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Guest oldschoolwrestling

HHH flips Goldberg the bird

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Andrew Martin sent this one. ... I went to RAW at the Key last night, I don't have time to do a full report, but I found this pretty funny. After HHH's match, H stayed in the ring watching the TitanTron until the Backlash/Goldberg promo ended, at which time H gave the middle finger to the TitanTron. He then went up the ramp, pointed at the screen and then pointed at his crotch, and then he flexed.




Isn't Test's real name Andrew Martin???

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Guest Just call me Dan

Yeah, that's his name, but I'm sure that was just a coincidence. Triple H has or had legit heat with the guy, but I'm sure that's just his way of being the heel. He and Goldy will work a program soon anyway, so he's probably just making it clear that "he hates Goldberg". Pure kayfabe.

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Guest CanadianChick

Man, the bird was flipped so many times at WM. We had Jericho, Austin, McMahon, and now HHH, and I'm sure I'm missing someone.

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Guest Just call me Dan

Vince flipping off Hogan after the match was absolutely hilarious.

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Guest TheArchiteck
Vince flipping off Hogan after the match was absolutely hilarious.


Seeing Vince flip off Hogan while looking like he was on the urge of death was pure comedy.

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Guest Bling-Bling Buchanan
He then went up the ramp, pointed at the screen and then pointed at his crotch, and then he flexed


This strikes me as very VERY gay for some reason.

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Guest Nanks

::dons an asbestos suit for protection against flaming::

I'm really looking forward to the Goldberg-Triple H program. Several reasons:

1. The backstage politics war will make this one near impossible to call

2. The two have legit heat, and don't strike me as overly professional as far as putting that aside, so there is the faint chance of some shooting

3. The feud should get some decent build-up as they will probably be given about 90 minutes every Monday

4. Not having had access to WCW I don't really know about this one, but I'd imagine Flair & Goldberg would have some kind of history, and Flair interjecting himself into HHH's feud is always a saving grace of sorts.


:gas: :firing:

^ rest of board approaches

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I'm looking forward to the HHH/Goldberg match as well.

*keeps fingers crossed that goldberg does one of his trademarkered spear then jackhammer matches that lasts all of 2 minutes*

Or maybe Goldberg will Ultimate Warrior the Pedigree...yeah that'd be awesome.

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Guest Nanks

Even better than that, bring back Ultimate Warrior and have HIM no-sell the Pedigree and run a program where Warrior constantly replays the match from WM X where he totally squashed HHH.

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Guest Pigsy
He then went up the ramp, pointed at the screen and then pointed at his crotch, and then he flexed


This strikes me as very VERY gay for some reason.

He'll probably start saying he wants Goldberg's ass next.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Goldberg might beat HHH in a wrestling match, especially as a babyface, but if you put these stupid "wrestling" contests aside and have the two face off in REAL competitions where it's all on the line, HHH would win in a heartbeat.


I'm talking TRUE exhibitions of strength and power. Like benchpresses! Posedowns! And bicep measurements!





(body shivers)







....Hooray. I have successfully left The HHH Zone of thought. Was worried I'd be stuck in there for a minute.

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

I dare HHH to go out there and say that "You people (Goldberg being Jewish) don't deserve to be champion"

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Guest EternallyLazy

Goldberg/HHH could be our modern day Hart/Michaels



Well... not WORKRATE wise, but I'm sure you know what I mean

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Guest Dmann2000
Vince flipping off Hogan after the match was absolutely hilarious.


Seeing Vince flip off Hogan while looking like he was on the urge of death was pure comedy.

Speaking of that, does anyone have a video capture of that shot of Vince's bloody face coming up over the ring apron after he got the pipe and he had this crazed look on his face. I so want that for my sig.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
I dare HHH to go out there and say that "You people (Goldberg being Jewish) don't deserve to be champion"

Then everyone here would have HHHitler sigs.


Speaking of that, does anyone have a video capture of that shot of Vince's bloody face coming up over the ring apron after he got the pipe and he had this crazed look on his face. I so want that for my sig.


Go to the WWE's main site, they have it there.

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