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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

New Development on Willie the Worker

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire

The internet's scotsman - who also poses as "Detective Hamrick" to avoid lawsuits - is famous for the Hackmaster fiasco over at the smarks.


But he's most famous for getting Jay Bower's credit card #'s, professors' phone numbers, girlfriends and ex gf's phone #'s, emails to his parents. I trust his skill - also Scotsman seems to be pretty above lying since he openly admits to pretty much anything humiliating that's ever happened to him. He doesn't give a fuck about wrestling fan traffic to his site, and now he's hacked into 1wrestling's mailbox apparently to find out that


Willie the Worker is RVD.

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Guest Choken One

RVD...Huh? Shocking? No. Confused? Yes. He never tells us how he arrived at that conclusion...

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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire
RVD...Huh? Shocking? No. Confused? Yes. He never tells us how he arrived at that conclusion...

Go to the "feuds" page and read the "Jay Bower" - scots/hamrick violates internet security with ease. Bower is in flordia, scots is in canada and somehow got bower's phone #, parents phone #'s, credit card #s, gf's #, ex gf's #, family pictures etc.


He's also feuded with Scherer before and hacked into his mailbox and found personal pics that weren't very flattering...


It's obvious to me - and not because I want to believe it - that he's into scherer's mailbox. The question now is:


1) Is it really RVD emailing scherer or...

2) Is it an internet fan working him and Meltzer.

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Guest Downhome

If it is RVD, for a fact, and it's now being made public, get ready people...


...RVD will either be demoted even MORE, or wll be fired.

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Guest Downhome

By the way, from 1wrestling...


For those wondering why "Willie The Worker" (if he is a legit wrestler) would hide behind a pen name, in addition to it being career suicide if his name came out, there is actually a clause in most, if not all, wrestlers contracts where it clearly states that talking to the media without WWE consent is grounds for termination. Of course, being exposed as Willie would be too.


....seriously, you better all hope it isn't RVD, and BEST hope that WWE does not find out if it is him, or whoever it is. This is a matter of something that fans should not try to find out, because in the end, it could very well hurt said worker.

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Guest Choken One

I am more concerned about the sad story of this Scotsman dickwad...A total loser if I Ever seen one...Ugly as Sk as well...

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Guest Downhome
Well he is the tag champion so there isn't much they can do

Blah, I would say he could get demoted to Heat, but...




I love RVD, so I really hope that this isn't true.

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Guest bob_barron

RVD would be fine though- He would make a killing from ROH and TNA

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Guest Sakura

If it's really "career suicide" then Willie is so freakin dumb he deserves to be fired. They WILL find out. Especially since he made more than one.

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Guest Choken One

Ah, So I guess we all just going to believe this Ugly, sad story?

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Guest CanadianChick

I still don't think it's Rob. He always critisized Schere and has never liked him, why would he give him this? And I really hope Vince doesn't think it is Rob if it isn't. Can you imagine getting punished because some guy/girl has too much time on their hands?

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Guest Choken One

If RVD wanted to be fired...He could have done it differently but I guess He might *Barring if this Assclown if even right* wanted to do it so unusal from other firings so it stands out and he can be a martyr...

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Guest Downhome
RVD would be fine though- He would make a killing from ROH and TNA

I doubt he'd get what he does from WWE, besides, WWE at least has security in that he knows he'll have a job, that is, unless he fucks up. I will not have any sympothy for anyone who is fired over it, if anyone is. In my view, it was a stupid as hell thing to do in the first place.

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Guest Choken One

Vince would actully, Legally look into this...He could easily take down this sad loser...

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Guest bob_barron

He could easily make a lot of money in Japan, TNA and the Philly indies or go into acting.


Whomever it is deserves to be fired

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Guest jimmy no nose

RVD does make sense. Scotsman showed me a post from Wrestling Classics message board by Dave Meltzer where Meltzer said he got the same mail and in it it said it was being sent to him because he didnt like the 1wrestling people. Then he said he later found out who it was from and it's someone who he knows a little and has had problems with Scherer in the past. Almost everyone knows RVD has had somewhat well-documented problems with Scherer in the past.

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Guest Downhome
He could easily make a lot of money in Japan, TNA and the Philly indies or go into acting.


Whomever it is deserves to be fired

Yes, he could make a lot of money, but not the kind that WWE can give him, along with other perks of working in the company, meaning the stage to get his name out, security, blah blah blah.


I hope it isn't RVD, I really do.


It sure would make sense if it was though, in my eyes. Maybe he was just high when he did it, if he did it, heh.

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Guest Downhome

I don't understand what this Scots guy would do this for. Does he not understand that because of him, he could hurt a grown man and cause him to be fired? Does he not like RVD or something?

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Guest Downhome

Also, Dave Scherer isn't really the brightest guy out there if he failed to delete the emails after he recieved them. In his posistion, he should have had the common sense to get rid of them ASAP.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Shouldn't Scherer notify the FBI or something?

A computer's hard drive isn't really federally protected land.




Scherer's own fault for not having better security. With 1Wrestling's premium content being an infamous joke to hack, he needs to do a better job.


Hell, if I were Willie, I'd write to Meltzer. 1Wrestling has had all it's credibility shot with all these goofy false reports ("Wrestlers forced to keep kayfabe in real life!" "The Rock has a huge ego and won't job for anyone!" etc)

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Guest TheArchiteck

All this sounds really phony to me.

Things just doesn't add up.

But we'll find out the truth sooner or later.

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Guest Downhome
Scots is just a ugly skinny loser with no life...

I've never even heard of him, oh well.

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Guest bob_barron
I don't understand what this Scots guy would do this for. Does he not understand that because of him, he could hurt a grown man and cause him to be fired? Does he not like RVD or something?

Well RVD should've known the consequences of his actions before he sent the emails.

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Guest Choken One

Me either until Last 30 minutes ago...I remember Ass-Clown Keith mentioning him a couple times...


I went to the fucker's site and He is just a sad story man...

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