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Guest nikowwf

Are peeps too picky?

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Guest Downhome
I was just going to sit back and watch this amusing thread unfold but this comment from Downhome stood out:


To me, being a mark is just to be a Pro. Wrestling fan who allows oneself to allow the emotion of the sport to take control of them, and to just "feel it" when you can.


Yet, Los Banky, who seems to more or less have the same stance as Downhome (if there's only two sides to this), stated earlier in the thread that it ISN'T REAL. It's CHOREOGRAPHED. Hell, to be overly cliche and use the word that EVERY wrestling-hater has used at one point or another to put the whole industry down, it's FAKE. So where do we draw the line? What is "emotional enough" and what is "too much"? Can we allow it to take control, but not so much that if things don't pan out that you feel betrayed? Well?

I just love fucking Pro. Wrestling, it's one of the main things I live and breathe. The emotion to me is almost just Pro. Wrestling itself. I'm really down on myself as I've allowed myself to become a moron who just thinks of everything so badly, but I'm changing that.


Even when it's bad and horrible, I can STILL feel it to an effect. To me it isn't just a TV show, as I've said before, it's an experiance. Hell, I loved it '93 or so and I can love it now. Sure, the product has sucked lately, but there is still something there to love.


I'm not saying love what sucks, you can't do that, but just have the feeling of being a fan take control. I suppose this can only be said for the VERY hardcore fans, the people who just love it no matter what. I've been a fan since the early 80's, so it isn't just there for me, it's a whole different ballgame than anything else.


I don't care it isn't real, in my mind I think it is. In my mind I think of these guys REALLY going out and trying their best to win. I'll even tell you that while I watch, I actually allow myself to BELIEVE it's real and the such, and it's a great way to watch it.


Blah, I'm just rambling, but I am loving most everything right now.


Everyone is different, so like what you do and hate that you do, just don't put down someone for not sharing your opinion. It's a person to person case, there is no certain stance to go by for everyone.


I suppose that is one of the beauties of being a fan.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Here's another point. Food for thought:


I read in another board that no one should be upset over HHH alluding to racism and then beating Booker T, because, you guessed it: IT'S NOT REAL.


Thanks. Remind me never to get emotional when it comes to a wrestling storyline or match. Except when it comes to certain people, namely Hogan and Michaels. Those two had big feuds just over the last year that was fueled MOSTLY by emotion. Hell, the person who said the stuff about Booker/HHH PRAISED Hogan and HBK's matches BECAUSE of the emotion invovled.


So let me get this straight: we're supposed to be emotionally detached to Booker T, but emotionally ATTached to Hulk Hogan or Shawn Michaels?


Does this make logic?

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Guest Downhome
I loved Hogan and Vince brawling. It was a shitty as hell match but it was great. It had so much emotion in it and Vince dropping the leg of the ladder was insane. It made me want to be 10 years old again before I learned wrestling was fake, before the Monday night wars. Back to the day where Hogan was the man and NO ONE ever beat him.

I agree, I LOVED Vince/Hogan for many reasons. Every Hogan match, regardless of the quailty, takes me back to the days of being a TRUE mark. The days where I feel the man is superman and can overcome all, the days where when he Hulks Up I know that my hero is rising to the to again and doing it against all odds. Even if I don't like a Hogan match, the MOMENT he Hulks Up, I am a child again...and I fucking love that feeling, I can't explain it at all.


I admit I love the guy, he's the guy (along with Flair) who introduced me to this world, and for that I'll always be on his sided, regardless of anything else.


Fuck it, I almost want Hogan to hold the world title I am such a fan of his. I wish he had his own little Hulk Hogan title just so he could have it, because it looked damn good with him, heh.


Sorry, the Hogan mark inside came out for a moment.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
I just love fucking Pro. Wrestling, it's one of the main things I live and breathe. The emotion to me is almost just Pro. Wrestling itself. I'm really down on myself as I've allowed myself to become a moron who just thinks of everything so badly, but I'm changing that.


Even when it's bad and horrible, I can STILL feel it to an effect. To me it isn't just a TV show, as I've said before, it's an experiance. Hell, I loved it '93 or so and I can love it now. Sure, the product has sucked lately, but there is still something there to love.


I'm not saying love what sucks, you can't do that, but just have the feeling of being a fan take control. I suppose this can only be said for the VERY hardcore fans, the people who just love it no matter what. I've been a fan since the early 80's, so it isn't just there for me, it's a whole different ballgame than anything else.


