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Guest Plushy Al Logan

My plans for the future

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Since I don't have a fued, I will simply turn into Kevin Nash, and sit on my ass.


I just felt like giving away a spoiler.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

We have about 50 newbies without feuds. talk to:


Angle Is God


Lightning Flik




Hollywood Spike Jenkins

Zorin Industries


Just ask one of them.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
We have about 50 newbies without feuds. talk to:


Angle Is God


Lightning Flik- On other show


Cappa-Havent seen him


Hollywood Spike Jenkins

Zorin Industries- Havent seen him


Just ask one of them.

I just kind of like being lazy, but if I'm angered, watch out!

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Guest Big Poppa Popick
We have about 50 newbies without feuds. talk to:


Angle Is God


Lightning Flik




Hollywood Spike Jenkins

Zorin Industries


Just ask one of them.

nanks is iZ so he works


i think flik has something


same for undisuputed and cappa


jailbait? are you here?


brockk austtin needs squash


zorin is bk2k3...so hes got stuff

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Guest SP-1

Mario we can still work that mini-feud, but I don't think it can really last very long or involve titles.

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Guest Michael Joel Benoit

Cappa currently is feuding with my character, Puerto Rican Lightning.

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Guest Lightning Flik
i think flik has something

Yup. I currently have something on the table. I'm just finalizing it. I hope...

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Guest Plushy Al Logan


Big Poppa Popick- May be doing something

EvenflowDDT- Maybe doing something


ShooterJay- Where is he?

The Mad Cappa- Feuding with someone

Y2JailBait- Where is he?

Puerto Rican Lightning- Feuding with someone

Black Tiger

MarioLogan- It's me!



Andrew Hyland


Mystery Weirdness Connection (Jingus and Eskimo)

International Organization of UnderCarders - I.O.U. - (J.O.B Squad & K - Ness)

Los Infernales (El Dandy and SpiderPoet)- Will most likeley just interfere in his matches for some reason


I really don't know about the rest of you, if you would like to feud with me, PM me with your suggestions, who ever has the best, gets to feud with me, or something. :P


Thank You!

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Guest Kotzenjunge

How about everyone just fucks with Mario Logan every week for a while, and you think of something in the interim, and whoever you see fit to do a program with, we can have them be the person who abused you the most.


(envisons all kinds of backstage vignettes where Mario gets his shoelaces tied together and stuff like that)

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
How about everyone just fucks with Mario Logan every week for a while, and you think of something in the interim, and whoever you see fit to do a program with, we can have them be the person who abused you the most.


(envisons all kinds of backstage vignettes where Mario gets his shoelaces tied together and stuff like that)

That could work, but then I interfere in their matches.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

No no no, it'd be like a "over-abused nerd explodes into a psychotic rage" thing.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
No no no, it'd be like a "over-abused nerd explodes into a psychotic rage" thing.

-Over abused nerd

-explosive temper (Check)

-Psychotic fits of rage (Check)


Your idea is a little backwards.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Do a gimmick where the Dungeon of Doom rebells against you. Then you can write everything yourself, and don't have to bother with pesky things like "other people's heat."

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
Do a gimmick where the Dungeon of Doom rebells against you. Then you can write everything yourself, and don't have to bother with pesky things like "other people's heat."

The Dungeon is gone, I only have one guy remaining.

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Guest evenflowDDT

Do little song and dance numbers to endear yourself to the crowd... "I'm just a sweet transevestite..."


What? I think it'd work.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
Do little song and dance numbers to endear yourself to the crowd... "I'm just a sweet transevestite..."


What? I think it'd work.

What I have down so far:



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Guest Kotzenjunge
We could just block him in a closet with a forklift.

We WOULD do that if he wasn't on IntenselyGHEY~Zone.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero

I'm currently the reigning NA champ, who's setting up a sort-of-feud with PR Lighting

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Guest ShooterJay

I'll do the feud.


I have returned, and the quest begins for "Shooter" Jay Darring to become the MAINSTREAM SUPERSTAR~!. It'll start with whatever the hell this guy's name is. (Sorry Elv1s for my ignorance- severe sickness+ midterms= premature absence and lack of knowledge about OaOasT)


My sincere apology to all of ya, I'd be glad to start off with this feud and put a well-written program together.

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