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Guest goodhelmet

If-then statements

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Guest dreamer420

there could be a little pride left on the belt.


If the WWF signed Lex Luger

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Guest TheDames7

Then that would be the nail in the coffin.  


If Flair's Raw Brand was better than Smackdown....



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Guest The Man in Blak

Then Vince would probably dissolve the split and/or take credit for it.


If Paul Roma returned to the WWF and reformed the Four Horsemen...

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Guest goodhelmet

then it would probably be the worst 4 Horsemen ever


If Vince McMahon stole HHH's steroids

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Guest TheDames7

Then Vince would start dating Stephanie :)


If Rock goes to Hollywood...



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Guest goodhelmet

then the WWF will lose their premiere player


If Vince and the Rock got into an argument

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Guest TheDames7

Then Rock will go home, sit out and be a "free agent"


If Austin came back heel...



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Guest goodhelmet

then the WWF would be making a mistake


If hogan and Austin ever have a match

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Guest Some Guy

Then Austin would win and Hogan would go on Regis and claim he lost because his hemroids were acting up and as such he was unable to drop the big leg because of the great discomfort it would cause him.


If Hogan's finisher wasn't the legdrop

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Guest areacode212

then it would be something equally impressive and awe-inspiring, such as the Tornado Punch or a back bodydrop.


If Hardcore Holly's arm hadn't been broken,

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Guest Some Guy

Then his tough guy image wouldn't be as strong.


If RVD didn't potatoe wrestlers

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Guest areacode212

then Kurt Angle's wife wouldn't have been mad with him.


If RVD slept with Kurt Angle's wife,

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Guest Some Guy

Then RVD would be in for an "Olymic" ass whipping


If Kurt and RVD fought in UFC (I'd like to see this)

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Guest The Man in Blak

Then Angle couldn't complain about RVD "stiffing" him.

(But they'd have a hell of a match.  ;)   )


If Rob Van Dam challenged Jean Claude Van Damme to a thumb wrestling match...

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Guest Some Guy

Then it would be a draw when RVD pulled out his weed and Jean Claude broke out the coke and they decided to party.


If RVD used his real last name instead of Van Dam

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Guest Shaved Bear

he would need a new catchphrase


If Vince McMahon got arrested for prostituition

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Guest goodhelmet

then the media would have another reason to laugh at him


If Vince McMahon was a prostitute

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Guest WWF4Life

then he'd be the one who gets screwed all the time


If Stephanie McMahon was a prostitute

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Guest areacode212

Then I'd be the first on the corner with a wad of cash and a rubber


If Triple H started posting here,

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Guest Shaved Bear

he would be the most INTENSE poster ever


if RVD and Benoit main evented a PPV this year

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Guest ShamRock

then half of the arena would be leaving.


If Jericho fingered Stephanie on RAW...

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Guest The Man in Blak

Then the PTC would blast McMahon with all sorts of complaints and Ryder could finally say "Raw is Porn" again.


If Bob Ryder, Chris Hyatte, Rick Scaia, and Scott Keith were all playing poker...

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Guest goodhelmet

then someone would accuse someone else of cheating and a big brawl would erupt


If Scott Keith became a wrestler

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

he'd be over critical of his ring style, quit and never be heard of again. Or be killed by Taker and HHH for his criticism.


If Hulk Hogan faced Jericho....

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Guest goodhelmet

then Jericho would be squashed like a grape


If Hogan breaks another rib this year

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then he wouldn't be able to pull off those moonsaults and topes he's always doing.


If UT turned face...

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Guest goodhelmet

then it would be another senseless turn not needed


If Taker and Hogan fight again

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then Hogan would get his job back from Survivor Series 91.


If Mr. Perfect won the 1990 Royal Rumble...

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Guest goodhelmet

then he may have been elevated to world title holder


If Hogan had as much talent as Mr. Perfect

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then his popularity would be justified


If Vince Russo booked the women's division

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