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Guest BoboBrazil

Interview With Goldberg

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Guest BoboBrazil

SEATTLE – March 31, 2003 -- WWE.com caught up with Goldberg moments before he made his surprise appearance tonight on RAW.


WWE.com: How does it feel being here in WWE?


Goldberg: I feel like a kid getting on his bicycle for the first time after 10 years of not riding it. It’s a totally different experience. I’ve only known wrestling in WCW. You always have these assumptions of how it’s going to be, and it’s totally different than me working at WCW. It’s totally professional. They’ve really got their s*** together here. I’m very happy to see it.


WWE.com: What about being backstage and meeting some new people, and seeing others that you haven’t seen in a while?


Goldberg: It’s great. It’s terrific to rekindle relationships because it’s like me being on a football team. I played football for many, many years and I relished those relationships. To be able to reacquaint with these guys is really, really cool.


WWE.com: Are you anticipating any tension backstage?


Goldberg: You know, you always prepare yourself for something like that, coming from the volatile backstage that I came from at WCW. But from what I’ve seen so far, it’s pretty much on the up-and-up. But I guarantee I’ll be ready for any backstabbing if I see it.


WWE.com: Who are the guys you’ve kept in touch with?


Goldberg: Arn Anderson, Rock, Nick Patrick. That’s about it.


WWE.com: A lot of fans want to know what took you so long to get here.


Goldberg: I used my brain. Anybody in the same position, if they were sane, would have done the same thing.


WWE.com: So it was a process of waiting for your WCW contract to expire?


Goldberg: It was a process of a lot of things. It’s not just money. It’s not just the old contract that I was owed. When the planets aligned correctly, I pulled the trigger. Nothing more, nothing less.


WWE.com: Are you here long term or are you here short term? Or is it too early to say at this point?


Goldberg: It’s too early to say.


WWE.com: There was an incident a few years ago at a convention involving you and Triple H. What happened?


Goldberg: Ask him.


WWE.com: Is it safe to say you two have buried the hatchet?


Goldberg: Business is business.


WWE.com: How do you feel about working with The Rock?


Goldberg: It’s always an honor to get in the ring with somebody that’s established himself like The Rock has. But he’s just another victim. It’s great analyzing it before I step through the ropes, but when I step through the ropes, he’s just another piece of prey.


WWE.com: Are you anticipating that some WWE fans might boo you because they perceive The Rock as “their guy”?


Goldberg: If I worried about what the fans thought, then I wouldn’t be here. I’m out here to do a job. If they like it, great. If they don’t, get in line.


WWE.com: Do you know at this point what your schedule is going to be? All TVs? Some TVs? All house shows? Some house shows?


Goldberg: No idea.


WWE.com: What have you been up to since wrestling fans saw you last?


Goldberg: I’ve done a couple of movies. I wrestled in Japan. A bunch of charity work – Humane Society stuff, and as many Make-A-Wish appearances as possible. That’s about it. Trying to heal up a little bit too.


WWE.com: Heal injuries from your football days or your wrestling days?


Goldberg: I’ve had injuries since I dropped out of my mom.


WWE.com: How are you feeling now?


Goldberg: I’m all right. I’m good enough to be here, but I’ll never be 100 percent again. Who will be? But 50 or 75 percent of me is better than 100 percent of 99.9 percent of people on the planet.


WWE.com: Did you envision to that you’d eventually make it to WWE?


Goldberg: Not necessarily because I never knew. I never really knew. No.


WWE.com: There was a lot of talk about a meeting you had with The Rock on the set of his new movie. What that just a situation where you both happened to be in town?


Goldberg: The deal was, he was on his movie. A buddy of mine that was an assistant on my last movie, was an assistant on his movie. I called him right when I got off the plane from Japan. Ironically, he was on Rock’s set, right down the road. So I stopped by and said hello.


WWE.com: Do you think your relationship with The Rock is a catalyst for you being here?


Goldberg: In all honesty, if it wasn’t for that relationship, I don’t know if I’d be here right now.


WWE.com: Some of your critics have said you lack passion for this business. What do you have to say about that?


