Guest Report post Posted March 22, 2002 These are a couple really old shows I did for an internet thing way back at the beginning of 2001 when I was sixteen , I just wanted some of your guys feedback because it folded pretty quickly and I didn't get much from the people I was working with. This is * very * long. It takes place using the events of the previous actual shows as a basis. RAW # 1*******************************WWF RAW IS WAR ( THE CORE ) - Episode 1 * Opening Segment 1 Segment Time : 15:00 Total Time : 15:00 * Lights go out in arena , one spotlight shining on a sole leather couch placed in the center of the ring. - Slowly a couple dozen photographers walk from the sides of the entrance ramp to the ring , climb between the ropes and encircle the couch. Each one focusing their camera on the couch. - On the titantron The back of a head appears , it is obvious from the neck and upper back that he is naked from the waist up and the the head slowly spins around to reveal the arrogant face of Alex Wright , familiar “ das wunderkind “ haircut & all , and continues to spin until the back of his head is again visible. - Alex Wright appears in the entrance way and bolts to the ring clad only in a pair of * meat esque * trunks , resembling underwear. He takes his place on the couch and begins to pose in different ways while the photographers snap numerous shots and the fans shout cries of disapproval. Alex slowly stands erect and begins to place his hands on the couch and push out his buttocks for a different pose and… - Entrance : “ Stone Cold “ Steve Austin The fans roar as Austin is out to , perceivably , end their moments of torment. Austin runs to the ring sending photographers scrambling in numerous directions and approaches Alex Wright , now alone in the ring. ( could be some dialogue ) Austin punches Wright who rolls out of the ring , running to the base of the ramp. Austin picks up his couch and throws it at him , barely missing Wright. Austin: “ (Glancing at Wright) What the #### was that ? Ahh #### well I’m out here let me get to something I’ve been thinking a lot about. Triple H , #### son , it’s a well known fact that come Wrestlemania “Stone Cold” Steve Austin will be walking down to the ring , stepping through these damned ropes ( kicks ropes ) and beating the #### out of whoever is the WWF Champion. But it seems that the efforts of Triple to be that sumbitch have been unsuccessful .. seems to me maybe Triple H isn’t the game at all. Seems to me Triple H’s other title reigns may have been flukes. Fact of the matter is come No Way Out “Stone Cold” Steve Austin will walk down that little aisle , he’ll get his ass in the ring , he’ll pop a few beers , get a little drunk and then he’ll kick Triple H’s ass. And that’s all I got to say about…. - Entrance : Triple H w/ Stephanie McMahon HHH: “ Oh yeah Austin , come out here and goad me .. real smart. But as much as I would love to beat your ass I’m not going to touch you . You see Austin , I may have the brawn , the toughness and the physical ability but I also have something you don’t have.. intelligence. There is no way in #### I would sacrifice 6 months of my career , six months of my * life * to attack someone who will get his is under two weeks anyway. But come #### or high water Austin I’ll get back at you for what you pulled on Thursday .. and when that happen’s Austin you’ll know , with absolute , unwaivering certainty , that I * am * the game. And Austin.. tonight ? It’s time to play. - HHH Music and he’s gone… as Austin is looking at Triple H from the ropes. * Trish is seen arriving at the arena , grooming herself and talking on a cell phone. She walks past Test who notices that she is looking awful “ made up” tonight. Trish hangs up to speak to him. Test notes” I hope you enjoy your evening with the boss “, Trish is mad and Test calls her a “bitch” before walking off , leaving Trish awestruck. She hits one button on her cell phone and we see.. * Backstage we see The Hardyz and Lita walking to the ring ………. * A second shot shows the Dudleys doing the same… we are informed by Ross that the WWF tag team title is on the line… NEXT ! Commercial 1 Commercial Time : 1 :50 Total Time : 16:50 Segment 2 Segment Time : 10:00 Total Time : 26:50 * backstage we see WWF Champion Kurt Angle walking … he passes Alex Wright , flocked by photographers and still holding his head as some of his lackeys carry his couch. Angle: “Excuse me… are you the young man who was so wrongfully tossed from the ring earlier today by Steve Austin ? Well…as you may know I am an Olympic gold medallist ( holds medals ) and I didn’t earn these by giving up on my dreams. If you want to be a model , or a gigelo .. or whatever you just go out there an do your best. Why , I think you did a fine job out there. Keep up the good work , okay.” We see a door to the side where Chris Jericho is standing , he lets out a laugh as Angle looks to the side , furious. Jericho shuts the door. -In Vince’s office he is shown on a cell phone when “ The Big Show” enters the room. Vince: ( into phone ) “ Hold on one minute , Im about to take care of it. …” ( He then outs down the phone and looks at Big Show) “ I’m going to need you to take care of a problem for me…” -Entrance : The Hardy Boyz w/ Lita - Entrance : The Dudley Boyz Match 1 : the Hardy Boyz vs. The Dudley Boyz Match starts fast , with The Hardyz knocking around the Dudleyz and jeff hitting a plancha over the top. The roll back in the ring and Jeff gets a two. Tag to Matt who comes of the top with an axehandle to a prone D-Von. They cut the ring in half and Matt hits a snapmare and runs to the rope , but Buh Buh grabs a handful of hair and Matt goes down , gets up and gets floored by a D-Von clothesline. D-Von whips Matt into the corner where he gives him a few elbows and whips him to the opposite corner , catching him as he bounces out with a hiptoss and then an elbow drop. To the headlock and Matt is gasping for air and the referee watches a screaming Jeff Hardy before starting the hand drop count.. Matt is out at two and fighting up. Elbow , Elbow , and Matt whips D-Von into the rope but D-Von reveres it and hits the spinning elbow to kill Matt’s momentum. Pick up by the hair and a tag to Buh Buh. Buh Buh is in and working on Matt as Jeff screams fo the tag , whip to the rope and a big back drop by Buh Buh. He continues punishing Matt with suplexes and slams before tagging D-Von back in and setting up the flying head dive. Jeff runs to the corner and trips D-Von , crotching him on the top rope.Buh Buh goes after Jeff and Jeff punches Buh Buh who runs at Jeff , Jeff knees him and suplexes him to the outside. D-Von is crotched and Matt makes the tag , incomes Jeff and they double team D- Von . Matt sets up for the twist of fate and hits. Jeff perches on the top rope for the Swanton Bomb but Buh Buh is back in the ring and attempts to whip Matt into the corner.. Matt reverses and Buh Buh flies into the corner where jeff is perched , crotching him on the top turnbuckle. Matt is stunned but gets hit with the Buh Buh bomb , putting him down. Jeff slowly slides of the turnbuckle , into the 3-D for the Dudley victory. Winners : The Dudley Boyz - Backstage we see Stephanie enter the office of her father.As she enters Vince quickly closes his cell phone and turns to face Stephanie. He is acting nervous. She is worried because Triple H wants to get back at Austin and he’s not listening to reason. Vince informs his daughter that he can’t stay.. he has an important meeting and she’ll just have to deal with this on her own. Steph mutters about Trish under her breath. Commercial 2 Commercial Time : 2:00 Total Time : 28:50 Segment 3 Segment Time : 15:00 Total Time :43:50 - Backstage Mark Madden is with The Rock . Madden : “Rock , you are undoubtably “The People’s Champion” and arguably the most popular professional wrestler in the world today. Yet in a little under two months we will present WWF Wrestlemania on pay - per - view and it may be a Wrestlemania without the industry’s biggest star in the main event. But you have a chance to alter that , as in this triple threat match tonight you will take on Chris Benoit for the chance to face Kurt Angle at WWF’s No Way Out. Rocky… I’ve got to know , the world’s got to know is the pres…. Rock : ( Holds up hand to Madden’s face , silencing him ) “Mark Madden , The Rock feels like this… how can you stand here and ask the Rock such an idiotic question ? Is the pressure getting to the Rock ? Well allow the Rock to answer that question with a query of his own… Mark Madden is your chlosteral getting to you ? Is that tingling in your right arm getting to you ? is that fact that you smell suspiciously like the anus of a canadian moose and sit at home on a Friday night watching the Discovery Channel to get your kicks get to you? No.. of course not. And the pressure doesn’t get to the Rock. You see the Rock * is * the people’s champion , The Rock * is * the greatest wrestler in the world today and The Rock *will * , without a shadow of a doubt , beat Chris Benoit tonight , then beat Kurt Angle’s candyass at No Way Out allowing the Rock to head on in to Wrestlemania ,walk down to the people’s ring and do what the rock does best , and that’s lay the smack down on whoever is in the rock’s way. If you smell … what the rock is cookin’. The fans cheer but the camera catches The Rock leave the interview position and put his head down looking sullen and nervous. - In a different area we see HHH entering the APA office and asking the APA to handle Austin tonight. He gives them their money and The APA say they like Austin but business is business. - Entrance : Test - Entrance : Rikishi Match 2 for the WWF European Title : Test vs. Rikishi Rikishi slides under the bottom rope and begins pounding on Test to start the contest. Test blocks one Rikishi’s blows and irish whips him into the rope , nailing him with a boot to the face. Albert picks Rikish right up and hits him with a big bodyslam , then follows it up with an elbow drop. He sets Rikishi up in the corner and is coming in for the big elbow when Rikishi gets the knee up , knocking Test out flat. Rikish , smelling blood , goes for the quick victory and pulls test into the corner .. setting up for the Banzai Drop. Test catches him and catches him with a shoulder drop. Test then sets up for his own finisher , the elbow drop. Suddenly The Big Show appears and hits Test with a choke slam from his perch on the top rope. The match is ruled a DQ but The Big Show continues pummeling Test. He destroys Test before until Trish Stratus makes her way to the ring and begins berating test and kicking him the in the stomach. Suddenly Stephanie runs to the Ring and attacks Trish , throwing her from the ring and telling The Big Show to get the #### out of the ring. Trish is gone , Big show is up the ramp as Stephanie hits the outside and locks eyes with Test who looks bewildered , Stephanie looks lost for a moment but then turns and walks away. Winner : Test by DQ -Backstage we see RTC walking and are informed that Bull Buchanon wrestles for the Hardcore Title tonight and while nothing in noted by Ross or Lawler Ivory , Richards , Buchanon , Venis and Goodfather walk by a door labeled “ Parking” - Raven is also show walking and we hit the break. Commercial 3 Commercial Time : 2:00 Total Time : 45:00 Segment 4 Segement Time : 15:00 Total Time : 60:00 - Backstage The Hardy Boyz are arguing about their match earlier while Lita attempts to calm them. From behind a pair of hands grab their shoulders and it is Shawn Michaels , he tells them he knows about tag wrestling and he sees a little bit of himself in both of them. He invites them to come talk and they gladly do so. - In the parking lot we see Vince McMahon slowly walking to a parked limousine. He gets in , but it doesn’t move. - Entrance : The RTC ( again while no one notes it Richards , who was with the group walking past the door is now absent. ) - Entrance : Raven - Match 3 ( Hardcore Title) : Raven vs. Bull Buchanon Match starts out as it normally would , with Raven using weaponry to destroy Buchanon , Raven begins to nail Bull in the head repeatedly with a trash can and then comes off the rop for a trash can strike but catches it in the face. Bull continues to destroy Raven and sets him up for a big jump kick. Raven avoids it , goes behind and hits Bull with a flying Bulldog. Raven attempts a pin , but Buchanon kicks out at two. Raven is upset and pulls Bull back to his feet. He whips him to the corner and delivers a couple elbows. He continues to fight until he goes for the DDT , which he hits. Raven covers for the three count , but the RTC storms the ring and delivers a viscious beating. Stevie Richards , now noticeably winded , appears at ringside and tells his troops to retreat , lecturing them about the their ethical practices … the group looks stunned and Richards continues to glane back at Raven on his way up the ramp. Winner : Raven - Backstage Austin is in his room drinking beer and the APA storm into the room asking Austin if they can hang and “ drink “. Austin says “ yes” and tosses two beers at them hitting them in the head , he delivers two chair shots , laughs and picks up his beer to begin drinking again. - Backstage Trish is shown entering the very same limo as Vince and it begins to speed off. Commercial 4 Commerial Time : 2:00 Total Time : 62:00 Segment 5 Segment Time : 20 :00 Total Time : 82:00 - Backstage we watch as Triple H is throwing stuff around his room , swearing because of the failure of the APA. - Backstage Benoit is prepping for his match and The Radicalz are giving him pointers. He points out that he has accomplished more than any of them could ever dream to and that he really doesn’t need anything from them , he leaves and the three Radicalz look disgusted. - Entrance : Stephanie McMahon Helmsley She calls out Hunter and out he comes. Stephanie: “Hunter… I am your wife , your lover , and most importantly your friend. And as such I cannot allow you to go through with what you’re doing. You’re throwing all your common sense out the window to get at Austin ? And for what ? To attack a man who you will destroy in two weeks anyway ? Are you willing to throw away six weeks of your life for that ? I can’t tell you how upsetting that is… HHH: “ Steph.. god ! First of all I have no intention of touching Austin but I am going to get that ####### back for costing me the WWF Title. You don’t do that to me and get away with it. Stephanie : “Maybe not yet. But I know you Hunter , Im your wife , you can’t control your anger … eventually Austin will get to you and you will lose control. I don’t want to see you setback again after overcoming so much to get here… don’t you see I care about you. I want you to stay away from Austin. Wait until No Way Out … then * destroy * him.” HHH: “ Steph.. I guess you’re right….” On The titantron GTV shows the inside of a limo and it shows Vince and Trish , Trish is on top of Vince with only her bra remaining. Stephanie is in absolute shock with her mouth hanging wide open while Hunter looks remarkably indifferent. Vince eventually glances at a moniter installed in his limo that is showing RAW , looks shocked , realizes what is happening and forcibly removes the camera causing the picture to go black. Steph is shocked and runs down the aisle. - Backstage we see Chris Jericho chuckling and making his way to the arena. We’ll be back. Commercial : 5 Commerical Time : 2:00 Total Time : 84:00 Segment 6 Segment Time : 20:00 Total Time : 104:00 - We are back and in the parking lot we see Stephanie in the seat of the car crying and starting it up. Triple H is at the window and is consoling Stephanie and attempting to support her. Stephanie asks him if he is coming with her , he says no he is staying and she warns him to remember his promise regarding Austin. HHH agrees and they kiss as Stephanie drives off leaving Triple H behind. Debra is out to ask him what happened and if she can help , Triple H looks at her , smiles , looks back at Stephanie and says to her “ Oh yeah , you can help”. - Entrance : Y2J Chris Jericho Jericho is in the ring … Jericho: “ You know I was making my rounds backstage earlier tonight when I caught something quite interesting. As you may well know , but Im sure you would like to forget , tonight’s show started with an appalling , disgusting display of male flesh that made me want to vomit. But as I made my way to the backstage coke machine to attempt to find a source of removal for the bile in my throat I cam upon a most intruiging scenario. Our WWF Champion Kurt Angle complimenting that … guy on his performance and it begs the….” - Entrance : Kurt Angle Angle : “Now hold on.. one second there , mister. I will not allow you to portray this in any way other than the way in which it happened. I am the WWF champion and with that comes a great deal of responsibility , the responsibility to defend my title , my country and ,possibly most important of all , the dreams of the “ kids”. I am an Olympic Gold Medalist , and as such I know how hard it is to follow your dreams even when it seems like no one is on your side. When all saw these people boo that poor man out of pure jealousy I was mortified. I simply let that youngster know that it was okay to be scared , okay to be embarrassed but that if he just kept his head up and kept trying his hardest he would be a success in this world. And that , is TRUE” Jericho: “ That may be true. But I pose this question. What kind of a man spends his youth rolling on the ground with scantily clad men , preaching about the benefits of celibacy and always drinking milk ? The same type of man who enjoys a disgusting display of juicy man flesh such as that.. and that my friends is a FLAMING… HOMOSEXUAL !!!!” Angle is shocked and the fans are rowdy. Jericho: “The fact of the mater is , jerkey , that youll never be a real man , youll never even be a staright man…” Angle : “I’m more of a man than you’ll ever be and I’ll come down there and prove it right now , this title is on the line and so is your * BUTT * .. its #### True.” Angel runs to the ring… Match 4 : Angle vs. Jericho for The WWF Title Jericho starts by pummeling Angle and hitting him with an irish whip and a flying palm strike. Goes for the three but only gets two. Jericho pulls up Angle and gives him an irish whip into the corner and begins some chops. Angle reverses and delivers some hard some chops and a back kick that floors Angle. Jericho once again goes for the cover but gets another two. Jericho gives Angle an irish whip and hits a spinning heel kick sending Angle falling backwards through the ropes. Jericho hits a dropkick and sends Angle falling to the floor. Jericho proceeds to the outside and irish whips Kurt Angle into the ringside barricade and goes after him with some kicks. A whip into the post corner post and its reversed by Angle Jericho hits it and falls. He tosses Jericho back in the ring an attempts a cover. Again only two. Angle goes for the Olympic slam but its reversed by Jericho into a bulldog. Jericho now has Angle set up for the Lionsault , he goes for it But Alex Wright is there. He whacks Jericho with a chair as Jericho hits the ropes , the ref misses it and Angle gets the cover for the win and the title. Winner Angle - backstage Benoit is walking to the ring - So is the Rock , the main Event is next Commercial 6 Commercial Time : 2:00 Total Time : 106:00 Segment 7 Segment Time : 10:00 Total Time : 116:00 - Entrance : Chris Benoit -Entrance : The Rock Match 5 : The Rock vs. Chris Benoit for #1 Contender spot Tie up to start with an armbar by Benoit. He yanks it a couple times and takes Rock down , dropping a few knees on the arm of the Rock. He goes for the quick cover and only gets one. Rock is back up and reverses an irish whip by Benoit , he attempts the clothesline but Benoit ducks under and goes for the backslide which the Rock kick out , The rock ducks a Benoit clothesline and on Benoit’s second attempt drops Benoit out of the ring to the floor. He throws Benoit into the steps and attempts a suplex on the outside but it is reversed by Benoit. Benoit lides The Rock back into the ring and climbs the turnbuckle presumably readying himself for the flying headbutt. Rock catches him and tosses him off the turnbuckle, Benoit gets back up and runs into a Rock clothesline. Rock picks him back and whips him to the rope , catching him with a leg sweep , The Rock hooks on the figure four and attempts to get the submission out of Benoit. But Benoit catches the ropes and as The Rock argues with the ref Benoit pushes the Rock into him , knocking the referee unconscious. Benoit has the advantage and The Radicalz are shown making their way down to the ring. They get in the ring and , to Benoits surprise but not that of the fans or The announcers , go after Benoit. Somehow , however , he manages to fend them off and eventually clears the ring of his former cohorts. However on the way out Benoit’s leg is grabbed by Malenko who holds it for a few seconds until the Rock is up and hits the Rock Bottom as the referee awakens for the three. After the match the rock leaves without celebration. Winner : The Rock - Backstage we see Triple H heading to the ring pulling Debra by her hair … well be back. Commercial 7 Commercial Time : 2:00 Total Time : 118:00 Segment 8 Segment Time : 10:00 Total Time : 128:00 - Entrance : Triple H ( he is pulling Debra by the hair ) HHH gets in the ring. HHH: “Hey Austin… you son of a bitch ! See you try to come out in front of all of these people , you act like a real badass drinking beer and kicking ass. But in reality all you are is a little bitch. Speaking of bitches I have * your * bitch right here and while the stipulation thrown down by McMahon says I can’t touch you unless provoked it doesn’t say a thing about your * wife *. Get out here you son of a bitch or I will wreck her.” HHH picks up a chair and acts as if he is ready to hit Debra. - Entrance : Austin Austin looks upset and worried , not angry like normal He gets in the ring and faces Triple H. Austin : “Let her go…” Triple H: “Hit me you bastard.. hit me !” Readies chair and readies the swring at Debra. Austin pushes Triple H and Triple takes a swing at Austin with the chair knocking him to the ground. He then looks at Debra and gives her the pedigree as a bloody Austin watches in horror. Austin crawls over to cover Debra as HHH repeatedly strikes Austin with the chair and stands over them as his music hits. Ross exclaims that we have to assume Austin has lost his shot at WM. He curses at Austin and we’re out as a bloody Austin is sprawled over an unconscious Debra with Triple H standing above them in triumph. * END * RAW #2 *************************** WWF RAW IS WAR ( THE CORE ) - Episode 2 * Opening Segment 1 Segment Time : 15:00 Total Time : 15:00 * WWF Intro * We are treated to a highlight package detailing the events of last week involving Triple H and Austin. * The montage then switches to show the Trish and Vince events. * Backstage we see Mark Madden standing in the parking garage , we are told he is waiting for the arrival of Vince McMahon. * We are also told that later this evening we will show footage of Mark Madden himself interviewing Chris Benoit. The King adds that the interview proved quite * eventful * - Entrance : Shawn Michaels Michaels : “ One upon a time there was a tag teamed named the Rockers. I , ol’ HBK himself , happened to be a member of this duo. For years we jumped from the turnbuckles and slapped hands. But , ultimately , we were destined to fail because outside of the athletisism , youth and teamwork we possessed we were missing one vital aspect of a successful team - guidance. Now I sit at home and I see the exact same thing happening all over. I see two talented young guys with all the potential in the world. But they’re hovering below their standards … why ? Because , much like The Rockers , The Hardy Boyz lack…. Err…. Should I say * lacked * guidance. Ladies and gentleman I * am * their guidance. Tonight they solidify their place as championship contenders. Tonight they will face the APA with the number one contender position on the line , and with the number one position secured they will reach heights though unattainable - ladies and gentleman … THE HARDY BOYZ!” - Entrance : The Hardy Boyz w/ Lita - Entrance : APA Match 1 : The Hardy Boyz vs. The Acolytes Match starts out with a grapple and Farooq tosses Matt to the mat. Matt gets up and runs to into a shoulder block by Farrooq. Matt flips over onto his stomach as Farooq runs off the rope and jumps over Matt. On way back Matt hits a dropkick that sends Farrooq into the rope as Matt hits a cross bodyblock to send them both over the rope and sprawling on the floor. Matt goes back on the offensive, whipping Farooq into the barricade and then running into him only to be back dropped into the crowd. Jeff is perched up top and lunges at Farooq and is swatted down , but the distraction is enough for Matt to hit a flying clothesline over the barricade , flooring Farooq. The action finds it’s way back to the ring and Matt tries for the pin , he only gets two. Tag into Jeff and he hits a kick in the midsection followed by a stiff dropkick to the knees. He tries the Irish whip but its gets reversed and he is caught by Farroq and hit with a powerslam. Tag to Bradshaw and he’s in nailing everyone. Takes advantage and Jeff is hurting. Off the ropes comes Jeff and he gets caught in a press slam. Tries for the pin but only two as matt is in to break it up. Faroq chases him out and ref is over to get Farooq out of the ring. Meanwhile jeff is whipped to that very corner and here comes Bradshaw for the Clothesline from #### , but Jeff ducks and the Ref catches it. In comes Lita hitting a hurricarana(? ) on Farooq and shes and but bradshaw has her by the hair. HBK is in a it’s a superkick to the chin , Farooq falls into Matt who hits the twist of fate and sets him up for Jeff’s swanton bomb which is executed perfectly , Shawn wakes up the referee and it’s a three count. Winners: The Hardy Boyz - We are backstage and a car is arriving. It’s obviously not McMahon. In fact we soon find out it’s Steve Austin , a bandage around his head. He passes directly passed Madden and walks intently toward the arena. - We are shown a preview of the Benoit interview which shows a question asked by Madden about his legitimacy as the greatest in ring worker of all time. Commercial Break 1 Commercial Time : 2:00 Total Time : 17:00 Segment 2 Segment Time: 20:00 Total Time : 37:00 * Backstage we see Triple H watching the monitor as Austin walks about the backstage area , perceivably looking for him. * We also the arrival of a limo and JR and The King are excited that it may be Vince.. out of the limo steps Alex Wright again only in his underwear esque trunks and numerous photographers converge on him as he takes a simple look at Mark Madden and scoffs , proceeding into the arena. * In his locker room Y2J views the arrival of Wright on a monitor. He smiles and leaves him room. - Entrance : The One Billy Gunn - Entrance : Raven Match 2 ( Hardcore Title ) Raven( C) vs. Billy Gunn Match starts out with Raven being dominated by Gunn’s strength. He is thrown around the ring as Gunn makes it look easy. Gunn throws Raven out of the ring and Raven crashes to the floor. Gunn follows him out but is caught with a shot from a fire extinguisher Raven has retrieved from under the ring. Gunn is stunned and Raven takes the opportunity to plant the extinguisher squarely in the face of Gunn. Gunn is down and Raven whips him into the audience and out into the backstage area. Raven goes for a clothesline but takes a leg sweep instead , this move plants him firmly on the cold backstage floor. And gun picks up a nearby chair and goes to swing it at Raven to finish him off , but the chair is wrestled from him by Steven Richards who gets to giving him a “ extreme violence is unacceptable speech but Gunn lays him out. Unfortunately he turns around and gets planted by Raven with the DDT. Winner : Raven * Backstage we see Alex Wright strolling toward the arena and Chris jerich lunging from behind an appliance to take Wright down. Jericho is mobbed by the paparazzi type cameramen who are with Alex but he disposes of the majority of them and takes off running after Wright who quickly ducks inside an open door , he slams it and we hear the lock click. Jericho however begins to laugh as the camera rotates and focuses on the name on the door that reads : The Undertaker . Jericho walks away laughing. * Austin continues walking. * Another clip shown of the Benoit interview , this one shows Benoit with a disgusted look on his face and we are informed that pre-taped interview is NEXT ! Commercial 2 Commercial Time : 1:30 Total Time : 38:30 Segment 3 Segment Time : 20:00 Total Time : 58:30 * Ross welcomes us back and we see what happened only minutes ago as Wright was chased into the locker room of the Undertaker. * We will now see an interview conducted by The WWF’s Mark Madden a little earlier today with Chris Benoit. This rising star has never been anything short of intimidating but he proved in this interview he is more deadly than anyone could ever imagine. * We go to the interview. It is set in a nice room with two chairs , and numerous flowers and plants to give it a professional look .On one side is Chris Benoit. On the other Mark Madden. Madden: “Chris Benoit , in your tenure in wrestling you have seen ups and downs. Both in your personal life and in your professional life.” Benoit : ( nods head ) Madden : “For example you and I both were once associated with WCW or World Championship Wrestling , then owned by Ted Turner. In your time there you encountered what has become almost universally accepted as a backstage warzone where politics is more important than talent and one gains notoriety what in the profession we call a * push * , or the backing through promotion of one wrestler , based more on who their friends were than who was the better performer. Perhaps no man experienced this problem on a more serious level than yourself.” Benoit : “ Mark , in WCW there were men who were warriors and there were men who were gods. Appointed gods , who were worshipped without right and there were the warriors who carried the company and represented the gods. I was a warrior for that company and I was the best warrior they had. You see a man like , say , Hulk Hogan or a man like Kevin Nash is only doing what their instincts tell them to do. They are old. They are dying and the trickle the blood of dying men in life and in their profession and to a man like me that blood is intoxicating , for I am a blood hungry man. They needed to use whatever tactics they could to eliminate the threat of a man like myself , even if it meant using political power to silence me.” Madden : “Nonetheless you continued to work for the company that had first introduced you to the casual wrestling fan and eventually , in January of 2000 you beat Sid Viscous for their heavyweight title , tell me about your first taste of world championship gold.” Benoit : “I’ve never been a man who worked to prove myself to others. I am the only man who needs to wake up and look back at the face of Chris Benoit in the mirror and as long as * I * can accept myself for what I am and what I have done then no one else matters. But , that being said , the Heavyweight Title , whether it be in this or any other company , is the ultimate symbol if dominance and capturing that belt was wonderful , if not fulfilling.” Madden : “ And , Chris , you say that because no sooner than 24 hours after winning the WCW Heavyweight Championship you surrendered the title and left that company , why ?” Benoit : “ Because I had done what needed to be done. I had elevated myself beyond the politics , beyond the ass kissing and I had won a title which had , for too long , been locked around the waist of out of shape washed up has beens. Unfortunately , looking at that title I realized that it wasn’t the ultimate symbol of dominance in this profession. Every wrestler who has ever been considered a legend , from Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage to Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart , to Steve Austin and The Rock. All of them have held the WWF title belt , in their primes. I’m in my prime so this is where I belong.” Madden : “Okay , you then came to the WWF with Dean Malenko , Eddie Gurrero and Perry Saturn all of whom were former WWF employees, you entered together but it seems that on in the wrestling media the story of Chris Benoit jumping ship was far more important than the rest of those guys put together” Benoit : By the wrestling media I assume you mean the internet. You would know about that , wouldn’t you Mark ?” Madden : “Yes. I don’t think it’s any secret that I started as an internet personality for World Championship Wrestling and eventually moved to establish my own website , so for the most part a lot of my involvement in this business has been on the internet. You have always been loved by the internet. You have consistently been called the greatest wrestler in the world online. What do you say to that ?” Benoit : “What do I say to that ? I say that I am the greatest wrestler in the world. I am the greatest fighter in the world. But I also say that , as I stated earlier , I don’t care what * anyone * thinks of Chris Benoit except Chris Benoit. I know I am the greatest wrestler in this world and I know that on any day I could not