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Guest Johnson1620

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Guest Johnson1620

I am probably the only one that noticed this, but Monday night during the Booker/Goldust vs. Flair/HHH match JR said something about Goldust's family being plumbers. Well we all know that isn't true, but what he said later was great. Then the King said so Goldust is the son of a plumber. JR came back with "If you will". I laughed my ass off JR made up bullshit about Goldust family and then threw a classic Dusty Rhodes line in at the end.


I thought it was hilarious, but I am sure since it is I who found it humerous nobody else does....If you will!

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Guest subliminal_animal

Why is he making up bullshit backstories for someone? Especially ones that don't exactly make you look good, and for a face?


I was thinking that might've been a crack on how Dusty did stuff as a pizza man and a butcher and a plumber and stuff when he debuted (I'm not sure, I'm very vague), but that seems unlikely to me for some reason.


And JR always said funny stuff. Like when Cheif Morley was wrestling in his "Chief" tights a couple weeks ago, he said something like, "Look at this! Who does Morley think he is with those trunks? The jackass thinks he's Chief Jay Strongbow or something!" Lawler responded with something like, "His name is CHIEF Morley." It was great, I was laughing for the entire match. I can't believe I didn't read someone mentioning that.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Dusty Rhodes was the son of a plumber so they actually meant Dustin was the grandson of a plumber.

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Guest Johnson1620
Dusty Rhodes was the son of a plumber so they actually meant Dustin was the grandson of a plumber.

If you will........!



That makes a little more since then! Thanks for clarifying oldschool.

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Not the first time JR has done that... lately, when Goldust does a bulldog, JR will call it "Goldust hits a Bulldog, if you weeel" or something.... I don't know, I know he's done it before.

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Guest The Czech Republic

Was it JR being funny intentionally or is he heading down the same road to senility that Dusty waddled his his way along back in the years of the Muddasheeap?

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