I don't care it isn't real, in my mind I think it is. In my mind I think of these guys REALLY going out and trying their best to win. I'll even tell you that while I watch, I actually allow myself to BELIEVE it's real and the such, and it's a great way to watch it.


Blah, I'm just rambling, but I am loving most everything right now.

Well, you didn't answer as to where to draw the line and when the line gets crossed, but I hear ya. I would NOT have 200+ full matches on my computer if I didn't at least LIKE the damn sport.


Everyone is different, so like what you do and hate that you do, just don't put down someone for not sharing your opinion. It's a person to person case, there is no certain stance to go by for everyone.


To be perfectly honest, I found your comments in the RAW thread to be a tad arrogant. As someone who just wasn't into Goldberg in his heyday 5 years ago, I don't see why you should be telling me or anyone else who feels the same way what I should be doing. It's just as bad as some workrate freak telling you what matches to like and not to like.


Just my opinion though.

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Guest Downhome
Here's another point. Food for thought:


I read in another board that no one should be upset over HHH alluding to racism and then beating Booker T, because, you guessed it: IT'S NOT REAL.


Thanks. Remind me never to get emotional when it comes to a wrestling storyline or match. Except when it comes to certain people, namely Hogan and Michaels. Those two had big feuds just over the last year that was fueled MOSTLY by emotion. Hell, the person who said the stuff about Booker/HHH PRAISED Hogan and HBK's matches BECAUSE of the emotion invovled.


So let me get this straight: we're supposed to be emotionally detached to Booker T, but emotionally ATTached to Hulk Hogan or Shawn Michaels?


Does this make logic?

Oh my God, I felt the emotion in HHH/Booker T match, I loved it. I loved the story it told, and it was told very well. HHH/Flair did a great job working over Booker T using psychology, and Booker T sold his injury like a SUPERSTAR. Even though HHH took forever to pin Booker T, it still looked to me like HHH barely got out of that one with his ass, as the cover was very weak and just to me really made Booker T look like a true chalenger.


I also loved Flair's manerisms in the match, especially at the end, as he really looked as if he was thankfull as hell that HHH got out of there with that title.


Hell, I'm starting to like HHH's character, where he does anything to hold on to that strap. Say what you will about the quality of the title, but they are STARTING to make it look important by having him wanting to do nothing more than to keep it around his waist.


Besides, whoever beats him for it, have it be Goldberg, Booker T, Jericho, or whoever, they will look strong as hell.

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Guest Downhome
To be perfectly honest, I found your comments in the RAW thread to be a tad arrogant. As someone who just wasn't into Goldberg in his heyday 5 years ago, I don't see why you should be telling me or anyone else who feels the same way what I should be doing. It's just as bad as some workrate freak telling you what matches to like and not to like.


Just my opinion though.

If it came across like that, I apologize. Just what part are you speaking of that made you feel like that?

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Guest Mulatto Heat

I believe it was your first post after the show was over. I don't know if it was your first post in that thread, as I've only read the first and last couple pages of it.

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Guest Downhome
I believe it was your first post after the show was over. I don't know if it was your first post in that thread, as I've only read the first and last couple pages of it.

All I really meant is to give it a chance. There really is no reason to just INSTANTLY hate it before it's even unfolded. Call that arrogant if you will, but I really don't think people should INSTANTLY hate on something before they've really seen any of it.


All I ask is to give it a chance, because who knows...


...many of you might just end up finding yourselves enjoying it before it's all said and done.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

I didn't say I was going to hate it, but then again I didn't participate in any "fuck Goldberg" threads. I don't hate the guy but I don't particularly care for him. I just haven't understood the appeal... yet. Hell, I've come across several people on the net that didn't care for AUSTIN, for the love of God. My feelings may change, but I have to conjur up the patience to sit through a RAW (which isn't likely to happen soon, with exams coming up... arrrgh).

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

To comment on the beginning of the page...I give Mania a thumbs up. I was entertained by pretty much everything except McMahon/Hogan.


I watched the show with a friend who doesn't like wrestling...and he said...and this is no shit...that Benoit impressed him the most because everything he did looked great...and that Hogan/McMahon was the most horrible thing he's ever had to watch. This from the guy who started the show commenting that Hardy/Rey match didn't interest him because he didn't know who these people were.


Onto Goldberg: Fuck him.