only beat but destroy anyone in the profession and I don’t need Dave Meltzer or Rick Scaia to tell me that.” Madden : “Speaking of caring little about the opinions of others you , last week on this very show , were attacked by The Radicalz….” Benoit : “Fear. It’s been that way all of my life. No one has been able to co exist with me because they know that should they ever encounter me in a confrontational manner I will destroy them. It happened in WCW and it happens here. But the fact remains that no matter how many men come at me at one time I am a machine , I dissect and tear my opponent or * opponents * apart piece by piece and so it will be with Radicalz” Madden : “You said you’ve been feared all your life. What would you say to someone who questioned your superiority in the ring ? What would you say to someone who didn’t believe the hype? What would you say to someone who is a part of the * mainstream * wrestling fan base and doesn’t feel Chris Benoit is the greatest wrestler of all time ?” Benoit : “I wouldn’t say anything. Because in my world I prove things with actions , Mark Madden” Madden : “You have to have some opinion about being shunned by the casual fan. About them not caring for you ? You have to feel that they have little taste… that they have no knowledge of this industry….” Benoit : “Madden , if you feel that you can consider me shunned by this industry then maybe you’re the one who is clueless” Madden : “ I refuse to believe…” Benoit : “You know Madden… it’s a strange world. It’s a world where people , defying convention , believe more of what they hear than what they see. But there are somethings that have to be seen to be believed and one of those things is this… that…” Benoit is now in the face of Madden and security swamps Benoit. He takes out maybe 20 members of security and sticking his face in Maddens he finishes , Benoit : “…… I do what I want , when I want.” He leaves. - Ross is stunned - Backstage McMahon finally arrives and declines an interview from Madden. - test and The Big Show are shown walking and they will wrestle in a no holds barred match coming up next ! Commercial 3 Commercial Time : 2:00 Total Time : 60:30 Segment 4 Segment Time : 20:00 Total Time : 80:30 - We are back and McMahon is shown backstage walking to a room labeled Trish Stratus , he knocks and goes in. - Mark Madden is ready for an interview with the Rock , unfortunately the Rock is no where to be found and so Madden attempts to stall by telling us that nonetheless The Rock will face Jericho tonight in the Main Event before the camera quickly cuts to : - Entrance : Test - Entrance : The Big Show Match 3 : Test vs. The Big Show ( No Holds Barred ) After what happened last week the match starts with Test taking shots at the big show, however they don’t hurt the giant and he catches test With a press slam. Falling to the outside Test is slammed on the ramp. Big Show carries him all the way up and hits a big boot to the face , flooring Test and the make their way backstage. Test is thrown into a pile of equipment but gets his foot up to catch the charging Big Show. He then smacks the big show with a piece of equipment but unfortunately it doesn’t hurt the man and Test is chokeslammed to the floor but he somehoe manages to escape the pin. But the big show drags him up and , taking him over to a pile of stacked chairs , slams test through them pinning him and leaving him below their weight. - Alex Wright emerging from The Undertaker’s locker room looking undone and beat up and Jericho laughs watching this on a monitor. - We see McMahon and trish walking to the ring awkwardly to the ring… - Entrance : Vince McMahon with Trish Vince : “Last week , in a most unflattering and embarrassing manner.. the relationship that has existed for sometime now between Trish Stratus and myself was revealed to the world as legitimate. In the press lately we have seen many instances of renowned leaders in entertainment and politics falling victim to the demon of adultery. I , my friends , may be the most revolutionary visionary in the history of this industry , but underneath it all… I am only a man. Men make mistakes. I made a mistake. I made a mistake not in falling for the beautiful woman beside me , but for conceiling that from my daughter , for while I sat , upset , in my limousine last week after being shown in that compromising position to people world wide I was far more horrified at the sight which I saw on the monitor in the limo , my daughter crying , than I was with any thing that happened to me. I love my daughter more than life itself and I will do whatever it takes to med the fences with her and for , her sake , her mother. Now.. no matter what going ons take place at any time behind closed doors they are private ! And I believe that what happened to me last week on RAW was more the culmination of an extensive list of offenses than anything else. I will not allow the privacy of the stars of this company to sacrificed for anything and so I will do all that is in my power to stop these violations ….. The Titantron shows Steve Austin knocking on a door and we all assume that it is Triple H’s locker room. The door opens to reveal Stephanie McMahon whom is grabbed by Austin and carried away , he screams at the screen that the tide has turned and that Triple H better find his ass or he will cost Triple H more than ever imaginable. He walks out of the locker room carrying Stephanie and past a pile of seemingly fallen chairs. McMahon is horrified and he scrambles from the ring , Trish following. Commercial 4 Commercial Time : 2:00 Total Time : 82:30 Segment 5 Segment Time : 20:00 Total Time : 102 : 30 - We are shown what happened only minutes ago as Austin grabbed Stephanie from her locker room. - We see McMahon now live finally catching up with Triple H and asking him where he took her. Triple H doesn’t know. McMahon tells him that he damned well better find her and they run in seperate directions to attempt to find her. - We go back to the ringside area and both men are concerned about Stephanie’s well being and are pleading with Austin to let her go. Ross even admits that Austin has gone way too far and though triple H did this to him last week there was no reason to retaliate in kind. - Entrance : The Rock - Entrance : Jericho - Main Event : Chris Jericho vs. the Rock The Rock and Chris Jericho locks up and The Rock doesn’t look as sharp and normal as he trips over Jericho when Jericho lays down as Rocky bounces off the ropes. Jericho continues to offense hitting the Rock with his springboard drop kick and sending him sprawling to the outside. Jericho follows him , sending him into the corner and hitting an elbow. Jericho quickly rolls the Rock back in the ring and almost has the three count , Rock barely kicks out and struggles to his feet. Rock reverses a whip and catches a sloppy looking power slam before trying the cover , which fails by 1. The Rocks sends Jericho into the corner and punches him. He then whips him to the other corner and catches Y2J bouncing out with the clothesline. The Rock than goes for the Rock Bottom and hits it , leaving Jericho prone to the People’s Elbow. He attempts to take his elbow pad off and he is having trouble , he runs of one rope andagain trips on Jericho as he leaps over him. The Rock is slow getting up but as he does he is caught by Angle who is rushing to the ring and nailing The Rock. So to is Alex Wright who is laying it on Chris Jericho , the two men leave the ring and the Rock and Jericho are caught lying there. - Backstage McMahon and HHH are trying all the doors in the arena but can’t find Stephanie anywhere. - Finally before we go to break we see the chairs move as test emerges , The King can’t believe that test was under there all this time. Test emerges looking particularly injured , bleeding from his forehead. But as he gets to his feet his takes a close look at a bud on the floor next to the chairs , he picks it up and looks around. Glancing at the chairs and then down the hall Commercial 5 Commercial Time : 4:00 Total Time : 106 :30 Segment 6 Segment Time : 15:00 Total Time : 121 : 30 - We are back and McMahon and HHH are furiously lookinf at each door in the arena trying to find Stephanie. They are having no luck. - We take a quick cut to Ross and Lawler and they are extremely upset , each one pleading with Austin and finally.. Austin is on the monitor with Stephanie in a chair. They are in the room in which Madden interviewed Benoit a little earlier. Austin : “ Well , Steph , it looks like no one cares about you. I guess I’ll have to hurt Triple H in * this * way. You see Triple H , you took from me my shot at Wrestlemania and as much as that pissed off you went one further and you took from me the person that I love. You took the woman I love and you drove her into that canvas in front of me , you hurt her and you let her watch me bleed. So now , Triple H , I know you’ll find me now. But what I’m going to do is I am going to , right here and now , destroy your little wife and let you feel what I felt. Let you know what I felt and then when you get here , you’ll see here lying there bleeding as I whoop your ass. Because Triple H , I don’t care anymore.” Austin picks up one of the chairs in the room andis reading to thro it at Stephanie as she begs him not to , all of a sudden from the door on the other side of the room a bleeding Test runs into the room and whacks Austin on the back with a steel chair flooring him as Triple H and McMahon finally arrive , running in the door opposite that which Test entered.. a crying Stephanie runs and embraces Triple H as he looks at the fallen Austin and then up at Test , and HHH glares at Test while Test glares , relieved at Stephanie and we fade out. ******* End ******* A little more to come. Russell Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted March 22, 2002 Here's the rest : WWF No Way Out * Pay - Per - View #1 Segment 1 Segment Time : 25:00 Total Time : 25:00 - We are welcomed to the show by Ross who runs down the card and tells us that Stephanie - McMahon Helmsley is * not * here tonight because of what happened on Monday. Vince McMahon , on the other hand , is here and will be out in a few moments. But first ladies and gentlemen , the Hardcore Title is about to be put on the line as Steven Richards will compete against Raven. - Entrance : WWF Hardcore Champion Raven - Entrance : Steven Richards ( Steven does not come out ) Backstage we see Steven refusing to participate in the contest because of it’s extreme emphasis on violence and it’s intent to encourage maiming. The RTC is attempting to force him into the arena and telling him that if he manages to take the belt from Raven he can ay it to rest for good. Richards refuses and so eventually Val Venis takes his place. Match 1 : Hardcore Title Raven( c ) vs. Val Venis The match begins with Venis running to the ring and swinging at Raven , who ducks and connects with some rights of his own. He floors Venis and and heads to the outside to retrieve some weaponry from underneath the ring. He pulls out a trashcan and tosses it into the ring , ducking under the rope but getting caught by a boot from Mr. Venis. Venis