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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

New Development on Willie the Worker

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Guest godthedog
Why is everyone saying that a wrestler wouldn't have enough time to write this. How long do you think it takes to write what amounts to a one or two page paper on something that you are frustrated about and have a lot to say? It's not like this guy answers every e-mail either. He might be a wrestler but that doesn't mean he doesn't have 20 or 30 minutes of free time in his day.

if you look at various wrestlers' websites, it becomes obvious that they have very very little time to take care of sites & columns & such. they almost invariably start off with "well, it's been a busy week and i'm surprised i even have the time to update this..." kanyon & helms update their sites maybe once in a blue moon, and a lot of times jericho (who had obviously put a lot of time & effort into his site) would go months without an update. the only guy to update his site regularly is storm, & he's always complaining about not having enough time. between an extremely demanding work/travel schedule and all the real life shit at home that everybody in the real world has to take care of (family, bills, working on the house, neighbors, social life, etc), it doesn't add up to enough free time that someone can suddenly crank out 3 columns in such a short period of time. most IWC guys don't even crank them out like that.

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Guest creativename
It's a fake. The columns are way too smarkish. Calling other guys in the locker room putzes, and using all of that smart mark terminology that the workers themselvse don't use...it's fake, in my opinion.

Lots of people are saying that, but I don't understand how. Where do you think this "smart mark" terminology comes from? It's the lingo that those "smart" to the business use. Of course the workers use it.


As for this obsession with things that smarks are usually obsessed about: have you ever read a book written by a wrester? All these guys talk about is pushes, how much heat they get from the crowd, and drawing money (oh, and they go on and on about ribs...but that's neither here nor there). They're especially obsessed with drawing money, and always like to boast about how they drew in this fed and that fed and sold out this arena. This is their business, this is their job--of course they're gonna talk about this sort of "smarkish" stuff backstage.


Now I'm not saying I'm entirely convinced--there're lots of really suspicious things going on with all of this--however, saying the columns are too "smarkish" just doesn't hold up.


I think I should bring a "Who is Willie the Worker?" sign to Raw on Monday and see if any of the wrestlers respond to it. lol.

:lol: It would be priceless if you were in the front row, had a sign that said "Are YOU Willie the worker?" and shoved it in every wrestler's face.

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Guest The Czech Republic

My seats for Raw are on the camera side of the arena, so I can't do this myself, but I'm going to make some signs to give to people across from me that say "I'm Willie The Worker" and one that says, No, I'm Willie The Worker"

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Guest Choken One

Just walk around and pay some one 5 bucks to hold the sign up every 25 seconds...

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Guest creativename
Just walk around and pay some one 5 bucks to hold the sign up every 25 seconds...

Dude, that just screams "loser"...I don't think anybody's going to actually pay someone else to hold up their sign.


These are great sign ideas though.

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Guest FeArHaVoC
Almost everyone knows RVD has had somewhat well-documented problems with Scherer in the past.

I know nothing. Someone please explain.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Man....seeing how a wrestler would react to the sign would be priceless.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

why are there 5 pages on this when its so blatantly not true?

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Guest The Hamburglar

This is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen on the Internet. Bar very little.

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Guest Choken One

Most of the Five pages are basically us saying "This isn't true" and "Scots is a Loser"...

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

first rule of detective work, gumshoes: If Scotsman is any way involved, he's the culprit.


come on now, wrestling hoaxes are the man's life work, and you don't even have the decency to notice? tsk.


ps - I think he's hilarious, if in a very unnerving way

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Guest Gomezticator
I think I should bring a "Who is Willie the Worker?" sign to Raw on Monday and see if any of the wrestlers respond to it. lol.

:lol: It would be priceless if you were in the front row, had a sign that said "Are YOU Willie the worker?" and shoved it in every wrestler's face.

THAT'd be great. We could run a pool on which wrestler finally gets pissed, rips that thing from your hand and tears it to shreds.

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Guest Brian

Meltzer seemed to have gone as far as to inquire within the locker room.


Scherer reported RVD got hurt filming Black Mask II, and RVD reputed it. It just basically escalated from there, but Scherer being a creditor of Paul's probably had run into RVD in the past.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

man i just read the Jay Bower feud (which scots conveniently put on the front page for all to see his hacking SKILLZ.AH~!


I was starting to doubt after that, but this isn't a work

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Guest Human Fly

Well, Willie hasn't posted anything since it came out that he might be RVD. Maybe they got to him already.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

Last Post on the subject: it seemed to bring some sort of closure?

From Jay Bower:


"Then the heavens opened and Dave Meltzer, the archangel of grappling, floated down to the earth in a beautiful scene and actually CONFIRMED the authenticity of the story on a message board. In another shocking twist, a cohort of the Scotsman hacked into Willie's email account and The Scotsman claimed that he discovered that the account belonged to Rob Van Dam. Now normally I would dismiss this, but the same hacker was actually Scots' main accomplice in our one sided net feud earlier in the year. This man was able to recover my credit card numbers, social security number, my parents email addresses and a long list of other personal information in his free time when he wasn't forcing our ill-fated website to implode from the inside, so I have no doubt that he could break into a Yahoo account.


Despite confirmation from this hacker and Dave Meltzer, I am still having an extremely hard time buying this story, particularly with RVD as the culprit. In my opinion, whoever is writing these articles obviously wants the reader to believe that he is Jeff Hardy. Currently, Jeff Hardy is at the #1, #2 and #7 spots in terms of merchandise sales, so the statement of "selling more merchandise at Wrestlemania than Albert has sold in his entire career" is certainly relevant. Jeff Hardy has been with WWE for a large number of years (With RVD only being around for about two years now) and didn't make a single on camera appearance at Wrestlemania. The author complains about missing his family to work house show dates, something that is said to be the cause of Jeff Hardy missing house shows sometimes. Even the name, "Willie the Worker", can be seen as a play off of Hardy's former ring name "Willow the Wasp".


Even with partial validation from credible sources, I still don't buy this and feel silly even talking about it when it was likely just done by someone to stir people up. If anyone was goofy enough to do something like this, it would be Jeff Hardy. Hardy is the very man who, when asked on Confidential what the strangest place he ever had sex was, looked longingly into the camera and said "In a tree". However, he has 8,000 fans a night going absolutely crazy for him every time he steps through the curtain and he certainly doesn't need the attention from our microcosm of over-analytical fans who are impossible to please. Jay Bower is selling on this one.


Credit: 1Wrestling.com"

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

My theory:


Vince or one of his buddies (most likeley a top exec.) is posting to these sites in order to fuck with us.

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

oh man - I just realized that scots had "Major Announcement Coming to Scotsmanality In April" since a month before Willie the Worker started - and willie the worker began on 4/1..plus the most overrated writer on the internet, flea's BUTT buddy, hyatte comes back in 7 days.


It's all a fucking work on scherer and the iwc.

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