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Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy


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Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy

Was the WWE justified in cutting the guy? Did he get used in the right manner? Could he have been a big player if used better? or does he just suck?

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Guest MaxPower27

He's OK, but his ring work had been slipping, and they were only using him to fuck up guys in dark matches anyways.

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Guest Trivia247

well terri may have pushed him up a tad for that Euro title win, but they completely Misunderstood the potential of Saturn, he was as technical as just under the Benoits and Guerreros of the company, He also had that Taz like mentality where he was a Killer, Just a Executioner. Saturn should dig up Kronus from XPW and take the Eliminators to TNA

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Guest El Satanico

He would've never been a major player, but he could've been a great mid-carder.

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Guest teke184

Hell, Moppy DID get him over with the crowds, although it was just part of his punishment for whipping Mike Bell's ass in a dark match. (That was in April or May, IIRC, and the Moppy stuff was STILL going on during October when LOUD Moppy chants broke out during the Saturn and Charlie Haas vs. the Island Boys (Rosie and Jamal) dark match) I don't think Moppymania ended until around December when Scotty II Hotty gave Saturn a replacement Moppy.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

He's one of the better people they cut...but he's kind of a little "off" and sometimes hurts people.

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Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy

I think he has a great look. Better than average skills. Just little to no charisma/mic skills.

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Guest Coffey
He's one of the better people they cut...but he's kind of a little "off" and sometimes hurts people.

I agree with this statement. Although, he could never get to the top of the WWE. Too many negatives against him, like his lack of promo skills and his lazy eye.


Still, he can wrestle, and I mark for him.

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Guest geniusMoment

Too much of a spot wrestler for WWE. He got over in ECW because he could perform one big spot after another something WWE would never allow a performer to do.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



he could punch and suplex...that means he was a spinebuster and a sleeperhold away from the main event.

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Guest Lightning Flik


he could punch and suplex...that means he was a spinebuster and a sleeperhold away from the main event.

Don't forget a sloppy assed finishing move. You can't forget that.

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Guest El Satanico

Saturn has no problem doing big spots, but he's not a true "spot wrestler". He actually has a good amount of technical ability unlike most "spot monkeys".

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Guest El Satanico

Which finisher is that? DVD or Rings of Saturn? I've never seen him do those sloppily.



EDIT: Nevermind i didn't get what you meant at first

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Guest razazteca

The possibilities of potential tag teams or stables Saturn could of been in, are mind boggling. Just think WHAT IF Saturn, Regal, Hardcore Holly, Tazz, Raven was a stable out to kill all in their Path of Rage....think of what Velocity or Heat jobber matches could of been like.

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Guest Coffey
Which finisher is that? DVD or Rings of Saturn? I've never seen him do those sloppily.



EDIT: Nevermind i didn't get what you meant at first

He also finished with a Brainbuster and the Moss Covered Three Handled Family Credenzo...

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Guest saturnmark4life

hohoho, well I have to ay he was SOMEWHAT misused, just SLIGHTLY. Ahem. He is God.


Aside from being God, he's an OK wrestler. I almost stopped watching WWE altogether when he got cut, even though I knew it was coming. When Dreamer goes I'll be equally depressed. I'm not advocating main event pushes for any of these guys, but they entertain me in undercard roles and I value them just as much as Benoit for that.


I cannot fathom how Saturn never cracked the tag division. The Guillotine Kneedrop and Total Elimination can be done with almost any partner and are the greatest tag finishers ever. Also, they canned this guy who trains for NJPW and trained many of the ECW lockeroom, but they have the FRIGGING BOSSMAN training people?? WTF??


I admit though, he's got more chance of accomplishing anything in TNA or NJ than the WWE. And his new tats kick your ass.

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