pulls Raven back to his feet and whips him to the corner , as Raven bounces out he is caught by a Venis hiptoss and is sent flying on his back onto the trashcan. Raven screams in pain and rolls into the corner where he is followed by Venis who inflicts some more punishment on the Hardcore Champion. Raven is whipped to the opposite corner and Venis comes running in he hits the elbow and goes for a superplex , it is a success and Venis goes for the win but only gets two. Meanwhile in the back there is an argument going on between Richards and the rest of The RTC and they are questioning Richards motives. Eventually Raven is almost gone and the RTC convinces Richards to come to ringside. Raven whips Val to the rope and Val ducks under , Raven kicks Val and goes for the evenflow but He is caught by Venis whom holds him up. At the RTC’s urging Steven leaps into the ring and goes for the Steviekick which misses and hits Val. Raven covers for the victory as The RTC jumps in the ring and confronts Richards. He attempts to explain his way out of it but Venis is up , grabs him and plants him with a powerslam. The RTC looks stunned but the follow Venis to the back. Winner : Raven Raven is back in the ring and picks up Richards , slinging him over his shoulder. He walks backstage with Richards over his shoulder. - Earlier Today : A limousine arrives and McMahon walks out. He speaks to Mark Madden and inform him that since tonight Austin will be dealt with by Triple H he will take care of some other business… - Interview : Chris Jericho Madden : “Tonight , Chris Jericho , you defend your WWF Intercontinental Championship against Alex Wright. Now Wright appeared here in the WWF only two weeks ago but has since become the top contender to your championship in short order , but it all started , apparently with your mis-conceptions about a conversation that took place between Wright and WWF Champion Kurt Angle .. lets take a look : ( Footage from first RAW )* we see WWF Champion Kurt Angle walking … he passes Alex Wright , flocked by photographers and still holding his head as some of his lackeys carry his couch. Angle: “Excuse me… are you the young man who was so wrongfully tossed from the ring earlier today by Steve Austin ? Well…as you may know I am an Olympic gold medallist ( holds medals ) and I didn’t earn these by giving up on my dreams. If you want to be a model , or a gigelo .. or whatever you just go out there an do your best. Why , I think you did a fine job out there. Keep up the good work , okay.” We see a door to the side where Chris Jericho is standing , he lets out a laugh as Angle looks to the side , furious. Jericho shuts the door. * Jericho : “ You know , Mark Madden ( for lack of a slightly humorous nickname ) , I am a fun loving man. I spend every waking moment of my life trying to make life enjoyable. In fact , if you asked any person who knows me… who * really * knows me they would come up with a slew of adjectives that reflect my passion for fun. If you asked them to describe Chris Jericho the words that came out of their mouths would probably be as follows…. Of course Happy , Giddy , jubilant , wide eyed , thrilled .. the list goes on an on… but there is one word they would never…. EVER .. use to describe Chris Jericho and that word is GAY ! Now that word would be put to good use when it comes to Alex Wright. I remember a while back when Chyna was WWF Intercontinental Champion. I was appalled. Nothing was more incredibly embarrassing than a * woman * representing the WWF , or so I thought. But there is one thing worse.. that’s a man who acts like a woman representing the WWF and I , as your ayatollah of rock n’ rolla , will never EVER let that happen !” Segment 2 Segment Time : 30:00 Total Time : 55:00 - Entrance : Alex Wright We are informed that this is Alex Wright’s official WWF debut and that it is unheard of to debut in a title match. - Entrance : Chris Jericho Match 2 : Chris Jericho ( c ) vs. Alex Wright The match starts out with the Underwear clad Alex taking a beating from Jericho. He knocks the challenger to the floor removes his shirt and his belt. He then launches himself over the top rope and Jim Ross informs the viewers that this will , in all likelyhood , be an incredibly high flying match up. Chris Jericho tosses Wright back in the ring and goes for the summersault over the top rope. He hits and goes for the quick cover. Wright grabs the rope and scoots to the outside of the ring and Jericho runs from the opposite side and tries a slide tackle. Wright dodges and Jericho slides to the outside will he catches some right hands from his opponent. He then shoves Jericho into the barricade and rolls into the ring , posing for the crowd as Jericho rolls back into the ring. Wright lays the boots into Jericho upon his entrance and goes for a quick cover. Only two and Jericho is pulled back to his feet and whipped into the corner by Wright. Wright follows him in but is caught by a boot to the face by Jericho whom ascends to the top turnbuckle and catches his opponent with a flying forearm. He goes for the cover again and only gets two. Jericho pulls Wright up and whips him to the ropes but the challenger ducks and comes off the other side to meet Jericho in a double clothesline. The referee begins to count the contenders but Wright is back up and limping toward the ring apron and attempting to leave but his foot is grabbed by Jericho , unfortunately Wright catches Jericho with a boot and ends up on the ring apron , he then hits springboard dropkick on the now standing Jericho , sending him to the canvas. Wright limps back in and hits a standing suplex , floats over and tries the cover , only getting a two. Frustrated he pulls Jericho to his knee and hits a low dropkick in the face of the challenger. He goes for yet another cover but , again , gets only two. Wright is now disgusted and he locks the sleeper on the champion , posing all the while with his free hand. The crowd is firmly behind Chris Jericho and the champion muscles his way up , elbowing Wright in the stomach before launching himself off the ropes and again catching a bit of Wright offense , this time an elbow , directly to the face sending him to the canvas. Wright bounces himself off the ropes and drops an elbow on his opponent and goes for the cover where he again gets only two. Wright pulls Jericho to his feet and hits a belly to belly suplex , rolling over on top for the pin. He gets two again but this time he sends Jericho to the ring apron and goes after him. Jericho ducks a clothesline by Wright and suplexes him to the apron. Jericho ducks back into the ring and hits his signature springboard dropkick on Wright. Wright sprawls around the outside and Jericho follows him to the outside. He throws him onto the commentary table but Wright kicks him off , sending Jericho into the ring apron and knocking him temporarily unconscious. Wright lays on the table and poses for the crowds for awhile , but Jericho gets to his feet and tosses Wright to the floor. He then stands on the ring apron again and leaps off , hitting him with another flying forearm. He then rolls his opponent into the ring and goes for the lionsault. Its good and he goes for the cover , he doesn’t get it. Wright I back up and ducks a Jericho left , he tries a powerslam but Jericho hits the deck and performs a leg takedown , he snaps on the lion tamer and it looks as if Wright will quit but from the crowd a man in a short pink jacket and tight purple pants is in , he nails Jericho from behind and hits some sort of a DDT , knocking him out. Wright crawls to the outside of the ring and looks at the man as he stares back at Wright licking his lips seductively as he continues to beat on Jericho and yell in his face. As the camera closes in we can see plainly that it is Lenny Lane , destroying Jericho and now walking go the back. Winner : NO WINNER - Backstage Mark Madden is with The remaining Radicalz who are prepping Dean Malenko for his big match with Chris Benoit. Madden : “Tonight , Dean Malenko , you take on a man who , in recent weeks , has completely severed his ties with the three of you. Beyond that he seems to think he is invincible and after my experience last week I wouldn’t argue that point…” Malenko : “ You wouldn’t argue that point , Mark Madden. You wouldn’t argue any point because you don’t have the balls to argue and you don’t have the tools to back it up. Unfortunately I have both. Beyond that Chris Benoit thinks he is some kind of terminator , doesn’t he ? Well… there is one force that even the most powerful of men cannot overcome , and that is numbers. There is one of him and there are three of us , Mark. So if he wants to boats about taking * us * out let him take * us * out , or rather allow us to take * him * out. If need be I will march to the ring tonight , with these two men , and we will destroy Chris Benoit .. whether it takes one man or three men.” - We see Chris Benoit observing the interview on a monitor. He looks unimpressed and walks away. - In a locker room we see Vince talking with Trish… Trish : “But … you’re Vince McMahon. Know one can do anything under your nose. You have complete control of every situation and I have complete faith in you…” Vince : “That may be , but there are things that need to be taken care of tonight , whether or not I am the most powerful man in the industry. I mean , let me ask you this , Trish … didn’t * you * feel completely and utterly * violated * that week on RAW ? Didn’t you feel that a terrible invasion of your privacy has been made ?” Trish : “Well.. yes. But I think our love is a beautiful thing.. and I think that its about time the world was made aware of the situation.” Vince : “That’s beside the point… think of what it put my poor , poor Stephanie through. I mean I’m no better than that maniac Austin ! He put my poor daughter through such physical trauma and I put her through such emotional trauma….” Trish : “But , Vince , she’s not here. She’s okay. She’s safe. Austin didn’t hurt her and I’m sure she’ll recover..” Vince : “And thank god for that. But Austin will pay dearly tonight , and I will pay every time I recall her lovely face on that night… but there is one person left who still needs to pay for what they’ve done to my daughter. That is whoever invaded our privacy on RAW. Now whoever has the GTV has wrecked their last life and I will find out who is behind this ….” Vince leaves and leaves Trish looking stunned. - We see Jeff Hardy , Matt Hardy , HBK and Lita heading toward the ring and the tag team title match is NEXT ! - Wrestlemania Promo There is one night where all past events are resolved and all future events inspired. There is one night where anything can happen and any man can become a god. That night is Wrestlemania….. the showcase of the immortals. Wrestlemania XVII -Segment 3 Segment Time : 20:00 Total Time : 75:00 - Ross informs us that the countdown until Wrestlemania is on an , of course , a little later tonight many , many things that involve the biggest event in the history of the industry will be decided .. primarily in the match for The WWF Title . - We are backstage and we see The Rock enter the arena… there are a good number of fans outside cheering from atop a hill but Rock ignores them as he is talking on a telephone. - Entrance : The Hardy Boyz - Entrance : The Dudley Boyz Match 3 : WWF Tag Titles The Dudley Boyz ( c ) vs. The Hardy Boyz Michales and Lita stand on the outside of the ring as the match begins. The Dudleyz take early control and cut the ring in half , running the majority of their offense in close proximity to their corner. They continue until Buh Buh whips Jeff into the opposite corner and he runs up the turnbuckles and flips back with a corkscrew moonsault that takes out Buh Buh. Jeff is now in control and he tags in Matt who goes after Buh Buh and takes him down. Matt hits the leg drop and has the cover until D-Von rushes the ring and pulls the elder Hardy off. Matt is up and looking at D-Von. He pulls Buh Buh to his feet and whips him off the rope , kicking him and then flying off the rope himself to nail Buh Buh with a swinging neckbreaker. He goes for the cover but Buh Buh launches him off. Matt goes for an elbow drop but Buh Buh moves, catches Matt running at him and delivers a powerslam. He crawls over and tags in D-Von. D-Von rushes in and launches an all out assault against Matt and forcing him into the corner as Jeff stirs on the apron desperate to get in the ring. Matt is beaten for a long time in the corner and eventually whipped out and caught with a boot. D-Von slams Matt and hits and elbow. He whips Matt back into the Dudley corner and tags in his partner. In comes Buh Buh and he is striking Matt. He picks up the eldest Hardy son and slams Matt into the mat and tags in D-Von who climbs to the top rope as Buh Buh sreads Matt’s legs. D-Von jumps and hits. He goes for the cover. Only two. D-Von sends Matt off the rope Matt reverses it and Lita grabs the leg of D-Von distracting him enough for Matt to deliver a desperation spin-kick. He tags in Jeff who takes control until Buh Buh is hit with the blind tag and the Dudleyz hit the 3D. Lita pulls Buh Buh out of the ring and HBK runs in behind the ref ( who is distracted by Lita ) and hits D-Von with a superkick. Buh Buh is still chasing Lita around the ring when Jeff covers D-Von for the cover and the titles. Winners ( and new Tag Team champions ) - The Hardy Boyz On the way to the back the wrestlers are celebrating and HBK gives Lita a hug which draws a slight stare by Matt before he leads her by the shoulder to the back. Segment 4 Segment Time : 30:00 Total Time : 105:00 - We see The Radicalz in their locker room discussing strategy when the door opens and they all turn to see Vince McMahon. He walks forward toward Eddy and asks The other Radicalz to give them some * time alone * . They look back and finally leave as they discuss grabbing a bite to eat , to which Saturn adds “ Fine , but I’ll need to hit the bathroom first”. Eddie : “yes” Vince : “ Let me get right to the point. I know that you haven’t been around here much lately and I know that when you were here you were more concerned with Chyna than with me. But I also know that someone has been walking around backstage and destroying people’s privacy and sometimes their lives by taping it and calling it * GTV*. The thing is , obviously , I know where the TV comes from but I don’t know about the G and you have a “G” as the first letter of your name which , in my eyes , makes you a suspect.” Eddie : “ Listen.. I don’t know who has been doing this.. but I can assure you that I had nothing other than my own business to deal with last time. I know what this has done to you and I’m sorry… unfortunately I cant tell you anything. The day this happened I was with my buddies and we were with Benoit , preparing for his match against the Rock… that’s all I can tell you” Vince : “Okay. I will certainly check out your story.. but be warned that should I have any reason to question what you have told me you will be sorry…” Vince leaves and Eddie getes up and wipes the sweat from his forehead. He walks to the closet and picks out his wrestling gear as he is apparently going to get ready for the match. When he opens the closet door Chris Benoit flies out from inside the closet and throws Guerrero into the mirror. He then catches Guerrero on the floor and hooks on the crossface as Guerrero screams. Benoit lets him go. Benoit : “Looks like someone just beat the odds”. He walks out as Guerrero looks horribly injured. - We see Malenko and Saturn walking and Saturn tells Malenko that he needs to hit the bathroom , he’ll meet up with him. Test is shown walking from his locker room with a chair and from behind Paul Wight catches him and whips him into the wall. Match 4 : Test vs. Big Show ( Street fight ) The Big Show pushes him up against the wall and beats him. He whips Test into the parking lot and throws him up against a car. He continues to pound on Test until Test finds a fire extinguisher and shoots it in the face of the giant. They fight around for awhile and eventually The Show is ready to finish off Test but Test fights back , trying to pull out the victory. Unfortunately he is caught by the chokeslam and thrown into a pile of stuff in the garage. The Show covers for the three count. Winner : The Big Show The Show is ready to leave but Test fights back so the Show slams him again. Test wont quit and continues to take a beating . All of a sudden a car screeches to a hault in the garage and Stephanie quickly exits. She yells at the Big Show to stop it and she guides him by the shoulder down the hall , glancing back at Test all the way. - Saturn is shown finishing up in the bathroom ( washing his hands and such ) when a voice says : “The numbers , while present once , don’t matter when they are erased” you can then see Benoit appear behind him in the mirror. He grabs Saturn and throws him into the wall and punches him. He then takes him down to the floor and snaps on the crossface as Saturn screams. Benoit gets up and mutters : “ One to go” and leaves. - Malenko doesn’t know where Saturn is and so he heads back to the locker room. Segment 5 Segment Time : 30:00 Total Time : 145:00 -Triple H is looking at the monitor and looks somewhat concerned as Vince comes into his room HHH : “Ehh.. hey dad.” Vince : “ Hello , Hunter. I realize that you are preparing for the match with Austin tonight.. and in that respect I wanted to tell you that whoever wins that match tonight will now become the #1 contender for the WWF Title and will wrestle in the Main Event at Wrestlemania” HHH : “Oh.. well that’s great. Believe me , no one is more pissed off at Austin than I am Vince and no one is more furious with what he did to my wife last week..” Vince : “I know that.. but that’s what not what I’m here to talk about. I know this sounds stupid but as you know there has been someone secretly invading the privacy of federation superstars for some time now… and while we know TV stands for Television we don’t know what the “G” stands for and so , obviously , that’s what I’m trying to find out….” HHH : “Okay , Vince , I understand the whole concept. But what I don’t understand is why you ask me… I mean my name is * Hunter * Hearst * Helmsley*. I don’t see where I would be though responsible. Vince : “That’s right , your name doesn’t involve a * G*. But outside of Triple H what do people call you ? The Game.” HHH : “Oh.. Vince. You can’t even think of that. I mean , first of all , Stephanie is my wife. I would never want to hurt her. Second of all you’ve been great to me as a father in law … you’ve helped my career and you’re a really nice guy. And as far as the “G” goes… I didn’t even have that name when all this started. You know you can trust me Vince.” Vince : “Ahh.. well yes.I do trust you and so I’ll allow you to ready yourself for your match and leave you be. Thank you… oh and good luck.” -Malenko arrives back in the locker room and , seeing Guerrero , calls for a medic. -We see The Rock on his cell phone in his locker room saying : “ Are you sure you want to do this ?”… “ He gets his answer and hangs up. He puts his head down on his table. - Malenko is back in the parking garage and is with the other two Radicalz who are being placed into an ambulance. Back in the arena we hear Benoit’s theme play and Malenko turns toward the arena. - Entrance : Dean Malenko ( Benoit is already in the ring ) Match 5 : Dean Malenko vs. Chris Benoit Dean runs into the ring and immediately Benoit begins dissecting his former ally. He absolutely pummels Malenko and in short order the “ Man of 1000 Holds” is walking around the ringside area a battered man. Benoit follows him out and hits him with a double ax handle to the back. He whips him into the barricade and follows him as if stalking him as Malenko looks less like an opponent than a victim. He is followed and rolled into the ring and gets little to no offense in the 5 minutes that follow , the minutes that lead to a convincing tap out victory for Benoit. Winner : Chris Benoit - Kurt Angle is shown walking to the ring with title in hand and we are informed that the WWF Title Match is NEXT ! Segment 6 Segment Time : 20:00 Total Time : 165:00 - A member of WWF security informs the Rock that it is time for him to get on , he is only half dressed ( knee pads , boots and Dress pants ) and he gets up looking awful and walks to the door and to the ring. -The RTC is discussing what happened with Richards and seem to be quite worried about who he is associating with , they seem slightly mad at Venis and tell him that * he * won’t be placed , presumably meaning Richards. - Stephanie arrives in Triple H’s locker room and Triple H ask why she is here. Steph said that all she wants to do is support Triple H is this huge match and that she wants to watch Triple H tear Austin apart. Triple H says he will… for her. -Highlight package of Angle vs. Rock - Entrance : Kurt Angle - Entrance : Rock Match 6 : WWF Title Match Kurt Angle ( c ) vs. The Rock The Rock is struck by Angle and he continues to pummel the Rock in the early going. The Rock is whipped into the corner and bounces off , however Angle ducks and catches The Rock with a neckbreaker. Angle goes for the cover and only gets two. Angle pulls The rock to his feet and gives him a few right before whipping the dress pant clad Rock into the ropes and catching him with a overhead suplex. He covers and Rock barely manages to get a shoulder up. The Rock regains his footing and moves to lean in the corner as Angle lays a few boots in. He gives Rock a snapmare and then a stiff kick to the upper back before forcing the Rock’s head down onto the mat and dropping a knee. He covers again but only two . By now the crowd is chanting for Rocky but he certainly doesn’t appear to possess that certain spark. Angle whips him into the rope and attempts to catch him with another suplex but Rock hits him with a flying shoulder block. The Rock is now struggling to his feet and Angle follows closely. The Rock is striking at Angle with right after right after right. Angle is reeling and The Rock takes him down with a clothesline that sends him flying over the top. The Rock is talking to Angle but Angle pulls him to the outside and eventually Angle picks up a chair but the Rock catches him and grabs the chair whacking