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Guest cynicalprofit

A message to Vince

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Guest cynicalprofit

After I read the spoiler for this weeks SmackDown, I need to point out the following to Vince (No I'm not giving anything away):


Vince, you run a wrestling show and you are NOT a wrestler. Give TV time to the WRESTLERS not yourself. Lord knows it couldnt hurt to try it.

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Guest cynicalprofit

Well since i dont see you trying anything, its better then your effort, or lack therfore of.

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Guest Bruiser Chong
Well since i dont see you trying anything, its better then your effort, or lack therfore of.

Maybe it's because I see how pointless it is to post a thread on a message board telling Vince to do something we all know he'll A) Never read and B) Wouldn't think twice about it if he somehow did read it. Vince will always do what Vince wants and not what someone on some message board tells him to.

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Guest Trivia247
Well since i dont see you trying anything, its better then your effort, or lack therfore of.

Maybe it's because I see how pointless it is to post a thread on a message board telling Vince to do something we all know he'll A) Never read and B) Wouldn't think twice about it if he somehow did read it. Vince will always do what Vince wants and not what someone on some message board tells him to.

it is also VENTING before the understanding presence of his Smarkish Peers..


I do that too many of us have. There isn't anything wrong with it.

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Guest Bruiser Chong

Yes, but for god's sake, shit like that has beaten into the damn ground. We all know that Vince thinks he's God himself and we all have vented about it and understand that pretty much everyone here is sick of it. But after a while, you're just preaching to the choir. He's not gonna change so why bother? Sure it'd be nice to see it changed but are you all really gonna sit around here for years complaining about Vince and what he does before you realize that he isn't going to change because you want him to? I thought he made it clear within the last couple of years that he doesn't give two shits about what the fans want, so why continue to complain about the same thing?

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Guest Trivia247



Venting doesn't have to make sense, be current or effect anything...


Christ people on here still bitch about Montreal SS 97 for god sake.


Im gonna bitch about them Hiring Goldberg till the cows come home, and how they can't do figure out what to do with Cruiserweights using two hands and a flash light.


in any event I agree with him, The mcmahons have a nasty habit of taking up valueable wrestling time with their garbage, the raw before Wm they extended the show a full half hour just for McMahon to do a speech on there against Hogan. who's feud mind you was on Smackdown, and the remainder of the time was to push the Angle lesnar match, then didn't even end the show and just sageway into CSI

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Guest Bruiser Chong

Yeah and maybe instead of dwelling on some things, people should just deal with it and move on. I know that you gotta vent sometimes but seriously, I get tired of seeing the same old shit with little 'new' content contained within. You don't think I'm mad about all this too? You bet I am, but I can only 'vent' so much. After a while, it's just pissing and moaning about the same old tired subject. We all know that WWE is fucked up and it's just getting worse by the day, but why spend every moment on the board complaining about it? It may be hard to deal with, but this repetitive venting bs gets old.

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Guest Dangerous A

Bruiser's right. It's kind of pointless.



This is what you get when there is NO competition to keep Vince in check.




March 26,2001 (day of the last Nitro)- the REAL Ground Zero of Wrestling. It's in the sig.

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It's called a remote.

You can't change the WWE but you can sure as hell change the channel!

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