Guest TSMAdmin Report post Posted March 30, 2003 Before I start, I was actually one of the few people on this site to actually ORDER No Way Out. I figured I’d post my thoughts on this lackluster show. Chris Jericho vs. Jeff Hardy I gotta hand it to Jericho, he carried Jeff pretty damn well in this match, but there wasn't anything he could do about Jeff blowing spots, which he did many times in this match. Still, blown spots aside, Jericho worked pretty well with Jeff. I was a little pissed that Hardy kicked out of the Lionsault though... jeez, when will Jericho get a credible finisher? Man, they really gave it to HBK when he came out at first, but the boos quickly turned to cheers. **1/4 Storm and Regal vs. RVD and Kane I thought this would be the opener, but I guessed wrong. The Storm and Van Dam segments of the match were pretty good, and even Regal had some nice exchanges with Van Dam. Everyone saw some sort of screw job ending coming, leading to a Van Dam vs. Kane match at Wrestlemania. Eh, it was your standard opening tag (even though it wasn't the opener). ** Billy Kidman vs. Matt Hardy They gave this match enough time to shine and they came through with a decent contest. Thankfully Matt came out on top. I was worried that he would lose when Kidman and he did the tired reverse the superplex into SSP spot, but Shannon made the save and I go home happy. **½ The Undertaker vs. The Big Show During this match I: Took a piss, threw some White Castle burgers in the microwave, and fell asleep during the few bits of the match I saw. A-Train vs. UT at Wrestlemania? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! * Brock Lesnar and Chris Benoit vs. Team Angle Well that was... strange. The match itself was decent for a handicapped match, but uhhh... I wouldn't have really put Brock and Benoit over THREE CHAMPIONS. *** Triple H vs. Scott Steiner AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Holy crap did the crowd lace into Steiner AGAIN. This wasn't quite AS bad as their Royal Rumble match, but it was still fucking horrible. To give you an idea of how bad Steiner was... I was actually CHEERING HHH ON. Steiner gets booed on TWO straight PPVs, despite being RAW's "Number one face." When will WWE learn? Oh well, I'm hoping that Steiner won't have a job after tonight. Side note: The crowd really gave it to Hebner with the "YOU SCREWED BRET" chants throughout the entire match. DUD Austin vs. Bischoff This wasn't really a match, just Austin beating the hell out of Bischoff. It was awesome to see him back though, I marked out. Eh, I can't really rate this one, it was just a stunner fest. JR's orgasming was HILARIOUS. Hogan vs. Rock II Very... substandard, as I had predicted. Hogan showed his age, and The Rock couldn't work wonders this time around. His new entrance and music are kind of cool though, but maybe a tad too long. His entrance is longer than HHH's, to give you an idea of what I'm talking about. Another Montreal screw job helped The Rock win this one, and we have Vince vs. Hogan nicely set up for Wrestlemania. * Overall: Nothing really standout about this PPV, except for the fact that Austin returned. If you missed it, I wouldn't cry about it, it just wasn't anything special. Oh well, at least it's over and the Road to Wrestlemania will be kicked into full gear. **1/4 Quote of the Week: “If you’re laying broken down and beaten up in a hospital bed, then EVOLUTION has just passed you by.” - Triple H How ironic. In case you haven’t heard, both Batista and Randy Orton are down with injuries. Hmm, I wonder if they'll follow the lead from their all powerful ruler and continue to eat up valuable television time despite being injured. Alright, on to this week’s show. The show starts off with Bischoff announcing Austin’s appearance next week on RAW, and his announcement of The Rock jumping ship to RAW. The pyro goes off and it’s time for this week’s edition of WWE Heat. This week’s show is yet again hosted by the worst announce team out there, Lita and Jonathan Coachman. Here comes Rico to start things off. Decent crowd heat for the stylist. His opponent this week is Maven, who gets a gigantic pop. Match One: Rico vs. Maven They tie-up to start, top wristlock by Maven. Hammerlock by Rico into a side headlock, and Maven fights out with a Hammerlock of his own. Rico counters with another hammerlock, but Maven snapmares out of it. They get in each other’s faces, and Rico slaps Maven. Rico gets hit with a Maven clothesline and two scoop slams for two. Nice karate kicks by Rico in the corner. At this point a huge “Rico sucks” chant starts. Two count by Rico. Rico chokes Maven over the second rope, and then locks in a rear chinlock in between the second and top rope. Neckbreaker by Rico for two. Rear chinlock by Rico, Maven powers out, but gets hit with an elbow drop for two. Rico locks in THE CLAW, but Maven eventually chops out. Spin kick to the nuts by Rico, followed by a martial arts kick to the face. Rico hits a few uppercuts to the back for two. Jawbreaker by Maven out of desperation. Rico tries for a spinkick but Maven ducks. Maven hits a spinning back elbow and the DROPKICK OF DOOM~! For two. Neckbreaker by Maven for two. Rico slaps Maven, but Maven hits a flapjack and heads for the top rope. Missile dropkick by Maven for the win. Short and sweet. *1/4 The main event for tonight is Steven Richards vs. Rob Van Dam, who continues to get buried by being on Heat. Victoria vs. Molly is next, after these messages from our sponsors. Wait, I guess Victoria vs. Molly isn’t next, because here’s Al Snow to wrestle Bobby Rood. Match Two: Al Snow vs. Bobby Rood Tie-up to start, fireman’s carry into an armbar by Snow. Coach informs us that Limp Bizkit will be performing at Wrestlemania this year, much to my dismay. Hammerlock by Snow, Rood tries to elbow out but gets Overhead belly to belly suplexed by Al, followed by a hiptoss. Armdrag by Al Snow, right into the armbar. Rood tries to fight out, and does with a shove to the mat. Clothesline by Rood, followed by a kick to the midsection. Rood tries for the whip and kick to the midsection again, but Snow rolls him up for two. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Rood, which Coach calls a modified neckbreaker. Rood works on Snow in the corner with some stomps. Clothesline by Snow, followed by the HEADBUTTS OF DOOM and a Northern Lights Suplex. Backdrop by Snow, followed by the SNOW PLOW for the win. Man, it’s been a while since we’ve seen that one. Al gets a huge pop from the crowd. *, Squash Commercials follow. RAW Recap: The Rock cuts a promo Man, I’ve really missed The Rock. He can still bring it on the mic in the heel role. The Rock vs. Steve Austin might be a bit tiresome as it’s been done so many times, but it should be entertaining, especially with The Rock now in the heel role again. Molly vs. Victoria is up next, after these commercials. Lugz Boot of the Week The boot of the week this week is Chris Jericho locking Stacy Keibler in the Walls of Jericho, and Shawn Michaels saving her with a superkick to Christian. Here comes the ultra hot Victoria accompanied by Steven Richards. Her opponent this week is Molly who actually gets some face pops and has a new look. It looks like the “fat ass virgin” gimmick is finally done with for good. Match Two: Women’s Title Match: Victoria vs. Molly Holly This should be pretty good, as these are two of the best female wrestlers WWE has to offer. Tie-up to start, side headlock by Victoria. Molly fights off and locks Victoria in a headlock. Bridging pin by Molly, bridged out by Victoria. Rollup by Molly for two. Slap by Molly to the face, but Victoria fights back with some brawling. Molly jumps to the second rope, Victoria charges at her but Molly leapfrogs her and hits a head scissors. Big kick to the midsection by Victoria on Molly. Hair pulling snapmare by Victoria. Snap suplex by Victoria followed by an elbow drop. Molly gets whipped into the corner, but she jumps to the apron. Richards pulls her down to the floor, and Victoria baseball slides her. Coach calls the baseball slide a “sliding dropkick.” Stalling Vertical Suplex by Victoria for two. Scoop Slam by Victoria for two, followed by a slingshot somersault leg drop which misses. Dropkick to the face by Molly for two. Bridging pin by Molly for two. Irish whip followed by a clothesline by Molly, followed by another and a flipping neckbreaker for two. Molly climbs for the top and misses a cross body. Victoria hits the WIDOW’S PEAK for the win. Not bad. *1/2 Commercials follow. RAW Recap: 20 Man Battle Royal for Number 1 Contendership Great heel antics by The Rock on commentary, and HOLY CRAP, Booker T actually threw The Rock out and won! Too bad he’s just being fed to Triple H at Wrestlemania... They shill The Rock and Austin as being at RAW tonight. RVD vs. Steven Richards is next, after these commercials. WWE Slam of the Week Kane’s accidental chokeslam on Rob Van Dam. That was awkward... Main Event: Rob Van Dam vs. Steven Richards Here comes RVD to a big pop. His opponent is Steven Richards. This should be a good match. The crowd is really hot for RVD for this one. Tie up to start, side headlock by Richards followed by a shoulderblock. Richards poses, but Van Dam trips him up and they tie up again. Side headlock by RVD, Richards whips out of it but gets hit with shoulderblock. RVD goes for a standing moonsault but misses... but balances and hits a spin kick and a standing moonsault for two. Richards rolls out of the ring and RVD poses some more. Richards pulls RVD to the outside and the EC-DUB chants start. RVD sets Richards across the barricade and hits a spinning legdrop off of the apron. Slingshot legdrop by RVD into the ring for two. Richards gets up and chops RVD. He tries for the Steven-plex, but Van Dam turns it into a Northern Lights Suplex for two. REALLY STIFF Back suplex by Richards, DAMN RVD landed right on his head. Richards stomps away, and hits a neckbreaker on Van Dam for two. Snapmare by Richards, showing nice psychology working on the neck. He works on the neck some more with a Camel Clutch. RVD elbows out, but gets pulled down to the mat by his hair by Richards. RVD hits his enziguri spin kick followed by the rolling monkey flip in the corner. RVD gets whipped into the corner, but he jumps to the second rope and hits the karate kick for two. Suplex by Van Dam for two. Irish whip by Van Dam, but he telegraphs it. Stevie tries for the Stevie kick, but RVD backs him into the corner and hits a battering ram, does a backflip but gets kicked in the face. Richards runs at him but gets hit with a spin kick and RVD nails the Rolling Thunder. Five Star Frog Splash off the top for the win. Pretty sweet match for the time it was given. **½ The shill Austin’s return to RAW before the show ends. Overall: Well, we got a killer main event tonight, a pretty sweet women’s match, an Al Snow squash and a nice effort by Maven and Rico. All in all, this was a pretty solid Heat. Definitely above average. Peter "FakeRazor" Ramoncolor> As always, you can reach me here. whacked Out wrestling'>Archives Share this post Link to post Share on other sites