Angle and placing it in the ring. He rolls Angle back in and hits the people’s Elbow. The ref counts to two and the notices the chair , he asks Rock what has happened and The Rock is explaining it as Angle creeps up from behind and hits the Olympic Slam which sends the Rock down for the Three count. Winner and still Champion : Kurt Angle The Rock looks less angered than he is saddened and gets up and leaves as Angle celebrates. - Backstage Vince looks at the monitor and appears upset as he leaves the locker room en route to the arena. - Austin is shown walking to the ring and so is Triple H with Stephanie. - Backstage The Rock is shown quickly getting in his car and exiting in the attire he wore to wrestle Segment 7 Segment Time : 20:00 Total Time : 185:00 - Highlight package is shown detailing the past events between Austin and HHH. - Entrance : Vince McMahon & Trish Stratus for commentary - Entrance : Triple H w/ Stephanie - Entrance : “Stone Cold” Steve Austin Match 7 : # 1 Contender Steve Austin vs. Triple H Austin is in the ring and the two tear away at each other , looking as if they’re attempting to rip each other limb from limb. Austin tosses HHH into the corner and follows with some kicks but Triple H turns that around tossing Austin in and giving him some punches. Austin flies out of the corner and tackles Triple H , throwing rights and lefts at the game. Triple H somehow regains the upper hand and shoots Austin into the corner , catching him as he comes out with a knee lift that floors The Rattlesnake. Triple H wastes no time and continues his assault , he straddles Austin and lays into him. It seems like he is trying to destroy Austin. He pulls Stone Cold up and gives him a bodyslam. He goes for the quick cover and gets 1 as Austin is out and very alive. Austin is whipped into the corner but holds on and catches the charging Triple H with the Lou Thesz press. Austin hammers away at Triple H and throws him to the outside. He whips Triple H into the crowd and follows him trhough the audience tossing beers onto The Game and ripping into him. Austin seems to have little regard for either of their well beings. He grabs a chair in the crowd and smacks HHH in the face busting him wide open. He then sends Triple H over the barricade and is about to smash him again when Stephanie is out and Austin pushes her over. He is going to hit HHH again as Stephanie stands up and is caught by the hair by Austin. He is going to strike her but Test runs from the back and Austin smacks him with a chair , leaving him bloodied on the ground as he drags Triple H back to the ring. He approaches the announce position and is about to slam HHH through the announce position when Vince stands up to stop him. He pushes Vince aside which leaves Trish screaming at Austin he takes a swing at her but Triple H pushes her out of the way and takes the shot himself. Austin then puhes trish over the table leaving McMahon preoccupied with her safety. He rolls Triple H back in the ring and hits the stunner. But he doesn’t cover Triple H and he pulls him back up with a chair in the hand ready to nail him… Stephanie limps back to the ring. Triple H is standing between Austin and Triple H who can barely stand.. Test has also grabbed a chair and has limped back to the ring and is crawling behind Austin as he readies to strike Steph while holding her by the hair. Austin sees this however and ducks ( pulling Steph down too , by the hair ) and the chair nails HHH. Austin tosses Steph to the side and Austin stuns Test. He covers HHH for the three count as Test and HHH both lay unconscious. He stares at Steph and flashes her the fingers. He then stands on the ropes and taunts. He is headed for Wrestlemania and Steph is standing stunned above test and HHH , both bleeding and unconscious on the mat. -Wrestlemania Ad There is one night where all past events are resolved and all future events inspired. There is one night where anything can happen and any man can become a god. That night is Wrestlemania….. the showcase of the immortals. Wrestlemania XVII ******* End ******* RAW # 3 ************************* WWF RAW IS WAR ( THE CORE ) - Episode 3 * Opening Segment 1 Segment Time : 20:00 Total Time : 20:00 - A highlight package of WWF No Way Out is shown that details the events of Rock/ Angle and Austin/ HHH. - We are outside in the parking lot and a car pulls up. Out of the car steps Triple H. - Backstage The RTC is frantically searching for Raven and Steven Richards , presumably because they are worried about Steven’s safety. - Entrance : Triple H HHH stands in center ring : HHH : “Last Night… I was involved in possibly the most important match of my professional career. Steve Austin and I fought in the ring , in the crowd , in the entrance area and right there on this table ( points to this table ). But there was one thing that wasn’t accomplished last night.. and that was me , Triple H ! , the Game… solidifying his place as #1 contender and part of the Wrestlemania main event. Now I know full well that for a large part of that match Austin was kicking my ass. But Austin wasn’t the man who cost me that WWF Title. Austin wasn’t the man that held up that steel chair and whacked me across the face with it resulting in my loss of the match. No.. it wasn’t Austin , it was Test. Test , the permanent midcarder whom , at one point , was smitten with my wife and my love Stephanie McMahon. Now I don’t know what he’s doing out during the main event at a Pay per View and frankly I don’t care. All I know is that whether it’s Austin or Taka when someone screws me I get even. Tonight , I will find Test and I will get even.” - Backstage Test is shown watching the moniter and he looks somewhat scared. He sighs and sits back in his chair , contemplating his next move. - In a room we see Alex Wright lying on a couch watching television , nonetheless he looks posed. In to the room comes Lenny Lane , as he walks in several shots are snapped of him by photographers who line the walls of the locker room.. Lane : ( Looks baffled while looking at the multiple photographers ) “yeah… that ‘s posing ( noting Wright’s pose on the couch) Anyway… I wanted you to know that I was the guy who helped you last night with Jericho in your match and I know that now that we know one another… we could definetly , you know… go somewhere and talk ?” Wright looks baffled and security escorts Lane from the locker room. - Another limousine arrives and lets the Rock out , he is still wearing his clothes from yesterday and as he approaches the arena he is told that Mr. McMahon wants to see him. - Wrestlemania Ad There is one night where all past events are resolved and all future events inspired. There is one night where anything can happen and any man can become a god. That night is Wrestlemania….. the showcase of the immortals. Wrestlemania XVII Commercial 1 Commercial Time : 2:00 Total Time : 22:00 Segment 2 Segment Time : 20:00 Total Time : 42:00 - We are back and allow us to show you a video of what happened last night at WWF No Way Out when Matt and Jeff Hardy were victorious and claimed the WWF Tag Team Titles … Video : * Dudleyz hit the 3D. Lita pulls Buh Buh out of the ring and HBK runs in behind the ref ( who is distracted by Lita ) and hits D-Von with a superkick. Buh Buh is still chasing Lita around the ring when Jeff covers D-Von for the cover and the titles. Winners ( and new Tag Team champions ) - The Hardy Boyz On the way to the back the wrestlers are celebrating and HBK gives Lita a hug which draws a slight stare by Matt before he leads her by the shoulder to the back. * - Entrance : The Hardy Boyz w/ HBK - Entrance : Kane and The Undertaker Match 2 : The Hardy Boyz vs. Undertaker & Kane for the Tag Team Titles The match starts with , of course , the display of power by the big men. Kane is destroying Jeff Hardy and tossing him around like a rag doll. He picks up the tag champion and whips him to the corner , Jeff gets both feet up and ducks out to the rung apron. He then springs off the top rope and hits a dropkick on the Big red Machine. It doesn’t phase the monster and so Jeff ducks between the ropes and tries a springboard cross body which doesn’t work as Kane catches them. Backstage we see Alex Wright watching TV ,he gets up and heads out to the ring followed on all sides by photographers. We see him walking down the hall followed by photographers and then we go back to the match. Kane tags in the Taker and he begins to destroy Jeff as well , whip off the rope and catches him with the big boot and a legdrop. Goes for the cover and we are one second from having new champions when Jeff gets the shoulder up. Whip off the rope , duck , spin kick and tag to brother Matt. Matt is in and going after the Taker , he runs off the rope but runs into a Taker elbow. Taker picks Matt up and throws him into the corner , elbows to the face and tag to Kane brings the Machine back into the ring. He takes up where the Taker left off , and whips Matt into the corner. Alex Wright is now oout on the ramp and as always is followed by a flock of photographers. Alex makes his way down the ramp and is yelling at Kane who has just tagged out to Undertaker. Kane is distracted and is threatening Wright , Undertaker on the other hand is distracted and looking at Wright in awe and Matt hits the roll up pin on the Taker to retain the titles for his team. Winner : Hardy Boyz Wright darts up the ramp to the back and if followed closely by his photographers snapping pictures all the way. He is chased by Kane but seems to avoid him as Kane is back and tending to the Taker. - Lenny Lane is walking back from Wright’s locker room muttering to himself about “ blowing it” and Jericho , heavily bandaged , picks him off and takes him down beating him with weaponry and fists. He again uses the term “ flaming homosexual” and leaves.. - HHH is walking down the hall and is is looking for Test. - Rock approaches the dressing room of Vince , but Vince isn’t there so Rock has a seat outside. Commercial 2 Commercial Time : 2:00 Total Time : 44:00 Segment 3 Segment Time : 20:00 Total Time : 64:00 - Alex Wright is hurrying to a waiting limousine and preparing to leave as Vince stops him… McMahon : “Hmm.. excuse me… Mr. Wright. Now I know full well that you seem to have a , well , fascination with * photographs*. Now photographs require a type of camera as do videos. Now someone with a camera has been running around invading the privacy of stars in this company. Now while you have no part of your name that begins with the word * G * you have been called , by some , a * gigolo* and so I need to ask the question…” Wright shakes his head no and ducks into the limousine as security holds off McMahon. - In the locker room of the Hardy Boyz they arrive back and they are relaxing. Lita sits down on one couch and Matt moves to sit next to her when HBK ducks in front of Matt and sits next to Lita. Matt looks a bit upset and finally moves to another couch next to Matt. Shawn now puts his arm around the back of the chair where Lita is sitting and says : “ Yes , sir , kids.. We are in business” - The Rock is still waiting outside the door of Mr. McMahon. - Entrance : The Big Show - Entrance : Chris Jericho * footage is shown of both men’s victories last night at No Way Out Match 2 : Intercontinental Title Chris Jericho ( c ) vs. The Big Show Jericho starts the match attempting to dodge Wight’s blows but he eventually gets caught and is whipped into the corner where Wight advances on him and lays in a few blows. He then pulls Jericho out and throws him to the ground. He continues to pummel Jericho for a few minutes until Jericho regains his footing and begins to deliver some offense. He runs off the rope and hits Wight with a clothesline , then another , Wight is almost down and Jericho comes off the rope again to catch a boot in the face from Wight. Wight pulls up the champion. He then goes for the chokeslam but Jericho kicks him the groin area and hits him with a spinning heel kick. He locks on the Lion tamer and from the back a battered Lenny Lane is in. He destroys Jericho and leaves him laying in the middle of the ring as Wight rolls to the outside. Lane : - Rock is still sitting by the door and McMahon arrives. McMahon motions to Rock and they both retreatinside the locker room where the doors closes , marked * Private * . - HHH is still looking for Test - Steve Austin will be out NEXT ! Commercial 3 Commercial Time : 2:00 Total Time : 66:00 Segment 4 Segment Time : 15:00 Total Time : 81:00 -Entrance : Steve Austin “ At The Royal Rumble I won the chance to wrestle for the WWF championship at Wrestlemania. Because of Triple H using my wife as a bait I was forced to give up my shot and fight for it again. But what I did was I walked into No Way Out , I whooped Triple H’s ass , I whooped Test’s ass and I whooped whoever’s ass needed to be whooped to secure my shot at the WWF title. I did and now in four weeks I will wrestle in the biggest event of the year for the WWF Championship.Now…” -Entrance : Kurt Angle “While we’re all out here complimenting people on winning matches and such let me remind everyone , that means you (to Austin ) and you ( to the fans ) that I will be the focus of Wrestlemania and this company until someone or something can change that fact. Obviously one man who couldn’t was the Rock. The Rock , while all you fans love him so dearly , could do nothing to stop a real American Hero from realizing yet another dream. The same will hold true with Steve Austin. The fans can cheer your name and chant for you all they wish , but there will be no victory for you at Wrestlemania . In fact at there will ….” From behind Test runs in and is assaulting Austin. He is pummeling Ratttlesnake. Angle retreats to the back and finally security is in to escort Test from the ring. Test. Test is yelling at Austin about leaving * her * alone and leaving her * be * …. - Backstage we are in the locker room of Rock and Vince … Rock : “Vince… really… things change…” Vince : “They may. For you. But for me things never change. Because to me the goal of this business and therefore the goal of * my life * is to get people to pay money to sit their ass in a seat and watch my program… and to do that you know what I need Rock ? You know what I * really * need ? I need what people want to see on that #### screen or in that damned arena. And for Wrestlemania you know what people want ? They want you , they want Austin and they want your asses in that ring wrestling for the WWF Title. They don’t want Kurt Angle….” Rock : “ Vince… you’ve said it before. Nothings more important that family. For me things have changed… I can’t concentrate on the title or on Wrestlemania with…” Vince : “I don’t care. The fact of the matter is you need to get your ass out of this slump or whatever and forget your family , forget your home. This company is your home. This business is your home. And everyone wants you to cut that damned hair , raise that damned eyebrow and wrestle Stone Cold * god damned * Austin at Wrestlemania. And that’s what you will do. If I have to push you there myself , Dwayne . You know what you did last night ? You ruined everything. Well you know what ? You will not ruin * my * event. Neither will your wife or your kids or anyone else… you will be there and I will have my show… whether its by your actions or by mine.” Rock : “But Vince… I just need” Vince: “You may go.” Vince points to the door and the Rock leaves. Commercial 4 Commercial Time : 2:00 Total Time : 83:00 Segment 5 Segment Time : 20:00 Total Time : 103:00 - Rock is walking to his car and dejected he gets in and instead of leaving lays his face to the steering wheel and appears to be crying. - Test is being escorted from the ring and Stephanie is there. She tells him that she appreciates everything he has done these past few weeks and she doesn’t know why… but he needs to stay out of this because HHH will be furious and that can’t happen. Just please stay away… HHH catches up with them and he is yelling at Test. Security is holding them apart and Stephanie is between them… Test is taken away. - RTC finally comes upon Steven Richards in the boiler room sitting up and the RTC consoles him and asks him if he is okay but they quickly ask him what he * did * with Raven. Venis asks , more importantly , what did you tell him ? Richards looks confused. - Entrance : Chris Benoit Benoit: “ Last Night I proved to the world what I can do. Yeah , you’ve seen people walk around backstage knocking heads here and there but how many of those times has the person been holding and using a chair or another weapon ? Most everytime. I don’t need weapons. The fact of the matter is this. I have been sitting backstage every single night for one year I have seen Austin walk out here and I have Rock walk out here and HHH and Undertaker and on and on… and they wrestle , win and are cheered. The problem is not a one of them can hold a candle to me in this ring. You have Guerrero , you have Saturn , you have Malenko and not one can do a thing to me. I rule this ring , that area backstage and I rule what I want when I want to rule it. What I want is recognition. What I want is a damned belt around my waist and how I will get it is by force. The count is on WWF .. throw someone’s ass out here… Angle , Jericho , #### the damned Hardy Boyz . It doesn’t matter. But when they come out here they better be wearing a belt and it better not be to hold up their pants. Give me them NOW !” Benoit waits. No one shows… “Good. Here’s what I’ll do. I’ll hunt. I’ll go backstage and I’ll find someone , champion or no and I’ll drag their ass out here and destroy them and one by one I’ll pick the carcus of this company until I get to what I want” Benoit leaves and walks to the back. He walks around backstage and finds Crash Holly. He grabs him and throws him into the wall and locks the corssface on him. Holly yells and the other Holly cousins crowd around trying to peel Benoit from their cousin. He grabs them one by one and tosses them around , he does the same to security. He screams : “ How was that McMahon ? How was that for some carnage ? You want more . McMahon ? How many more ? How many more men until you acknowledge what I can do ? You want to hire me to deprive your competition of me and then keep me locked firmly under your thumb ? No… McMahon your thumb ain’t as big as you think ,pal. These people weren’t important enough ? Wait until next week. - Austin is up and walking around , furious. - Match 3 : Hardcore Match ( Just use any two guys , they can fight until one is in line for a shot at Raven next week ) - Raven catches up with Mr. McMahon… he says that he knows that McMahon is looking to find out who controlled GTV. Well he just may have some interesting information… McMahon asks what.. Raven says… for a price. - Angle is in his locker room working out. Someone comes in and says that he is up next. Angle is stunned and grabs his stuff. Commercial 5 Commercial Time : 2:00 Total Time : 105:00 Segment 6 Segment Time : 20:00 Total Time : 125:00 - HHH is in the locker room yelling at Stephanie and questioning what she was doing with Test. He is really screaming at her. - Test is watching this and can hardly watch. Finally he gets up and leaves. Match 4 : Raven vs. Angle for the WWF Title ( Fill this in however you want , Ill just type the ending ) Midway Through the match The RTC is going to leave from the back , they can’t let Raven “talk”. They have to stop him. Richards wont go. At the end of the match The RTC runs out and attacks Raven looking to eliminate him for quite some time. They are brutal. Finally Richards comes and chases them from the ring.. pulling them back. On the way back he tells them they were creating suspicion… they don’t look convinced. Winner : No Contest - Test Arrives at the door of HHH and demands he stop with Stephanie. HHH asks what the #### Test is doing there. Stephanie begs him to leave. Austin arrives and attacks Test , he is visciously beating him and after a while Steph asks HHH to stop Austin. HHH looks about Ready to but he doesn’t he walks next to Austin and then exits the room as Austin beats on Test for sometime while Steph pleads.He then leaves. After all that Steph looks stunned and goes over , bending down to help Test. She finally lays herself across him when Triple H returns and looks down at Stephanie with shock and apparent anger. ***** End ****** If you actually read all that I have to thank you. What were going to do with Rock was detail the stress put on a man's personal life by his professional. We were going to explore the Rock's crumbling personal #### as a subsequent result of his fame in the WWF. McMahon was going to become furtious because he would not let the Rock ruin his forthcoming Wrestlemania. We were going to turn Austin heel in a subtle way , but playing off his weakness for his wife which we knew fans in reality wouldn't go for. He was also going to fall victim to McMahon as McMahon blamed the Rock for ruining his career by ruining the main event of WM. The RTC was going to be responsible for GTV. It would have been a tool to turn the WWF's advertisers and accusers further against them. By catching scandelous backstage events never intended to air they were going to create their own reasons for a WWF blackmail thereby validating their positions. Raven was going to ascend to the upper echelon of the WWF when the power he had over Richards allowed him to gain access to knowledge of the RTC's involvement in the Vince incident. This would allow Raven to have a temporary hold on McMahon. HBK was going to get involved with Lita. It would categorize him as a man with an addiction to women , this would obviously infuriate Matt. While Matt was blaming Shawn HBK would be in the ear of Jeff explaining how he was the Michaels of the team and Matt was the Janetty. Eventually the two would break up and Michaels would manage Jeff. We were also thinking of doing a scenario where HHH and Trish were really together and both was using their relationship with a McMahon to attain power. This would eventually bring Steph and Test together , which I thought would have given test the best chance for success. This was way before I ( liek everyone else ) got sick of Stephanie to the point of never wanting to see her again. Russell Share this post Link to post Share on other sites