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Guest goodhelmet

If-then statements

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Guest JAMES900

Then rock - hogan would have been a **** match


If Scott Keith went crazy

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

Hogan should buy a bullet proof vest.


If Scott Keith met Vince

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

he'd ask him for a job, and when he's rejected, he writes an epic 'Fuck Vince McMahon' rant...


If Vince hired Scott Keith as a writer...

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

we truly would enter bizarro world.


If Vince let Ric Flair have the book

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then actual wrestling might make onto the shows


If Vince let HHH book...

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

He would squash every wrestler on the roster in a handicap match.


If Hogan became champ again

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then half the IWC would give up on Vince McMahon altogether...but go back to watching a week later.


If Vince hung with RVD...

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Guest dreamer420

then Vince would be getting ripped.


If vince hung with Eddy...

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Guest WWF4Life

then he'd get Eddy to mow his lawn


If Vince hung with Paul Heyman

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Guest dreamer420

he'd get Heyman to wash his cars for him.


If the WWF started using WCW rings...

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Guest WWF4Life

then Triple H would get less tired running the ropes


If the WWF used NWA rules

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Guest dreamer420

then we might see Raw vs. Smackdown wargames.


If XPW and the WWA formed an Alliance against the WWF...

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Guest Some Guy

Then Vince would gleefully run them out of business


If WWA signed the Rock

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Guest dreamer420

they would get a TV deal secured and be a contender.


If XPW was the number two promotion in the us...

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Guest WWF4Life

then Vince would sign Vic Grimes and job him to Crash Holly


If Bill Watts decided to make a come back

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Guest dreamer420

then Eric Watts would be a world champ.


If the WWF signed Eric Watts...

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Guest Some Guy

Then say good bye to high flying moves.


If Vince banned the top rope moves like Watts did

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Guest dreamer420

the RVD/Eddy feud would suck then.


If Eddy had returned not on roids...

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Guest Some Guy

Then he'd be in the Cruiser division.


If Eddy, D'Lo, and RVD have a 3-way dance

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Guest dreamer420

it would be froggy style


If RVD had to stop with the frog splash..

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Guest Some Guy

Then he would do a 450 splash


If Jeff Hardy broke his back doing a Swanton of a ladder

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Guest dreamer420

we'd probably still see him do it on Raw a week later.


If the WWF signed SABU...

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Guest ShamRock

He'd make his opponent bleed in every match,scripted or not


If Kane came back under the Fake Diesel gimmick...

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Guest Shaved Bear

then Kane's career would be permanently squashed


If RVD caught X-Pac stealing from his stash...

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Guest dreamer420

he still smoke a doobie with him.


If Scott Hall caught Eddy stealing his beer...

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Guest Some Guy

He would Razor's Edge Eddy, chico.


If Eddy and Razor Ramon (in full character) feuded

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Guest goodhelmet

then the only way to settle the worst Latin stereotype feud would be a ladder match


If Eddy was 6'4 and 255lbs.

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Guest Some Guy

Then he'd have been WWF champ in 97 and would have done ***** matches with Bret & HBK.


If Tajiri spoke english

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Guest goodhelmet

then he'd be able to explain where the green mist comes from


If Brock Lesnar takes off like Goldberg

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Guest Some Guy

Then HHH would lobby Steph very hard to be the next Nash-like career killer.


If Vince lets HHH beat Lesner if he takes off like Goldberg

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