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Guest Galactic Gigolo

The forgotten angles/gimmicks of NWA:TNA

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Guest Galactic Gigolo
Cocktail napkin booking. I'm glad they book more than 5 minutes in advance. As long as russo's got the book and they refuse to have matches longer than 15 minutes, i'll never buy a show.

Minus NWA:TNA's continual little problems where tiny things are discarded the next week, the stuff NWA's been doing is very good as of late. What TNA's doing now is building up towards that fifteen minute, ***-**** match, and I like that.

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Guest j.o.b. squad
Whatever happened to their women's title thingy?

if you mean miss tna they put that title on bruce but they ditched the title when allen funk revealed he was not really gay

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

Whatever happen to the chick from Tough Enough(Can't remember her name).


Where the hell is Jonah?(He did fairly decent in his match against Disco (You call him Glen, I call him Disco)

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steamboat reappeared during show 7. i dont know when he left after that.


As long as russo's got the book and they refuse to have matches longer than 15 minutes, i'll never buy a show.


i guess you are a ring of honor fan, because the wwe doesn't even have matches past the 7 minute mark, nevertheless 15 minutes.

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Guest Tim Cooke

"Minus NWA:TNA's continual little problems where tiny things are discarded the next week, the stuff NWA's been doing is very good as of late. What TNA's doing now is building up towards that fifteen minute, ***-**** match, and I like that."


Care to show any of these **** matches?


Because in TNA, I haven't seen a match that I would rate more than 2 3/4*.




(Let the ratings bong hits begin)

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jarrett/truth 1

styles/low ki/lynn triple ladder match

styles/lynn/low ki/psicosis

styles/lynn 2/3 falls


6 man x division match (show 4)

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Guest Tim Cooke



Nope. The action before the multiple run in's and referee bumps was **1/2 at best and the ending takes it down below that.


"jarrett/truth 1"


I have never seen Killings in a ** match. This is no exception.


"styles/low ki/lynn triple ladder match"


Spot fu. And I have seen spot fu's like this one done way better.


"styles/lynn/low ki/psicosis"


Bleh, gimmick matches, especially these silly four ways, are worthless. Even if 2 people are in the ring at the same time.


"styles/lynn 2/3 falls"


A mess. Lynn is an average worker and Styles needs to be carried to have something good.




When Don West getting up and screaming "Go Red Go!" is the highlight of the match, you have some problems.


"6 man x division match (show 4)"


Elimination matches in tags and multi person tags are good. These are not as this was no good, especially when you have Daniels and Ki, who have worked enough good matches.



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ok, its obvious that you are either biased, or are used to two men doing powerbombs and rest holds for 14 minutes. almost everybody is anybody gave the 4 way match from show 2 four stars or MOTYC. and alot of people called the truth/jarrett match very good, along with the long awaited jarrett/styles match.


and RVD, no one said roh wasn't better than nwa or wwe.

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Guest Galactic Gigolo
ring of honor is so much better then nwa tna and wwe

Well, duh.

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Guest Tim Cooke

"ok, its obvious that you are either biased"




"or are used to two men doing powerbombs and rest holds for 14 minutes."


Of course not. Unless you call building a match to the point where a powerbomb at the 25:00 mark that makes a 13 year old kid do a jig in the isle way on 6/3/94 at Bukodan Hall is biased.


"almost everybody is anybody gave the 4 way match from show 2 four stars or MOTYC."


Those people are:


a- Smoking the ratings stash


b- never seen a real MOTYC


c- have no strict definition of how to define matches


d- are TNA fanboys


And for the match itself, Noble/AmDrag from Velocity (6 1/2 mins) had more moves, psych, and story than that whole match.


"and alot of people called the truth/jarrett match very good"


Once again, a lot of people call Shawn Michaels a top 10 worker of the 1990's, which is like calling Truth/Jarrett a **** match.


"along with the long awaited jarrett/styles match."


See the post above.



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Guest Tim Cooke

Tim: A mess. Lynn is an average worker and Styles needs to be carried to have something good.


"Now THAT is just crazy. *stops listening*"


Yea, really crazy. Because Lynn brings what to the table?


- He is a mediocre carrier. Who has he carried that someone else hasn't had a better match with?

- His moveset is okay, nothing great but at least he doesn't get too indyish.

- His psychology is average. He usually doesn't do much in long term selling and setting up major stories but he isn't horrible.


That equals an average worker to me.


Styles, in the TNA environment, is nothing more than a spot man. Styles has the tendancy to sell nothing, do highspot after highspot after highspot, and not build a match with any substance.


I have seen him in matches with psych, story, moves, etc, but it was usually the opponent bringing story, pacing, and selling to the matches.



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Guest RedJed

"- He is a mediocre carrier. Who has he carried that someone else hasn't had a better match with?"


Ummm Van Dam and Credible, just to name a short few.

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Guest Tim Cooke

No use.


But here is a shot anyways.


RVD hasn't had a match above ***1/2 in his lifetime.


His ***1/2 matches (2) are courtesy of Dan Kroffat in AJPW on 6/9/95 and Chris Benoit at Summerslam 2002.


The Lynn/RVD series produced more migraines for me than memorable matches.


As for Credible, his best matches may have been against Lynn. Doesn't mean that they were better than average at like **1/2.



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Guest RedJed

The fact that Rvd-Lynn actually gave you "headaches" makes me skeptical of your arguments, but to each their own I guess.


Lynn-Credible had an easy *** match for the ECW title at a ppv in 2000.

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