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Guest Redhawk

What matches are you looking forward to?

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Guest Redhawk

These don't necessarily have to be matches that would be at Backlash or even SummerSlam, just matchups that you'd like to see develop in the next year before the next Wrestlemania or maybe at the next Wrestlemania.


Brock Lesnar vs. Batista -- I will admit, I didn't even start thinking of this until I had these two going at it on Playstation. Still, I could see it being a good power match, definitely better than the Brock-Undertaker series or the Kane-Taker series. Don't count out that Batista could turn out to be a damn good wrestler: remember, Brock was getting the same type of smark-hate during his first few months in WWE that Batista gets now.


Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels -- One more time, maybe even two. I think these two could have a great rivalry that stretches out for some time if HBK's back holds up.


Goldberg vs. The Rock -- If you asked me in 2001 it would have been Austin vs. Goldberg, but Austin's lost something.


Nathan Jones vs. A-Train -- Just because I've never seen a quiet COMPLETELY silent for a match and I wonder how that'd be. And I like Lance Storm and all, but he could fit into A-Train's spot here. He gets no crowd heat.


RVD vs. Chris Benoit -- They haven't faced each other much (just once I think), and if RVD learned to sell better they could rip it up in the ring.


Team Angle vs. Dudley Boyz -- The Dudleyz did their best work with young, athletic teams (Edge/Christian, Hardy Boyz) who were willing to bump like maniacs. Team Angle fits the mold.


Scott Steiner vs. Undertaker -- Oh, come on, you wouldn't want to see this just for the comedy?


Test vs. Kevin Nash -- They could redo the HBK-Jericho feud, with Test doing the "I looked up to you. I even tried to look like you and I do all your moves" thing.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Benoit vs. Lesnar, on PPV.


That is all.


BTW Van Dam and Benoit had a TV match before the SSlam one.

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Benoit and RVD faced on RAW and SummerSlam.


Their RAW match I thought was the better of the two.


And I still hold to my opinion that people blast the SummerSlam match WAY too much. I really enjoyed it.

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Guest Choken One

Oh Yeah the Slam match was good but of course a lot of people put too much stock into it before the match convincing themselfs it would be *****.


Brock Lesnar Vs Benoit: Summerslam Main Event


HBK Vs Jericho II: Cage Match


HBK Vs Jericho III: Retirement Match


Goldberg Vs Rock


Goldberg Vs Jericho

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Guest Mulatto Heat

I agree about the ***** match part, also there were a few very vocal Van Dam fans that found it funny to blast Benoit. Well, laugh at this: one of the two got depushed since then, had his limitations exposed again and again, and was off the Mania card last night. Guess who.


Anyway, reading Choken's post saying that Benoit/Lesnar would be the SS Main, a thought occured to me: is SS going to be a RAW, SD, or a joint PPV? Because if they're going to alternate starting in June, that means that RAW will get SS.

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Guest Redhawk
HBK Vs Jericho III: Retirement Match

I don't think they should have a retirement stipulation, just because it would be totally obvious who was going to win. I agree that they should have a trilogy, though. The 3rd match could be some kind of gimmick match, but not retirement. Maybe a Last Man Standing, and Michaels can just retire after that.

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Guest ViciousFish
Well Retirement matches often tend to be obvious anyways...

Sure....for everybody here but back when I was blissfully ignorant I was honestly suprised Mick Foley lost to HHH at No Way Out in 2000.

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Guest edotherocket

Retirement matches aren't so bad. I like it because it re-enforces in people's minds the fact that Jericho retired Shawn and not Jericho beat Shawn and then Shawn quietly wanders off.

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Guest ViciousFish

That's really the only thing I can think of that would erase this loss from the memories of the fans. Jericho squeaks out a dirty win over HKB next month and then beats him in a retirement match in May, or even push it one more month till the first Raw PPV. Although it would have been better to have Jericho lose the HBK at No Way Out then beat HBK last night in a retirement match.

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Guest edotherocket

Except didn't I read somewhere that Shawn wanted to stick around for a while longer anyways? Shawn was never going to retire tonight. People generally only remember PPV results in the long run and to have Jericho destroy Michaels at the Royal Rumble and then retire Michaels at the next PPV would've been counter productive. When Jericho comes out on top at the end of this (hopefully long) feud, he'll look the bigger star for it. Especially if they keep cranking out top notch MOTYCs.

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Guest Midnight Express83

Retirement matches in the WWE are pointless because if the WWF/E kept its promise, Hogan would have retired in 1992 and Vince retired atleast 5 times since 1999.


Bait and Stwiches are pointless: Case in point to Foley wrestling 6 weeks after he retired.

