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Guest Dmann2000

Who Framed Roger Rabbit DVD...

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Guest Dmann2000

I was just wondering if anyone bought the new Vista DVD of Who Framed Roger Rabbit yet? Being a practicing Catholic I actually made the dumb decision of giving up buying DVD's for Lent. But I actually don't mind it, for once my wallet's not empty. This is the only DVD that I've been gnawing to get my hands on.


How cool is it, don't spoil it too much for me, but I'd just like to get a general consensus. Also if you just wanna talk about the film feel free to. It along with BTTF and ET are like the cornerstone 80's films I grew up on.


Now if they'd get off their butts and start work on that 2-disc VISTA Dick Tracy I've heard rumors about.

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Guest C.H.U.D.

It's very cool. The transfer looks great and there are plenty of extras. Neat packaging as well.

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Guest MrRant

I picked it up but so far the only thing I have watched are the Roger Rabbit cartoons.

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Guest Razor Roman

I have it, and being the huge Roger Rabbit mark that I am, I loved every second of it. The documentary is really cool and shows some early test footage, the movie looks great, the cartoons are awesome, the commentary is great, and it's DTS. What more could I ask for?


Oh yeah,


it was $15.99 at target... and there's a $5 rebate if you own the old DVD or the old VHS.


Just buy it now, and confess later. Like I did when I ate General Tso's chicken last friday!

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Guest Nevermortal

Just got this recently. The movie looks absolutely GLORIOUS on DVD.


I haven't gotten to the extras yet, but they sure look good.


Nice that they included two versions of the film for the people who are scared away by the widescreen. Though I still don't know why people hate widescreen.....

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Guest EQ

My favorite part of the whole set has probably got to be the Roger Rabbit short cartoons

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
Nice that they included two versions of the film for the people who are scared away by the widescreen. Though I still don't know why people hate widescreen.....


A large number of people do not like change, period. I had to go through this with my parents as well. However, once they got used to it they avoided Full Screen like the plague.


All it takes is education.

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Guest Kingpk

The shorts are alright, but the commentary and the Valiant Files are my favorite parts of the disc. I also liked how they split the discs into one "kid-friendly" one (with a documentary geared more towards the younger set) and a "film buff" disc (with an assload of extras)


I'm kind of bummed the trailers aren't there, though (unless they are hidden somewhere).

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Guest Nevermortal

Hidden Trailer -


On the main menu, mover the cursor to Movie Theatre. Press down 3-4 times, or until the gauge with two arrows pointing to it is highlighted. This will allow you to watch the theatrical trailer.

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Guest El Satanico
Hidden Trailer -


On the main menu, mover the cursor to Movie Theatre. Press down 3-4 times, or until the gauge with two arrows pointing to it is highlighted. This will allow you to watch the theatrical trailer.

Is this on the kids disc or "movie buff" disc?

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