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Guest Downhome

Jericho vs. hhh vs. steph on raw...

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Guest Downhome

I'll make this short and sweet. If I had it my way, and I was the man in charge of the booking in my perfect world, THIS is how I'd have the match go down...


...durring the show, I'd have them annouce that Steph would have to leave not only if HHH pinned her, but ALSO if Jericho pinned her. So basicly, I'd have Jericho pin her, lol. That way, we all get the best of both options...


...we get Jericho as the champion again, and we are disposed of the rubbish that is Steph.


If this happened, I would forgive the WWF for MOST of their booking mistakes in the past. I mean honestly, how many of YOU would love this?




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Guest goodhelmet

It  sounds perfectly logical to me as long as Steph has to leave. People would argue that another title change would devalue the belt but Russo already did enough damage to the belt where another title change wouldn't hurt it. Also, Jericho would be the first multi-time Undisputed champion of the WOrld :) Gotta Love It!

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Guest Downhome
It  sounds perfectly logical to me as long as Steph has to leave. People would argue that another title change would devalue the belt but Russo already did enough damage to the belt where another title change wouldn't hurt it. Also, Jericho would be the first multi-time Undisputed champion of the WOrld :) Gotta Love It!

####, in MY eyes HHH holding the title at the current time devalues it much more than Jericho reclaiming it would. But hey, that's just me and my hatred for HHH at the current moment shining through.


My idea could make sense also, as they have built it up with Jericho being Steph's "whipping boy" so much, so perhaps, just MAYBE Jericho get's tired of it and "snaps" on RAW?


I think either my idea above will happen, or Jericho will simply leave Steph alone with HHH in the ring.

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Guest goodhelmet

If Jericho turned on steph, he just might be the biggest FACE in wrestling. Trips would never allow that though.

More than likely, Jericho probably will pin Steph but because of the screwy nature of the match, the WWF will split the titles for the RAW and Smackdown crew with Trips taking the WWF title to Smackdown and Jericho taking the Gold Belt to RAW. Maybe then we'll see the conclusion of the Flair-Jericho showdown that was escalating before trips return.

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Guest teke184

I'd love to see the WWF bring back ANY of the storylines quietly dropped between mid-December and HHH's return... except Rock-Test.  I'm sorry, but Test has been near useless since HHH stole Steph from him.

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Guest goodhelmet

You're right. RVD-Jericho would have been great. I really enjoyed their match at Unforgiven.

Flair-Jericho would be great. That's who Flair should have given some of that rub too, NOT Undertaker


Imagine if they would have gone with thi lineup at Mania:


Rock-Hogan (it would still be there)

Stone Cold-HHH (to settle the score)

Flair-Jericho (would've better than the matches they were involved in)

Kane/Angle vs. Outsiders (two enemies battling the poison together)


Everyone's happy and UT could have fought Maven and Goldust for the hardcore title right where he belongs. Damm, it was such a wasted opportunity!

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Guest Xstasy

So we're calling it "The Gold Belt" now?  That's ingenious!!!  LOL


Get a GOLD BELT replica and be half an undisputed champion!  Think of the sales!!

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Guest EricMM

I always got the impression that since HHH was such an ego he felt that he was the one who should win WM.  Thats why he was face because it was high time a face won WM.  But if you think about it HHH's reign right now isn't really going anywhere, granted nothing would with the current turmoil but I still think jericho should have been given more time.  So I think that maybe Vince realizes that Steph isn't ratings like he once thought, and that HHH hasn't really been as over as he thought he would be.


So.  Make Jericho pin Stephanie.  Granted, it might help him be a face but I think they can beat that.  Have HHH and Jericho batting over Stephanie's prone body or something.  That way they'd still be pissed Jericho won.  Steph has to take a haitus, and Jericho regains the titles and HHH got to have his victory at the biggest show ever.


Just an idea.

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Guest razazteca

how about a triple pin finish?


HHH hits the Pedigree on Stephanie the Jericho hits the Lionsault but lands on both of HHH & Stephanie and gets the pin.


Everybody wins Stephanie leaves, Jericho get the World title and HHH gets the Fed title!!!


JR:  Jericho is quicker than a Hick-up

King:  who are those people jumping the rails???

JR:  Its Paul E and that pev photographer from ECW??????

King:  What is Brock doing to Stephanie?!?!!?  Puppies!!!!!

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Guest goodhelmet

That gets me to thinking they will do a Kane-Taker finish where neither Trips or Jericho lose but both pin Steph simultaneously to get her off the tv, with two different refs making the pin.

In other words, it will be a bunch of overbooked crap.

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Guest razazteca

who will the ref be Nick Patrick or Hebner or Charles Robinson??


What if it was a cage match?  with the Robocop finish :0

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Guest Nevermortal

If Stephanie wins...Wrestling ends.


Yep, that's right, it ends.


No more WWF. No more All Japan. No More CZW. No More XPW. No More UPW. No More OVW. No more HWA. No More NOAH. No More All Japan. No More Toryumon. Nothing. It all ends.



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Guest goodhelmet

dude, don't remind me of Robocop :(


Yeah, the refs will probably be Patrick and Hebner doing a double count, then in Linda's infinite stupidity, she declares the belts as no longer unified. And it will just so happen that Vince and Flair had put Trips and Jericho on opposite shows previously during the draft.

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If Stephanie wins...Wrestling ends.


Yep, that's right, it ends.


No more WWF. No more All Japan. No More CZW. No More XPW. No More UPW. No More OVW. No more HWA. No More NOAH. No More All Japan. No More Toryumon. Nothing. It all ends.

So you're saying Steph is like the dark child of wrestling, and her win would bring on the Apocalypse of wrestling?

Can't disagree with you there, but if the Apocalypse is coming, technically, that would also mean the Four Horsemen would be too...


And there HAS to be an XPW. For one, it isn't really actual wrestling, and for another, it would provide a place for Steph to go get involved in a 100 foot flaming tables ladders and scaffolds with a pit of snakes and hungry pitbulls on hot coals of fire deathmatch against Billy Gunn and Rikishi. In that lovely scenario, either would die.


What I think is a possibility for the match was what everyone was saying before Wrestlemania.. That Steph was on Hunter's side all along and helps HHH pin Jericho, as HHH is the CEREBRAL ASSASSIN ( the two most intelligent words I've ever heard come out of JR's mouth, and Paul Heyman was the guy who made it up )


And he's also REALLY REALLY INTENSE, but we all knew that ;)

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Guest Brian

I think they need a controversy to split the titles. I've been pimping the Jericho pins Steph to get her off TV since Tuesday when I read they changed it to a triple threat. I like the double pin, especially if the draft goes on before the match and HHH and Jericho are in different divisions. Then the controversy splits the titles. Jericho turns face, goes with Austin and whomever else (RVD?) against the NWO.

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Guest goodhelmet

I'd prefer they put Trips in the NWO side of things. He has enough clout that Nash and Hogan wouldn't be able to step on guys like Jericho, Angle or RVD. As the Offspring once said....You Gotta Keep 'Em Seperated

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Guest Brian

You're right, I wasn't really thinking there. NWO vs. Rock and Hogan. I'd actually even consider pushing HHH with them.


Austin, Jericho, RVD, and I guess Angle is the choice even though I think he's a stronger sports entertainer than wrestler.

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Guest goodhelmet

I disagree with that assessment Brian. I think Angle's wrestling has helped carry the fed wrestling-wise in Benoit's absence. He is certainly gifted in both aspects, but I'd rather see him wrestle then listen to him talk.

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