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Guest edotherocket

I dunno, I still kinda think of Triple H as 'the guy who retired Foley' even though Foley wrestled after that. Not really sure why.

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Guest ViciousFish
Bait and Stwiches are pointless: Case in point to Foley wrestling 6 weeks after he retired.

Foley wasn't intending to come back. Have you ever read Foley is Good or seen Hardknocks and Cheap Pops. His coming back was as much of a suprise to him as anyone.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Eddie Guerrero v Matt Hardy


Jericho going over HHH


Goldberg v Brock


I'm also looking forward to Lita coming back and HHH walking around without the Championship belt for more than 3 months.

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Guest Coffey


The Hurricane ~ Chris Jericho

The Hurricane ~ Christian

The Hurricane ~ Chief Morley

The Hurricane ~ Lance Storm

The Hurricane ~ Rob Van Dam

Chris Jericho ~ Christian

Chris Jericho ~ Chief Morley

Chris Jericho ~ Lance Storm

Chris Jericho ~ Rob Van Dam

Christian ~ Chief Morley

Christian ~ Lance Storm

Christian ~ Rob Van Dam

Chief Morley ~ Lance Storm

Chief Morley ~ Rob Van Dam

Rob Van Dam ~ Lance Storm



John Cena ~ Chris Benoit

John Cena ~ Eddie Guerrero

John Cena ~ Chris Kanyon

John Cena ~ Matt Hardy

John Cena ~ Rey Mysterio

John Cena ~ Jamie Knoble

Chris Benoit ~ Eddie Guerrero

Chris Benoit ~ Chris Kanyon

Chris Benoit ~ Matt Hardy

Chris Benoit ~ Rey Mysterio

Chris Benoit ~ Jamie Knoble

Eddie Guerrero ~ Chris Kanyon

Eddie Guerrero ~ Matt Hardy

Eddie Guerrero ~ Rey Mysterio

Eddie Guerrero ~ Jamie Knoble

Chris Kanyon ~ Matt Hardy

Chris Kanyon ~ Rey Mysterio

Chris Kanyon ~ Jamie Knoble

Matt Hardy ~ Rey Mysterio

Matt Hardy ~ Jamie Knoble

Rey Mysterio ~ Jamie Knoble


I'll come back and edit later if I think of any more that I would want to see.

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Guest creativename
Test vs. Kevin Nash -- They could redo the HBK-Jericho feud, with Test doing the "I looked up to you. I even tried to look like you and I do all your moves" thing.

I just have to say I found that to be classic.


Here what I'd like to see:


Rock vs. Benoit (Rock's leaving, plus different brands, but I'm listing matches I want to see)

Rock vs. RVD

Lesnar vs. Benoit

Jericho vs. HBK, with Jericho squashing HBK over and over again

Jericho vs. Lesnar

Chavo vs. Eddie; this will probably happen someday, though I'm sure the booking will suck

Jericho vs. Eddie

Angle vs. Eddie

Angle vs. Taker and Angle vs. Austin, but only if Angle goes over

RVD vs. Taker, again only if RVD goes over

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Guest HardcoreMF'nHolly

Someone should let Bradshaw teach Nathan Jones how to give a clothesline by knocking Jones on his ass


Nathan Jones vs Bradshaw

Nathan Jones vs Hardcore Holly

Mysterio vs Hurricane

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Benoit/Lesnar is #1 by far, but here are some others that I would like to see. Just not nearly as much.





Any combination of Kendrick/Noble/Misterio/Eddy/Chavo/Ultimo Dragon in significant matches





There are no matches left on RAW that interest me much at all. And Rock is the only RAW performer that I really want to see (Jericho has fought everybody and lost too many times to really create much interest. Maybe with Hurricane).

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RVD & Kane vs. Three Minute Warning !!!!!



......what, it's not like it's been done before or anything.....





Anyways, 4 matches I want to see in the future:


Rob Van Dam vs. The Rock

Rob Van Dam vs. Shawn Michaels - Rematch, given MORE TIME !

Brock Lesnar vs. Chris Benoit

Chris Jericho vs. Rey Misterio

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Guest RicFlairGlory
HBK Vs Jericho II: Cage Match


HBK Vs Jericho III: Retirement Match

Be careful. They might have HBK win the 3rd match.

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Guest NoCalMike

RVD vs. Booker T

RVD vs. Jericho(again on ppv)

RVD vs. HBK(playing the current Jericho gimmick)


After that hopefully RVD jumps to Smackdown


RVD vs. Tajiri

RVD vs. Benoit

RVD vs. Eddy

RVD vs. Matt Hardy

RVD vs. Cena

RVD vs. Brock(they have a smidge of history)


Well, you get my pattern here?

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