Ultimo Dugas 0 Report post Posted March 31, 2003 Welcome to the Gambling Results Thread for WrestleMania XIX! I sincirely hope Brock Lesnar is ok after botching the SSP tonight. In other news, I fucked up royally, I would've just broke even had it not been for Brock's victory. Anyways... Here are the updated standings: 1-Kotzenjunge 2300 2-NaturalBornThriller4:20 2250 3-Canadian Chick 2050 4-Canadian Chris 2050 5-Kingpk 2050 6-Sandman9000 2000 7-tpww7 1800 8-Original Orange Goblin 1800 9-Space_Cowboy 1800 10-DeputyHawk 1700 11-Ultimo_Dragon 1600 12-The Tino Standard 1600 13-teke184 1600 14-I’m That Damn Zzzzz 1550 15-creativename 1400 16-Bischoff Is God!!! 1300 17-Marvinisalunatic 1200 18-the r-train 1200 19-African American 1100 20-Hollywood Spike Jenkins 1100 21-Anglesault 1000 22-AM The Kid 1000 23-MrZsasz 1000 24-Secret Agent 1000 25-EricDraven 950 26-Archoan 900 27-Bravesfan 800 23-Slickster 800 24-chave 800 25-Showstoppa Icon 600 31-ViciousFish 600 32-doink 500 33-Zack Malibu 500 34-Downhome 400 I have decided to remove from the Gambling Game The New Me, as he has not bet the past two months. Hollywood Spike Jenkins, Secret Agent, and MrZsasz you did not bet on every match as stated in the rules, therefore I cannot accept your bets as it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the gamblers. As for everyone else that did not even attempt to bet, I will remove you from the game if you do not place bets for the next PPV, Backlash. With that said, most did not do as well as last month, as nearly everyone was banking on Mysterio and Jericho to win, and many for Jazz as well. No one that played lost money though, everyone made at least some profit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted March 31, 2003 I thought I took a massive hit. Looks like I actually gained $100. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultimo Dugas 0 Report post Posted March 31, 2003 Only $50. You got a lot of company around the top now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted March 31, 2003 Oh, for some reason I wanted to think I was at $2200 to start off. Patrick gaining only $50 = WWE doesn't know who's supposed to win matches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Space_Cowboy Report post Posted March 31, 2003 Equal 7th and a $600 profit, not too shabby. Good thing i didn't trust the WWE to do the right thing and put Jericho over, i almost bet a big amount on Jericho, but luckily i decided to only bet a small amount. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted March 31, 2003 $700 profit. Oh yeah. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MarvinisaLunatic Report post Posted March 31, 2003 I made 200 bucks. HHH, Lesnar and HBK. I bombed everything else, but those were some of my big money wagers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins Report post Posted March 31, 2003 Hollywood Spike Jenkins, Secret Agent, and MrZsasz you did not bet on every match as stated in the rules, therefore I cannot accept your bets as it wouldn't be fair to the rest of the gamblers. I had no money left to make the bets... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultimo Dugas 0 Report post Posted March 31, 2003 You bet $500 on Brock, you had enough money to spare $50 for the matches you didn't bet on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins Report post Posted March 31, 2003 You bet $500 on Brock, you had enough money to spare $50 for the matches you didn't bet on. Why does it matter how much I put down on someone? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20 Report post Posted March 31, 2003 2nd Place! WOOOOOOOOOO! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Tino Standard Report post Posted March 31, 2003 $700 profit from last night. I'm now up $1100 in two months of playing. Giddy up. Also, one thing I would suggest: When posting the gambling results leaderboard, I would put each guy's old total in parentheses next to the new total, that way we can see how everybody fared with that show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest creativename Report post Posted March 31, 2003 Good thing i didn't trust the WWE to do the right thing and put Jericho over, i almost bet a big amount on Jericho, but luckily i decided to only bet a small amount. I actually did the opposite--I bet more on Jericho than I was going to, because he's my favorite of all time. I bet $50 on Booker too, even though I knew HHH was probably winning. Also, one thing I would suggest: When posting the gambling results leaderboard, I would put each guy's old total in parentheses next to the new total, that way we can see how everybody fared with that show. You know, that's a good idea, but the more work Ultimo has to do, the more likely he is to eventually say "fuck this shit." Hopefully somone else would pick up the torch is that happened though, much like Ultimo himself did...ah, the Circle of Life... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultimo Dugas 0 Report post Posted March 31, 2003 It matters because you weren't in a situation where you couldn't bet at least $50 on every match. You could have bet on the other matches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultimo Dugas 0 Report post Posted March 31, 2003 I guess I could post the old totals if you want, I mean, they are in the orginal gambling thread. Here are the standings before WrestleMania XIX: 1-Kotzenjunge 2200 2-DeputyHawk 1700 3-tpww7 1650 X 4-teke184 1600 5-Kingpk 1550 6-Canadian Chris 1500 7-NaturalBornThriller4:20 1500 8-Canadian Chick 1450 9-I’m That Damn Zzzzz 1400 10-Original Orange Goblin 1350 11-creativename 1300 12-Sandman9000 1300 13-Space_Cowboy 1200 14-Ultimo_Dragon 1100 15-Hollywood Spike Jenkins 1100 16-AM The Kid 1000 17-MrZsasz 1000 18-Marvinisalunatic 1000 19-Secret Agent 1000 20-EricDraven 950 21-Archoan 900 22-The Tino Standard 900 23-Slickster 800 24-the r-train 800 25-Bischoff Is God!!! 800 26-African American 800 27-Anglesault 700 28-The New Me 600 29-Bravesfan 500 30-ViciousFish 500 31-Showstoppa Icon 500 32-doink 500 33-chave 500 34-Zack Malibu 500 35-Downhome 400 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheOriginalOrangeGoblin 0 Report post Posted March 31, 2003 I went up 450. Borck & Hogan saved as I messed up nearly everything else except for HHH. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ViciousFish Report post Posted March 31, 2003 I actually went up 100 bucks and halfway through the PPV I though I was fucked. Then I found out I bet on HHH and Team Angle. Thank God for knowing HHH wouldn't do the job. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted March 31, 2003 Yes, you can all feel as if you're coming close to the lead THIS time, but I'll be back up to my usual performance at Backlash. You'll see. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites