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Guest BoboBrazil

Who Should Austin Face If He Ends Up On Smackdown

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Guest BoboBrazil

It looks like they are moving Austin to Smackdown. Who can he face? The top prospects are Albert and Big Show. Everyone else is a face except Cena and he is feuding with Lesnar.

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Guest Aero

Agreed... the story's already written itself. I just think one of them has to turn heel, first.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker

Do any of you really see the Smackdown main event of ANY PPV being John Cena vs Brock Lesnar? I'm afraid I just cannot see it happening.


Austin/Benoit would be great, however turning Austin heel and having him do something he's never done before, a program with Lesnar, would be far more interesting. Either way though, I'm sure a good match will come of it.


But they do need to turn Austin heel.



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Guest saturnmark4life

They HAVE to give Austin/Benoit a ppv feud, dear God I've wanted it for soooo long. Turning Austin heel for that feud could really help Benoit's career as well.

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Guest Aero

Austin vs. Lesnar could be just as good... if they decide to put it on a PPV this time around. I'd save it for Summerslam, maybe for a face vs. face match.

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Guest saturnmark4life

I'm not convinced, I just can't see Austin and Lesnar meshing too well. Unless they use Austin to get a Brock submission move over. (other than the Hulk-buster). They want to get over the point that Austin (heel) can't beat Brock with wrestling, so attacks him from behind and chairs the living shit out of him every week, then Brock makes him tap on ppv. I'm just thinking that Austin's neck can't handle the 'smackdown suplex style' so they'll need more ground-based feuds. Plus they get Lesnar's actual wrestling skills over, and the 'raising the bar' idea, with technical prowess ushering out the punchy-kicky sportz entertainment is embodied by Brock defating Austin.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Benoit and Lesnar are the two obvious choices, and the two they should go with, turning Austin heel and puting both men over.


If they were so inclined they could have Austin/Eddy feud again, a high profile feud with Austin could do Guerrero plenty of good, but it seems he's stuck in the tag ranks for now anyway.

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Guest humongous2002

Austin should feud with Torrie, since he is used to beating on women.

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Guest cynicalprofit

Austin should lose to Rhyno and Lesnar and walk of into the sunset, never to return again.


Benoit and Eddy can get themselves over with a few matches alone.

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Guest crandamaniac

The could easily do a Austin/Eddie feud, using the premise that Austin wasted one of his chances to move up in the WWE (he was feuding with Eddie when he left). Just something to start up with, then they can move Austin onto Lesnar

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Guest BifEverchad

If they do infact decide to move Austin over to the SD! roster, they must turn him heel. The only thing that comes to my mind would be a face Austin going over to SD, and eventually turning on the fans for not supporting him in his comeback.


Who should he face?


- definately Beniot starting out

- then maybe Rhyno if need be

- Lesnar for the Summerslam Main Event

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

But is Austin's neck is as bad as they say, then his matches with Benoit will not be great. I'd prefer him to brawl in matches against lesser opponents in this case.

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Guest Brian

Benoit's an excellent brawler. Austin will mesh fine.


They're moving away from the suplex stuff anyways, as they should be.

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Guest treble charged

Blowoff the Eddy feud first, I say. They can fight at Backlash, have a **** (hopefully) match and then move onto Benoit.

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Guest nikowwf

You peeps may want to cheer for Benoit & Eddy (me too) but the general populace is behind Austin as a face. Turning him hell totally pissed everyone off and killed business for a while last time. I can't see turning him heel, and expecting Benoit to get the rub. More likely the crowd sh*ts on it, and turns benoit heel



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Guest Brian

As much as I would like to, turning Austin is not the answer. Benoit's due for a heel turn with the eventual Rhyno break-up and the Brock feud down the line. Eddy's in tag action and he's got something going with Team Angle. Benoit, and Brock towards the first split-PPV would be the best idea to start. Have Benoit turn on Rhyno tonight at the tapings in a tag title match, and later in the show when Steph announces she's signing Austin let Benoit come out and put him in the cross-face. Total bad-ass.

