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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

New Development on Willie the Worker

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Guest Choken One

So Raise Up your motherfucking Hands here...


Who is Buying this Sad Loser's Story?


I say He is a piece of Shit right or wrong anyways...

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Scots isn't any bigger a loser than some of the other guys at 411.


However, I dunno. I'm still skeptical. I doubt anyone from WWE visits his board, but if links get posted everywhere someone will eventually see it. Then RVD will likely get jobbed out for a while longer just to be on the safe side.

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Guest Choken One

Yeah...WWE likely only looks at








But Yeah they will get a Link sooner or later...


But You know they will do an little investagtion before deciding to fire him or not...

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Guest cynicalprofit

Maybe they are finally gonna make a smart mark character. Why the hell not RvD

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Guest bob_barron
Yeah...WWE likely only looks at








But Yeah they will get a Link sooner or later...


But You know they will do an little investagtion before deciding to fire him or not...

WWE reads 411? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Jobber of the Week
But You know they will do an little investagtion before deciding to fire him or not...

Vince: Hey, Rob. You know that internet leak that's been going around?


Rob: What are you talking about, dude? I don't know of anything like that.


Vince: Uhhh..


(looks at Polaroid. On it is a picture of Rob and "Don't believe his lies..." written in caption)


Vince: Well, you got Heat Duty this week. Later!

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Guest Downhome
But You know they will do an little investagtion before deciding to fire him or not...

Vince: Hey, Rob. You know that internet leak that's been going around?


Rob: What are you talking about, dude? I don't know of anything like that.


Vince: Uhhh..


(looks at Polaroid. On it is a picture of Rob and "Don't believe his lies..." written in caption)


Vince: Well, you got Heat Duty this week. Later!

Memento reference, OMG!

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Guest jimmy no nose

I just read Willie the Worker's article about Eminem and I was thinking it sounded like nothing a WWE worker would write. Then I visit a couple of sites and they say that the Torch ran a guest article with the exact same points a couple weeks back. So I read that article and it's almost the exact same thing. The Mike Tyson mentions and everything. It really leads me to believe that the whole thing is fake. But then I remember Meltzer said it's legit. Something weird is going on. Perhaps Meltzer got worked.

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Guest CanadianChick

Metzler has gotten worked before; it's not impossible. The frequency of the columns are what makes it the most suspisious, especiallly if a Raw guy (like RVD) is suspected because of their schdule.

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Guest ChaosTheory
Vince: Hey, Rob. You know that internet leak that's been going around?


Rob: What are you talking about, dude? I don't know of anything like that.


Vince: Uhhh..


(looks at Polaroid. On it is a picture of Rob and "Don't believe his lies..." written in caption)


Vince: Well, you got Heat Duty this week. Later!



Love the otnemem reference!

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WWE also reads WrestlingDB.com according to the traffic log the webmaster tells IRC about.


Anyway, unless I'm missing something here, it seems William wasn't exactly telling Scherer who he was to begin with. So, while I have nothing against the man who was ever so helpful in putting down my columns on TheSmarks, I can't see how Scotsman hacking into Scherer's mail and finding anonymous e-mails with no signed name on them leads to RVD.


But maybe I'm in denial over the whole thing. Ever since the random yelling of FART! I've been convinced it's Goldust, living his gimmick in his own writing. The fact he said on Stern he WOULD be in Booker's corner and wasn't gives him valid reason to think he'd be on the show when he wasn't, and, in character or not, it didn't sound like he had kind things to say about Sable or Piper on Byte This... and what do you know, neither did Willie the Worker.

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Guest godthedog

i still don't buy that this is a real worker. the style its written in, & ESPECIALLY the frequency of the columns...most of these guys aren't able to even post updates less than 2 or 3 weeks apart. storm's the most committed one, and he barely has time to answer those 10 emails a week & do a new commentary.

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Guest geniusMoment

I sense some hostility towards scotsman. I remember the good old days back at the EZ board, Scotsman was a regular poster. I think he is extremely entertaining. Choken if you hate him now just wait until you hear what he wanted to name his dog: Osama.

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If anyone should be hostile, it's me. When I was a Smarks rookie, he put down my column and made sure to point out I was a "low point in the history of the Smarks".. way to elevate new writers.


