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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Steve Austin on his way out

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

A lot of people in WWE have been talking about how Steve Austin has not not been happy since returning to WWE. As we reported a few weeks ago, Austin has been telling people that both his neck and his knees have been bothering him a lot, and that was before he even returned to action the ring. He is also said to not be ecstatic with the direction that the Creative Team has had for him either. In a sign that he may not continue wrestling all that much longer, he has been telling people that he is starting to "feel his age" (which is 38 years old) and is beginning to wonder how much time he has left in a full time wrestling position. I am hearing from more and more people in the company that he has been weighing the option of winding down his in-ring career. In fact, there was a lot of talk at the PPV that Austin may take some time off from wrestling matches and work more as a character in the storylines, perhaps as a rogue GM as a foil for Eric Bischoff.




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Guest bob_barron

I knew they shouldnt' have brought him back and it's now blowing up in their faces.


They should've left him in Texas where he belonged

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Guest NoCalMike

Well if he does plan on retiring, he better do some major job/elevations for some people. That way is return won't be a TOTAL waste.

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Guest buffybeast

Too bad for Austin. Hopefully he does what is best for him and leaves while he's on top. I'd hate to see him still wrestling years past his prime when he looks like a old gimp trying to wrestle.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

He's got 2 draws left and then he's useless. Austin putting Brock over, and Austin beating Goldberg. Maybe they should let Austin into the production meetings.

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Guest Sandman9000

If they can get both of them to stick around and behave and play nice with each other, Hogan/Austin would draw, possibly for WM20.

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Guest HartFan86

Yeah...Hogan/Austin definately needs to happen before their careers are over. That's a must.

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Guest Caliban

I could definately see Austin/Hogan in the McMahon/Hogan spot at WM XX. It would be the icon of the 80's vs the icon of the 90's. A fitting culimantion to 20 years of Wrestlemania.

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Guest Trivia247

its like Austin is Pouting every Wrestlemania time when he isn't in the Main event.


geez Primadonna. or whatever its spelled.

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Guest mw679

I'd love to see Austin bust out the Hogan impression again. Haven't seen that since his days in ECW. Funny stuff.

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Guest Choken One

Do you mean Austin to imitate him again or them to just use in the packages?


Hogan/Austin will draw FUCKLOADS of cash. WMXX would be the Ideal Location but I don't know if they can hold Hogan and Austin for that long...

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Guest Austin3164life

Austin should remain one more year, and put over a returning Angle at WM XX in the ME. Am I the only one that thinks that this is only the beginning for Angle to be the next franchise guy?

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Guest mw679
Do you mean Austin to imitate him again or them to just use in the packages?


Hell, do both. Show the old clips, then show Hogan watching on a monitor and getting all pissed off, then have Austin bust them out on TV and play to the crowd and all that. I think that would be pretty cool and it would keep Austin happy(maybe) and give Hogan something to do.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Yeah........I mean we all knew Austin would be so happy when he returned. I mean they've done such a GREAT job with him since he returned....I mean doing the EXACT SAME FUCKING THING HE DID WHEN HE WALKED OUT! Yeah way to keep him happy jackasses.

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Guest edotherocket

But he was a couple of notches higher at Mania this year which I think was what Austin was mostly upset about.


But yeah, now they don't really have much for the guy to do except do another feud with Triple H and a bunch of 'dream matches' with really old dudes.

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Guest bob_barron
Yeah........I mean we all knew Austin would be so happy when he returned. I mean they've done such a GREAT job with him since he returned....I mean doing the EXACT SAME FUCKING THING HE DID WHEN HE WALKED OUT! Yeah way to keep him happy jackasses.

Then why did he come back?

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Guest KingOfOldSchool

I really hope they get in a Benoit and/or Eddy feud though. He screwed those two guys over when he left last year, so it's only fair.

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Guest HartFan86
Yeah........I mean we all knew Austin would be so happy when he returned. I mean they've done such a GREAT job with him since he returned....I mean doing the EXACT SAME FUCKING THING HE DID WHEN HE WALKED OUT! Yeah way to keep him happy jackasses.

Then why did he come back?

Because maybe the WWE would realize how fucking stupid they were over the past year and that maybe listening to one of the greatest wrestlers ever, it might change things around.


Maybe Austin thought too much of the WWE, and it's obviously bit him right in the ass.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling
Yeah........I mean we all knew Austin would be so happy when he returned. I mean they've done such a GREAT job with him since he returned....I mean doing the EXACT SAME FUCKING THING HE DID WHEN HE WALKED OUT! Yeah way to keep him happy jackasses.

Yeah, because lord knows feuding with The Rock in the #2 match at Wrestlemania is the same as fighting Scott Hall in a midcard match... :rolleyes:

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Guest Will Scarlet

I cannot say I would miss Austin if he vanished off the face of the wrestling world. The Rock has added to his legacy in the weeks he has been back, while Austin just seemed to have been living off his since his return. He just does not seem to fit any more in the WWE.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

He won't leave. He would lose all credibility for the rest of his life...And wrestling is his life.

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Guest bob_barron
Yeah........I mean we all knew Austin would be so happy when he returned. I mean they've done such a GREAT job with him since he returned....I mean doing the EXACT SAME FUCKING THING HE DID WHEN HE WALKED OUT! Yeah way to keep him happy jackasses.

Then why did he come back?

Because maybe the WWE would realize how fucking stupid they were over the past year and that maybe listening to one of the greatest wrestlers ever, it might change things around.


Maybe Austin thought too much of the WWE, and it's obviously bit him right in the ass.



Austin came back so he could get his big WM payday and be king shit again

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

Honestly I think the only thing that would make Austin satisfied would be to have the title again and have the entire show centered around one of his Austin-McMahon style feuds, while all the fans are going apeshit for him. And that's just not going to happen.

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Guest HartFan86
Austin came back so he could get his big WM payday and be king shit again

I guess you can say that about Rock too.

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Guest bob_barron

Yea but Rock didn't come back after walking out on the company on two seperate occasions.


Austin came back so he take credit for the ratings on the Road to Wrestlemania and when he realised no one gave a shit about him he becomes all disilluisioned again

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Guest HartFan86
Yea but Rock didn't come back after walking out on the company on two seperate occasions.


Austin came back so he take credit for the ratings on the Road to Wrestlemania and when he realised no one gave a shit about him he becomes all disilluisioned again

Raw after Wrestlemania 17 and a couple weeks after Wrestlemania 18. Sure Rock didn't "walkout", but he left the company on those two seperate occassions for himself...and turning his back on his "wrestling fans", according to most fans.


And that's your opinion about Austin...but I wouldn't blame it all on him, Rock's the one who drew shit on Raw for his "concert", and the ratings back up my statement.

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Guest Dangerous A

Fuck him. Let him go. I just hope he can help build some guys up before he goes. Same goes for HHH and Taker.


Wrestlemania 19 was the 63rd PPV in a row headlined by either HHH, Austin, Rock, or Taker.


Ratings and buyrates are down and it's because the talent on top is stale. WM 19 should've been these 4 guys swan song. I hope by WM20 none of these 4 are on top. Honest to God I mean that with all my heart.


Fuck these stale bastards. And fuck Vince for keeping them there way beyond the breaking point.

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