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Guest ShooterJay

Who is the sacrificial lamb?

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Guest ShooterJay

With Nash out for at least another month or so, who is the going to be served up next for a "World" title "feud?" Also, what humiliating storyline will be given to the next victim?

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Guest Choken One

What do you mean Nash out for another month? I thought he was all set to go?

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Guest razazteca

Austin in a rematch #3849 but most likely some has been like Piper or Ultimate Warrior.

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Guest Choken One

I really hope WWE at least acknowlege thier hatred (In Characters at least) HHH went a year insulting Austin and then he in turn tore him a new one in his article and yet no mention of it...


I really say they oughta just go ahead and use that for The Bad Blood Main event...

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Guest snuffbox

Barbarian? Warlord? Nord the Barbarian? MaCauley Culkin? Me? You? WHOS NEXT??

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Gee..I guess they could have RVD vs HHH at another pointless PPV..

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Guest edotherocket

I thought Test had problems with management or something. If they made him face Triple H now, they would just have Test get buried and his momentum would be fudged.


What happened to Test/Steiner anyway. Isn't that going anywhere anymore?

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Guest Choken One

It's wwe...So Who knows...Suddenly On Thursday they might remember about Stephanie having Ameensia and have SNAP back to her former reality and she suddenly just walk down with Test and Steiner will take Bulldog's role...

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Guest edotherocket

Could be Jeff Hardy. He's got the book out now, he sells lotsa merchandise, Vince does a lot for the guy and he seems to be threatening to walk out to become a rock star so maybe a title shot is in order to make him stay.


Plus they have a history with the IC belt from a couple of years ago if they choose to remember it.

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Guest AndrewTS
I thought Test had problems with management or something. If they made him face Triple H now, they would just have Test get buried and his momentum would be fudged.

So? That would happen anyway.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

They will have to clone HHH for there to be a suitable opponent for him.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

Shawn Michaels or Kevin Nash. It's like 1996 all over again!

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