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Guest DVD Spree

Free ps2 region-x...

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Guest DVD Spree

Yo, Jay Spree here.


Since the site may very well still be in limbo by the time the next update comes round, I wanted to post this ASAP so you guys can take advantage.


Unfortunately, only UK PS2ers (or those of you with friends in the UK) can get the software free, but it's better than nothing. DVD Region-X (worth £20/$30) is being given away as a coverdisc on this month's PSi-2 magazine (issue 18). It comes with a case and full instructions. If you're looking for the magazine (which I've never heard of before), it's a black cover with a shaolin monk-looking guy (bald head, yellow gi) as the cover image on the right, and the Region-X software is in a massive blue box on the left.


Pretty good deal, really.




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