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Guest Polish_Rifle

Superstars Comment on Goldberg

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Guest Polish_Rifle

credit wwe.com


Superstars comment on Goldberg


WWE.com asked many of the Superstars -- including those who worked with him in the past -- for their thoughts on Goldberg coming to World Wrestling Entertainment.


Eric Bischoff:

I think Bill Goldberg coming to WWE is a phenomenal opportunity, not only for Bill, obviously, but for a lot of the Superstars here in WWE. There are a lot of matches that haven't happened yet between Goldberg and a lot of the Superstars that are here that I think are going to make for some very, very interesting moments in our future, both on television and pay-per-view.


Randy Orton

Right before I signed with the Marine Corps -- it was my junior year in high school, I think -- Goldberg debuted, and he sparked another interest in wrestling for me, from a fan standpoint. I knew that he wasn't maybe as technically sound in the ring as many of these guys, but he had charisma, size, intensity (and) aggression. He has so much to work with, so much potential. I think WWE will bring that out of him, and that what everyone saw in WCW will be multiplied by 10 because he'll be able to work with guys of such a caliber that they're going to bring his potential out of him. I haven't met him yet, so I'm looking forward to meeting him. From what I've heard, he's a nice guy and I'm looking forward to working with him someday.


Trish Stratus

I think it's very exciting. I think that anytime we can add a new character -- especially an interesting character with a strong following like Goldberg -- it's a great thing for the show. And I look forward to seeing him perform -- especially (because he's on) RAW.


Chris Jericho

I'm actually looking forward to it. I think he's the last big name in the business that hasn't been signed by WWE. I think it's going to make a big difference in our product, in a good way. We've had our differences in the past, but I'm looking forward to having him here, working with him, and beating him. I think he's going to make all of us a lot of money. I think he's going to make the fans very excited to check out future WWE broadcasts.



It's something that I thought would never actually happen, from knowing Goldberg in our WCW days. I'm not against it. I think he's got a lot to add. I'm a believer that if the fans want to see something bad enough, then we've got to give it to them. I think the fans are waiting to see him, so bring him on.



Bill was a big player in WCW. He made a big name for himself very quickly. It's been a long time.

It'll be interesting to see how he fits in here and what kind of impact he can make. Great reaction at WrestleMania, great reaction at RAW. Let's see if that maintains and sustains itself. I hope it does. We could always use a boost in the ratings and a boost in popularity. Bill did it in WCW, let's hope he can do it here.


Chris Benoit

It's exciting. It's going to raise the bar. It's going to raise the level of competition. I hope Bill's in as good of wrestling condition as he was the last time we were working for the same company. I hope he's ready to roll, because the level of competition here in WWE is tops, and if he's not up to par, he's going to have a hard time. But knowing Bill Goldberg and the type of athlete he is, I'd imagine he knows that the world is watching, and he's going to take a lot of pride in doing what he's doing. I'll imagine he'll be ready.


Triple H

I think Bill's a big star. He's got a big name. And hopefully he can add. But WWE is a different beast altogether. It's going to be a real sharp learning curve, I think, for Bill. Hopefully he can do it. We don't have a 300-guy-deep talent roster to feed him 200 wins. He's going to have to get over in a different way -- not that he's not already over, but to stay over. I think he'll adapt, and adapt well. I look forward to getting in the ring with him.


Hulk Hogan

I think it's unbelievable. My first thought was, I'd love to see Bill Goldberg in the ring with Brock Lesnar -- see who the man really is. Then, once they figure that out, they can see who can keep up with me.


Torrie Wilson

I know all of his fans were anxious to see him back in the wrestling ring, and I think it's going to be good for ratings, because everyone is so anxious to see him after all this time. So hopefully it'll be good for everybody. I'm all for what's good for the show.


Matt Hardy

One of the first things that I find interesting is that there's so many times when people say, "I'll never do this." Or, "I'll never do that." Goldberg was one of the people who said he wouldn't end up here. But after being here over five years now, I know that anything is possible. They used to say, "Anything can happen in WWE." That's the damn truth. Once again, we have another example here with Sable debuting on SmackDown! You always question people's love for the business, and I don't know Bill Goldberg personally. I can't comment on him personally; he may be a great guy. But it means a lot to me when people are here that really love the business. I don't know where he stands as far as that goes. But if he can come in and he can help business be better, and he can help make money for the company, and also help me make money, then I think it's a good thing.


Brooklyn Brawler

I think Bill Goldberg coming to WWE is a tremendous asset to the entire wrestling industry. He's got a lot of great competitors like The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Undertaker -- there are too many to mention. I think there's nothing but money. He's got a great track record. He's got a tremendous physique, he's a great athlete and I think he's going to do well.


Big Show

Bill and I stayed in touch since I left. We kind of started together down there in WCW. Personally, I'm glad he was able to make the right business decision for himself to be here. I think he's got a great, established name. Hopefully, he can bring a lot of recognition and a lot of help to the other guys. I just hope he's ready to get chokeslammed.


Bill DeMott

All I know is, this time, I won't be first.



Matt doesn't sound too pleased.

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Guest JMTapes
Hulk Hogan

I think it's unbelievable. My first thought was, I'd love to see Bill Goldberg in the ring with Brock Lesnar -- see who the man really is. Then, once they figure that out, they can see who can keep up with me. 


I'm a lifelong Hogan fan, but come on, Hulk, seriously. -JM

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Guest subliminal_animal

Hulk Hogan

I think it's unbelievable. My first thought was, I'd love to see Bill Goldberg in the ring with Brock Lesnar -- see who the man really is. Then, once they figure that out, they can see who can keep up with me. 


I'm a lifelong Hogan fan, but come on, Hulk, seriously. -JM

But Brock already kept up with Hogan and took the lead and won the race while Hogan died midway through the third lap.


Anyway, I think our Hoagie's just kidding. I thought it was great. Kudos, Hoagie!

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Guest CanadianChris
Brooklyn Brawler

I think Bill Goldberg coming to WWE is a tremendous asset to the entire wrestling industry. He's got a lot of great competitors like The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Undertaker -- there are too many to mention. I think there's nothing but money. He's got a great track record. He's got a tremendous physique, he's a great athlete and I think he's going to do well.

Thank God they talked to the one guy I wanted to hear from.

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Triple H

I think Bill's a big star. He's got a big name. And hopefully he can add. But WWE is a different beast altogether. It's going to be a real sharp learning curve, I think, for Bill. Hopefully he can do it. We don't have a 300-guy-deep talent roster to feed him 200 wins. He's going to have to get over in a different way -- not that he's not already over, but to stay over. I think he'll adapt, and adapt well. I look forward to getting in the ring with him.


Hulk Hogan

I think it's unbelievable. My first thought was, I'd love to see Bill Goldberg in the ring with Brock Lesnar -- see who the man really is. Then, once they figure that out, they can see who can keep up with me.

HHH - I do like how hunter uses the insider terms like 'over' and such on the net....then later will mention how he doesnt give a shit about the iwc ;)


Hogan - Kayfabe rules brother!

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Brooklyn Brawler

I think Bill Goldberg coming to WWE is a tremendous asset to the entire wrestling industry. He's got a lot of great competitors like The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Undertaker -- there are too many to mention. I think there's nothing but money. He's got a great track record. He's got a tremendous physique, he's a great athlete and I think he's going to do well.

Thank God they talked to the one guy I wanted to hear from.

No shit!

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Guest TheGame2705
Triple H

I think Bill's a big star. He's got a big name. And hopefully he can add. But WWE is a different beast altogether. It's going to be a real sharp learning curve, I think, for Bill. Hopefully he can do it. We don't have a 300-guy-deep talent roster to feed him 200 wins. He's going to have to get over in a different way -- not that he's not already over, but to stay over. I think he'll adapt, and adapt well. I look forward to getting in the ring with him.


