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Guest Dmann2000

WrestleMania XX

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Guest Dmann2000

First of all, Wrestlemania next year is on like 3-14 or something like that right? When has Wrestlemania ever been that early in March?


Second of all, given the chaotic state of wrestling these days it's tough to guess who'll be around in time next year (or who will come in) but here's a few guess matches.


Austin vs Goldberg


Lesnar vs HHH (you know it'll happen, might as well get it out of the way, though this is one guy I doubt HHH will be able to use his power to run over)


Edge vs Jericho (in a dream world, Jericho will be defending the WWE Championship against Edge)


Angle vs Michaels (eh why not)


Undertaker vs Benoit (Mark, in my world, you job)


Rock vs Flair (come on, let Flair get himself in shape and with Rock he can pull out one more ****+ classic)

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Guest Downhome

God, I really have no idea. I'll have to think about this one and post later. I will say this however...


...did anyone TRULY think that Kurt Angle and/or Brock Lesnar would main event this years WM, much less against one another?

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Guest Mattdotcom

I remember everyone calling for Brock to end Taker's streak the day he debuted, so anything is possible. Speaking of the streak, as much as I can't stand the Undertaker, I say let him keep it. As long as he stays in the ring with the slugs. It's basically all he has.

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Guest Dmann2000

Well, see I wanted Benoit to end UT's streak this year...but it'll be so much sweeter at XX in MSG. MWUHAHAHA

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Guest bob_barron

They already did Rock v. Flair.


I also say let Taker keep the streak. Mattdotcom is right in that it's the one thing he really has left.

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Guest snuffbox

I wouldnt mind seeing Taker job to Benoit at Wrestlemania...


But Id rather see Chris get the main event title win next year.

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Guest Dmann2000
They already did Rock v. Flair.


I also say let Taker keep the streak. Mattdotcom is right in that it's the one thing he really has left.

When did they do Rock vs Flair, I mean I'd rather see it done on the biggest stage, with promo after promo, and a Flair that's been give 3 months to get in the best shape a 55 year old man can.

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Guest LatinoHeat

Where did you hear WM will be on 3-14?


Why would it be so early?

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Guest Tod deKindes

Cena main-eventing next year. With the proper build, I totally buy that.

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Guest commie_050

Angle vs. Lesnar II (with Angle as face, Lesnar heel)

Rock vs. Benoit (Rock's last match)

Booker T vs. Jericho (RAW Title)

Taker vs. ????

HHH vs. ????

Mysterio vs. Ultimo Dragon (CW Title)

Mattitude vs. Cena

Bret Hart vs. maybe Vince/maybe Shawn/maybe Austin?

Edge vs. RVD (heel): Ladder Match

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