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WWE Results Site

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As some of you may know, I run a pretty indepth site which features the largest collection of WWE card results in the 40-year history of the promotion along with many photographs taken by fans at a variety of WWE events, detailed CHV results, etc.


Now, as a full-time college student with no job, I've run into a little snag. I'm not able to pay off the monthly Angelfire fees for file space and bandwidth AND eat.


jhawk was kind enough to make a rather sizable donation, which I am very much appreciative for, and he mentioned that it might help if I posted something on TSM in regard to this situation.


There are very few books in publication which offer as much information as I have posted. There is a book detailing MSG card results until 2000, a title histories book, and a few more lesser known titles in existance - but some of those can reach upwards of $50 and are - at this point - very much outdated.


My site is free for anyone to access - but I'd appreciate some help in keeping it that way.



Graham Cawthon

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