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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

That must be some premium ganj, man

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

According to 411, the folks backstage at Wrestlemania thought Hogan vs. Vince was far and away the best match on the show, blowing away even Jericho and Michaels.




I'll just say that this is the worst company in the history of organized business and leave it at that.

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If thats true i think they must of been watching a different match to me. As enjoyable as vince vs hogan was it was nothing compared to Jericho vs Michaels

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I will stand by my opinion that Vince/Hogan was worse than Taker's match and was the worst match on the show

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

If I wanted to see old people walking around with little to no purpose for 20 minutes...


Hey...what ever happened to WCW?


In a completely unrelated note...Diesel returns tonight!!!!!


The end is near.

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Guest Sandman9000

Am I a bad person for actively wishing and rooting for the WWE to fail?


Because when you hear shit like this, it just cements those beliefs even more.

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Guest Downhome

Perhaps they said this in a different line of thinking than any of you. Maybe they don't mean it was truly the "best match" in terms of straight up action. I think it's possibly they are basing this simply on their expectations, and then what they got.


Like, they didn't doubt that something like Jericho/HBK would be outstanding, so they weren't that suprised. However, when Hogan/Vince ended up much better than it should have been, they WERE suprised. I'd think they are basing this on expectation and result.

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Guest Pigsy

WWE should sign those two young up-and-comers to long-term contracts before NWA TNA steal them.

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Guest Choken One

Maybe they meant in success...The match worked the way they wanted...Angle/Brock had it's mishaps, as did HBK/Jericho...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

How did it end up being anything but a bloody aweful waste of time?


It was the same thing I've seen for 20 years only this time Vince used a ladder.

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Guest bob_barron

You want a company to fail because the wrestlers backstage were able to look over workrate and just sit back and enjoy Hogan v. Vince?


I know it wasn't a technical masterpiece but I enjoyed the hell out of the match and it got some of the loudest reactions in the movie theatre

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Guest notJames
Perhaps they said this in a different line of thinking than any of you. Maybe they don't mean it was truly the "best match" in terms of straight up action. I think it's possibly they are basing this simply on their expectations, and then what they got.


Like, they didn't doubt that something like Jericho/HBK would be outstanding, so they weren't that suprised. However, when Hogan/Vince ended up much better than it should have been, they WERE suprised. I'd think they are basing this on expectation and result.

You're a "glass is half-full" kinda guy, aren't you, DH… ;)

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Guest The Amazing Rando

I am not a bad person for wishing failure on the WWE...


I am not a bad person for wishing failure on the WWE...


I am however a great person for setting the corpse of the WWE on fire before another company comes to have sex with it. Do you think...


Kane - WWE

Katie Vick - WCW


Psychologically....great storyline...

Otherwise...........complete shit

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Guest DerangedHermit

I liked the match...it entertained. It may not be Flair-Steamboat or Benoit-Angle, but it was a pleasant surprise. I'm kind of a Hogan mark, so the THREE, count 'em, THREE legdrops were cool.

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Guest Dmann2000

No, Hogan/Vince wasn't the match of the night


No, Hogan/Vince wasn't the worst match of the night.


Yes the image of a bloodied crazy eyed Vince McMahon rising his head over the ring apron, lead pipe in hand was the coolest image of the night.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

How come before no one here or anywhere else considered Hogan/Vince match of the night but now that this newsbit has come out it "may have been if you look at it a certain way or think of it in a particular fashion"?


It either was or it wasn't.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

No shit. What I mean is that no one considered Hogan/Vince anywhere as MOTN before today, but now it may have been if looked at a certain way. Whatever.

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Guest bob_barron

I don't think it was MOTN but one man's trash is another man's treasure

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