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Do any of you really see the Smackdown main event of ANY PPV being John Cena vs Brock Lesnar? I'm afraid I just cannot see it happening.



And its not going to be as Rock/Goldberg will be the main at Backlash. I would never say never either as of right now no you wouldn't main event Lesnar/Cena but by the end of the year if Cena is built up enough who knows.

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Guest Brian

Cena is going to be huge eventually. He's exactly the size and build the WWE would want. He has the in-ring chrisma and decent enough work. He plays a diverse number of characters and has appeal with a mainstream audience. He's pretty legit as far as free-stylist, he writes his own stuff, and can not only push his own lines but can also play off other people. He's going to be huge, and they've got a big talent pool out of that generation. It's unfortunate they have to pass over some really deserving guys.

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Guest saturnmark4life

I doubt they'll turn Austin, but I think the crowd's response to Benoit at the rumble shows they're ready to get behind him as a face champion. I also doubt they'll go with my idea about, you know, JOBBING TO BROCK because that's one of the reasons he left in the first place. But as much as I love Steve Austin, he has to job if he's going to be worth shit ever again.

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Guest El Satanico

Austin vs. Beniot...Face vs. Face


If they want to turn Benoit this would be the perfect way to build up to it.

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Guest Brian

He left because it was the wrong match at the wrong time with the wrong build during a different feud.

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I'd like to see Austin and Benoit before moving on to Brock. Then maybe a feud with someone like Cena, Rhyno or Eddy to get them to the next level before the match vs Hogan at WM 20.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I'm all for Austin/Anyone on Velocity, but I guess I'm the only one.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
As much as I would like to, turning Austin is not the answer. Benoit's due for a heel turn with the eventual Rhyno break-up and the Brock feud down the line.



Benoit gets bigger pops than Mr. One-Move Heyman Pet Project anyway. That would be a stupid move IMO, unless he beats Brock for the title.

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Guest Just call me Dan

Why is Benoit due a heel turn Brian? He's gaining momentum and was a heel I think until around Armageddon 2002. People don't need to be turned so often, especially if they never got the chance to get mega-over and stay that way. austin should have never turned face and should have played off of his absence as a way to turn heel (The Rock) He hasn't had an entertaining segment or match (Besides the decent one at 'Mania) since turning heel and abandoning his awesome run in 2001.


I'd like to see Austin get into it with Eddie, but it would be hard to jump from lying, cheating and stealing fun loving tag teamer into "Austin ruined my career!!!" Benoit needs a singles program, and Austin working with him and Rhyno would be nice. Lesnar should and hopefully will be done, but nothing needs to be rushed. That needs the slow burn. Give people chills when they first encounter one another and play on it for MANY MONTHS.

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Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy
I'm all for Austin/Anyone on Velocity, but I guess I'm the only one.

Yes you are.

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Guest HardcoreMF'nHolly
Austin vs. Beniot...Face vs. Face


If they want to turn Benoit this would be the perfect way to build up to it.

I think that this Austin injury angle has potential. I think that the angle could (should) go like this...Austin goes to Smackdown as a face and wrestles matches as a face but loses every one due to his "injury". He discovers that his neck is getting worse and worse every time (but the tough S.O.B won't give up) and continues to wrestle. It even hurts him to use the Stunner. When he uses it, he has a hard time getting up and pinning his opponent and is unable to get the win. He resorts to heel tactics, all the while remaining as a face. Crowd sympathizes with him but does not boo him. I can see the crowd still popping for him as long as he doesn't talk trash to the crowd.


This angle lets him put over Benoit, Rhyno, Guerrero, etc without making him seem like a jobber because he is "hurt" and also still makes him seem like the tough S.O.B. he always was. For his final match w/ WWE, we could see Austin vs someone like HBK or an upcoming heel, and have Austin finally go over. That would give him his final win with the crowd popping big time for him.

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