike Jenkins can be one tough hombre at times.”


Va’aiga rushes over to Spike and sits on top of Blackwell, pulling up on Spike Jenkins legs and locking in the Maori Crab while the Narcosynthesis is locked in! Spike screams out to the crowd a defiant NO! Aaron Carpenter moves over after composing himself and locks in a front facelock while grounded. Finally under the pressure of the three submission holds nods his head to Matthew Kivell and submits. Axis calls “And the team of Va’aiga, Aaron Carpenter and Christian Blackwell win! What a main event to top off this great Toronto show!”


In the ring center the winning tecnicos celebrate as Duran, Spike and Omega Storm exit up the ramp, Spike showing defiance to those in the ring by walking out undedr his own power through the pain residing in his body due to the triple submission. Duran stops to turn around and throw a couple of random bleepable insults to those residing in the ring. The ring mics pick up some of the conversation in the win.


Blackwell: Good win guys.


Va’aiga: Respect is due


Va'aiga turns and adresses the audience




The crowd cheers the main event star wildly as the cameras fade out


Axis: See you next time for more great SJL action, including Va'aiga vs Dace Night for the SJL World Title, for Suicide King this is Axis saying goodnight!

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom




- Upbeat shenanigans with Z and Todski!


- Tryst wears tights, therefore being more sexy than Kaine. Oh, and he beat him, too!


- Bad grammar prevails against the "Dark Rebel!" Turns out he was just a Rebel Without a Cause, and we all know what happened to Sal Mineo.


- Dace talks. How uninteresting. Er, INTERESTING~!


- Sean AAAAAATLAAAAAAS with teh UPSET~! in a close, close, close match.


- One team beat the other... uhhhhh... the one with that Viagra guy on it? Yeah, that's the team that one.


Card'll be up soon enough, eh? Live long and prosper until then.

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