Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted April 1, 2003 Our first view of the arena tonight is...well, not a view at all. We can hear fans moving about, cheering and wondering why they are cloaked in darkness. Just like last night at AngleMania 2, the tune of a piano starts up, as does a video of water dripping out of a faucet, and the fans start going nuts. The beat gets heavier, as does the anticipation of the fans, until finally the name flashes on the AngleTron, confirming who the man coming out is. Zack Malibu. *Wake me up* Blue and gold pyro shoot off, located on either side of the ramp. Through the shower of sparks we get our first look of Zack Malibu, clad in jeans and a blue button down shirt, with the OAOAST World Title draped over his shoulder. Along with Alison, he makes his way to the ring, as his new theme, "Bring Me To Life" blares through the speakers. Wake me up inside *I can't wake up* Wake me up inside *Save me* Call my name and save me from the dark. Zack stops in the aisle, as the fans are simply overpowering him with their cheers. The cameras do the quick scan of the crowd, and nearly every sign seen is one for the Prep. Zack heads to the ring, soaking this moment in. Finally, Zack and Alison enter the ring, standing in the center of it with a blue spotlight on them. Zack still has a noticeable limp, due to the beating his right ankle took in last nights match. Zack looks at her, and she smiles back, as he turns to face the hard camera, holding the belt with both hands and raising it up above his head, as gold pyro shoots out from the corner posts. Once the sparks die down, Zack charges the corner, jumping up on the turnbuckles and waving the belt in the air, for all to see. His theme song dies out, but the cheers do not. A huge Zack chant, perhaps the loudest EVER, breaks out in the arena. Zack looks on, turning to all four sides of the ring to look out at the fans. Alison is handed the mic by the announcer, and she offers it to Zack. He takes it, giving her a kiss on the cheek. ZM:"I...I..." Zack can't get the words out, because of the cheers. One at a time, every person in the crowd starts to stand up, the Zack chants and claps getting louder. In virtually seconds, every person who bought a ticket is standing on their feet. The camera closes in on Zack, who's starting to cry. He holds the belt up again, drawing even more cheers from the crowd. ZM:"Right now, I've got tears running down my cheek, and quite frankly, I don't care. This is it people. This is what I have been waiting for. What you have been waiting for. Last night, I took it to the limit. I put it all on the table, and when all was said and done...well..." Zack lifts up the belt, trying to smirk but overtaken by his emotions. ZM:"I did it for me...I did it for Alison...for the OAOAST, and for each and every single one of you right now! All of you!" Tremendous cheer for Zack, as he pounds his heart and points out to all the fans. ZM:"I always said, it was a long time coming. Anticipation is NOTHING like the thrill of victory. My company has had my focus, my determination, my heart and soul since day one. Even if you didn't like me in the beginning, if you weren't "IN", to bring up an old phrase, you knew what I was all about. Every effort was nothing less than 100%. Whether I was up to it or not. Wrestle hurt, wrestle sick, I did it all. Last night was the match of my life...hell, it was the match of a lifetime. Anglesault kept me going for what seemed like an eternity. He couldn't give in. He wouldn't give in. And when you have two men so determined to win, wanting to pull out a victory at all costs, you get an epic battle. You get what you saw last night. You get me and Anglesault tearing down the house for a half hour plus. Blood was spilt, backs are sore, I'm still hurting from the pain my ankle took. But to look at this belt. To look at this girl beside me, and to look out at all of you. Those of you who have supported me. Who wanted this moment sooner than later...soak it in people, because the moment has arrived, and it will not pass you by, I promise you that!" Another great reception for the new World Champion. ZM:"Now, first order of business, because it always comes down to that. Big. Poppa. Popick. The #1 contender for this belt. BPP, I've been in your position. I waited out title shots longer than I should have. But that's only because we had champions that liked to run, play games, think they could turn me into a head case when the simple fact was that they were cowards. BPP, you've got a title shot TONIGHT." Big reaction from the crowd. ZM:"People, that's business, but right now, this is pleasure...because I'm Zack Malibu...and I am your champion!" "Bring Me To Life" hits again, and Zack Malibu gets another great pop on his way out of the ring. JR: Tonight, he'll defend that title against Big Poppa Popick in our Main Event, here on IntenseZone! JESSE: What a way to start off our new year. The two fan favorites going at it, with gold on the line! JR: We're going to the ring where our official has made his way down. IntenseZone starts next with The Gladiator versus Frank Sanchez! JESSE: Where's that beer? Commercial Break Frank Sanchez vs. Gladiator CUE: "License to Kill" by Gladys Knight Out comes Sanchez. He gets little reaction. JR: "He's a top Mexican wrestler who's trained with the Guerreros!" CUE: "Princes of the Universe" by Queen Gladiator comes out to huge pyros and a monster pop. He looks to be in magnificent shape, and ready for the match. JR: "Earlier today I filmed a sit down interview with Gladiator, detailing the origins of his character. It won't be shown this week due to... production mis-haps, but watch out for it soon!" Jesse: "I heard he attacked you! What did you say to him?" JR: "That's not important right now." Gladiator comes right out on the opening bell and lariats Sanchez to a thunderous pop. He waits behind for him to get up, and when he does, he gives him a huge big boot. He picks up Sanchez and whips him into the ropes and hits him with a thunderous powerslam. Jesse: "This could be over here: 1...2...NO!" JR: "Glaldiator is an animal who will show no mercy." Jesse: "He's just giving the fans what they want. If they wern't bloodthirsty he wouldn't be either." Sanchez hits a couple dropkicks that stagger the big man. He runs into the ropes, but Gladiator ducks a flying forearm and hits three stiff as hell Germans. JR: "Sanchez is broken in half, this match is over." Gladiator picks Sanchez up and signals for the crowd, they decide it isn't quite over yet by screaming "HELL NO!" Gladiator hits the TRIPLE POWERBOMB. He asks again "HELL NO!" This time he slams Sanchez into all four corners and hits a MOONSAULT. Jesse: "Look at the big man fly!" JR: "Gladiator covers: 1...2...3!" WINNER via Moonsault in 3:16: GLADIATOR! Jesse: Another SQUASH win for the HOSS by GawD JR: That's my line Jesse: You steal mine, I steal yours...Where's my beer? The following announcement concerns your hero at war Well, well. Look who's the new OAOAST North American Champion. I told you I'd do it. It was never in doubt. After all, does a Hero ever lie? I don't think so. So, to all my fans, I thank you for your support, and keep the letters and worship coming. But, even after this, there's one small problem. There's this joker by the name of PR Lighting going around claiming to be the "Puerto Rican Champion". Well, that's all well and good. Even though Puerto Rico isn't a real country anyway, it'll do the boy some good. Boost his ego. Make him think he's actually worth something. But remember, PR, that title means NOTHING. It's just a hunk of tin you blew your paycheque on. Now this :: slaps NA title :: means something. But you'll never know, because this title isn't leaving my possesion. So, parade around with your toy belt as much as you want, just get out of the way when a REAL champion is coming. And that's me ::chair swivels around:: Andrew "Your Hero" Hyland ::is shown sitting in a chair with the belt on his waist:: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted April 1, 2003 Interviewer: I’m standing here with the newest addition to the OAOAST, Crystal. So Crystal, how does it feel to be here? Crystal: It feels great. But this is just the beginning and I hope to go on to do great things here in the OAOAST. And don’t let looks deceive you. I will be wrestling with the guys and--- ::Black Widow walks in looking very annoyed and cuts Crystal off:: Black Widow: Who the hell do you think you are? Do you think you can just come in here and take over this company? Let me tell you something; you are nothing compared to me. You hear me? NOTHING! Oh, and wrestling with the guys? (looks critically at Crystal) I should have known you would like it rough. Crystal: A little jealous, are we? I’ll tell you what, you’re close enough to a guy for me. Why don’t we settle this out in the ring? Black Widow: You’re challenging me? Do you know who I am, kid? Crystal: Not scared of a little competion, are you? Black Widow: I was just trying to save you the humilation. Good luck, rookie. ::Black Widow cheap shots Crystal and walks away with a smirk on her face:: JR: Nothing like a catfight to stir up the back! Jesse: