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Guest HartFan86

Just bought Rumble 2003 DVD

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

I was there as well. That match really brought down the house, and really changed the way I looked at the WWE. I enjoyed Benoit, but I never really liked him before that match. Now, I'm a huge Benoit mark. That match truly was a classic, and I bought the DVD the moment I saw it in stores. Still a great match, although nothing will beat watching that sucker live.


And HHH/Steiner was MUCH more fun in the building. You got to boo Steiner. That made it all worth it.

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Guest Dmann2000

This was flat out a match that I went crazy for, I was jumping out of my chair for it (much like Shawn/Jericho). Oh BTW, me jumping out of chair, automatic = ****. I give the whole thing ***** just because I'm not an overtly critical guy (I dare haven't written a review yet).


Man, when Easter comes I gotta get RR 03, Armageddon, BTWS 2 and Unforgiven.

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Guest LatinoHeat
It was Angle's best match ever, and Benoit's best since he fought Bret on Nitro (I didn't see Regal/Benoit).

I will be shocked if we see a better match this year.


Benoit's best match since the Owen memorial match on Nitro was the Austin/Benoit smackdown match spring of 2001 in Benoits hometown.

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Guest John Dub

I was there live too.


I just remember it started off kind of slow, and I was pissed at all the crap that was before it, but as it picked up steam, I started getting this feeling that I can't really explain, but it was amazing. I was with every roll-up, every reversal, every two count. I couldn't contain myself. I went into that match with Angle as my favorite wrestler, and I liked Benoit, I've watched him for a while, and I certainly respected his work, but I just didn't dig him much.


This match changed that. I remember getting absolutely pissed when Benoit lost. THat match MADE Benoit. But it was a good kind of pissed. We gave Angle and ovation as he left, and I just remember no one sat back down. I 'm so proud to have been a part of that ovation, I just got this feeling I don't think I'll have again, as dorky as that may seem.


I need that DVD.

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Guest RollingSambos

I never take off points for rest holds or a slightly blown spot or the wrong guy going over or any of that bullshit...if the match was awesome, it was awesome. As long as it told a great story and entertained the fans to the max, it's deserving of ***** in my book.

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