Hulk Hogan

I think it's unbelievable. My first thought was, I'd love to see Bill Goldberg in the ring with Brock Lesnar -- see who the man really is. Then, once they figure that out, they can see who can keep up with me.

HHH - I do like how hunter uses the insider terms like 'over' and such on the net....then later will mention how he doesnt give a shit about the iwc ;)


Hogan - Kayfabe rules brother!

Hey genius we borrowed those insider terms from the people who actually use them.

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Triple H

I think Bill's a big star. He's got a big name. And hopefully he can add. But WWE is a different beast altogether. It's going to be a real sharp learning curve, I think, for Bill. Hopefully he can do it. We don't have a 300-guy-deep talent roster to feed him 200 wins. He's going to have to get over in a different way -- not that he's not already over, but to stay over. I think he'll adapt, and adapt well. I look forward to getting in the ring with him.


Hulk Hogan

I think it's unbelievable. My first thought was, I'd love to see Bill Goldberg in the ring with Brock Lesnar -- see who the man really is. Then, once they figure that out, they can see who can keep up with me.

HHH - I do like how hunter uses the insider terms like 'over' and such on the net....then later will mention how he doesnt give a shit about the iwc ;)


Hogan - Kayfabe rules brother!

Hey genius we borrowed those insider terms from the people who actually use them.

thats right


and if hunter was focusing that opinion piece towards the marks...he wouldnt be using insider terms would he?

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Guest TheGame2705

Stop trying to conjure up pointless HHHate. I'm sure people get what being over means. He didn't say "Well Bill sells like crap and has heat with the boys in the back and I won't put him over". You tried to say in the beginning he's a hypocrite for using smark terms but saying he hates smarks when "over" is a term smarks borrowed from actual wrestlers then you try and say that's he trying to aim it at smarks.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Fire everyone single one of them, and then ask them again about Goldberg on an RF Shoot.

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Guest Trivia247
Matt Hardy

One of the first things that I find interesting is that there's so many times when people say, "I'll never do this." Or, "I'll never do that." Goldberg was one of the people who said he wouldn't end up here. But after being here over five years now, I know that anything is possible. They used to say, "Anything can happen in WWE." That's the damn truth. Once again, we have another example here with Sable debuting on SmackDown! You always question people's love for the business, and I don't know Bill Goldberg personally. I can't comment on him personally; he may be a great guy. But it means a lot to me when people are here that really love the business. I don't know where he stands as far as that goes. But if he can come in and he can help business be better, and he can help make money for the company, and also help me make money, then I think it's a good thing.


Amen Matt. People seem to forget the fact he was bitching and moaning outside the WWE because he was still getting that Free Turner money for doing nothing. Now the well starting to trickle and he jumps on board.


Lets see what he can do...Personally I wanna see Goldberg get Chairshot down over and over by Jericho and restart his Streak vs Goldberg heh.

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Guest Nater

The less-than-enthusiastic comments are the best ones there.


Matt knows that Jeff will probably end up on the mat for Goldberg, along with others who are struggling for attention right now. Brock kinda ate up the dynamic of the goldberg push, the method might wear down if its used again (hell, most of you were complaining while it was on). I think the real question is if Goldberg can be interesting with one opponent a month, which is more the WWE style.

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Guest snuffbox
Stop trying to conjure up pointless HHHate. I'm sure people get what being over means. He didn't say "Well Bill sells like crap and has heat with the boys in the back and I won't put him over". You tried to say in the beginning he's a hypocrite for using smark terms but saying he hates smarks when "over" is a term smarks borrowed from actual wrestlers then you try and say that's he trying to aim it at smarks.

He geared his online(wwe.com) in an insider/smarky way. He didnt use kayfabe, which would be the idea for marks.


The point is that he ignores iwc opinions, or says he doesnt care, when theres complainsts against him. But he doesnt kayfabe or whatnot when online.


Its a point about how Hunter really thinks, not a bash.


Its gonna be alright buddy.

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