Or my blood rising JR: Feel the tension! Right now, another match! Jesse: Fine, yeah, another match... JR: No beer? Jesse: Interns... Mad Cappa vs. ZsasZ – OAOAST X Division Championship JR: “And as we come to the next match on tonight’s fantastic line-up, one has to wonder: Who in the HELL did Cappa piss off to get a match with ZsasZ?” Jesse: “I don’t know whether to be happy for him getting a title shot, or to call his next of kin.” CUE: “Ride or Die” by DMX (Out comes The Mad Cappa alone) Jesse: “What Cappa has to do tonight, is not allow ZsasZ’s aura of invincibility to take him off his game. He has the tools to win, he just needs to stay focused and hope ZsasZ makes a mistake.” JR: “Jesse, you know as well as I do that the odds of that happening are…” CUE: “Paint it Black” by Rolling Stones (JR is cut off by the opening strains of Keith Richards’ guitar as the crowd pops huge. Because, like so many tweeners before him, fans may not always like ZsasZ, but they always pop for his entrance. ZsasZ is standing in the ring, holding the X-Title and looking very confident.) Jesse: “Last night, he defeated his most dangerous foe, and tonight ZsasZ is on top of the world! Or at least the midcard.” (The opening bell rings, and both men storm to the center and begin exchanging stiff rights and lefts. The crowd volume is increasing with each fist that connects, and they’re just waiting to explode. ZsasZ takes the advantage and traps Cappa against the ropes with thunderous shots to the belly, but when he charges at Cappa ducks…and pulls the top rope down with him. ZsasZ goes flying over the top.) JR: “That was an…unorthodox way to get a breath of air by Cappa. And now…what is he doing?” Jesse: “Springboard dropkick…MISSES! ZsasZ has cleared his head… and not a moment too soon!” (ZsasZ begins pounding on Cappa on the outside. He javelins him into the ring-post and smashes his head against the guard-rail. He throws him into the side of the announce table, scattering Jesse and JR) JR: “ZsasZ is relentless tonight! If there were any lingering doubts about whether he’s recovered from that war with Reject at Angle-Mania, I’d say he’s putting them to rest tonight!” (ZsasZ throws Cappa but Cappa grabs a ring bell as he goes in. ZsasZ jaws with a fan, giving Cappa just enough time to NAIL ZsasZ with the bell.) Jesse: “I love it!” JR: “Dammit! I don’t like ZsasZ any more than the workers do, but not this way! 1…2…NO!” (They brawl back outside and Cappa nails ZsasZ with the X-Championship Belt, which he then tears in half (!!)) JR: “He just destroyed the X-Title! By God, how pissed will ZsasZ be now?” (ZsasZ goes nuts with uppercuts and kicks to the gut. He throws Cappa into the ring, but Cappa rakes the eyes and hits a Piledriver. 1…2…NO! Ref gets bumped and Cappa locks in the Dragon Sleeper. Another ref comes in, as Cappa releases the hold...Cappa starts to signal to the top rope, and they head to the top rope where ZsasZ throws Cappa from the top turnbuckle through the Spanish announce table!) Jesse: “My god! What a devastating move! (ZsasZ throws Cappa into the ring and hits Fearful Symmetry. 1…2…3!) WINNER and STILL OAOAST X-DIVISION CHAMPION at 5:45 via Fearful Symmetry: ZsasZ! JR: “But what will the ramifications of Cappa destroying the belt be?” Jesse: “I don’t know but, I do know one thing: Bill Watts will almost certainly be involved!” Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted April 1, 2003 JR: OMG~! A HOSS! [aside]In an attempt to get Terry Simmons over, the federation tries to get him over through a jobber squash. Jobber squashes are sure to get wrestlers over, right? [/aside] Terry comes out to some rap music, because rap music signifies your hip and cool. Jesse: Listen to that music, Ross. Only cool people have cool music like that! JR: These people are on there feet! Simmons then comes down and a piped "Siiiiiimmons" chant is blasted through the arena. JR: Can you hear that? Simmons is over bah god! Simmons climbs straight into the ring, opting not to even try jumping straight onto the apron. Already in the ring, is his opponent, Jobber X. Simmons does a happy dance as the piped heat is turned off. This results in the arena being so silent, it forces another commentator out to try and put Simmons verbally over. Coachman: Well folks, I'm glad to be out here, but I can't see how happy Jobber X is to be in the ring with Terry Simmons. JR: Bah god you're right Coach. Jobber X is as dead as a racing hoss in a watered Black Sea with a 50 pounder anvil bah god! Instead of a collar-elbow tied up, Simmons blows his first in-ring move and starts off with a shoulder-wrist tie up instead. He powers X into the corner and proceeds with a few knees to the gut. Terry follows up with a chop and a forearm across the back. He just pounds at Jobber X repeatedly like this for a straight minute. Simmons then sets X on the top rope and goes for a superplex. The crowd is amazed at how Simmons does not know how to work a match like this. Another commentater is sent out to cover up Simmons' bad first match. Cole: What a joy this is for me to be out here to commentate Simmons' first match! Simmons sends Jobber X to the ropes and hits a powerslam, pick him up in that same position and hits a fall-away slam. Cole: Wow... what a powerbomb and german suplex combination! JR, Coach and Ventura all give Cole an odd look while Simmons gives Jobber X and INTENSE~! look. The jobber squash continues as Simmons hits multiple powerbombs on Jobber. On the last powerbomb, Simmons holds X down for a pin, but on the 2 count, Terry lifts X's shoulder up to break the pin count as if he was a badass or something. Simmons then pounds on X more. JR: Bah god he's mercifulless, he wont let Jobber X up. Coach: And the crowd's loving it! The crowd is as silent as ever. "I thoght he was supposed to be a face?" asks a confused fan. A string of boring, slow, unproperly timed power moves are thrown left and right by Terry. Seeing that Simmons' heat is drastically lowering, desperate measures are taken as a generic blonde with big jugs is sent out to try and generate some heat. Somehow, Jerry Lawler manages to also run out from the back. King: PUPPIES!!!! To finish off the squash to put Simmons over, Simmons nails X with a gutwrench powerbomb and makes Jobber submit with the bearhug of doom! Jesse: And just like that, this spectacular match is over. Coach: Well guys, I am clearly drained from this outpouring of talent shown to me by Terry Simmons. JR: He's as talented as a professional rodeo clown in an amateur rodeo bah god! The unfortunately bad match is finally over and the piped "Siiiiimons" chant is heard once again as Terry makes his way to the back. The guy who just can't get over, still can't get over. JR: ... Jesse: You want a beer too? JR: Make it six Jesse: There's a promo in the back... GET US SOME BEER! (The screen fades into a semi-empty parking garage. There are a few cars parked about, but none are very good. Suddenly, a man comes running by the camera towards the entrance of the parking garage, where a huge crowd is forming. There, a pair of headlights from an oncoming car are clearly visible. The car is slowly making it's way through the crowd of people before it stops short of the camera. The camera moves to the backdoor as it is opened, and out steps...) Reporter: "JOSIE!" (Josie slowly stands up straight and looks around. Her blonde hair is put up in a bun, and is held in place by a pencil. Her eyes are covered by a pair of thick glasses, and the rest of her gorgeous body is covered in a white blouse and black mini-skirt. She slowly looks at the reporter that called her name) Josie: "Oh shit, not you..." (Josie sighs as the reporter, Dick Dent, comes running up. He's smiling like an idiot and looking around as Josie closes the car door) Dent: "...Well?!" Josie: "Well what, Dick?" Dent: "Is he in there?!" Josie: "K Money?" Dent: "Of course, Josie...don't act dumb..." Josie: "For you, it is NO act, is it, Dent?" Dent: "Cute, where is K Money?" (Josie seems taken back by the bitch comment, but she slightly retains her composure) Josie: "You want to talk to K Money?" (Dent nods, and Josie smiles slightly) Josie: "...Yes, he's in there...he is also in there with...THESE Two gentlemen... (Suddenly, the door opens again, and out step Paul London and Mike Modest. They smile slightly at Dent, who has a look of disgust on his face) Dent: "....Who the FUCK are these two?!" Josie: "This one is Paul London...and this other one is Mike Modest..." Dent: "Whoop-de-shit, Josie...I don't care about some Indy wrestlers that nobody wants to see...I want to talk to K Money..." Josie: "Oh, but you should care, Dick...they'll be showing you around..." (Mike Modest suddenly cracks his neck and smiles. Dent now has a look of fear on his face as he looks into Modest's eyes. He then turns towards Paul London, who mockingly nods a 'sup' nod) Josie: "Say...Mike? Paul? Did you hear what this man called me a few seconds ago?" London: "Oh I dare not say it again, Ms. Saari...but I do believe he called you...a Bitch, of all things!" (London and Modest smile wide at Dent, who is now starting to back away slowly) Josie: "Why...we can't have that, now can we Paul? London: "Nope..." Josie: "Why don't you and Mike show Mr. DICK Dent to his own personal room?" London: "With pleasure" Dent: "Wait! Josie!..." (Before Dent can finish what he is going to say, Modest sucker punches him, knocking him out. Paul London laughs) London: "Shit! He has a glass jaw, man!" Josie: "Why don't you guys go put him with the rest of the garbage?" (London and Modest nod and drag Dent off as Josie looks into the car again) Josie: "You ready, babe?" Voice: "Yes...let's go..." (Josie smiles wide as she steps to the side. She turns to the crowd) Josie: "Ladies and Gentlemen? K MONEY!" (at that very second, all sorts of flash bulbs go off as K Money steps slowly out of the limo. user posted image He slowly puts up his sweatshirts hood as he makes his way through the crowd. One reporter gets in the way.) Reporter: "K MONEY! IS IT TRUE THAT YOU HAVE SIGNED A LUCRATIVE DEAL WITH THE IFW?!" (without saying a word, K Money spits in the face of the reporter, then shoves him back) K Money: "Fuck off" (He quickly grabs Josie's hand and leads her towards the door, where he stops and turns around) R #1: "Why are you here, Money?" R #2: "What do you have to say about AngleSault, who beat up members of your Indy Faction on a previous Road to Anglemania?" R #3: "Who is Donny Vicious?" (Josie slowly raises her hands, trying to calm the crowd) Josie: "Ladies and gentlemen, my client has had a long fli..." (Before she can finish, K Money softly pushes her behind him) K Money: "Who asked the Anglesault question?" (The crowd suddenly goes silent as K Money looks around. A lone hand suddenly rises) R #2: "Me sir...What are your comments on Anglesault?" K Money: "My comments? Here, come up here...I want to talk to you face to face..." (K Money motions for the reporter to come up, which is what he does. The reporter stands side by side with Money) K Money: "What's your name, Pal?" R #2: "Camino Palmero, sir..." K Money: "Ok, asked about Anglesault?" Camino: "Yes, sir...what are your comments on him?" (Camino is getting obviously frusterated, and K Money notices) K Money: "C'mon, man...settle thought on Anglesault?" Camino: "Yes..." K Money: "....My thoughts or feelings?" Camino: "Who cares?! Answer the question!" (K Money smiles slightly and looks at Josie. Suddenly, Money drops Camino with a right hand, and proceeds to beat on him on the Parking Garage floor. After a few blistering punches, K Money picks the man up and throws him through the glass window. Camino clutches his head as blood slowly trickles down his face. K Money steps trough the broken window and stands over him) K Money: "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! YOU'RE A LOWLY FUCKING REPORTER, AND YOU'RE GIVING ME ORDERS?! YOU HAVE GOT SOME BALLS MY FRIEND! SOME REAL (K Money quickly kicks Camino in the ribs) FUCKING (another kick to the ribs) BALLS!....AND AS FOR ANGLESAULT?! WHAT YOU JUST GOT IS JUST THE TIP OF THE (another kick) FUCKING ICEBERG, YOU FUCKING PRICK!" (K Money continues to deliver kicks to Camino's ribs and head as he shouts "FUCK YOU!" After a few moments, he stops and looks around. On his face is a huge smile) K Money: "As for the rest of you fine people...this press conference is go" (With that, K Money softly takes the hand of Josie and walks off camera, which is now fading to black) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted April 1, 2003 ::The opening distortions of TEAR AWAY hit the speakers, and the crowd comes alive as the AngleTron shows new footage from AngleMania set to the opening verse. Finally, "BREEEEEEEAAAAK" and the stage explodes with fire. The video shifts to the normal Los Infernales video, and SP and Dandy emerge from the back, without Black Widow accompanying them as she's getting ready for her match with Crystal later in the evening. Dandy has a slight limp, and SP is perched on a single crutch, using it to help his right leg, which he is using to walk very, very tenderly. They're both dressed in civilian clothes, not ring gear. SP looks very HHH-ish, sporting trousers and a button-up shirt. Dandy in jeans and a T-shirt. They both sport big gold Tag Team Championship Belts around their waists. They slowly make their way down to the ring, Dandy slowing more for SP's forced pace than for his own sake. They reach the ring, and Dandy climbs the steps while SP slides his crutch in ahead of him and slides in himself, using the ropes to pull himself to his feet without putting pressure on his leg. Once he's situated on his crutch, Dandy hands him a mic and the music dies down.:: The crowd is going insane. Not out of sudden face recognition, but out of respect for the events of ANGLEMANIA II the previous night. A slight smile can be seen almost tugging at the Poet's lips, but his eyes are obscured by his sunglasses. He looks over to Dandy, who merely smirks in response. Poet looks down for a second, as if drinking in the audience reaction before raising the mic to his lips. "You know," he says, "I wasn't expecting that. I was expecting alot of boo's and insults and things flying towards the ring. But I wasn't expecting that." Poet hobbles half a step forward and takes off his shades and looks around. He's holding the microphone delicately, more with his fingertips than with his hands, and if he moves right the scars from the steel cage digging into his palms can be seen. He looks around and speaks again. "I suppose this is my reward for sacrificing myself upon the steel altar of pain last night. Put yourself on the line, have your leg nearly torn apart . . . that'll earn you a few cheers." Poet looks at Dandy and shakes his head, and looks to the mat again. "But you'll all forget what we've done by the time you leave the arena tonight. I can guarantee it. A sick spot or two and you're ready to declare a few new saviors. Well SAVE IT. "Save it for somebody that will buy it. Save it for somebody that will conform and keep playing to your stupid little emotions. Don't expect me to suddenly start loving Zack Malibu or whoring the services of the Tag Team Champions out to your little favorites. Screw that and screw you all for expecting it. What happened last night wasn't for you. It was for Bill Watts or the OAOAST staff. It was for ME. It was for Dandy. It was for Widow. And nobody else. And from here on out, that's the only reason we STEP FOOT IN THIS RING. You can all burn in the fires of your own ignorace in the void fields of your stripped compassion." SP looks down and slaps the Tag Belt around his waist. He smiles, and puts his shades back on. "So go ahead . . . forget about it. You're going to anyway. But don't worry," he looks up, looks towards Dandy, and looks around, a wicked smile playing across his face. "Soon . . . SOON, we'll make you REMEMBER. Soon, you'll have us burned into your brains, we will sear ourselves into your hearts. And I hope it hurts you. I hope it feels like you're choking down the embers of a great blaze. Let's get outta here, Dandy . . . " Poet throws the mic down and his music hits. He hobbles over and makes his way down the steps, and he and Dandy begin making their way back up the ramp. The scene switches to a locker room in the back, where Widow is sitting in a chair, lacing up her boots. She's been watching Poet's promo while getting ready. She looks pained for a moment, until she realizes the camera is on her. She reaches up and turns the television monitor off, and a look of forced concentration crosses her features as she continues getting ready. Cue to: A highlight package of Orion's hard-fought AngleMania victory is shown, set to the strains of the 'Chariots of Fire' theme. It shows Orion heroically posing for the (zero) fans in attendance in slow-motion, as well as him being presented with the F13 Title and celebrating. At the end, the video freezes and beneath Orion's picture is simply written: ORION CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted April 1, 2003 The following is a public service announcement, brough to you by the letter K After my match against Unsiputed last night at AngleMania 2, I have realized that the Ganso STF might be too powerful for the wrestlers I am facing these days and that it might seriously injure some of my opponents, which I do not want to see happen. So I officialy announce that as of March 31st, 2003 , the Ganso STF is offcialy locked out of my moveset, I may unlock it in the future, but I will wait for a match of great importance that may change my carreer forever to use it. Cue to: Michael Cole Cole: Fans, I'm here backstage... ::A door opens and BPP walks through with his roll-on luggage:: Cole: BPP! A few words if you will BPP: If I must Cole: How does it feel to know that AngleSault is no longer champion? BPP: Firstly, I was out there first to congratulate Zack. He deserves this more than anyone. Secondly, I'm damn glad AS is gone... from the title scene. And I guess that means I'll be facing Zack for the title sometime. Cole: Actually, he extended the offer for tonight? BPP: Tonight it is then. ohhh. ::Zack and Allison walk down BPP's way. The two shake hands. BPP: Cole was just telling me how I have a title shot with you. We're friend and all but. Zack: May the best BPP: Man win. Cole: One more thing...Care to comment on Orion? BPP