Goldberg: The main reason why I’m here is to entertain little kids. Period. The main reason I came back to wrestling in the U.S. is to entertain little kids. The reason why I came back to wrestling in the U.S. is because I got an e-mail from a guy whose brother died over in the war. He got shot by a sniper. The kid was 19 years old and he lived, breathed and ate Goldberg. Hearing something like that makes you sit back and really think, “Where the hell are my priorities? What’s my calling?” So for every kid that’s walked up to me and asked me when I’m coming back, for every kid that’s e-mailed me on BillGoldberg.com, and for everybody over there in the war fighting and risking their lives to ensure our freedom … that’s why I came back. So yes, I do have a passion for entertaining. No question.


WWE.com: How are you feeling about tonight? Are you nervous?


Goldberg: If I wasn’t nervous, then I wouldn’t be a human. If I wasn’t nervous I’d have ice running through my veins. Being nervous is good.


WWE.com: Anything you want to add?


Goldberg: I’m just happy to be here, man. I appreciative to them for making me part of the team. I will not let them down, nor will I let the fans down.

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Guest ViciousFish

The thought of him dropping outta his mom is kinda a gross one though.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

*Reads the line about Goldberg and the 19 year old who died in the war*


Awwww shit! I can't hate him for that!

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Guest Downhome

I still don't understand all of the hate for Goldberg. Even out of the ring he sounds like a great ass guy, he is always doing stuff for other people, as he says here.


I understand if he isn't your style in the ring, but anything else, I just don't understand.

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Guest Lightning Flik

You know, I have to admit the only thing that pissed me off about him was the wait. I really don't mind the guy, and hell, I mark for him.


But even as he said, now that he's here and I actually think about it. If I was in his position, I'd probably would've waited my ass off before signing.

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Guest Trivia247

Smark: Mr.Goldberg isn't it true you spent the last two years Ritually Bashing the WWE everytime you got in front of a Microphone, and isn't it true sir that you put in your contract Certain wrestlers you flat out refuse to Job to? Do you think thats Ethical Mr. Goldberg....Hey wait up!


Goldberg runs away in his WWE paid for Limo.

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Guest HardcoreMF'nHolly
Smark: Mr.Goldberg isn't it true you spent the last two years Ritually Bashing the WWE everytime you got in front of a Microphone, and isn't it true sir that you put in your contract Certain wrestlers you flat out refuse to Job to? Do you think thats Ethical Mr. Goldberg....Hey wait up!


Goldberg runs away in his WWE paid for Limo.



Besides the fact that he has stated many times that he would never go to the WWE.


Also, after reading this WWE interview and recent ones in the past, this prick comes off as an arrogant, cocky son of a bitch! And don't tell me it's supposed to part of his character. He was out of character in that WWE interview mentioning his friendship with The Rock.


Fuck Goldbitch, and I don't believe a word his lying ass says. It's for the "kids" and the guys fighting in the war...yeah right bitch! How fuckin stupid do you think the fans of WWE are?! At least I remember all the lies you have told us in the past. Go to hell, fucker.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Maybe some time in the WWE lockerroom will make him less jaded towards the wrestling business. I can't wait until Bradshaw tries to get him :D

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Guest Downhome
Smark: Mr.Goldberg isn't it true you spent the last two years Ritually Bashing the WWE everytime you got in front of a Microphone, and isn't it true sir that you put in your contract Certain wrestlers you flat out refuse to Job to? Do you think thats Ethical Mr. Goldberg....Hey wait up!


Goldberg runs away in his WWE paid for Limo.



Besides the fact that he has stated many times that he would never go to the WWE.


Also, after reading this WWE interview and recent ones in the past, this prick comes off as an arrogant, cocky son of a bitch! And don't tell me it's supposed to part of his character. He was out of character in that WWE interview mentioning his friendship with The Rock.


Fuck Goldbitch, and I don't believe a word his lying ass says. It's for the "kids" and the guys fighting in the war...yeah right bitch! How fuckin stupid do you think the fans of WWE are?! At least I remember all the lies you have told us in the past. Go to hell, fucker.


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Guest bob_barron

Like it or not the guy is correct.


Didn't Goldberg spend years criticising WWE?

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Guest humongous2002

I'm just laughing my ass off because i keep on seeing some marks praising Goldberg and thinking that he will bring the ratings as soon as he becomes the champion.If he was such a big ratings draw how come he didn't give big ratings to save WCW?

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Guest EternallyLazy
Goldberg: I’m all right. I’m good enough to be here, but I’ll never be 100 percent again. Who will be? But 50 or 75 percent of me is better than 100 percent of 99.9 percent of people on the planet.

Lines like this is why I can't stand the motherfucker

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Guest FeArHaVoC
Like it or not the guy is correct.


Didn't Goldberg spend years criticising WWE?

Yes, and one time, Goldberg opened his big mouth before knowing the facts.


He ripped on the WWE for doing "Nothing" for 911 when they really did and still were. While Goldberg was selling his wrestling boots on Ebay for $35 and making appearances at fire houses, the WWE was giving One Million dollars to help out, gave about $750,000 in clothes and let victims and fire fighters, police, etc, use WWE NY as a place to rest and eat.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Most of the net hate stems from him hurting Bret Hart and from him admitting he doesn't have a passion for the business.


I think he was a decent draw for WCW but as usual WCW blew it by doing things like having him win the title off Hogan on free tv and losing it to the Kliq with Nash booking himself to win. Then turning him heel was stupid and he didn't want to do it.


I'm all for him coming in and hope he can help turn things around. I won't count on it, but anything to turn things around I'm all for.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I never really watched WCW much but after reading that interview, he sounded like a real Dick.


I can't wait until he falls victim to the Indian Deathlock!

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Guest notJames

Memo to Goldberg:


It's better to keep your mouth shut and have people wonder if you're a clueless asshole than to speak up and remove all doubt.


It's not enough that he's talentless; he's gotta prove he's also arrogant and delusional. And that shit about "for the kids" reeks of opportunistic glad-handing. How dare he use someone's death to make his case seem more than just one of greed and desperation for the spotlight.


In closing, Fuck Goldberg and the whore he rode in on.

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Guest OSIcon

Goldberg will have more of an impact then any of the other "big surprises" the WWF has wheeled in during the past two years.


The majority of the WCW audiance stopped watching wrestling weekly when WCW shut down. WWF had the misguided perception that "if they watched that crap in WCW, they will love our show." That just wasn't true. Any gain in former WCW fans was minimal and now is almost non-existent. WCW fans were WCW fans. Either they liked the wrestlers, the "feel" WCW had, or something else. When WCW went away, most of these fans did too.


Goldberg debuts tonight and I have already seen a few instances of WCW fans getting excited over it. One guy in the RAW thread mentioned a brother (or cousin...can't remember) of his who saw Goldberg on RAW and sat down to watch wrestling for the first time in a few years. My brother acted in a very similiar manner. Like myself, he was always more of a WCW fan then WWF. He stopped watching wrestling on a regular basis a little before WCW went under. When I told him Goldberg was debuting on RAW, he told me to let him know when GOldberg was going to be on so he could watch. He ended up watching all of RAW by himself to catch Goldberg's debut. There have been a few Torch feedbacks that echo similiar sentiments. People have given the show a '10' based on the fact that Goldberg debut.


While those are just a few people, I think their feelings reflect those of a larger audiance. WCW fans aren't that interested in most of what the WWF has to offer (at least now). They are interested in seeing Goldberg though and has already shown by those few examples, they will watch to see him. That is, if he is used like a star and similiar to his WCW character.


So personal feelings on Goldberg aside, I think its a bit off to completely dismiss him as a draw. He may not be that big of a draw for the WWF. We don't know yet but he certainly has the potential to make an impact. A lot of the fans that made up the 2.0-3.0 ratings that WCW getting near the end like Goldberg and want to see them.

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Guest Downhome
Like it or not the guy is correct.


Didn't Goldberg spend years criticising WWE?

Sure it's right, but everyone in the entire industry who is not in WWE has said bullshit like that about them at one time or another. It's how things are, it means nothing at all, it's just part of the game. It's no excuse to hate someone, because like it or not, you would be hating a f'n huge amount of guys.


If he was such a big ratings draw how come he didn't give big ratings to save WCW?


Come on, we have covered this. Blah blah blah, a single man can not save an already dying company, blah blah blah, since Austin/Rocky didn't "save" WWE does that mean that they are worthless, blah blah blah, it takes storylines and interesting angles, NOT a single wrestler to do any good, blah blah blah.

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Guest bob_barron

Goldberg criticising WWF for their role in 9.11 was a new low and was absolutely disgusting.


Goldberg is not a draw and they should spend their time trying to build up guys like Jericho and not having him to lose glorified cripples instead of bringing in another guy who is going to fail

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Guest Brian

We're not asking anyone to save the company other than Vince and the writers. Start booking to create new superstars, stop bringing in old ones. Goldberg was worthwhile playing one character in one role wrestling one three minute match every night.

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Guest Downhome
Goldberg is not a draw and they should spend their time trying to build up guys like Jericho and not having him to lose glorified cripples instead of bringing in another guy who is going to fail

That's your opinion, I have mine, we'll have to wait and see who is right. Just remember, you can NOT go just by ratings and the such, because if Rocky/Austin could not help RAW out a lot, I doubt Goldberg can. Goldberg is simply a breath of fresh air, like it or not he IS to a lot of fans, and they could simply use his being here as a launching pad for other things on the show with hopes that they can attract new fans not only for his being there, but their seeing other things when they tune in to see him.


It's like a band, it takes more than one insturment for it to run smoothly. WWE could do it if they wanted, in WCW, it was just not possible as they were all over the place.


You can not compare the two, all you can do is sit back and watch and see what happens. By the way...


...they ARE spending time with Jericho, did you not see him look like a monster superstar on RAW? Let that play out also before you judge it, you can't just pick apart what happens in the NOW.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

Goldberg: I’m all right. I’m good enough to be here, but I’ll never be 100 percent again. Who will be? But 50 or 75 percent of me is better than 100 percent of 99.9 percent of people on the planet.

Lines like this is why I can't stand the motherfucker

Agreed. 100%.


:firing: Goldberg

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Guest Brian

Which is why he gets to pick and choose who he wrestles with. Thank you Steve for heading to SmackDown.

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Guest bob_barron

I think it's a fact Goldberg is not a draw. Look at the ratings and buyrates over the last couple of years- Goldberg is not a draw.


Jericho did not look like a monster superstar to me. He looked like a baby whining about a loss and he needed two other people to beat up two cripples.


Let that play out also before you judge it, you can't just pick apart what happens in the NOW.


I already did that. I watched Chris Jericho carry a feud for three months, get superkicked every week and cut excellent promos building up to Wrestlemania where I was sure he would go ver and establish himself. I watched HBK come out, cut some boring promos and earn his pay by running into the ring once a week.


Jericho is the one who works house shows and is the future of the company. HBK is a walking cripple trying to recapture past glory. I will not be satisfied with Jericho going over at Backlash- that does nothing for him


They don't need to sign Goldberg to make money- in the end he's just someone taking up money on Vince's payroll.

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Guest creativename
did you not see him look like a monster superstar on RAW?

:lol: :lol: :lol:


I know I'm going to sound like a prick here, and I don't mean too and I apologize for it, but you do realize how delusional you sound in saying that?

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Guest creativename
I think it's a fact Goldberg is not a draw.

Actually, I think that Goldberg will be a draw. Moreso than any other wrestler on the planet could be at the moment, at least. And as long as they utilize him fairly well, I think he can be worth the investment in terms of money and TV time that they spend on him.


I still hate the bastard though. Fucking dipshit.

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Guest Downhome
did you not see him look like a monster superstar on RAW?

:lol: :lol: :lol:


I know I'm going to sound like a prick here, and I don't mean too and I apologize for it, but you do realize how delusional you sound in saying that?

Not like a prick, just like someone trying to hold your side of it.


He DID look like a monster, like a superstar, standing alongside Ric f'n Flair and the dominating HHH. Jericho was in great compan, one being the legend of ever and the other the World Champion, and in my eyes he didn't look any less than the two he was with. For the first time ever, to me, he looked almost like their equal for once, instead of their bitch.


Do not insult me saying I'm "delusional", don't act like a child. You have your opinion and I have mine, so keep it at that.

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