Guest FeArHaVoC Report post Posted April 6, 2003 My speakers are being a couple of douches, so I can't listen to the show. Anyone listen to it, or see a report of the show online yet? I read Goldust and Kurt Angle were both on the show this week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest webmasterofwrestlegame Report post Posted April 6, 2003 Credit: WWE Byte This! Recap – 04/04/2003 By Michael Hoffman Hosts: Howard Finkel, Tom Prichard Guests: Goldust (in character), Kurt Angle, Dave Batista Opening Video: King’s Playboy shoot; Test, Stacy, Goldust backstage on Raw The Fink and Dr. Tom welcome us to the show, promising some unadvertised surprises this week. Surprise guest Kurt Angle joins the show. Prichard asks Angle how he’s feeling. Angle says neck is hurting and he pulled a hamstring about 30 seconds into his WrestleMania match. He also says that he doesn’t have much strength in his left arm. He is scheduled for surgery next Friday. Finkel points out the alternative surgery that Angle will undergo and asks Kurt to explain. Angle first acknowledges his respect for Dr. Lloyd Youngblood and the work he has done on other WWE stars. He says that Dr. Jho read an article that Angle would be having neck fusion surgery that could have ended his career. He then contacted Kurt about this alternate type of surgery. Dr. Jho believes in repairing the neck instead of fusing it. His theory is that athletes need full range of motion in their neck, which neck fusion prevents. Other drawbacks to the fusion method is that it tend to place more pressure on other parts of the spinal cord, and there is a possibility that the recipient may need to return for another surgery at a later time. Because of the ring style that he works, Angle opted for Dr. Jho to perform his surgery. Angle talks about the ring styles he and Stone Cold Steve Austin exhibit. He mentions that because of Austin’s ring style, he may be one of the first to have to have another fusion surgery. Angle did not want to be put in that position. He mentions that the surgery will repair his neck and help him recover strength in his left arm; he expects to be out of action between six and eight weeks. Droz joins the show. Droz was amazed with the Angle/Lesnar match, with the exception of the scary bump Lesnar took on the shooting star press. Finkel puts over the hug of respect from Angle to Lesnar at the end of the match. Dr. Tom adds that mutual respect between the two is strong and asks Angle about the shooting star press spot. Angle says immediately thought of Droz when Lesnar landed on his face, since Droz had his in-ring career ended on a botched spot. Angle was amazed that Lesnar had enough to finish the match, and says that Lesnar proved he is the toughest man in the company, in his opinion. Angle says that he was not happy with the match because of his limitations. His neck, arm, and hamstring injuries prevented him from doing a lot of things he wanted to do in the match. In addition, he felt that the match was rushed because they needed to have it finished before a specific time, due to pay-per-view restrictions. He felt it was a great match, but wanted to have the best match ever in the company. Angle feels that will happen someday. Angle finishes, saying that he looks forward to returning to perform for his fans that love to hate him. Angle leaves the show. Droz felt that WrestleMania was a top-notch program from start to finish. He points out Angle/Lesnar and Austin/Rock as being the best. Dr. Tom mentions Hogan/McMahon as also being great, because of the story it told. Droz agrees, saying that the pops for Piper and the finish were deafening. Howard compares that reaction to the one for Goldberg on Raw. Droz is looking forward to the Goldberg/Rock program. Finkel briefly mentions the return of Sable. Droz comments that seeing her back in the company proves the old slogan “Anything can happen in WWE.” Droz quickly plugs his next column and leaves the show. Finkel and Prichard banter about Limp Biskit’s performance at WrestleMania. Second surprise guest Dave Batista joins the show. Batista estimates his return to be in about a month. The doctors estimated two to three months from the time of his injury, but he has been progressing better than expected. Howard asks Batista to summarize his injury. Batista ruptured a tendon that holds his triceps muscle to the bone; the tendon needed to be reattached surgically. He says that he can only do light rehab for now – ice, heat and stretching. He is awaiting a follow-up appointment that may give him the okay to begin strengthening the muscle again. Batista says that the one thing that bothers him about the injury is missing WrestleMania. He was invited to go into the locker room, but could not bring himself to even watch the event. Howard puts over Evolution and asks if he feels that he can resume that role once he returns. Batista thinks so; they’ve talked about how the office does not want to drop the storyline. Prichard points out that Batista became more aggressive once he hooked up with Ric Flair and Triple H. Batista feels that working with the two has definitely helped in his progression. Finkel asks about a possible Batista/Goldberg match. Batista commented that it would certainly be intense. He feels that the size and intensity in the two are almost equal. Howard asks about his communication with Randy Orton. Batista says that he is constantly in contact with Orton for motivation. He mentions that Triple H visit them in the hospital to give them support and assure them that the injury would not affect their spot on the show. Howard asks Batista about his wife. She recently survived ovarian cancer, which is now in remission, and is doing great. IM Question asks whom Batista missed from the locker room. He mentions Triple H, Flair, Earl Hebner, and Stevie Richards by name, but misses everyone. Caller: Rebecca from Long Island comments that the timing of his injury was unfortunate. Batista agrees, since