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Guest Nevermortal

When's the last time you went to the movies?

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Guest Nevermortal

I haven't went to the theaters in nearly 3 years (my last movie I saw was Little Nicky). I don't know if its been the quality of movies that have come out, or the fact that Ticket Prices have skyrocketed to obscene levels, but I haven't had any interests in attending a movie at the theater. Perhaps DVD has spoiled me...

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Guest CanadianChris
or the fact that Ticket Prices have skyrocketed to obscene levels,

That's been it for me...I see maybe 2 or 3 movies a year now. Last movie I saw in theatre was Two Towers.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Last week, but I go the every week.


I'm trying to break my record(21 weeks in a row)I'm at 5.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Final Destination 2 opening night. Basicaly it was just going out to do something with friends, didn't have much of an interest in the movie. Although it was one of the better comedies I've seen in a while.

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Guest starvenger

I saw Daredevil in late Feb - matinee at an older (i.e. no 'stadium' seats) theatre. It's $6 so the price is right as far as I'm concerned...

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Guest Flyboy

Last Friday.


I have Dreamcatcher, Old School, and Boat Trip all in one day.

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Guest MaxPower27

Bourne Identity the day it came out.


I want to go see The Hunted and Phone Booth, but I have to wait for a day off. I'll probably rock them both in one day.

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Guest HellSpawn

Daredevil, 1st week down here in Mexico, in mid march.

Prices here something between $2 and $5 american dlls.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I could go, and if I did I'd go to the $5.00 shows before 6. But I've not really wanted to see something badly enough to go to the movies since Two Towers, although next weekend I fully intend on seeing Phone Booth.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

Two Towers on Opening Night.


I just buy the DVDs -- same price as two general admission tickets, plus a few snacks...

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Guest bravesfan

The Recruit back in mid-February.


But the last two before that were 8-Mile and Jackass, back in early November.

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Guest areacode212
Two Towers on Opening Night.


I just buy the DVDs -- same price as two general admission tickets, plus a few snacks...

The opening week sale price of most DVDs ($15) is pretty much equal to the price of ONE admission ticket, and popcorn/soda around here.


The last movie I saw in a theater was 11'09"01 at an art house theater (I got comps). Before that, I saw Ringu in the same place, and before that, it was The Ring. Yes, most of my movie watching comes in the form of those sweet round plastic discs. But I'll probably catch Phone Booth next week.

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Guest treble charged

In September, I saw a One Hour Photo matinee, killing time before Unforgiven started.

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Guest Zero_Cool

Old School like a month ago when we had a sleet storm in Dallas..good times.

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Guest Brush with Greatness

Movie prices ain't bad in Canada. When the Silver City's opened up the prices were terrible, around 13-14 bucks. But now that they've been opened for a few years it's great. Incredible theatres with prices around 7 bucks.

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Guest jimmy no nose

Back like 6 months ago and for a couple years before that I went to the movies almost every week, but since then I've been going less and less and now I haven't gone in about 3 months. I don't know what happened.

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Guest Karnage

I went to see Old School last week...and a Daredevil advanced screening before that.

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Guest Blue Bacchus

When I saw Gods and Generals... Good Movie but I don't wanna sit in a theatre seat again for a while.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Daredevil (a few weeks ago)


Where the hell are some of you people? ¬.¬ The theater closest to me (Cinemark Tinseltown, Houston) is reasonable, with great seats.. ($4 per ticket before 6 pm)..but as a guy who works strange hours, and only goes on weekend mornings/afternoons..it works perfectly.

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Guest teke184

The last thing I saw was Daredevil, mainly because of the free pass I got from X-Men 1.5, and I think the last thing I saw before that was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.


I hope that's going to change with everything coming out this summer. Matrix 2, Terminator 3, etc.

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