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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

New Development on Willie the Worker

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Guest Vern Gagne

Let's say it is a wrestler. Isn't it possible with the frequency of the columns, that they aren't writing the column but in RVD' case his wife is.

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Guest Rob Van Dam
No- because it's in thier contracts that they're not allowed to do that.


And they wrote this knowing that fact. So fire their ass

So, it's not like he said anything nobody doesn't already know. Whats the difference between Austin going on Byte This and saying the company sucks or somebody writing a letter to a site saying the company sucks?

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Guest bob_barron

Because Byte This is a WWE owned brand.


1bob is not and their contract states you're not allowed to do that. The wrestler knowingly violated their contract and should be fired or suspended if caught

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Edge? How do you figure/ He's injured for a star5t, and even said i his column that he stayed home deliberately, when Mania was on.

The props to Raven, the comments about Albert (Edge was sorta-kinda sacrificed to get the newly-renamed A-Train over as a monster), the general complaining revolving around the SmackDown locker room, and that he has the time to write columns and read reactions even right after the SD taping.

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Guest Choken One

If RVD is the culprit...and he tries to Pin it on His Wife...Then Fuck Jericho...RVD will be my new God.


Isn't it odd how we were all convinced it was Xstain, Storm or Jeffy...with a little murmur of RVD...and it turns out be the guy we for the most part thought "Could care less". (If this is true...Which I don't believe.)

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

I still think that Scotsman himself could be behind this. He has done similar things in the past, and claims he is a great hacker and is always trying to cause controversy and once again his name has popped up here.


I just can’t see a WWE worker being behind this. Why would someone risk their jobs writing a column that only a small percentage of the wrestling audience is going to see? If they want to vent their frustration make a phone call to Meltzer or something, but to cause this big a stir is only going to make Vince more determined to find out who is behind it. And I still think the time factor is a big issue. Sure they may only work 4 nights a week but that does not include travelling, working out and all of the public appearances a WWE superstar does.

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Guest creativename

Everything we've seen so far seems to point to this being real, though it's not for sure...I am 50/50 on it, with a slight lean towards believing it at the moment. The whole style of the columns really make them seem like they were written by someone in the business, especially the way they try to "work" all the angles. This Scotsman dude seems shady, but I can't make up my mind as to whether he's the type to make something up like this being RVD as a hoax, or whether he's the type that is just blatantly honest.


I feel terrible for RVD though, if he gets fired for this. The man is only speaking the truth, and everything he says it what's best for the company. If it's so blatantly obvious even to the workers how to improve things, it really makes you wonder why Vinny Jr. doesn't have a clue.

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Guest GameCop

Two days ago, I wrote a letter to "Willie the Worker." I began the letter with: DEAR MR. SZATKOWSKI (RVD).


If it is RVD, don't expect any more columns.


Then again, maybe RVD is trying to purposely get fired? Maybe he is fed up with WWE and is looking for a way to provoke the McMahons.

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Guest tank_abbott
I am somewhat certain WWE is paying some attention to it...Likely, They will look into it...Maybe even take legal recourse over Scotsman for Defamantion of Character or some shit like that.

BWAHAHAHAHA....sued for posting a damning comment on a message board?? BWHAHAHAHAHA!

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Guest tank_abbott
Scotsman is just trying to stir shit as always, I wouldn't put it past him to behind the whole thing. I mean there is no way a WWE worker would be able to post 3 columns in 3 days and be able to answer e-mails with their schedule.

Exactly, Scotsman always stirs up shit with his readers, then admits he fooled them all days later...it's part of his charm!!

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Guest Zero_Cool

So, how long until they have a birthday party in the backroom, with cake an whatnot, and when Triple H goes to grab a slice, RVD tells him to pass it along, over and over again...to the point where HHH is the only one without a piece of cake!! That would go a long way into getting himself fired. ;)


I think we need an Office Space parody for the current WWE lockerroom..you see Mattitude talking about his "O" face and you could seriously have A-Train play Milton..and McMahon play that boss whose name I can't spell.

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Guest creativename
If anyone should be hostile, it's me. When I was a Smarks rookie, he put down my column and made sure to point out I was a "low point in the history of the Smarks".. way to elevate new writers.


But I'm not. I know it's his "thing" to be a jackass, so I let it go. I personally just think there is no way to prove who it is because the guy who sent the columns to Scherer most likely did not sign a real name.

Hey DrVenkamn, some dude named JNN posted about your post in the original thread at Scotsman's. Strangely, he says that you're pissed over Scotsman's flaming, when in fact your post was apathetic.


Anyway, the one thing that bothers me about this being RVD is how he keeps talking about SmackDown!--Nathan Jones, Albert, the returns of Sable and Piper, and Eminem coming in to feud with Cena. Yeah, he mentions Kane and RVD and some Raw guys, but mostly it's SD! guys. Of course that could just be another way of "working" readers into thinking he's not from Raw, but it doesn't seem like it.