But I'm not. I know it's his "thing" to be a jackass, so I let it go. I personally just think there is no way to prove who it is because the guy who sent the columns to Scherer most likely did not sign a real name.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

If you think about the email and everything, it pretty much makes sense. RVD didn't wrestle on the PPV, his merch sells more than Albert's..


Now its just a a waiting game for the "RVD FIRED" headlines..if Scotsman can figure it out, it won't take Vince long to figure it out as well.


I guess you could partly blame RVD for writing the letter knowing he could get fired for it, but whatever.

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Guest the pinjockey

Now this question is based on the big leap of faith that this is all true (which I still doubt). But if it was RVD and they fired him would he still have to honor the no-compete clauses or whatever most of them have now?


BTW if anything I would not fire RVD I would just send him home and pay him. It would be worth the money to me to not have him in TNA because unlike D'Lo, RVD jumping could be huge.

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RVD having the opportunity to do 20 minute spot fest matches in the X-Division sounds HUGE on paper.... but he didn't exactly put enough money in ECW's bank to make them not die.


However, you could argue that a lot of the casual fans who just found out about him from WWE would carry over to TNA if he was ever released and went there.

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Guest RedJed

Hey I'm all for him being fired, so he can move to TNA.


But yeah Vince would probably just pay him to sit out for the rest of his contract. Anyone know how long his contract is for by the way?

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

You know, I dont think Vince would care.

He'd make an example of RVD and fire him.

It would put a stop to the criticising Vince behind his back to the internet sites using an alias.


Thats just my take..of course HHH could probably go right on TV and call Vince an asshole and nothing would be done about it, but unfortunately RVD isn't in the same "league" as HHH.

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Guest RedJed
RVD having the opportunity to do 20 minute spot fest matches in the X-Division sounds HUGE on paper.... but he didn't exactly put enough money in ECW's bank to make them not die.

An argument could be made there that he never had an opportunity to really draw money since he was just about to get the title finally when the company went under.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Another arguement could be made that a good deal of the hardcore RVD fans who watched him in ECW and all are probably watching TNA anyway..or not watching WWE anyway..


Honestly..if RVD got fired tomorrow, aside from having to come up with some explanation why he isn't tag champ with kane anymore (see Regal for how hard that would be anyway..), how many casual WWE fans would miss him?

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

Why I believe it's true...possible motivations for scotsman to fabricate the story:


1) Increased internet traffic.

Response: Scotsman has no adds or banners on his page, and he pays 100 bucks a month to host it.


2) To become #1 IWC Reporter.

Response: Scotsman self admittedly no longer watches wrestling and has no desire to write wrestling columns for the smarks any longer. He's a free agent who writes diaries about video games and life. Also his internet career has been pretty much over ever since he said he thought it was hilarious when the twin towers collapsed - and he dressed up in a halloween costume as the towers with planes flying into him.


3) To gain fame.

Response: He denies he hacked into Jay Bower or Dave Scherer's accounts - but his best friend the "Hackmaster" did - who just happens to have the same ISP addy as scotsman.


Why it's believable:


1) Scots isn't claiming it's RVD for sure - but he's just stating he was in Scherer's mailbox and the email is from "Rob Van Dam." It still could be a fan working Dave.

2) Scots got Jay Bower's Credit cards and home address with ease.

3) Scots hacked Jeremy Botter's scarey midgets site and had it down for days.

4) Scots has hacked Scherer's mailbox previously and Dave has publically threatened to file suit if it happened again. I guess we'll wait and see

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1) Scots isn't claiming it's RVD for sure - but he's just stating he was in Scherer's mailbox and the email is from "Rob Van Dam." It still could be a fan working Dave.

I don't think Scotsman did make it up and that it could very well be someone posing as RVD who has Scherer fooled. I think this will be the last of "Willie the Worker" though whether it's the real RVD or not.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Whomever it is deserves to be fired

C'mon, Bob, as a journalism major you should know to use "whoever", not "whomever".

</off topic>

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Guest bob_barron

How do you know Bobo?


Give me a break Spaceman- I'm just first year. :-)

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