he and Orton were in a prominent storyline heading toward WrestleMania. Dr. Tom talks about Batista’s attitude when he was a developmental talent in OVW. He says that it was something that was always there, but that someone just needed to pull it out of him. He feels that Dave is much more confident than when he first arrived in WWE. Batista talks a little about the pressure of coming up from OVW and not wanting to offend anyone, and how it took a little while to become confident. Howard and Prichard wish him a speedy recovery. Batista leaves the show. Break Video: Promo for Roddy Piper on Confidential; Rock / Goldberg confrontation from Raw. Fink and Dr. Tom hype ticket sales for Backlash and the in-ring debut of Goldberg Goldust (in full gimmick) joins the show. (Personal Comments: In my opinion, much of this segment was used for comedy and “character development” purposes. There is not a lot in this segment that I would take very seriously.) Goldust enjoyed being on Howard Stern. He says that the person mimicking him on the show is an idiot. He compared the Goldust of 1995 to today’s character. He says that the fans seem to be responding to him pretty well today. He called “Crack Addict” by Limp Biskit “stupid” and doesn’t agree with the message that is sends. Howard asks about the medication he is taking for his condition. Goldust says that he likes Goldberg, but there is only room in WWE for one “Gold”. He would like to face Goldberg in the future. Finkel asks about the Triple H / Booker match at WrestleMania. He feels that since Flair was at ringside that he should have been allowed there too. Goldust clarifies that his condition is not Tourette’s syndrome but neurological. He says that sometimes in public people laugh at his convulsions. He also says that it’s tough to walk through airports now. Finkel asks Goldust about Roddy Piper, citing the Hollywood Back Lot Brawl. Goldust said it was good to see Piper again and that he was always a favorite. IM Question asks about the golden globes. Goldust says their hanging as usual, and mentions that he is starting a fan base called the Golden Fannies. He talks briefly about Torrie’s Playboy shoot. Caller: Crystal from Sarasota, FL asks who Goldust would most like to wrestle and why. He replies Triple H because he wants to be World Champion. Howard asks if he prefers wrestling as a team or as a single. Goldust feels that he and Booker were hot, but it was decided to break them up. Caller: Steven from Ontario Canada asks about his future. Goldust his future is getting brighter and hopes that he can carry gold again, either as a team or as a single. Prichard asks how soon Goldust can obtain a title shot. He says that it is hard to say, but that it would be nice to have a WrestleMania match with either Triple H or Lesnar. He says Lesnar is one of his best friends and is glad he wasn’t hurt too badly. Finkel asks about the brand extension. Goldust replies that he watches a lot of the newer talents on both shows and feels they are doing well. He says he prefers wrestling on Raw. Caller: Kyle from MA asks who Goldust thought looked better in Playboy. He easily prefers Torrie Wilson. Caller: Steve from Ohio asks about being compared to Dusty Rhodes. He says that The American Dream is a legend and it is tough to fill his shoes. He feels that he has made his own mark on the business. Finkel, Prichard, and Goldust continue to talk about his current “condition”. Goldust again states that he would like to become World Champion before he retires. If that cannot happen, he would like to team with Booker T again. Goldust leaves the show. Dr. Tom mentions that Steve Lombardi is also claiming that he has been at every WrestleMania. Finkel clarifies that he is the only on-screen performer who has appeared at every WrestleMania. Prichard provides a quick OVW update. Matt Morgan is looking good and will face Kane next Friday at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom; Chris Benoit is also scheduled to appear. IM Question asks why the ring announcing duties are now split at WrestleMania. Howard replies that it is now being done that since Tony Chimel handles SmackDown, he now announces the SmackDown matches. Finkel continues to announce the Raw PPV matches. Finkel shills upcoming WWE events to end the show. Final Video: Torrie Wilson / Sable segment from SmackDown. Tentative guest for next week: Sable “Byte This!” can be seen live Fridays at 4:00pm Eastern time at Note: The latest version of Windows Media Player is needed to properly view the program. To listen to the archive, go to Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Steviekick Report post Posted April 6, 2003 Yeah...I listened to Byte This. Kurt Angle talked about his WM match. He was kind of upset because he felt that they should have had more time for it. He also thought Brock hurt himself with the SSP. Kurt also talked about his neck injury, and it seemes that he is going to Dr. Jho to have the non evasive non fusion surgery done. Goldust was in character and they basically talked about his tourrettes gimmick. Nothing interesting, but I'm starting to think its funny. He was asked about what he thought on Sable's return, and he said that his exwife was the only woman there older than Sable. The Terri bashing went on for a bit after that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest godthedog Report post Posted April 6, 2003 He felt it was a great match, but wanted to have the best match ever in the company. that's quite the ambition. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nanks Report post Posted April 7, 2003 In what capacity has Steve Lombardi been showing up at every Wrestlemania?? I have no recollection of a Brooklyn Brawler match!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest tpww7 Report post Posted April 7, 2003 Didn't he attack Rooster after his match with Heenan at Mania V? Or was he just down there? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites