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Guest Downhome

Brock Lesnar: On turning Pro...

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Guest Downhome

This is from Goldberg's main site, in the Q&A section, just so you know. I found this, and then looked into it to confirm it, and it is indeed true. When asked about his opinion on Brock, Goldberg said...


I think Brock was a great amateur wrestler. He’s got a lot of promise and with the right direction/mentality, he can be a superstar. That said, I still can’t forget the Sports Illustrated For Kids magazine from a couple of years ago when I was on the cover. He said in that issue that, when in college, he would never be a pro wrestler because it would be demeaning and embarrassing to him. Well what do you think now, Brock?


...I was just wondering if any of you had ever heard that before. Hmmm...


...I bet his opinion has changed now, heh. I'll post the article later if you want me too, after I find all of it.




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Guest SP-1

Heh. That's innarestin'. I'm starting to enjoy things from Goldberg interviews.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

I think Angle had pretty much the same attitude about "turning pro" before he got into it.

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Guest Downhome

Just for the record, I also believe that Kurt Angle also put down Pro. Wrestling before he joined this crazy world.

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Guest Downhome
I think Angle had pretty much the same attitude about "turning pro" before he got into it.

We posted that same thing at about the same moment, heh.

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Guest notJames

Gee, Goldberg dissing someone for hypocritical remarks, criticizing a place he would eventually "sell out" to…


Pot… kettle… black…


Goldberg wishes he had half the credentials and talent of Lesnar. Seriously, does he ever stop putting his foot in his big ugly mouth?

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Guest The Electrifyer

I remember when Angle showed up on Tough Enough and indeed, he did think that pro-wrestling was a joke before he joined.


I'm not surprised Brock said that though, considering that he thinks winning the amateur wrestling championship was better than winning the WWE Title.

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Guest MaxPower27

Of course Brock's going to say that. Amateur wrestlers mostly hate pro wrestling.

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Guest Downhome

I wish I knew the percentage of ALL guys in Pro. Wrestling, who thought the exact same thing before they realized they could do it as a career.

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Guest Downhome
Gee, Goldberg dissing someone for hypocritical remarks, criticizing a place he would eventually "sell out" to…


Pot… kettle… black…


Goldberg wishes he had half the credentials and talent of Lesnar. Seriously, does he ever stop putting his foot in his big ugly mouth?

What the fuck are you talking about? He was just being lighthearted and joking. Must some of you bash someone at every chance you get?

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Guest SP-1
Must some of you bash someone at every chance you get?

It's the WWE folder. Of course.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Must some of you bash someone at every chance you get?

It's the WWE folder. Of course.

Amen to that. Bashing in this folder is a mandatory.

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Guest goodhelmet
Gee, Goldberg dissing someone for hypocritical remarks, criticizing a place he would eventually "sell out" to…


Pot… kettle… black…


Goldberg wishes he had half the credentials and talent of Lesnar. Seriously, does he ever stop putting his foot in his big ugly mouth?

yeah, funny how it was goldberg's name they were chanting when brock was in the ring his first month.

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Guest bob_barron
Must some of you bash someone at every chance you get?

It's the WWE folder. Of course.

Is your only purpose for posting in this folder to bitch about it? If you don't like it don't post.


Notice how the fans don't chant 'Goldberg' anymore at Brock

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Guest SP-1
Must some of you bash someone at every chance you get?

It's the WWE folder. Of course.

Is your only purpose for posting in this folder to bitch about it? If you don't like it don't post.


Notice how the fans don't chant 'Goldberg' anymore at Brock

Shut it, Barron. Don't even TRY and single ME out as someone that takes cheap shots around here. There are far more sarcastic bitches in this folder then SpiderPoet. So either make a cheap shot, a valid post, or wallow in the retardation of trying to single one sarcastic remark out in a folder FILLED with them.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

Alright, that's enough out of both of you.


Either take this crap to NHB or just stop altogether.

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Guest bob_barron

I think I make many valid points in this folder while all you've done since you've been in this folder is go 'Can't have a different opinion' about 8 million times.


We had a discussion on HBK v. Jericho and I gave you a very valid post on my feelings of the issue and you just said you were leaving and to be miserable.


You're the one taking the cheap shots while wallowing in your HBK love like it was 1996 and people still cared about him.


And to stay on topic-

Goldberg making fun of someone for not sticking to their beliefs- IRONY

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Guest bob_barron
Alright, that's enough out of both of you.


Either take this crap to NHB or just stop altogether.

Sorry APO- I made my post before I read what you said.


I'll keep it clean in here

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Guest Downhome
And to stay on topic-

Goldberg making fun of someone for not sticking to their beliefs- IRONY

He wasn't making fun of him, it was a lighthearted comment. In the, "hey Brock how do you feel about it NOW...*nudge nudge*".

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Guest Downhome

I think WWE folder is pretty much NHB anyway. Thread after thread we see people flaming about wrestlers, each other, angles, or just about anything at all. You might as well combine the two boards, because this IS a flaming folder.


Isn't the purpose of NHB...


All flaming and hatred threads (aimed at wrestlers, posters, whoever) go in here. If you don't like it, DON'T GO IN!


...I'm not being an ass, but that goes on in here more than it does in NHB. Just look at the talk about Goldberg, the majority of the posts concerning him isn't actually the discussing of him and what could happen, but rather it's post after post of simply "Fuck Goldberg". I don't even know why that's even allowed in the WWE board, I though NHB was the board for that.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I actually plan on doing something about that, but I haven't had the time to due to school obligations.


Also, I just now went through the Goldberg thread mentioned and while there is an abundance of "fuck Goldberg", there's also some posters seemingly trying to discuss the matter..

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Guest Downhome
I actually plan on doing something about that, but I haven't had the time to due to school obligations.

Thank you. As I said, I'm not being an ass, as that IS the way it's been here lately. Hell, you say that if people do not like it to stay out of NHB, well that's what is happening in WWE folder. Some do not like it and/or thinks it is childish and stupid, and they just stay out of here.


Come on, it makes the entire board look like a joke when you see a thread, in what is supposed to be a respected forum like this WWE folder, in which it consists of just people saying fuck whoever and, only that. I've done it before, but really, it does need to change.


Thanks again.

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Guest Downhome
Also, I just now went through the Goldberg thread mentioned and while there is an abundance of "fuck Goldberg", there's also some posters seemingly trying to discuss the matter..

Yes, there are those trying to discuss it, but when it's full of crap of people posting two word reply's and it's blatant flaming, it just takes the fun out of anything. It's very childish, imatureish, and should end in this folder.

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Guest Downhome

By the way, IN that thread, almost twenty, out of about 68 replies in that thread was either ONLY fuck Goldberg, or another blatant flame. There is no excuse for that, period. Hell, a bit of it was two of the Mods here, and that doesn't make things look good at all. I know many hate Goldberg, or HHH, or whoever, but at least try to discuss it using your brain instead of acting like a child. If you can't discuss something without resorting to acting like that in WWF folder, then just hold it in and save it for NHB.


That's my opinion, thanks.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo
By the way, IN that thread, almost twenty, out of about 68 replies in that thread was either ONLY fuck Goldberg, or another blatant flame. There is no excuse for that, period.

Yeah, but you have to remember where you are. Unless Goldberg shrinks six inches and gains about ten thousand different moves (half have to be submissions) he'll likely never be a hero around here.



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Guest Downhome
By the way, IN that thread, almost twenty, out of about 68 replies in that thread was either ONLY fuck Goldberg, or another blatant flame. There is no excuse for that, period.

Yeah, but you have to remember where you are. Unless Goldberg shrinks six inches and gains about ten thousand different moves (half have to be submissions) he'll likely never be a hero around here.



I understand all of that, but there is no need for it in the WWE folder. If you hate someone so much that you can't even post anything about the guy except resorting to being an ass, then just don't or save it for NHB.


I thought that was the purpose of NHB.


This place has a reputation, well it used to have one, where very smart and great discussions went on. When people then come here, and see crap like that, it very well could keep people from taking part.

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Guest Stunt Granny

I think Angle put down Pro Wrestling at first because he was at the ECW show when Raven curcified Tommy Dreamer or Sandman, I forget. Angle was disgusted as were many others.

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Guest Downhome
I think Angle put down Pro Wrestling at first because he was at the ECW show when Raven curcified Tommy Dreamer or Sandman, I forget. Angle was disgusted as were many others.

Well, yeah, that's true. As far as I remember, Kurt was VERY ill over that display. Still, I believe he said he'd never turn pro. even before that, when he was still very much an active amature.

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Guest Brian

Angle refused a contract the first time around in 1996. All amateur wrestlers are of that opinion unless they've been fans all their life. It's common.

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