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Guest El Satanico

Well, I believe I'd have reason to hate it before it started. After all I have never liked or cared about Goldberg.


Is it alright if i continue to dislike someone I've disliked for 6 years? Please opinion masters allow me to stand by my long time opinion.





You can tell when WWe is really fucking up the shows. The marks, smarks and the anti smarks smarks are all pissy with each other, are on edge and quickly go at each others throats.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
I watched the show with a friend who doesn't like wrestling...and he said...and this is no shit...that Benoit impressed him the most because everything he did looked great...

Comments like these please me a lot, but I never feel the need to gloat openly about them. I don't know why.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Well...I always think it's interesting to get the opinion of the market that Vince is trying to get at.


He also said that he didn't like the Taker match because everyone lumbered around for a while and then rested.


Yes...the force is strong in this one.

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Guest SP-1

I didn't respond because I went to town for a little bit. 'scuse me for, you know, having a life and whatknot.


Now, I said be miserable in general. There seem to be alot of people on here that bitch and complain about pretty much everything. If you'd pay attention to the whole point of my posts, I've been trying to tell people to remember that wrestling is, at it's core, storytelling, and that some matches at Mania were not the end of their respective stories. Deal with it, that's the way it was booked and wait and see how the whole story plays out.


But fine. Go ahead. Rip on me, rip on people that share a similar opinion. Don't really give a fuck. The WWE Folder has been a big, one sided joke for quite some time and I don't really give a fuck about it anymore. To the people that are holding onto the good things and being mindful of the big picture, I say good. Keep doing that, you'll enjoy Monday and Thursday nights a whole lot more, and one Sunday a month won't seem like the end of the wrestling world.


To the people who only pick apart what they think are bad things: have fun. Do it to your heart's desire. Ultimately, you'll be a bitter, miserable uber-smark who has forgotten what in the hell it's all about. My greatest comfort is that one day you will turn off the TV and go find something that you can actually enjoy, or better yet you'll be so busy talking trash to someone who is defending the bigger picture that you'll completely miss the good payoff you wanted but didn't want to wait for.


Have at it.

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Hey SP I may not agree with you but I respect you.


Don't let the people being jerks get you down.


I bitch, but I'm still a happy guy.......venting just helps me flesh out what I feel about wrestling.

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Guest Downhome

I wish people would start picking apart other TV shows as they do with wrestling.


Now THAT would be fun to see, heh.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Someone hasn't been in the buffy thread lately. We analyze every little thing to death in there.

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Guest Downhome
Someone hasn't been in the buffy thread lately. We analyze every little thing to death in there.

Oh my God, heh. I'll HAVE to check that out, even though I have never watched the show...not even once.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Downhome, I love the Price is Right. Unlike with wrestling where I got into it at 11, I can remember watching TPiR when I was five years old.


I often visit a TPiR message board so I can see what happened on new episodes I missed, etc. etc. And posters there pick apart things like you wouldn't believe. Which games are played, how often they're played, when they're played, which games should go, which should be played more often, I can go on and on....

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Guest Downhome
Downhome, I love the Price is Right. Unlike with wrestling where I got into it at 11, I can remember watching TPiR when I was five years old.


I often visit a TPiR message board so I can see what happened on new episodes I missed, etc. etc. And posters there pick apart things like you wouldn't believe. Which games are played, how often they're played, when they're played, which games should go, which should be played more often, I can go on and on....



The Price is Right?


I can at least understand Pro. Wrestling, but fucking TPiR!?

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Plinko holds the other games down.


I hate god damn Plinko

Plinko = over-goddamn-RATED!!


Downhome, believe it. You have no idea.

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Guest Downhome

To be honest, I always felt deep down that George Wendt was somewhat holding down John Ratzenberger.

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Guest Sakura

Again, my problem with this "be a mark again" thing is that I don't like the idea of changing my attitude just to enjoy the product. I mean I picked apart stuff in 2000 and it was still really entertaining. Why should I have to change the way I think and enjoy the hobby to be entertained? I think that's bogus.



I actually like Riley....


But Xander has been held down and buried this season. Even Andrew is getting more of a push. It's like Xander is on heat. He just stands around in the back occasionally making jokes.

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Guest Downhome
I think that's bogus.

No, it's who you are and your opinion, not bogus.


I'm enjoying the product a lot more now, period.

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Guest El Satanico

Come on man...Just try to be a Buffy mark again.


Spike's evil again...that's markout material there.

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