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Guest BoboBrazil

Fabolous Backs Out Of Cena's Challenge

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Guest Anglesault

Oh well. Life goes on.



Ashanti? Heard of her. Good enough for me.

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Guest Banky
On Velocity they said the Cena rap would be on Heat.



Fuck Fabolous selling Cena out.

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Guest Choken One

Wait..Mania is Four Hours and YET Cena, RVD and Limp Bizkit are playing on Heat? Just how long are they giving Hogan/McMahon? an Impromtu Iron Man Match?

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Guest BionicRedneck

Good. Demote this crap to Heat and give the spare 5-10 minutes of PPV time to something useful.

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Guest Choken One

Bullshit...That is at least 20 minutes that won't go to the good stuff but to the crap...

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Guest Brian

A bunch of my friends and I went to the hotel last night before going out and hung out there for an hour, and Cena came out and did a battle with some random guy who challenged him. Someone was taping it so it'll probably end up on the internet, but Cena said "You better keep on playing pick up sticks; because even with my dick you couldn't pick up chicks" or something to that effect, a line about hiding under a hard rock like Osama, something about being blown to pieces like Saddam, and something about "me winning final four and you not even making NIT". He's definately the next shot at a cross-over star. Orton has the charisma to be a supporting guy, and Benjamin, Lesnar, and Angle all have the legitimacy.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones
Oh well. Life goes on.

Ashanti? Heard of her. Good enough for me.

It's funny how simply 'hearing o'f someone validates their appearance on the card regardless of how much they truly suck. Ashanti as exactly 1/100th of Fabolous' talent in her chosen field. If that. Her Murder Inc. cronies and Limp Bizkit are on the same level as far as how much people HATE them I'll give them that. She'd better be glad she's singing something patriotic or she'd get booed like they did her sorry ass at the Super Bowl halftime show.


At any rate, I don't see Cena taking on ANY established or signed rap artist simply because they're not gonna let Cena win the "battle" (which I doubt is even the plan since Cena is a HEEL, and he'll lose and throw a tantrum after his loss) and they're not gonna let Cena beat them down or anything else potentially damaging to their image afterwards. I can't even think of any female rappers who'd agree to that.


Maybe Cena should challenge Cindy Margolis.

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Guest Redhawk

What's Master P up to? He likes wrestling. If not him, bring in one of the other No Limit Soldiers. I'm sure Swoll would qualify as a HOSS; he could get a contract and be pushed as the next Ahmed Johnson.

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