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Guest Deebo

Is the WWE having Axxess this year?

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Guest Deebo

I think I spelled Axxess wrong, but I have no idea how many X's they put in the fucking thing so I just made it like that. Anyway, are they having it? I haven't heard a damn thing about it. Is anyone here going if they are having it?

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Guest ViciousFish

I'm not going but I'm fairly certain they're having it because I found a shitload of tickets on Ebay.

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Guest Brian

I already went today at 8:00. It sucked. I was six people away from Angle and they switched with Taker who was a complete asshole. They had two picture stands that cost ten dollars. Far less stuff than years past. The high point was Kanyon came out and signed my program "Who betta than Kanyon". That and Tom Pritchard. No matches or anything.

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