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Guest Kid Kablam
Everything we've seen so far seems to point to this being real, though it's not for sure...I am 50/50 on it, with a slight lean towards believing it at the moment.  The whole style of the columns really make them seem like they were written by someone in the business, especially the way they try to "work" all the angles.  This Scotsman dude seems shady, but I can't make up my mind as to whether he's the type to make something up like this being RVD as a hoax, or whether he's the type that is just blatantly honest.


I feel terrible for RVD though, if he gets fired for this.  The man is only speaking the truth, and everything he says it what's best for the company.  If it's so blatantly obvious even to the workers how to improve things, it really makes you wonder why Vinny Jr. doesn't have a clue.

I don't think the Scotsman wrote the letter. He would have included a bunch a of homosexual references just because the man can't help[ himself when it comes to such things. In any case, fuck Scottsman. I've never really followed his site, and I got a good chuckle out of his EWR diaries, but this is just a rat fuck thing to do. Whether RVD did or didn't write the column is immaterial. I find it repulsive that his fuck would just expose a worker and the business, and maybe lie about it, just to show everyone that he's a great hacker, or whatever he's trying to prove. I feel the same way about him getting people's phone numbers and shit. THis guy has crossed several lines in my book.

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Guest tank_abbott

I'm not saying he wrote the letter, just that he's fibbing about knowing its RVD

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Guest tank_abbott

By the way, all your name calling in the Scotsman's direction is merely egging him on...


Its like that Simpson's Halloween Show where the Billboard's come alive...Ignore it and it will go away...


But please carry on I love Scotsman!

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If Scots thinks I'm bitter, fine...


Anyway, about Goldust and his lack of merchandise... see, nowhere did the column say he does GOOD sales. It said he's sold more merchandise than Albert has made money... that could mean one $25 shirt.


RVD has his own website... if he wanted to bitch and complain, he could have (and should have) done it there. Management might have said "what the hell?" but he wouldn't be breaching his contract (and he could have been a bit more vague as well).

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Guest RollingSambos

It's a fake. The columns are way too smarkish. Calling other guys in the locker room putzes, and using all of that smart mark terminology that the workers themselvse don't use...it's fake, in my opinion.

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Guest humongous2002

This is nothing but a mark working the net fans.If RVD is Willie the worker then he deserves to get fired inmediately for being too freakin' dumb to jeopardized his job like that, but i don't believe none of this crap.

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Guest Angle-plex

There is only one explonation for this:


Triple H is the Scotsman.


He's trying to get RVD FIRED~!

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Guest godthedog
There is only one explonation for this:


Triple H is the Scotsman.


He's trying to get RVD FIRED~!

triple h is also willie the worker. it was his plan all along to write columns to the IWC that could get him fired, then use an alias to "discover" that the author is rob van dam. he truly is the cerebral assassin.

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Here's the thing. You look at some of RVD's web-journals. Then you look at these articles. They don't add up. Most people can't write in an entirely new style whenever they want, so I don't think that's the answer. If you just look at the journals and these articles, they aren't the same type of writing.


Plus, if you ask me, I just don't see RVD as the kind of guy that would really want to get his word out to the IWC. Doesn't seem like his style, ESPECIALLY since he has hated Dave Scherer in the past. I would think the guy has more important things to worry about, like training and preparing for a match. I don't think he has THAT much time on his hands.


I think this whole thing is either:

a) An extended April Fool's Joke that has been shared between Scherer and Meltzer

b) An extended April Fool's Joke from Scotsman

c) A smark that has been writing these letters all along

d) A different wrestler doing it - but I don't truly think it's that either.


Hopefully, WWE won't rush into this making a decision, without knowing all the facts. Plus, in my opinion, it would be fucking STUPID for them to fire one of their most over faces in the entire company, even if he was responsible. But only time wil say...

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Guest Brian

I don't understand how, since they came form an untitled e-mail account and RVD's criticizing people's workrate when his is questionable.


Of course, I see the connection Meltzer made with Scherer.

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Guest Basswitch

If it is RVD, he would be fine working for place like XPW, ROH, and TNA.


hell i would love to see him in TNA.


I dont think this is true however.

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Guest Mole

I don't feel like going through this whole thread, but I doubt this is RVD.


I believe that it is just somebody who is fuckin with Dave, probably Scotsman himself.

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Guest Human Fly

Why is everyone saying that a wrestler wouldn't have enough time to write this. How long do you think it takes to write what amounts to a one or two page paper on something that you are frustrated about and have a lot to say? It's not like this guy answers every e-mail either. He might be a wrestler but that doesn't mean he doesn't have 20 or 30 minutes of free time in his day.

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Guest bradolson

I think I should bring a "Who is Willie the Worker?" sign to Raw on Monday and see if any of the wrestlers respond to it. lol.

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Guest alkeiper
triple h is also willie the worker. it was his plan all along to write columns to the IWC that could get him fired, then use an alias to "discover" that the author is rob van dam. he truly is the cerebral assassin.


I assume he'll complete his "plan" by hitting his computer with a sledgehammer.

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Guest Choken One

I am convinced now that this is just crap...I kinda allowed myself to buy it but I am sure that it was merely just this loser working Meltzer...

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