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Guest humongous2002

WWE+GGW=hilarity ensues

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Guest humongous2002

Perhaps this wasn't the marketing campaign Stacy Kiebler was looking for after all.


Joe Francis, CEO of Mantra Entertainment, which produces the Girls Gone Wild videos as well as a recent PPV in conjunction with World Wrestling Entertainment, was arrested on drug, prostitution, and sexual exploitation charges in Florida, according to an Associated Press report on AZCentral.com.


Police in Panama Beach, Florida, began investigating Francis earlier this week when parents of several teenage girls came forward with allegations that they had been approached to shoot footage for "Girls Gone Wild" and lie about their true ages.


Armed with warrants based on the allegations, Panama Beach investigators found enough evidence to back up the stories of the underage girls and made the arrests. A 2002 Ferrari, electronic equipment, waiver documents and a safe containing master video footage were seized in the investigation as well. Three other employees were also arrested.


Mantra Entertainment is denying all charges.


Mantra and Panama Beach have had problems stemming back from plans to stage the recent WWE-produced Girls Gone Wild PPV from the Florida locale, with local politicians threatening to arrest anyone who engaged in lewd behavior as well as anyone who solicited it.



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Guest RollingSambos

Well, Joe Francis is a major f'n dork. Any of you guys see that VH1 special on GGW? The guy is clearly a major loser who got no play in high school, so he's making up for it now. But you know what they say: once a tool, always a tool.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I'm probably one of the most outspoken advocates of sexuality, free will, no harm from sexy content, etc...




After watching the VH1 show about how this guy operates, I found him really, really reprehensible and was hoping something like this would happen. He's a TOTAL sleaze - all he does is pressure gullible girls into taking their tops off, and it's done in such a sleazy and underhanded way too. The guy is a total asshole, berating his staff in front of everyone, profanity, totally unprofessional.


I guess I realized rather than being the well organized money-milker that I thought GGW was, that it was one sleazebag with a few cameramen harassing girls into taking their tops off. The discomfort in many of the girls was totally clear - and all he had to do was be a bit more above board about what he was doing, the girls he chose, and I'd have no problem with what he was doing. Clearly that was not his MO.


In short, this guy is a total, total asshole, and this comes as NO surprise to me. He lived in a fucking mansion, flew around in his jet, and convinced himself he was hot shit because he had this brilliant idea. In his mind, it justified doing whatever he wanted because it was his "special talent" to be assertive. The thing he didn't seem to grasp is that he was just a pushy, sleazy asshole - and that's about as UNSPECIAL as you get.



I look forward to Inmates Gone Wild soon.

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Guest Redhawk

Whoa whoa whoa.....however many times The Rock says "whoa."


He's a TOTAL sleaze - all he does is pressure gullible girls into taking their tops off, and it's done in such a sleazy and underhanded way too.


What's underhanded about it? The girls aren't being forced to do anything they don't want to. And even if you do the "He gets them drunk/high" thing, they're stupid for taking drinks and drugs from someone they don't even know.


The guy is a total asshole, berating his staff in front of everyone, profanity, totally unprofessional.


Wouldn't his staff quit if they didn't like it that much? They obviously get a kick out of "working" with the girls.


I guess I realized rather than being the well organized money-milker that I thought GGW was, that it was one sleazebag with a few cameramen harassing girls into taking their tops off. The discomfort in many of the girls was totally clear


Again, those girls look pretty damn willing to me. Tell me exactly how they're being harrassed? Any woman can tell him to piss off and he'd have to accept it.


He lived in a fucking mansion, flew around in his jet, and convinced himself he was hot shit because he had this brilliant idea.


You just described Hugh Hefner. And everyone loves him. Face it, there are A LOT of guys who would switch places with that guy in a minute, no matter how much of a "loser" you say he is.


I'm sorry, I don't even like the GGW stuff -- bare tits and nothing else gets boring in a hurry -- but I hate when people get on a soapbox and trash the guy for getting his money legally and never blame the girls.

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