and Zack: Who? Cue to: Ring The opening distortions of "I'M JUST A GIRL" by No Doubt fill the OAOAST Arena, and smoke fills the entranceway as red probe lights begin going off. CRYSTAL, the OAOAST'S newest female competitor, emerges through the smoke and she looks like she's ready to go tonight. All around the arena, the male complement get to their feet and are cheering loudly, drowning out their female counterparts. Crystal makes her way down the ramp and to the ring. JR: Quite a young lady making her debut here tonight, and certainly no HOSS, Jesse! Jesse: She's got class, JR. Her first night out and she's already refusing to take crap from Black Widow. Crystal SPRINTS down to the ring as the chorus kicks in, and hits the turnbuckle, throwing her fists into the air, happy to be here tonight. She jumps down to the apron and climbs into the ring, and her music dies down along with the lights. Violins fill the arena, and a woman's voice mournfully sings in the background, drawing out the words , "Oh, Paper Flowers", against the haunting orchestration. IMAGINARY, by Evanescence has hit. The music kicks in with it's hard sound, and Black Widow emerges from the back, with SPIDERPOET at her side, leaning on his crutch with an arm around her waist. They pause on the ramp, SP grinning wickedly at Crystal in the ring, a chilling sight contrasted to Widow's soft yet focused demeanor. Widow walks on forward, adjusting her ring gear, as SP goes towards the . . . COMMENTARY BOOTH? I linger in the doorway of alarm clocks screaming monsters calling my name let me stay where the wind will whisper to me where to raindrops as the're falling tell a story Widow hits the ring, and pulls herself to the second rope as the chorus kicks in, raising her arms in the air to a chorus of boos. In my field of Paper Flowers And Candy Clouds of lullaby A pained expression crosses her face as she surveys the audience, but she covers it quickly. I lay inside myself for hours and watch my purple sky fly over me. Widow twists, hits the top rope and nails a quick MISSILE DROPKICK to Crystal to start this match off! The bell rings as Crystal rolls back through onto her feet, and charges Widow for a spear, who dodges mostly but catches enough to send her spinning around off her balance. Crystal puts on the breaks short of the turnbuckle, turns, and Widow rights herself just in time to catch a FULL SPEAR~! from Crystal! Widow down, but Crystal doesn't brawl. Instead she's on her feet, springs to the top rope, and is airborne for a MOONSAULT, but Widow gets the knees up. Crystal hits the knees hard and bounces to the mat, holding her ribs. SP: Wow, that looked like it hurt, heh. JR: Oh, you finally decide to speak, huh? Jesse: He's a man of few, words, JR, Which is more than I can say for you. Widow on her feet, putting the boots to Crystals ribs. She goes to pick the challenger up, but Crystal wraps her arms around and nails a hard BELLY TO BELLY on Widow. JR: HUGE BELLY TO BELLY! SP: I wonder if women like to call it a 'Belly' to 'Belly'. Do they even like to acknowledge that they have a belly? Jesse: That's a pretty good question, Poet. What about a Lo-- JR: Jesse . . . SP: I don't even want to think about what he was going to say. Widow scrambling to her feet, and Crystal charges, Widow thinks fast and uses Crystal's own momentum against her, throwing her over the top rope to the outside. As Crystal tries to get to her feet, Widow charges back, comes off the ropes and FLIPS OVER THE TOP ROPE, nailing Crystal on the way down. Jesse: Would the same question apply to the Belly to Back? SP: It may. The funamentals of the semantics are the same, in any event. It all goes back to the use of the word 'Belly'. JR: Bah Gawd, Widow and Crystal are both down on the outside and this has been quite a match! Jesse: Maybe the women call it the, 'Firmly toned front' to 'Firmly toned front'? SP: Yes. I demand that JR start calling it that! Jesse: But what if it's a big gal? SP: . . . I . . . I got nothin'. Crystal and Widow get to their feet at the same time and eye one another. Crystal doesn't look very happy at all, and she slams Widow with a quick right hand, which Widow returns in kind, before Crystal hits a boot to the gut and hurls Widow back in under the ropes. Crystal to the apron, to the top rope, and she goes for a body press, which Widow catches and turns into a slam and a pin. 1 . . . 2 . . NO, Crystal swings her legs up as if she were going to kick out, but rolls herself backwards, taking Widow for the ride, reversing it into a pin of her own! 1 . . . 2 . . . Widow gets a shoulder up, and reaches around, grabbing a handful of Crystal's tights, and pulls her over, , hooks the legs. 1 . . . Crystal kicks out, and both women are on their feet. Crystal yanks Widow by the arm and fires her off into the ropes, and catches her in a quick, ferocious -- SP: FIRMLY-TONED-FRONT to FIRMLY-TONED FRONT SUPLEX! JR: . . . What in THE Hell? Jesse: (laughing) SP: Hey I'll catch you guys later. I gotta go do the whole boyfriend thing cuz this'll be over soon. Widow down from the B2B, and Crystal goes over for the cover. 1 2 NO . . . Widow's foot is on the ropes? Crystal looks up to see SpiderPoet throwing up his hands in a, "It Wasn't Me!" gesture, leaning on his crutch. Crystal's face darkens, and she scrambles under the ropes to go after Poet, who quickly fumbles for his crutch. As Crystal is going under the ropes, though, Widow is getting to her feet. Before Crystal can get to SP, Widow has a head full of hair and is pulling Crystal back to the apron. Crystal standing on the apron now, and Widow hooks her in a full nelson, presumable to haul her into the ring for a slam. SP, swings for the fences with the crutch though -- CRYSTAL MOVES! The crutch slams Widow in the forehead and she stumbles backwards into a RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX from CRYSTAL! SP is trying to get his balance back off of his hurt leg and can't get there in time! DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH! Crystal goes for the pin! 1 2 3! Winner: Crystal via Diamond in the Rough at 6:03 Crystal slides out of the ring and celebrates her way up the ramp as Widow sits up in the ring and looks to SP, hurt. He shakes his head, shocked and regretful. Fade out with Crystal looking on fromt he stage, taking in the exchange between Poet and Widow before going back to celebrating with the fans and disappearing behind the curtain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted April 1, 2003 (Angle-Plex stands in the ring with a microphone to a nice ovation and some chants. There some boos heard however. He gets a bit choked up.) AP: “Guys? Guys…if you guys could quiet down a second, I have a few things I’d like to get off my chest.” JR: “These fans love AP, and will continue to do so for a very long time.” AP: “First of all, to all of my friends, all my family, and to each and every one of you: I’m sorry. You guys put your faith in me, and evidentially it was misplaced. You were there for me since the Rumble…but I guess I’m not good enough for a group of fans as good as you guys.. I don’t think I can keep on doing this to…” CUE: “Paint it Black” by Rolling Stones JR: “What in the HELL is ZsasZ doing here? His match isn’t till later tonight!” Jesse: “Maybe he’s here to rub salt in the wounds.” (ZsasZ stays at the ramp; microphone in hand. He is slowly gaining a contingent of fans and the divide between AP fans, and ZsasZ fans is startling to see.) Z: “I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Let me get this straight: Your whole career is a desperate attempt to get the title, you work endlessly, you train, and you get shafted time and time again. And then, when you finally get your one shot at glory and it’s taken away from and treated like midcard shit. You come out and thank the fans? What will it take to get a fire under your ass, huh?” AP: “Now just wait a minute, ZsasZ. Where do YOU come off talking to ME like that? What have YOU done that makes you so much better.?” Z: One thing, when I go out and tell everyone I’m gonna win: I WIN. And I don’t let anything stop me. And now, the waiting is over for you.” AP: “What waiting?” Z: Rest well this week. Relax, take it easy. Because I’m declaring war. And I’m not going to stop until I have totally destroyed what you are now, piece by piece.” JR: That guy's creepy Jesse: No shit...We'll need a 24 pack by the time this is done Slacker vs. MarioLogan]/b] The mystery guys comes out to no music, he takes his sweet ass time into getting into the ring. When he gets in, he gives the announcer a piece of paper to read. Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, in the ring,………..I cannot read this shit! The mystery guy takes the microphone. ??: Just call me the Slacker. If you want to hear my song, it’s umm…….."Back Up" By 12 Stones, I was too lazy to bring it, so umm…………….. just listen to it on your own time, and stuff. Now where’s that guy, who I was supposed to meet here in the ring. You know………. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “Crazy Train” plays, and Mario comes out in new wrestling attire, and he drives a purple locomotive to the ring. Fact #1: Christina Aguilera bears a resemblance to Mario’s Great-Grandmother Fact #2: Mario already has a match written for Anglemania III. [i am dressed like the Mad Hatter] Announcer: His opponent, from the Island of Misfit Toys, Mario Logan. Mario gets in the ring, tosses his hat at the Slacker, and tackles him. Bell rings. [The commentators worry about who Mario has kept with him] Mario repeatedly punches him, but the Slacker is too lazy to sell, but comes back with a DDT, dropping Mario on his head, he then hits the knee buster on him. Mario is actually selling, and rolls out of the ring, to catch his breath. The Slacker takes his time in climbing the ropes, when he finally gets there; he does his signature move, the Sloppy Take down. Both guys are badly hurt, as they collide into the side of the table. The Slacker gets in the ring, ignoring Mario, who has slid back into the ring. The Slacker looks shocked to see Mario, does his shrug thing, and surprises everyone by hitting some weird move, which takes Mario out (Ja__________Slack off). The Slacker falls on Mario. 1! 2! 3! Bell rings and the slacker take his time when trying to get off Mario. The Faces of Fear storm into the ring. The Shape baldo bombs him, and Jason repeatedly powerbombs him. Freddy helps Mario out, as the EMTs take the Slacker out on a stretcher. JR: Slacker sure did try...Keep at it kid JESSE: Maybe he'll get a contract as a full-time jobber! JR: The kid's got heart you moron. Jason comes back out with bloody arms and the Slacker on the stretcher. Jason gorilla presses it back into the ring. Jason chokeslams the slacker while he is still on the stretcher, breaking it in half. The camera cuts backstage and looking right into it is the somewhat bemused expression of a big Red Kangaroo. The camera pans out and Nanks comes into the shot with his arm around the kangaroo. "G'daaayyyy maaaaate, how's it goin'?? Me mate, Joey, here and I just watched that little match of yours, not too bad, mind you, I was wrestlin' dingoes twice as scary as you back when I was just a little fella in the outback. You think you're such a big, scary man, I've got half a mind to come down there and show you different, but....., we're gonna head off now and chuck a few prawns on the Barbie, but we'll be back here next week, and we'll be down in that ring waiting for anyone who thinks they can handle it. ::Gives a big thumbs up and smiles as the camera zoobs back into a tight shot of Joey's face:: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted April 1, 2003 CUE: Simply Ravishing The crowd doesn't know why the theme music of the retired legend is playing, but they rise to their feet and go crazy anyway! And there he is! Decked out in his trademark do-rag, sunglasses, feather boas and tie-dye, here's Tony the Body~! But wait! The crowd is suspicious...and they start booing! The camera pans close to reveal...THE SUPERSTAR~! The Superstar is dressed like Tony "the Body" in complete and utter disrespect! "Tony" enters the ring and grabs a microphone, while doing "his" trademark poses. "Well let me tell you something, dudes. I want to thank EACH and EVERY one of you for coming out last night to AngleMania and helping me get my ASS KICKED~! Yes, that's right, last night at Anglemania I got my ass handed to me by none other than the greatest wrestler in the OAOAST, The Superstar!" The crowd is insanely booing the imposter, sick of this form of disrespect. "Tony" smirks, and continues on. "I just wanted to say goodbye to you guys. You guys powered me through my completely washed up career, making it something worthwhile. It's too bad that once I met a REAL wrestler, like The Superstar, that he showed me how much I truly sucked. I mean, I had absolutely no chance to show off my boring, lazy skills." The fans begin an "Asshole" chant, but "Tony" isn't fazed at all. "So this is goodbye. Thank you for the memories, and thanks for everything. Now, enough of this." Superstar tears through the Tony garb, standing in leather pants and a sequined Jericho-like jacket. "Face it! The Body is DEAD! Over! Buried alive! You people will just have to live with the fact that I RETIRED YOUR HERO! I took the one person you could look to for inspiration, and destroyed him! He didn't even stand a chance. I'm in my freakin' PRIME. Tony is a has-been, no, hell, he's a NEVER WAS. Not at ONE point during that match did I think that I was at a loss, no WAY~! In fact, I was half-assing that match! My skills are simply TRIPLE what he can do yesterday, today, any day, IN HIS PRIME. Why? Because I AM BETTER." "And so there's this big rumor about a roster split. Quite frankly, I don't care. IntenseZone, HeldDOWN, Road to Anglemania, WCW, it doesn't matter. You people will see THE SUPERSTAR at his absolute best, doing what he's always been doing. Kicking ass, pissing people off, kicking ass, and ending careers. It's that simple. And THAT-" ::Superstar picks up one of Tony's feather boas, and throws it down:: "-is why they call me THE SUPERSTAR~!" CUE: Big Long Now Superstar cockily steps out of the ring and backstage as the crowd shows their 'appreciation' for him. And then they cheer... for Tony the Body comes out and shows his appreciation...THROWING SUPerSTAR OFF THE SET! Crowd chanting TONY! TONY! TONY! TONY Last night, well, what can I say? I lost. Superstar beat me...with MY OWN GODDAMN FINISHER! JESSE It's true. JR If you missed AngleMania II... JESSE Who did? JR Maybe some, if you're one of them, catch the replay tomorrow night on pay-per-view. TONY I've gotten NO RESPECT in the OAOAST. You know what? Fuck this shit! I used to work long hours every week to ensure you people got the best the OAOAST had to offer. I created the OAOAST... JESSE I'm starting to like Tony again, so that's true. JR Partiallty. TONY (CONT'D) For God's sake, I created a majority of our pay-per-view events. I busted my ass in the production truck directing our pay-per-view events. JR Tony sounds... almost bitter. JESSE Well he lost at the biggest show of the year... and his career. TONY What do I get for busting my balls? 'I don't like the direction'; 'this place has changed'; and all that bullshit. You know what I say?...FUCK YOU! Tony looks at the stage manager. TONY Don't tell me to watch my language motherfucker. I'll do whatever the hell I want on my last night. JESSE He's telling it like it is, I love that man. JR You said earlier you didn't anymore. JESSE Things change. TONY Last night, I had a match that stated if I lost, I have to retire. I'll give The Superstar credit, he's one tough son of a bitch, and no doubt, bigger and better things are ahead for him. But the contract I signed said Tony "The Body" vs. The Superstar... (sinister laugh). JR What? TONY After I left the Saddledome and headed for that cheap motel the OAOAST sent me -- oh yeah, unlike Vince, the office hooks us up with rooms, shitty ones at that -- I sat on the bed and watched the replay of AngleMania, then it hit me. The contract has Tony "The Body" had to retire -- Tony points at a female fan, teasing him at ringside. TONY Shut the fuck up, bitch. JR Good God. TONY I won't give away my plans at this time, but Watts, let it be known, I'll be back! If you try to fight me in court, go ahead oldman, I got the money, and the time. OAOAST: you're on notice. If any of you cable watching, beer drinking, coke snorting, sweathogs have a problem with what I just said... kiss my ass! Tony leaves as the shocked crowd stands up, some booing. JESSE Haha. That was priceless. JR What does that mean? JESSE Uh, I think he made it clear, moron; he's coming back, someway, somehow. JR We'll see what the Board has to say about this. The screen goes black and white. JR Now what. Jim Cornette and The Purist make their way to the ring. CORNETTE Toothless morons of America, I present you the man who made Sandman shake in his boots and leave, The Purist! Wooooooo! JESSE Is he gonna talk? THE PURIST After the easy victory at AngleMania, The Purist is looking for a challenge. Everybody in the OAOAST is ducking the best mat technician today. So once again, I beg, anybody in the OAOAST who wants to step up to the challenge, do so. CORNETTE OAOAST, hear that? The challenge is on, but you'll have to wait a week. JR They issue a challenge and ask to wait a week, why? JESSE Training. The Purist needs to get rid of any ring rust. CORNETTE Excuse us, if we're a little out of it. After the victory party we had, you'd be worn out too. Haha. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted April 1, 2003 (Ode to Joy plays as Vince Rusco walks out slowly to loud boos and "Rusco sucks" chants! He basks in the boos! He has a mic as he gets in the ring. The chants continue as the music gets cut off.) Vince Rusco: "I am far more classier than you flea infested pieces of trash! (Crowd boos!) Speaking of trash, I would like to talk about a certain individual who has more class than all you people! You know him as Puerto Rican Lightning! He has the drive, the determination, the intelligence, the ability, and the talent to make it here in the OAOAST! All of the things The Mad Crappa did not have! That guy was a loser, a joke, a NOBODY! Just like all you people! Ha! (Crowd boos! "They chant "Rusco sucks!") I do not suck! Crappa sucks, not me! ("Mad Cap-pa" chants from the crowd!) Um, sorry to disappoint ya'll, but he is not gonna' come out! You see, he's too hurt to come out after losing so horribly to Lightning last night at AngleMania II! We truly exposed the fool that he is! Hell, not even *I* would show up if I got humiliated at the biggest show of the year! Cappa, if you hear this, get out while you have a tiny bit of dignity left! Otherwise, it will be a disaster in the making!" (Suddenly the lights flicker as "Let Me Clear My Throat" (Old School mix) by DJ Kool plays! A spotlight is set on the top of the stage as The Mad Cappa dances out to cheers from the crowd! Lights turn back on as Cappa has a mic and stays at the top of the set as the crowd chants for Cappa!) The Mad Cappa: "Gatamela! Vince, won't you please shut the hell up! (Crowd cheers!) You keep talking about how much the crowd sucks or how stupid they are just for booing you! Don't you have anything else better to do?! In case you haven't heard these people, they say you suck!" ("Rusco sucks" chants from the crowd!) VR: "Oh Cappa, nice of you to drop by! How was AngleMania? Did you like the cane shot to your back? Did you like it that you are the first true victim of Lightning? Did you like the feeling of losing in the biggest stage of them? Did you like the humiliation? Why would you show up again just to be humiliated again? Didn't you learn never to show your face ever again?" TMC: "You know, I did lose last night. I'm not ashamed of that. It was a hrad fought match. It was AngleMania II! However, what I was ashamed was that I fell for your trap! When I was standing in the middle of the ring last night, I did feel disappointment. However, when the crowd gave me a standing ovation, (Crowd claps for Cappa) thanks guys, I was thinking. The people cheered for me, not for you, but for me! So at least I'm starting to build a foundation for an impact!" VR: "Do you honestly think that these people are gonna' care about u?! Take you seriously?! C'mon, you lost to a friggin' jobber!" (Crowd chants "Cap-pa, Cap-pa, Cap-pa"! Cappa smiles in appreciation!) TMC: "To tell you the truth, I don't care if anybody cares about me right now. However, I will do my best to make the people care about me and take me seriously! These people deserve to see the best of what we can do, not to see the worst scumbags in the industry today!" VR: "In your words, these people don't deserve to see you in action! This is based on your logic!" TMC: "No, because I can be the best I want to be! You in the other hand, resort to cheap tactics just to sneak a win! That is not what this is all about! It's about being the best without lowering yourself!" VR: "Who gives a shit? You lost, he won! You proved you are a nobody! He proved he has a future! You are a lost little boy without guidance! You have no future here kid! You will never have any other title shots in the future for any title! However, for today, I got my boy Lightning an OAOAST North American title shot! What business do you have here? A farewell speech?" TMC: "You must think you are some comedian huh? Yea, you were right about how lost I was. That was why I allowed you to be my manager. I needed guidance. However, I discovered your methods were dirty! However, this is my path to take and no one else's to take! I don't need you! You are just an obstacle in my path! All I have to do is concentrate and focus on being the best and entertain the crowd! To start off my new path to success, I have am OAOAST X-Division title shot against Mr. ZsasZ! I will focus on doing my best! Win or lose, I will feel good knowing that I gave it my all without resorting to cheap tactics!" VR: (Sarcastically) "That was sooo moving! If it wasn't for the 'cheap tactics', you wouldn't have gone to AngleMania! You are nothing without me! Just remember for future reference, Lightning can strike twice!" TMC: "Very soon Lightning will say 'Gatamela' after with what I'm gonna' do to him! Also, everybody will soon respect The Mad One!" (Cappa's music plays up as Cappa walks back to the backstage to cheers. Segment ends.) JR: We still have a big match for you tonight folks Jesse: And we're not having it until we have beer JR: Oh yeah, Clark called...He said they're out of everything except Molson Jesse: Ahhh fuck. JR: We got the Dream Machines backstage Jesse: ... (Shattered Dreams is shown sitting in a chair in The Dream Machines locker room with his head down. The Parka stands next to him with his arms folded, looking very pissed) Parka: You've had a day to think about it. Do you have something you want to say? SD: Ummm.........what do you mean? Parka: I mean, aren't you going to apologize for pushing me out of the ring and chipping my tooth with a chair? Not to mention costing us the match in the process! SD: Oh yeah.........ummm sorry P-Money. (The Parka rips off his mask and moves about 6 inches from SD's face) Parka: What's my name!? SD: Is this some sort of trick question? Oh I get it you didn't like that one. How about P-Fresh? Or... Parka: No! I don't want anymore silly nicknames!! My name is Parka! Not P-Diddy, not P-Funk, not P-Fresh or even P-Money! SD: Can I go now? Cause Oprah is on and she's talking about how to deal when the other person in the relationship doesn't appreciate you and I think I might learn something from it. (SD turns and looks at Parka) (Parka begins laughing and smiling. He even pats SD on the shoulder as if to say, "that was pretty funny", but all of the sudden he becomes serious and get's in SD's face) Parka: You think the whole thing is a joke don't you? You think you can just go through life without a care in the world and everything will be fine? That's why we lost last night! That's why the fans mock you! Do you think when it's all said and done that any of those fans will care? No! They have their own lives to worry about and their own problems! You think the world is a joke to them? They survive because they suck it up and get it done! You my friend have no focus! You and the rest of the team are going in two different directions and sooner or later you will have to take some responsibility and get the job done! You need to seriously think about why you joined this team! This team is a train and we're heading down the tracks full speed ahead. If you aren't going to the same place we are you better get off now and don't expect us to stop and let you off. Oh no, we will keep going and if you want out you better just jump and hope you don't get hurt! Now are we on the same page? SD: Yes I understand........Parka. (The Parka leaves the room and PK who has been sitting back walks over to SD) SD: You wanna order pizza? Nothing drowns sorrows like Pizza PK: Sure, but don't get anchovies. They scare me! SD: Then we can watch movies! I rented Crossroads. PK: Ummm............coming Parka....I'll be right there! (PK leaves as SD shrugs his shoulders and puts Crossroads into a vcr that's been set up in the locker room) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted April 1, 2003 Z (Trying to breathe deeply, and stay calm): "Tonight... a grave iniquity has been done. A miscarrage of justice, if you will..." JR: "What a pompous ass!" Z: "I have defeated my competition, I have conquered my rival, I've even bloodied BPP. I won the X-Division Championship last night at Angle-Mania, in a match that is already being hailed as an instant classic. And tonight, do I take the night off? Do I rest up? Do I complain? NO! I go out and make some poor schmuck's career by giving him a shot at MY belt, and how does he repay me? He rips the damned belt in half! He..." Black Widow is getting coffee with Los Infernales at a nearby table. The Infernales wave to their buddy ZsasZ, but Widow and ZsasZ catch each other's eye. They stare a second before the Infernales leave. ZsasZ continues to stare. Cameraman: "Ummm...ZsasZ?" Z: "What? Oh... As I was saying, he destroys my prize. Well, no worries. For I have been vindicated. I have just finished a call with Bill Watts. He told me that he will PERSONALLY award me the new title belt, AND that I willd defend it against anyone I wish." Jesse: "What a revelation! Bill Watts will be on IZ next week." Z: "As for the match, It'll be me against: Gladiator, Mad Cappa, Undisputed, Reject, and... ANGLE-PLEX, in a HELL IN A CELL MATCH!" JR: "OH MY GOD! IT'S GONNA BE ARMAGEDDON NEXT WEEK!" Jesse: "Is this first HIAC match ever on National TV?" And he has a promo video for it too? This guy is prolific and crazy! ONE MAN…LOOKS TO SETTLE HIS SCORES We see a darkened gym. ZsasZ is standing in front of a mirror in the empty rest room; alone. Looking at himself in the mirror. Various clips. ZsasZ: (voice-over) “The deck is stacked against me…My enemies have beset me on all sides…they say I have no chance…it’s all going according to plan.” ONE MAN…LOOKS TO RECLAIM HIS GLORY Same gym, this time in the boiler room as Reject stretches with the help of two folding chairs. Clips of his loss to ZsasZ at AMII. Reject: (voice-over) “Everyone loses matches. Everyone. A true champion can always get right back again. The question is: Will you be able to rebound as fast as I have ZsasZ?” ONE MAN…LOOKS TO FIND RESPECT Same gym, this time over at the punching bag. Undisputed is there. Clips of him nearly beating ZsasZ on IZ. Undisputed: (voice-over) “I had your number ZsasZ, you know I did. But this time…I’m ready for you. And I’m not afraid.” ONE MAN…LOOKS TO FINISH WHAT HE BEGAN We come over to the track where Mad Cappa is doing sprints. Clips of him ripping the title up on IZ. Cappa: (voice-over) “You lost a belt last time, ZsasZ. This time…I’ll take your pride.” ONE MAN…LOOKS TO FIND HIS PLACE Gladiator is in the locker room, soaking up the aura of fighters long since gone. Clips of him destroying jobbers. Gladiator: (voice-over) “The people will have what they want. The belt around my waist, and your blood on the mat, ZsasZ.” AND ONE MAN…LOOKS FOWARD TO A BATTLE…THAT IS ONLY THE BEGINNING… OF A WAR Finally, we see Angle-Plex, standing in the ring. A ring surrounded by a huge cage. Clips of the ZsasZ/AP staredown. Angle-Plex: (voice-over) “You declared war, ZsasZ? I wonder…do you even know…what war is?” NEXT MONDAY All six faces flash and then we hold on a picture of the X-Title. SIX MEN ENTER Clips of the wrestlers. BUT THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE Clip of ZsasZ laughing OAOAST X-DIVISION CHAMPION THE OAOAST: WHERE LEGENDS NEVER DIE Cue-to: Outside The man steps into the cold, wintery night. Shivering, he pulls his coat closer as he lowers his head and walks along the busy city streets. Striding along the sidewalk, he fits in with a crowd before making a sudden turn down an alley. Dodging the fallen piles of garbage, he steps down the alley before turning to a door. At first the door won’t open, but a hit from the man’s shoulder knocks the door ajar. The man steps out of the cold, dark night and into the cold, dark room. The man, after taking a second to try and adapt his eyes to the sharper darkness, waves his hands around in the air, searching for something, anything. Finally, he bats around a string hanging from the ceiling before gaining a grip and pulling the string, flooding the room with a dim light. In the corner, with his back turned, sits the man. “Sorry I’m late. Weather is nasty outside.” “Whatever.” The man stands and places his hands in his pockets. The man hasn’t turned around from the table he sits at. “Listen, knowing everything that’s gone on between you and me, I didn’t know what to expect from you, so I kinda brought these.” The man takes a pair of brass knuckles out of his pocket, but quickly puts them away. “Can’t say I blame you.” The man holds up a knife, then carelessly drops it back down to the table. Silence fills the room, as the two men with so much history between them have nothing to express to each other. The silence appears to last for eternity before the man speaks. “So, that kinda came out of nowhere. I mean, no one expected that out of you.” “I know. I really didn’t expect it out of myself. It’s almost like you wake up one morning and decide to make a life-altering decision.” “Yeah, I know what you mean.” “Out of everyone, I expect you too.” The man finally turns from the table and faces his counterpart, his head bowed and covered by a hood, attached to his sweatshirt. “Tell me, is it because of me that you’re doing this?” The man pauses, searching for words, grasping for anything. “I mean, we’ve had some nasty things go on between us, but I didn’t cross the line, did I?” “We both crossed the line a long time ago.” Another pause in a conversation between two men who needed one a long time ago. “It’s not your fault. It’s me. I know it sounds like we’re in a relationship, but…” ”Well, we kinda are. I mean, were. And this is kinda us breaking up.” The man continues to fidget his hands in his pocket while standing. The man continues to sit, his head bowed. “So, what happens to you now?” “I dunno. It’s not like a made a plan. I just made a decision and now I’ve gotta live with it.” A silence, then the man stands up, places his bag around his shoulder, and walks towards the other man, who instinctively takes his hands out of his pockets and balls them up into fists, but relaxes almost as quickly. “I think I’m gonna just disappear for a while. I need a rest. I just need to get away from everything, from everyone.” “Are you gonna come back? Or are you going, you know, ‘over there?’” A sigh, before the man finally lifts his head and eye contact is made for the first time. “I think I’m gonna go ‘over there.’ I need a change, and I can’t do that here.” Another pause. “Well, am I ever going to see you again?” The man merely shrugs. “You know, a long time ago, the thought of never seeing you again was one of the best things I could imagine. Now, now, I, I’m confused, I really don’t know what to say.” “Listen, I gotta get going.” The man walks towards the door, but the man stops him. “Hey, listen. I don’t know why I’m doing this, but…” The man hands him some money. “You know, I don’t have much of this left, but I’ve probably got more then you. Take care of yourself with this. Buy something that isn’t a weapon.” The man hesitates, but takes the money. He heads for the door again, but stops before a step can be completed. “Hey, listen. My sister still likes to hang out with you guys, and…” ”Listen, I’m sorry about that too, I know I crossed the line there, but I felt…” ”I’m not blaming you for anything. I just wanna say, ask you, keep an eye out for her. You know her as well as I do, and I know she won’t listen to us or anything, but you know she’s with ‘you know who,’ and…” ”Yeah, I’ll keep my eye out for her. You know, somewhere inside, I don’t know, but I think I might still love her.” “Yeah, deep deep down inside, I do too.” The man finally goes to step by, but quickly turns, and slowly extends his hand. Slowly, cautiously, the man takes his hand, and the two finally end everything. The man lets go and turns for the door. “Wait.” The man turns around. “Hey, take care of yourself.” Evenflow says. Sandman looks at Evenflow. “Yeah, take care of yourself.” Sandman turns, lowers his head and pulls the door open, stepping out into the cold, dark world. Evenflow stands alone in the room, hands in his pockets, trying to take everything in. After moments and moments of silence, of memories, he breathes out and grabs the string, turning the light out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted April 1, 2003 Cue Dream On Anglesault storms to the ring, beltless. He is absolutely FURIOUS. He grabs a mic before his music even cuts out. The fans are booing and mocking him. ANGLESAULT SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! You stupid motherfuckers did this to me! ALL OF YOU! Each and everyone of you trailer trash, low rent Dinty-Moore eating fucks was jealous of me. You couldn't stand me being on top. You couldn't stand seeing a BETTER MAN. So YOU ALL made Zack champ. He's simply one of you. A commoner. A Low Life. Slime. AND YOU STOLE MY BELT! But Zack, I'm not going for a rematch. Oh no, I don't want that. I have MUCH, MUCH bigger plans than that. You see, I AM the OAOAST. If it wasn't for me, this place would be nothing. SQUAT! SHIT! IT WOULD BE A MOTHERFUCKING RAT INFESTED CESSPOOL! I brought this fed to it's heights, and I get repayed by having my belt stolen and the fed turn on me just like that. And don't try and hide it. I saw EACH AND EVERYONE ONE of you celebrating. You think it's funny? You think it's good? Well, I'll show you funny. Because, Zack, I don't want a rematch, because I have no intention of being the captain of a sinking ship. The OAOAST is going down. And I'm going to be the man to finally kill it. I'll take the thread that I MADE and I WILL DESTRPOY IT! KILL IT! END IT! And you will all finally realize that you should have respected Anglesault. Because he who gives life can take it back, and I will take it in a ruthless and bloodthirsty fashion.The OAOAST: 2002-2003. It was a nice life. In the middle of AngleSaults rant, the music starts blaring over the PA system...."Just Gimme the Light.....yeah yeah Just Gimme the Light....Just Gimme the Light...." (Gimme The Light by Sean Paul) Pyro goes off and the beat starts as The Dames walks out from behind the curtain onto the ramp in a leather jacket over a nice shirt and tie with some expensive ass slacks. He's cool, but he knows how to dress. "Oh will you just shut up already, you whining bitch!" The crowd pops as AngleSault stares at Dames with his mouth wide open. "Yeah....seems like someone finally got you to shut the fuck up" Crowd pops again. "You know who I am...that's why your jaw is where I left it last time, on the floor. But for those of you who don't know me, I am The Dames...the president and owner of the TSM Network and I've been sitting on the sidelines since October, ever since the OAOAST has been on the air and listened to all of the SHIT that has come out of your mouth, AS!" AS: "Why don't you shut the - " Dames: "Why don't you kiss my ass!" Crowd pops... Dames: "Before I continue, I just want you to know that I can cancel your ass at any time so you better be damn sure careful what you say to me.....but that would be too easy. See, that's why I'm here. Zack Malibu defeated your ass right in the middle of the ring, 'Sault and its tearing you up inside isn't it? Well, now you want to ruin everything because you can't have things your way? You've got to be kidding me. This show is run on my network and it makes everyone here a lot of money and guess doesn't revolve around YOU! That's what kills you the most, doesn't it!? It's not about the almighty AngleSault! It's about everyone in the locker room, everyone here at the arena tonight, the announcers and everyone who BUSTED their ass at AngleMania II to make it the BEST show you guys have had to date!" Crowd pops.... "So, this is what I'm telling YOU. If you want to be a baby about it and run things your way....fine. Just like you've Held Down Angle-Plex all this time, you're going to be Held Down. Only ON Held Down that is." AS: "What the hell are you talking about!?" Dames: "You see...when I let you guys on the air, I did it out of the kindness of my heart. I didn't think I would make a profit out of it! Boy was I wrong and I'm damn sure glad I was too. I'm liking this and I'm not going to let you ruin it. So next week....we're going to have a draft. You can have Held Down because I'm TAKING OVER INTENSE ZONE! I'm choosing the guys and I'm going to take your ass and do what I should have done a long time ago....put you out of business! " Dames walks to the back as the fans and AS is in shock..... :: Split screen shows BPP and Zack Malibu getting ready:: JR: Big Poppa Popick vs. Zack Malibu for the first time ever, and its for the title...NEXT! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted April 1, 2003 Zack Malibu -OaOasT Champion -Finishing Moves Trendsetter Pop Drop School's Out -Walked the walk and talks the talk -Can't lose title on DQ or Countout Big Poppa Popick -OaOasT Commissioner -Finishing Moves Finality Synchronicity Bomb Fallen Angle -Very sound technical strategy against neck -Recent mean streak This is the first ever One on One meeting between these two men. The guitars of "My Hero" start up, bringing Big Poppa Popick out from the back. BPP looks out to the fans for a moment, then begins his trek down the aisle. A mixed reaction greets him, probably because the crowd is riding high on Zack's big win from the previous night. Popick steps through the ropes, and extends his arms out, looking for crowd approval, getting a decent amount of it. BPP doesn't appear to be phased, as he heads for a corner and waits for the champ's arrival. The lights dim, and again we get the brand new entrance for Zack Malibu, as "Bring Me To Life" kicks up on the speakers. Again showered in blue and gold pyro are Zack Malibu and Alison. Zack, clad in blue shorts with yellow trim and a Zack Malibu T shirt, comes down to the ring, followed closely by Alison. Zack jumps up on the apron, and turns to the crowd, raising his belt above his head as the crowd pops wildly. The lights come up, and the music dies out. Alison leans in and kisses Zack on the cheek, while Popick looks on from the opposite corner. She hops down to ringside, holding Zack's belt. Both men come out of their corners as the bell rings, and start circling each other. Lockup in the center of the ring, and BPP grabs a headlock, but Zack slips out and shoves BPP forward, into the ropes. Zack catches him coming off with a hiptoss, taking BPP over. BPP immediately gets up, and Zack charges, only to get armdragged himself. BPP eggs Zack on, telling him to get up, and tries a clothesline, but Zack ducks it, and grabs BPP's arm, then his other one, and tries a backslide! BPP rolls out of it just before the count of 2 and pops up to his feet, and stares at Zack, smiling. He extends a hand and Zack shakes it, and the two start to circle each other again. Lockup again, and this time Zack grabs the headlock, but willingly lets go, and segues into taking BPP over with a hiptoss. Zack holds onto BPP's arm, standing over him with an armlock, but BPP somehow manuevers himself so that he lifts Zack up, Samoan Drop style, but Zack counters with a crucifix! 1...2...NO, barely a 2, nevermind a 3. Both men are back up, and Zack offers a handshake, but BPP stands there frustrated, and doesn't take it. Zack offers it again, and BPP slaps the hand away, then kicks Zack in the gut, and starts firing off punches! JR:"Looks like frustration is getting the best of Popick tonight, Jess." Jesse:"It happens to the best of us. There are no friends when you're gunning for championship gold, Ross. This ain't Tiddly Winks." Zack blocks one of BPP's punches, and starts firing back, but BPP ducks and grabs Zack with a double leg takedown, then grabs Zack's right foot! JR:"That ankle took a lot of punishment last night!" Jesse:"This is exactly what BPP needs to do to win!" BPP holds the foot/ankle in his grip, but before he can firmly lock a move on, Zack kicks him away with his good foot. Zack rolls to his feet, then he takes Popick down with a double leg takedown, and sits atop BPP, firing off punches. Jesse:"Look at this JR! The honorable Zack Malibu, pounding on his good friend!" JR:"This is exactly what Zack Malibu needs to do to win." Jesse:"Well...HEY! Ross, that's TWICE in TWO DAYS that you've taken my words and turned them around!" JR:"Then keep your mouth shut more often, and call things down the middle." Jesse:"..." Zack gets up off BPP, holding him in a front facelock, but BPP pushes him back into the corner, causing Zack to break the hold. BPP starts ramming his shoulder into Zack's ribs several times, then backs up a bit. BPP measures Zack up, and charges forward with a clothesline, mashing Zack in the corner! Popick pulls Zack away from the turnbuckles, picking him for and dropping him across his knee, ribs first. BPP covers... 1... 2...KICKOUT! Popick picks Zack up before the Preppy One can recover, and drops him across his knee again with another gut buster. He sets Zack up near the corner, and then goes up top. JR:"BPP taking it to the top here in the early goings." Popick leaps off with a great flying splash...ZACK MOVES! BPP crashes to the mat! Zack rolled out of the way in the nick of time, as BPP crunches up on the mat, sore from the hard landing. Zack gets up, as BPP tries to...DDT! Zack covers! 1... 2...KICKOUT BY BPP! Zack stands up, planning his next move, when BPP grabs him by the ankle! BPP HAS AN ANKLE LOCK ON ZACK MALIBU!!?!?!? Jesse:"YES! This is what Popick..." JR:"...needs to do? He needs to cripple his friend Jess?" Jesse:"You win some, you lose some." BPP stands up, holding Zack by the ankle, but Zack manages to get up on his left foot, then kick back, breaking the hold. Zack somersaults forward, and pops up to his feet! He turns to see BPP charging at him, but drops down and pulls down the top rope, sending BPP crashing to the floor! BPP goes SPLAT, as fans cheer Zack, who regains his composure in the middle of the ring. Zack goes over to where BPP is, and slingshots himself over with a somersault, taking BPP out again! Zack parades around ringside for a minute, catching his breath. He sees BPP stirring on the floor, so Zack hops up on the apron, to go back inside. Suddenly, BPP pops up...he was playing possum! He grabs Zack by the leg and vicously pulls him off the apron, so that Zack lands on the floor with all his weight on the bad ankle! Zack grimaces in pain, and BPP takes advantage of Zack hunched over to grab him and suplex him on the floor! The mixed reaction is evolving into total jeers for BPP, who takes Zack and rolls him back inside. BPP climbs up to the top rope, and looks down at Zack, then leaps off, catching him right in the chest with a flying elbowdrop! BPP seems a little spent after the move, but is able to cover Zack...2 COUNT ONLY! BPP appears to be growing angered as he can't put Zack away as quickly as he's hoping. He pulls Zack up by the hair, and carries him to the corner, where he props him up on top. BPP follows him up, trying for something, but Zack hammers him in the ribs a few times, then shoves him off. BPP comes forward again, but Zack jumps off with a sunset flip from the top! Ref slides into position...Popick is up at 2! BPP gets up, his eyes widened, looking possessed. He walks up to Zack and kicks him in the gut, then grabs him by the head...FALLEN ANGEL!?!....NO! Zack lands on his feet, keeping his right leg up, just like last night...COUNTER TO THE POP DROP! POP DROP ON BPP! ZACK COVERS! 1...2...ZACK GOT UP? HUH? Zack rolls off BPP, and appears to be talking to him. Zack talks to the ref too, who makes the "X" sign, signalling that someone is hurt. Medics come out with a stretcher,and they talk to the ref, then start working on getting BPP out of the ring. Alison comes over to Zack, who looks on with concern. The cameras close in on them, looking on, and Zack can be heard saying one thing... "He said he can't move." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Big Poppa Popick Report post Posted April 1, 2003 Roll Da Credits Graphical Props to SpiderPoet...thanks buddy Writing Props to Tony, Superstar, myself, Zack, SpiderPoet, ZsasZ, Shattered Dreams, Dames, MarioLogan, K-Ness, Orion, K-Money, P.R. Lightning, The Mad Cappa, Andrew Hyland, The Electrifyer, AngleSault, AnglePlex, Nanks, Canadian Chic, Lightning Flik, LPYC and someone nameless If I missed anyone...tell me There were two tributes tonight, for Sandman and CWM find them if you care Share this post Link to post Share on other sites