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Guest djsunyc

vince on his way out?

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Guest djsunyc

i didn't realize vince is 57 years old. how about this for fantasy



we saw shane come down at the end of the hogan/mcmahon

fight at wm19. how about shane starting to tell his father that

he's too old and that hulkamania beat him. vince will then hand

the company over to shane (and i mean this in a literal sense,

not just for storylines) and have shane run the wwe creative



one can only hope cause we all know that vince mcmahon has

lost the "midas touch". and please god, no stephanie. let her

finish morphing into chyna so her and hhh can get married at

some gold's gym on venice beach and create a 250 pound

muscle baby.


this company is SO frustrating

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Guest Eagan469

Vince will continue to have his death-grip on the company until the day he dies.


I've read in a bunch of places that Stephanie "gets" the business more than Shane and will most likely take over should anything happen to Vince.

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Guest El Satanico

When Shane came out in a suit to take care of a "defeated" Vince I got to thinking, that they may be running a storyline with Shane taking over for Vince.

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Guest Eagan469

well, for storyline purposes and to get Vince off TV, Shane taking his place would make perfect sense

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Guest NoCalMike

All 3 McMahons are just a waste of space on TV. Vince is by far the best of the three as far as characters go however. As far as the "next generation" I hope Steph & Shane remove themselves from TV all together.

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Guest notJames

Hear hear. The McMahons already have enough untalented representation with RAW's fake champion.

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Guest buffybeast
I've read in a bunch of places that Stephanie "gets" the business more than Shane and will most likely take over should anything happen to Vince.

The WWE financial reports state that Shane and Stephanie's stock in the company are held in trust by their parents. I don't know what happens to that trust agreement if one parent dies.


I've read that Shane and Stephanie hold equal shares in WWE, Inc. I believe both Mcmahon children are being groomed to perform different duties within the company, Steph's being creative.


I don't think either one will have more control over the company than the other.

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