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Guest dpac

Smackdown spoilers?

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Guest subliminal_animal
Wait where was all this talk about Piper only being a one time thing? Yup Hogan vs. Pipper yippee. Its seriously time for WWE to create a senior's division.

When they announced he was one-night-only, I still thought he would be back. The Hogan attack at WM deserves to be resolved.


I just don't know if Cena can hit his new finisher on Taker. And A-Train or Show showing up would be expected. Would be cool if Cena hit his finisher (is he still calling it the FU), but hell. I can't see it happening. Thus interference makes more sense.

Cena gets the Last Ride, interference, and they lay Cena on Taker. And then they beat up UT after the match and we get Big Show putting Taker out again in what may be the first feud stemming from an injury angle that has the guy who came back going back out after another injury angle.


I'm shocked as hell to see Sable back, thats about as big as Bret Hart showing up since there was so much heat between her side and the WWE for so long.

That's a pretty silly overstatement from whatever way you look at it.


Rest of the show looks pretty solid, Cena has GOT to win this tournament, and this is a great idea to elevate him if thats the plan.

He will, just not convincingly enough to really elevate him.


Looks like a VERY interesting Smackdown.

Yeah, but the surprise and novelty will wear down past the bone pretty quickly, I imagine. I give Piper a month before everyone gets irritated. I like Piper all right, but he's often aggravating and can come off as hypocritical.


And I thought he hated Vince. Huh.


Taker will have some sort of injury angle next week since wwe.com is reporting that he will have elbow surgery next Thursday.


Taker will have some sort of injury angle next week since wwe.com is reporting that he will have elbow surgery next Thursday.

Courtesy of the Big Show! RAAAAAAAAAH!

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