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Guest converge241

Unforgettable movie scenes

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Guest converge241

Two scenesd from the matrix:


the kung fu session in the dojo


and the stroming of the lobby


(reason enough for anybody to buy the dvd, even if you dont like the movie)

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Guest cdstunner66

A couple here. In Return of the Jedi, during the Death Star attack the shot throught the Millenium Falcons window where a huge cloud of tie fighters just breaks around the window.

In The Crow, when he fires the shotgun loaded with engagement rings into the gas soaked pawn shop.

And in Raging Bull, the last fight with Sugar Ray Robinson where LaMotta has been beaten to a pulp but keeps saying "You never knocked me down Ray."

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Guest starvenger

Happy Gilmore picks a fight with Bob Barker


The restaurant scene in Hard Boiled (imo the best action sequence with guns.  ever.)


The fight with the Germans(?) in Gladiator.


The brutal beating of a defenseless fax machine in Office Space.

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Guest The Man in Blak

Oh, wow...where to begin:


Mel Gibson's torture/interrogation scene in Payback

Kevin Spacey serving his wife and the real estate king at the fast food restaurant in American Beauty

King Arthur and Company are taunted by the French in Monty Python and the Holy Grail

The very initial scene of the Luke/Vader fight in the Empire Strikes Back

The bizarre "ending" of Magnolia

Brad Pitt & Morgan Freeman confronting Spacey about "the box" at the end of Se7en

The orgasmic diner scene in When Harry Met Sally

The liquid resurrection scene of the T-1000 in Terminator 2


After that, you could probably get half a dozen scenes each from The Crow, Braveheart, Citizen Kane, and Silence of the Lambs.

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Guest Annoyed Grunt

I wanted to pick some memorable scenes from some lesser known and downright obsure movies.


- Bruce Lee kicking ass in Han's underground lair in "Enter The Dragon"

- The final action scene in 'A Better Tommorow II"

- The Icecream truck scene from "Assault on Precinct 13"

- Ash severing his hand in "Evil Dead II"

- The double murder from "Suspiria"

- The "keep an an eye out for trouble scene" from Zombie

- The Stonehenge scene from "This is Spinal Tap"

- The last scene in "Sacrface"

- The vomit scene from "The Gates of ####/City of the Dead"

- The final showdown from "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"

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From Halfbaked, when the Mexican Guy is quiting:


"Fuck You, Fuck You, Fuck You, Your Cool(to an old lady, who gives him a thumbs up) Fuck You, I;m Out"


Just because everyone wants to quit there job that way.


From Suicide Kings, one of my fav. movies ever:

-Lano(Dennis Leary) beating the #### outa the fat guy with the toaster.

-Lano, again, beating the #### outa the guy with the info with a golf club. Especially when the golf club breaks "Damnit, see? Plastic shit graphite...I'm going back to steel"

- And all the Fish Boots scenes in thee movie.


-From They're Alive!, an old Roddy Piper movie, when the too main good guys brawl on asphalt for almost 20 minutes.


-From America's Sweetharts when Hank Azaria, in regards to John Cusack hanging from the roof: "Pussyboy go splat!"


and theres tons more

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Guest DrEvil

"Reservoir Dogs" - Chris Penn shoots the hostage cop, total and complete disregard for human life


"From Dusk til Dawn" - Selma Hayek's dance in the bar


"Braveheart" - ending where Gibson screams Freedom


"Dumb and Dumber" - When Jeff Daniels whips the snowball into Lauren Holly's face, totally unexpected and never fails to crack me up

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Guest Ravenbomb

The 'You Talkin to Me?' scene in Taxi Driver

The Shootout scene in Taxi Driver

Santino beating up that guy in Godfather

Horsehead scene in Godfather

'Attica!' scene in Dog Day Afternoon

'Head Crush' scene in Story of Rickey

Sloth in Seven

Right Hand/Left Hand in Night of the Hunter

Baptism/Massicre in Godfather

Street Scene in AKIRA

The end of Seven

Close Encounters where the Aliens show up

Alex's rehab in Clockwork Orange

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Guest Bruin

Tyler Durden pressed against Bob's tits in "Fight Club"


King Arthur vs. The Black Knight in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"


The Lobby scene in "The Matrix"


The Terminator attacking the cops with the famous line "I'll be back." from "Terminator"

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

The opening of the Ark of the Covenent. - Raiders of the Lost Ark

Horsehead Scene - Godfather

Opening Scene of Citizen Kane

Elliot flying across the moon on a bike - E.T.:  The Extra Terrestrial

The Final Scene of Bridge on the River Kwai

The Shower Scene - Psycho

D-Day - Saving Private Ryan

Big Ape vs. Big Apple - King Kong

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Guest godthedog

i don't know about entire scenes, but there are some moments in movies that give me chills:


when e.t. is being shocked with the defibrillator, with the camera on drew barrymore


when jake la motta is in his cell, unloading on the walls


about half an hour (i think) into 'run lola run' when everything seems helpless, & lola just says 'stop' and you realize the plot just started over


the musical number in magnolia (okay, there's an entire scene)


i think moments like that are what movies are all about.  it just seems like every quality (timing, acting, lighting, etc.) converge just for a second into pure emotion.  that's what i get from it, at least.

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