Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy Report post Posted April 2, 2003 No, Banky. Regal entertains Barron. Barron enjoys him. The only person around here that doesn't count for is me, remember? Thats right. Its because you're CHRISTIAN. RRR, you may have thought the Vengeance win was uncredible, but in the context of WWE programming it was. All of his wins were screwy, but I guess thats how they wanted it. I admit they need to get rid of a lot of the dinosaurs who use their political clout to veto things. That is what ruined his run. I'd even say Main Eventing WM 18 was more for Trips than him. But it still made his character seem credible. He dropped back down big time when he didn't even have a match on the next PPV. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted April 2, 2003 No, Banky. Regal entertains Barron. Barron enjoys him. The only person around here that doesn't count for is me, remember? If Regal doesn't enertain you I can change that but I can and will back up why I like him and why he is my favourite WWE wrestler. You're opinion would matter to me if you didn't constantly harp on the state of WWE folder and whine about how people don't like Shawn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Shawn has already proven that he can beat Jericho - he has proven to be the better man. Jericho making him tap doesn't really absolve that - esp. when it's not in a match. I think the Armaggedon Title win hurt Jericho - it was so screwy. His whole title run was a joke. Aside from the Storm and Christian distractions I found the Royal Rumble match was Rock's attempt to make Jericho a star. Too bad Austin and HHH had to get involved Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Thats right. Its because you're CHRISTIAN. I never said that. Bob, please give an example of where I've "whined" about people not liking Shawn. If you've ever bothered to read my posts I've defended him going OVER for STORYLINE REASONS. Not the man personally. So get YOUR facts straight before trying to call someone to the mat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Maybe your numerous posts about people not liking you for having a different opinion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Maybe your numerous posts about people not liking you for having a different opinion. Too bad it had to be me for calling attention to the fact that if you don't share the majority opinion around here you're bashed at every opportunity. Oh well. And that has what to do with your accusations of me whining about people not liking Shawn? Oh, that's right -- nothing. prove it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy Report post Posted April 2, 2003 a)The guy can get the crowd to boo him with a simple wave and can get people to laugh at him with a simple facial expression. What about his promo on 5.17.01 where he gave Triple H a tounge lashing and as a heel recieved a huge face pop. That wasn't a snob promo and neither was his promo at No Way Out. I gave the tag match at No Way Out 2003 ***1/4 IMO. Regal was never in ECW BTW. And saying he hasn't done shit since 1994 is inaccurate. In 2000 he had a MOTYC and dominated the Memphis territory. b) You're probably forgetting Armageddon where Shawn and Triple H battled in a 2/3 falls snoozefest that lasted around 40 minutes. The match at Wrestlemania was 22 minutes. Get your facts straight before your start calling people an ass a. Barron, he gets xPac heat. Not love to hate heat. No one likes him except you. His British snob character gets the heat, not him. If they dressed up fucking Harvey Whippleman as a British snow he'd get the same heat. You ahve the NWO Tag Match ***1/2 stars? Wow, not biased at all. I meant to say WCW instead of ECW. A dominated Memphis? You saw this domination? I have heard raves about his match with Benoit at the Pillman show, but thats was 1 match....and it was 3 years ago. b. Armageddon has more to do with Trips. His matches lately show he is the anchor in that relationship. Oh, and a 22 minute match...not close to the 40 minutes you were bitching about. And judging by your generous star rating scale, you better have given Michaels/Jericho ******* for their match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Zack Malibu Report post Posted April 2, 2003 I wanted to check this thread out for myself, and have noticed a lot of the Shawn/Jericho stuff going on, so here's my take. First off, I like both guys. I used to love Shawn Michaels as much as the next fan. I agree that he's not in peak condition...he'll never reach that level again. BUT, Shawn is still an entertaining character on TV, with an unwritten yet obvious gimmick of The Legend That Can Still Go. Almost Flair-like. The Wrestlemania scenario is debatable, because there are those, like Bob Barron, who feels HBK should have jobbed clean. Conspiracty theories will run rampant that once again Jericho is being held back. Jericho AND Michaels did a hell of a job in that match. It