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Guest nikowwf

Need to keep HHH strong for Goldberg

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Guest Vern Gagne
- Kevin Nash is also expected to return tonight on RAW under the Diesel gimmick. Nash already had his hair died pure black at Axxess, which is an obvious sign of things to come.

Whether you like Kevin Nash or not, he's gotta be applauded for putting his hair in danger. Imagine if something goes wrong with the black hair dye.

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Guest Army Eye

Reasons why HHH going over was the correct move:


1) What has mostly been discussed already here. They want HHH to be strong for the eventual Goldberg match. After Goldberg beats Rock, they'll probably want to get the title on him ASAP and the best way to do that is a money match vs. HHH. No doubt they are kind of scared about what the first Raw-only PPV will do for a buyrate, and doing Goldberg/HHH ensures a good amount of buys.


You can say that there should've been an unclean finish, and that's one way to go, but look what they did with Austin/Rock. Babyface Austin lays down clean for the first time in how many years? That is a much bigger deal than Booker T losing clean, and shows that they are really trying to hit a home run with Goldberg.


2) Booker T was not really ready to win a world title. For the most part the crowd was not popping for his offense. Think about it, would it really have been a good thing for Booker T, to win his first world title in the WWF to a lukewarm crowd reaction/polite clapping? That's not necessarily a rhetorical question; feel free to answer it. They simply have not built him up properly for fans to buy him as a world champion. A pin over HHH in a ta match is ok IF he's already been built up, but he needed at least a few months of big PPV wins over established stars. This is entirely the WWE's fault, mind you, for not giving Booker T the ball sooner, but I'm just saying, if you're handed the book yesterday, it was not right for Booker T to win. There's too much of a chance he would've bombed as champ, and that would've killed him. Better to do it when he's ready. Of course that raises the question, will he ever get that chance in the future. With Goldberg and Nash in the picture, maybe not for a while. It sucks that the WWE does not have an intermediate singles title any more, as that would be a good way to prime Booker T for the main event spot.



I question the idea of having Goldberg and Brock be the champions of their respective brands. They're too similar. Huge guys who win with brute strength, manhandling their opponents, are babyfaces, and can't talk. But I suppose Goldberg vs. Brock could be a good 'dream match' somewhere down the line, WM 20 or something.

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Guest buffybeast
Booker T was not really ready to win a world title. For the most part the crowd was not popping for his offense.


That's because Booker has been shitted on by HHH and WWE managment for over a year now.

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Guest Army Eye

All I'm talking about is what was the correct booking for the match last night

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Guest El Satanico

Well, no one ever called HHH stupid. He always knows how to make it look like the only proper finish to a match or feud is him winning cleanly.

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Guest djsunyc
Reasons why HHH going over was the correct move:


1) What has mostly been discussed already here.  They want HHH to be strong for the eventual Goldberg match.  After Goldberg beats Rock, they'll probably want to get the title on him ASAP and the best way to do that is a money match vs. HHH.  No doubt they are kind of scared about what the first Raw-only PPV will do for a buyrate, and doing Goldberg/HHH ensures a good amount of buys. 


You can say that there should've been an unclean finish, and that's one way to go, but look what they did with Austin/Rock.  Babyface Austin lays down clean for the first time in how many years?  That is a much bigger deal than Booker T losing clean, and shows that they are really trying to hit a home run with Goldberg.


2) Booker T was not really ready to win a world title.  For the most part the crowd was not popping for his offense.  Think about it, would it really have been a good thing for Booker T, to win his first world title in the WWF to a lukewarm crowd reaction/polite clapping?  That's not necessarily a rhetorical question; feel free to answer it.  They simply have not built him up properly for fans to buy him as a world champion.  A pin over HHH in a ta match is ok IF he's already been built up, but he needed at least a few months of big PPV wins over established stars.  This is entirely the WWE's fault, mind you, for not giving Booker T the ball sooner, but I'm just saying, if you're handed the book yesterday, it was not right for Booker T to win.  There's too much of a chance he would've bombed as champ, and that would've killed him.  Better to do it when he's ready.  Of course that raises the question, will he ever get that chance in the future.  With Goldberg and Nash in the picture, maybe not for a while.  It sucks that the WWE does not have an intermediate singles title any more, as that would be a good way to prime Booker T for the main event spot.



I question the idea of having Goldberg and Brock be the champions of their respective brands.  They're too similar.  Huge guys who win with brute strength, manhandling their opponents, are babyfaces, and can't talk.  But I suppose Goldberg vs. Brock could be a good 'dream match' somewhere down the line, WM 20 or something.

i like your second point. they should've given booker the ball

sooner. but as for hhh needing to look strong. dude, he hasn't

been pinned clean in like forever (other than the hbk blip). it's

funny when jim ross would say wins or losses don't matter yet

hhh wins ALL THE TIME. but i can understand one thing, if hhh

doesn't win all the time, he would be on heat b/c his character


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Booker T was not really ready to win a world title. For the most part the crowd was not popping for his offense.


That's because Booker has been shitted on by HHH and WWE managment for over a year now.

When was the crowd popping for HHH's offense? The crowd was dead after the great (finish aside) and ultra hot match between Y2J and HBK. You know what I just realized...Booker T didn't even get to do the Spinaroonie.

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Who wants to bet that they'll give Nash a quickie title reign from Backlash to Judgment Day before he loses it back to HHH?

I can totally see HHH doing the same circle jerk routine with the title with Nash as he did with Shawn but really I could careless if HHH and his buddies want to fight over a meaningless second rate title be my guest. Last night for me at least wasn't about Booker T winning the title, it was about going over one of the bigger names of the company on the biggest show of the year. The only title that really means anything is the one that Brock Lesnar has now.

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Guest HardcoreMF'nHolly
Rock's not here, and Austin won't wrestle possibly?  Once you got to the 5th or 6th match of a Raw PPV, you'd be throwing heat matches out there.



who's going to buy a raw ppv when we see the same wrestlers

fight every week on free tv?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?


what the F are they thinking?!?!?!

No shit!!! I didn't even think of that yet. With Raw doing as terrible in the ratings as it has been (and just like you said "seeing the same wrestlers fight every week on free tv"), who in their right mind would want to buy a RAW PPV?!

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Guest Army Eye

I don't understand how that's different than any other PPV. Of course you're gonna see the guys on TV every week.


Raw's ratings haven't done that great. Neither have Smackdown's. The PPV split is a scary thing but it applies to both sides. Seems like Raw has more people who can draw to me.

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