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Guest Youth N Asia

How long can they hide how bad Nathan Jones is?

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Guest buffybeast

Sadly, I must concur with everyone else's opinion of Jones. He looked lost and pretty awful last night. I was shocked the WWE pulled him out of his big debut. He must really stink.

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Guest Mattdotcom

Thirty years from now...


COLE: Oh, my God! C-Train and A-Train have stolen the motor from Nathan Jones's prized Rascal scooter! How will he get to the ring for his big debut?


(We pan out and see Vince looking into a snowglobe. Shane enters wearing coveralls.)


SHANE: Did he give you much trouble?


STEPH: Noooooooo! He just keeps staring into that thing!


HHH: I wonder-uh...what he sees....in THERE?!

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Guest notJames

I'd suggest putting Jones in the Jim Dotson/Head of Security spot, but it probably wouldn't be wise to put all those innocent bystanders in that kind of danger, especially if they have glow sticks or shiny metal jewelry on.


Vince really stepped in it this time when he hired the Blunder from Down Under. Hopefully Goldberg follows suit and proves how useless he is... quickly.

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Guest creativename
Take a look at how Joanie looked like a pregnant cow whenever she "wrestled" and you've got an idea of how disasterous that can be.  Or take a look at anybody billed as "the World's Strongest Man" who wrestled.

Do not EVER mock the greatness that was Dino Bravo.

I really, truly don't want to do this...truly, I was a Dino Bravo fan...but...I...just...cannot...resist...the urge...



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I think Nathan Jones is Keyser Soze. He superkicks you in the locker room and in the ring, he takes out people so he doesn't have to wrestle. And like that...hes gone. No one has ever seen him again. He becomes a myth, a spook story that wrestlers tell their kids at night. If you run in on your pop, Nathan Jones will get you.


I believe in God, and the only thing that scares me is Nathan Jones.

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Guest NoCalMike

Question: How do you go from a gimmick consisting of Undertaker(of all people) teaching you a fucking collar&elbow tie up, to, two weeks later getting to debut at Wrestlemania!?! WTF is wrong with WWE creative & writing?

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Guest Mattdotcom

How long is Nathan's contract good for? Does he even have one, or is he a developmental deal? I hope they don't have another Mark Henry situation...

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Guest CED Ordonez
Take a look at how Joanie looked like a pregnant cow whenever she "wrestled" and you've got an idea of how disasterous that can be.  Or take a look at anybody billed as "the World's Strongest Man" who wrestled.

Do not EVER mock the greatness that was Dino Bravo.

I thought Dino was only "Canada's Strongest Man" which would exempt him from the rule.


Anyway, Nathan Jones actually connected with the spin kick without inadvertently killing someone, so I guess the "training" angle was successful.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The WWE can always get out of a contract - it's all a matter of drug testing.

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Guest The Czech Republic
The WWE can always get out of a contract - it's all a matter of drug testing.

(after urine test)


Vince: "I'm sorry, Nathan, but, uh...you, um...yes, you tested positive for various substances, and due to our drug policy, we're going to have to let you go. We wish you luck in your future endeavors."



HHH: (zips fly, poses, spits water)

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Guest AndrewTS
The WWE can always get out of a contract - it's all a matter of drug testing.

(after urine test)


Vince: "I'm sorry, Nathan, but, uh...you, um...yes, you tested positive for various substances, and due to our drug policy, we're going to have to let you go. We wish you luck in your future endeavors."



HHH: (zips fly, poses, spits water)

I don't think HHH uses roids anymore. They could just use urine from most of the bookers instead, though.

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Guest ViciousFish
How long is Nathan's contract good for? Does he even have one, or is he a developmental deal? I hope they don't have another Mark Henry situation...

Hell, I'm sure they have a way to get rid of Henry if they really wanted to. Don't most contracts allow them to release a wrestler if they are injured for more than 30 days? I'm pretty sure Henry has been gone 30 days with his ankle injury.


If Vince really wanted to I'm sure he could use the airport incident to get rid of Jones.

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Guest Redhawk

Ya know, I don't think they're trying to hide how bad Jones is. Who knows if he even is bad anyway? No, they're setting up the Taker-Jones feud. See, on Thurdsay Taker's gonna be like, "Dude, you totally left me hanging out there. I've got my ass beat before matches and I still made it to the ring. I should kick your ass." Then Jones is all, "Hey yo, I spent time in the pen. Don't fuck with me." Bam, instant feud. And then you'll see how good Jones is.


But here's a better question: What kind of brother is Kane, doing nothing while his older brother was short-handed against over 850 pounds of Hairy Hoss? Kane was in the building; he should have toook Jones' spot.

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Guest Brian

Henry was signed a while back (1996) so who knows what the phrasing of his contract is like.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Woah Woah Woah Woah...


It's not like Jones has never wrestled...people know how bad he is because everytime he gets in the ring he injures his opponent or himself...or misses everything completely.


The book on Jones is easy to follow: Big but green as you can be.


His hiring was inevitable. As is his push.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Ya know, I don't think they're trying to hide how bad Jones is.


You're kidding right?


Who knows if he even is bad anyway?


The people who have seen his WWA matches and his house show and dark matches?

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Guest AndrewisyourHero
Well, they've odne it with Taker over a decade.

But can Jones do the "DEADMAN OUTTA CONTROL" no-hands plancha?

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Guest Redhawk
Ya know, I don't think they're trying to hide how bad Jones is.


You're kidding right?


Who knows if he even is bad anyway?


The people who have seen his WWA matches and his house show and dark matches?

I was not being serious. I'm just talking like a Vince McMahon apologist would.

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