takes two to dance, and Michaels more than held up his end of the deal. It was a great showing by both. Michaels winning did take me by surprise, and after the match I genuinely (as a smart fan, even) thought Jericho felt honored to have been in the ring with his hero, and was putting forth the first step in a face turn...instead, Chris Jericho walked out of WM as a bigger heel than he was going in. Why? Because if Chris Jericho can fool one smart fan (myself), he probably fooled tons of them the world over. He tricked every casual fan, every kid who loves Shawn Michaels. Chris Jericho got us all. The feud is not over. You want to complain about not wanting to job, look at our man Trips, though this is not his place. Shawn Michaels winning is perfectly acceptable for now. Jericho started getting his revenge last night. Where will the feud go after this weeks tag match, who knows? I just think it's too early to judge, since the WM aftermath gave a whole new element to the feud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sakura Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Aside from the Storm and Christian distractions I found the Royal Rumble match was Rock's attempt to make Jericho a star. Too bad Austin and HHH had to get involved I have never understood this, or any talk about how Austin and Rock "made" Jericho and then HHH buried him. Didn't Rock like DESTROY Jericho's finishers in that match? And it's not like Storm and Christian just came down for a second. Jericho looked so weak in that match. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RavishingRickRudo Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Jerichos win over the Rock at NM01 was probably the least screwy of all the matches. I can't imagine anyone taking Jericho being the "first undisputed champion" seriously no matter how many times JR tries to make it seem important. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bob_barron Report post Posted April 2, 2003 a)The guy can get the crowd to boo him with a simple wave and can get people to laugh at him with a simple facial expression. What about his promo on 5.17.01 where he gave Triple H a tounge lashing and as a heel recieved a huge face pop. That wasn't a snob promo and neither was his promo at No Way Out. I gave the tag match at No Way Out 2003 ***1/4 IMO. Regal was never in ECW BTW. And saying he hasn't done shit since 1994 is inaccurate. In 2000 he had a MOTYC and dominated the Memphis territory. b) You're probably forgetting Armageddon where Shawn and Triple H battled in a 2/3 falls snoozefest that lasted around 40 minutes. The match at Wrestlemania was 22 minutes. Get your facts straight before your start calling people an ass a. Barron, he gets xPac heat. Not love to hate heat. No one likes him except you. His British snob character gets the heat, not him. If they dressed up fucking Harvey Whippleman as a British snow he'd get the same heat. You ahve the NWO Tag Match ***1/2 stars? Wow, not biased at all. I meant to say WCW instead of ECW. A dominated Memphis? You saw this domination? I have heard raves about his match with Benoit at the Pillman show, but thats was 1 match....and it was 3 years ago. b. Armageddon has more to do with Trips. His matches lately show he is the anchor in that relationship. Oh, and a 22 minute match...not close to the 40 minutes you were bitching about. And judging by your generous star rating scale, you better have given Michaels/Jericho ******* for their match. a) If he got X-Pac heat then the fans would've booed him when he was a face. They didn't. I have it ***1/4, not ***1/2. I, in fact did see a lot of his work from Memphis and he quickly got over as a huge heel and won the MCW title from Jerry Lawler. I was referring to Armageddon as being the 40 minute match NOT Wrestlemania. I gave the WM match ****1/4-1/2 but I'll have to watch it again when it comes out on DVD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sakura Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Jerichos win over the Rock at NM01 was probably the least screwy of all the matches. I can't imagine anyone taking Jericho being the "first undisputed champion" seriously no matter how many times JR tries to make it seem important. Yeah, I think Rock was making Jericho a star around No Mercy. But then in 2002 he and Austin completely killed him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Which was probably Vince's booking decision. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sakura Report post Posted April 2, 2003 They could have stepped in and said "hey, this is bad booking, lets make JEricho look strong"... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Or maybe there was a different long term plan that got changed or something. We don't know the facts. Bottom line is that it was Vince's decision. Which is partly why Austin left, remember? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sakura Report post Posted April 2, 2003 I just wanted to use that token HHHate reponse to "it was Vince's choice". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted April 2, 2003 You know SP.....I was going to apologize to you for making the unneeded christian comment. But I'm not going to. Why? Because you're an ass plain and simple. You come on here and yell at smarks and bitch at them for having a differing opinion. You tell us that we nitpick to much, that we should just sit back and enjoy it, and that if we were trying to be entertained then we'd like HBK. Basically what you say all boils down to "Hey if you watch it like me and share my opinion then you will love it! Disregard your personal tastes or anything you actually feel because what I like is best!" That's all you're doing. Then when we stop and say "Dude I didn't like it. Don't try to tell me to sit back and be entertained.....I didn't like it because of my own personal tastes" You get all uppity and whine "Well it's my opinion! Jesus can't I just have my opinion?! I hate smarks! WAAH!" You need to come to the realization that not everyone in life is going to like what you like. And some of those people are going to put down what you like. But just because they are insulting HBK and his match does not mean they are insulting you. It seems that if someone takes a dig at HBK you feel they are taking a dig at you. Not true. Face it man. People will always disagree with you no matter where you go. Not everyone will share your opinion. Now I am going to repeat this one more time. I do not like Shawn Michaels. I do not like the fact that he went over Chris Jericho. I found the match at Mania entertaining but would not rate it over ***1/2. Now you like HBK. You liked the match and you liked the fact that he went over Jericho. Cool dude. No problem. It's your opinion. I respect it. HOWEVER I do not share in your opinion. Ok? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest SP-1 Report post Posted April 2, 2003 D., I have never asked or tried to force anyone to do anything. All I have ever posted is my view on why it worked. YOU brought Christianity in this, and YOU were on the attack. It happens to every single person that offers a view different than normal Kliq hate around here. They get railroaded. Now I ask of you to prove your accusation, just like I asked Barron to do and he hasn't done yet. Provide me saying that everyone has to agree with me or everyone should. Quote it from me. Otherwise, you're putting words in my mouth that I have not said and twisting around the point of my posts to mean something I never intended. You can like who you like. I have always treated your points and Barron's points and anyone else's with enough respect to answer them with some form of logic. And I get ripped on. I have not shit on people you like or your opinions yet you do this to me in return? Fuck that. And fuck this folder if that's what "discussion" is to everyone in here. If that's all the validity an opposite opinion or view is given. Fuck it. It's not important and not worth the time to even try and seriously discuss anything. If I'd have simply rolled over and said, "You know, Chris Jericho carried Shawn Michaels to a *** star match all on his own, but Shawn Michaels should burn in hell for winning a match as a legendary face at WrestleMania in the MIDDLE of an ongoing feud, while letting Jericho walk out with his heat in tact." none of this shit would have happened. So sorry that I defend my opinions and my views and that you don't like it. Don't worry. I won't be around to do it anymore. I'll stick to the lower part of the board from now on and discuss my wrestling where it will be appreciated and actually discussed. Like at The Getaway or SmarkTalk. I'm going now. Bye. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted April 2, 2003 Thank god. Now I don't have to listen to your whining anymore. Jeez man. Just take a look at your posts from the last few pages. You were losing it over us having differing opinions than you. You were in on the "shut up and enjoy it" crowd. Well go ahead. Go somewhere else. I don't give a damn. But you'll probably come back and respond again. Just like you do everytime you claim to be leaving. What do you want me to say "No SP! Don't go! I can't live without your whiny and condescending posts!" And where did I fucking attack you for liking HBK or the match? I fucking attacked you for telling me what to think and how to watch a damn wrestling show. Nobody said you needed to roll over and say that you liked it. See there you go again on another one of your childish "everyone is against me" tangents. Nobodies asking you to defend your opinions or views. I wouldn't have given a flying fuck if you'd said "I enjoyed the match." I DON'T CARE WHAT THE FUCK YOU LIKE. EVEN IF WHAT YOU LIKE IS DIFFERENT THAN WHAT I LIKE. I DON'T CARE. LIKE WHAT YOU WANT. NOBODY IS TELLING YOU THAT YOU CAN'T. Now how many god damn times do I have to tell you that kid? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites