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Guest Big Poppa Popick

OAOAST IntenseZone - 4/7/03

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

(With an “Earlier today” graphic on the top left corner, Michael Cole and The Mad Cappa are sitting down in the vacant arena.)


Michael Cole: “Cappa, it’s been over a month since you showed up in the OAOAST. Tonight, you get an another X title shot against Zsasz. This time, a hell in a cell match! A match that hasn’t been done on free TV in a long time. What are your feelings about tonight?”


The Mad Cappa: “Well MC, it’s like this. I’m excited about tonight! Also, I’m nervous as hell! It’s a six man hell in the cell match for god sakes! It’s gonna’ be the match of my life Michael! I hope to make it out of it within an inch of my life! If I do win the OAOAST X title, then I would’ve proven that I am successful than Puerto Rican Lightning! Heck, by just going into this match, I’ve got more guts than that pussified Lightning! I will prove to the people that I can make it in this business!”


MC: “You got to remember that there are five other men in that match desperate for that belt! They don’t care if they have to go through you for it!”


TMC: “Ah yes, there are five others that are reaching for the same prize. Gladiator, a very powerful and dangerous man. Undisputed, the man who took Zsasz to the limit a couple of weeks ago on Intense Zone. Reject, the former X champ who was brave enough to face Zsasz at AngleMania II! Angle-Plex. My hero and role model. It will be an honor to be in the same ring with him at the same time! And then, there is Mr. Zsasz! The current X-Division champion! The same monster I faced last week for this!”


(Cappa takes out the broken OAOAST X title belt.)


TMC: “I didn’t mean to destroy this belt! It just kinda’ happened! I bet you Zsasz wants to take me out for revenge! As you can see MC, I’m not taking lightly! I’m dealing with some of the most talented wrestlers on the face of the planet! I just hope I earn some respect from the people while at the same time not getting’ killed myself!”


MC: “Are you worried about Puerto Rican Lightning or Vince Rusco coming out to cause trouble for you?”


TMC: “Of course I’m worried about Lightning! However, I don’t care if he feels shafted into not getting in this match! He already has an OAOAST North American title shot! I hope he has enough sense to stay out of this! As for Rusco, that rich bum has no business in the OAOAST! All he ever does is…..”

Earlier Today:


(Vince Rusco walks over to Cappa with an evil grin on his face!)


Vince Rusco: (Laughing) “Cappa, you are so gonna’ die! Stop tryin’ to fool the people by tryin’ to be somebody you are not! Get out now! Oh wait, lose horribly in the match tonight! Hahahahahaha!”


TMC: “No! Why don’t you get out of my business and get the F out!”


(Rusco slaps Cappa! Cappa counters back with a punch as Cole leaves! The camera stops as Cappa knocks Rusco over to it!)








JR: “And now we come to our first Main Event tonight.


JESSE: We just started the show JR


JR: This match has been hyped for weeks, and OaOasT brass decided that UNLIKE that other show which normally has a weak match or a 20 minute sleepy promo, we're going to show everyone why the OaOasT is the place to be. And so now, our much heralded X division faces off!


JESSE: Oh, that explains the big cage




JR:Last week, ZsasZ was upset at what had happened. And he briefly lost control of himself. In one moment, he made the challenge that will be talked about for years to come. A 6 way Hell in a Cell match for the new X-Title. This is the first time we have ever given away a Hell in the Cell live on TV, and quite frankly, I have nothing else to add… Jesse?”


Jesse: “Tonight’s match was a product of the various paths that have crossed to get to the X-Title. This is the last time many of these guys will get to fight each other, so nothing will be held back. Careers will be shortened, bodies broken, wills shattered, and we will see…who gets the last word.”


JR: “Before we get to our match, let’s remind you all about where these men are coming from, and why this match…HAD to take place.”


Ominous music plays and clips of ZsasZ’s debut promo shows. We get various clips of ZsasZ: Beating up BPP, beating Reject in his debut, the infamous incident with Zack Malibu.


Narrator: “A ruthless and deadly champion…”


ZsasZ (voice-over): “Once I have my sights set, I will stop at nothing – do you understand? I will never sleep without dreaming of it, never eat without tasting it, and never breathe without smelling the essence of it. I will never give it up.”


Clips of Reject with the belt. Clips of his high-flying offense. And ending with a clip of ZsasZ’s belt-shot to him at Angle-Mania II.


Narrator: “A man whose obsession was taken, and whose drive to win is his only conscience…”


Reject: (voice-over) “I am simply, the very best high-flyer, in the world today.”


Clips of Undisputed nearly beating ZsasZ at Intense Zone, and the look of sadness on his face as he realizes he “almost got him.”


Narrator: “A warrior, who almost tasted glory, and is haunted by his mistake…”


Undisputed: (voice-over) “I’ve taken big men down all my life; you’re no different. You know I had you, ZsasZ. You KNOW it.”


Clips of Gladiator, storming through jobbers.


Narrator: “A man unsure of his past, trying to fight for his present in a barbaric world…”


Gladiator: (voice-over) “Your blood will appease the crowds, ZsasZ. And your title…will appease my emperor…”


Clips of Mad Cappa, tearing the belt up.


Narrator: “A newcomer, whose spark of defiance put him in the middle of hell…”


Cappa: (voice-over) “You gave me another shot at you, ZsasZ. Last mistake you’ll ever make…”


Clips of Angle-Plex.


Narrator: “A man who has grown weary of battle, but continues to fight, because it is his only trade. The fans; his only family…”


AP: (voice-over) “These people are behind me. Without them; I’m nothing.”


Clips of the X-Title and various interactions between the 6 men.


Narrator: “They fight because they hate…They fight because they need…They fight for glory… They fight for greed…They fight because it is all they can do… But most of all, tonight…they fight to be the first of a new line of champions. A line that was born out of the ashes of men who flew through heaven…and put their bodies through the fires of hell.”


Clips stop; Screen darkens.


Narrator: “This is the OAOAST, and tonight, on its anniversary , these six brave souls will hope to ascend to the stars…even if it means doing it on a ladder of bodies.”




JR: “Oh my…”


CUE: “Princes of the Universe” by Queen


Gladiator makes his way down to the ring. He’s very solemn, as if he were a general on his way to a battle that’s sure to turn into a blood-bath.


Jesse: “One has to wonder: Why did ZsasZ invite Gladiator to this match tonight? He’s had issues with everyone else in this match; except Gladiator.”


JR: “Well, even Gladiator looks a bit unnerved by the giant cage surrounding this ring, I wonder if he’ll be a victim of rookie-year jitters.”


CUE: “Little Crazy” by Fight


Undisputed makes his way down. He is definitely pumped for the match, and is slapping high-fives with the crowd.


JR: “Undisputed came so close to beating ZsasZ two weeks ago, that I think he has a real shot at being the man to dethrone him!”


Jesse: “Near misses don’t count, JR. And bring me some coffee! I want to be sober so I can the carnage in normal color spectrums.”


CUE: “Let Me Clear My Throat” by DJ Kool


Mad Cappa walks down the ramp. This is the biggest match of his young career, and he doesn’t want to screw it up.


JR: “This young man’s actions last week, in part, necessitated this match.”


CUE: “Hate Me Now” by Nas


Reject walks down to a mixed reaction. This belt means everything to him, and he’s not afraid to let the fans know it.


Jesse: “The only man to ever pin ZsasZ! Hell, even our World Champion couldn’t!”


JR: “Yes well, a busted windpipe can interfere with such things.”


CUE: “Song 2” by Blur


Angle-Plex comes out to a great pop.


Jesse: “Fans are behind Angle-Plex. It’ll be interesting if they can be a sixth man for AP.”


JR: “Remember Jesse, there are quite a few popular guys. Hell, even ZsasZ has a following.”


CUE: “Paint it Black” by Rolling Stones


ZsasZ comes out to an even bigger pop, pissing off AP.


JR: “These fans must be grateful for ZsasZ making this match.”


At last all 6 men are in the ring. A massive staredown begins.




All six men look at each other, as if unsure who will make the first move. Suddenly, all five men turn and begin wailing on ZsasZ. He gets forced into the corner, trying to fend them off before AP casually tosses him over the top rope. Undisputed follows him out, and the four men left in the ring pair off into AP vs. Gladiator, and Reject vs. Cappa.


IN THE RING: AP gets a kick in the gut from Gladiator because he was busy yelling at ZsasZ. Gladiator whips him into the ropes, AP ducks a clothesline and goes for the MUSHROOM CLOUD, but Gladiator reverses into an Inverted DDT.


He covers, but Reject, who had just taken Cappa down with a spin kick to the face, breaks it up with a Split-Legged Moonsault. He goes for a cover on Gladiator …


JR: “AP wanted to end it early, but the match be over for him. 1…2…NO! Reject broke it up with a beautiful Split Legged Moonsault. Now HE goes for a cover. 1…2…NO! Mad Cappa made a last-ditch lunge from halfway across the ring and broke it up.”


Cappa is standing too close to the outside, and Undisputed, who has ZsasZ reeling, takes his feet out from under him and crotches him on a ring post.


Jesse: “The danger with multi-man matches is that you never know where the other men are. That’s why this match could end, just like that.”


Undisputed goes on the ring apron, but ZsasZ catches him by the throat, picks him up, and throws him face-first into the steel mesh of the cage.


JR: “It looks like Undisputed has done the honors first, as he has been severely lacerated.”


Meanwhile, AP and Reject have been fighting right outside the door to the cage. AP has the door open and is repeatedly slamming it onto Reject’s leg, trying to rob Reject of those “educated feet.” He goes to the well once too often, and Reject moves his leg. He gets up and suplexes AP back into the cage. He then slams the door right into AP’s head.


JR: “Oh my God! Reject goes for a cover, (Falls Count Anywhere in Hell in a Cell) and BY GOD, Cappa flies from the top turnbuckle onto the pin; breaking it up! All three of them are out, and…”


Jesse: “Look what’s going on in the ring…”


With Undisputed, Cappa, Reject, and AP all out cold for the moment, ZsasZ and Gladiator are both all alone in the center of the ring. Both men stare down, with Gladiator having an inch or two on ZsasZ.


JR: “Finally we’ll get to see just how good Gladiator is!”


They lock up, ZsasZ goes for a side headlock and gets whipped into the ropes. ZsasZ ducks Gladiator’s big boot by sliding under. He scoops up Gladiator for Fearful Symmetry, but Gladiator slides off his back. He turns ZsasZ around and goes for the Powerbomb, but ZsasZ punches him in the gut, takes him by the neck, and throws him over-the-top. To everyone’s shock, Gladiator skins a cat to get back in, and ZsasZ turns around just in time to see Gladiator coming. They stare down once again, but this time Reject and AP jump the both from behind and beat them down.


Jesse: “What a display! Neither man could get an advantage on the other, and I’d like to see who would have gotten the best of the other before AP and Reject took their opportunity to jump the big men.”


JR: “Look! With four men in the ring, Cappa and Undisputed are stealing the show fighting on the outside!”


Indeed they are, as Cappa and Undisputed are fighting in front of the announce table. Cappa nails a flying head scissors; bringing Undisputed’s head down on the concrete. He goes over to get the ring steps, but Undisputed takes out his knee with a chop-block when he comes back with them.


JR: “Nice move there by Undisputed. What is he doing now? PILEDRIVER! Piledriver right on the steel steps! What a move.”


Jesse: “It’s almost unfair that he’s too hurt to capitalize. Almost.”


Meanwhile, Gladiator and ZsasZ are trying to fend off AP and Reject respectively. Reject uses a Van Terminator to put down ZsasZ. At the same time, AP beats on Gladiator and whips him into a corner. He goes for a blind charge but Gladiator puts up his foot. Glad powerbombs him, but before he can cover Reject smashes him with a chair.


JR: “What a shot! This might be it. 1…2…NO! Gladiator kicked out!”


On the outside, Cappa managed to take the advantage against Undisputed by monkey flipping him into the steel cage. He comes back in to find everyone but Reject out of it. Reject’s eyes meet his and he enters the ring.


Jesse: “What a showdown! Two of the best high-flyers in the world!”


They face each other. Reject tries to keep Cappa away with some kicks, but Cappa gets in close enough to lock up. He throws Reject into the ropes. Reject comes back and hits a leg lariat. He picks up Cappa and punches him a couple times, until Cappa is backed against the ropes. Cappa rakes the eyes. While Reject tries to clear the cobwebs, Cappa hits him with a springboard dropkick.


JR: “Could be all here. 1…2…NO! Reject shot that shoulder up. There was no question about it.”


Jesse: “Don’t look know, JR but I think Undisputed may have bitten off a bit more than he can chew.”


JR: “Undisputed is like a pit bull, he doesn’t know how big or little he really is, and he doesn’t really give a damn.”


AP and ZsasZ are in opposite corners trying to recover, while Undisputed goes back from corner to corner, hitting them both with dropkicks. Suddenly, Gladiator comes from across the ring and hits him with a MURDERDEATHKILL lariat.


Jesse: “Gladiator goes for a cover. 1…2…NO! ZsasZ broke it up!”


JR: “Look Jesse. For the first time since the opening bell everyone’s in the ring!”


Reject crossbody’s Cappa over the ropes.


JR: “Or not.”


The fighters once again break into pairs. AP and Undisputed and ZsasZ and Gladiator. ZsasZ and Gladiator exchange blows, neither man giving ground. Undisputed chokes AP with the ropes. AP staggers to the center, and Undisputed makes a run at him. AP catches him with a Powerslam coming off the ropes. He sees the Gladiator/ZsasZ stalemate and decides to do something. He tosses Gladiator out of the ring, and FINALLY we get our AP/ZsasZ showdown. But first…


While that was happening , Reject and Cappa had been fighting to the top of the cage. Reject is at the top, while Cappa is right under him, tugging at his leg…


JR: “That cage is 20 feet high, it can get…OH MY…”


Cappa takes repeated shots to the head from Reject until he falls from the top onto concrete below. Reject begins to signal to the crowd. He turns around… and goes for a Moonsault off the top of the cage!


Jesse: “New Champion! New Champion! 1…2…NO! Gladiator was there! How in the hell was Gladiator there?”


JR: “I’m looking at instant replay, and it appears that Gladiator was tossed out of the ring while Reject was showboating. He looked over and saw the helpless Cappa, and decided to head outside.”


Jesse: “Reject and Gladiator have begun brawling on the outside! Cappa is out cold! Undisputed is out cold! And standing in the ring…are Angle-Plex…and ZsasZ. Does it get any better?”


They stare each other down, as if they can’t believe they finally get a chance to fight. They both walk out to the center. They exchange some pleasantries before ZsasZ slaps AP right across the face, before circling and jockeying for an opening.


JR: “ZsasZ is playing headgames here tonight!”


They lock-up, Plex gets a Vertical Suplex. He gets up immediately and gets fired up. He hits two knee drops to ZsasZ’s face. He picks ZsasZ up, runs into the ropes…


Jesse: “Plex is firmly in control and…OH MY GOD! ZsasZ scooped him up! ZsasZ scooped him up! FEARFUL SYMMETRY! FEARFUL SYMMETRY! 1…2…NO! PLEX KICKED OUT! PLEX KICKED OUT!”


By this time, Undisputed is up and at the top rope, he waits for ZsasZ to get up before he hits the MISSILE DROPKICK!


JR: “Undisputed may finally get to prove himself against ZsasZ! 1…2…WHAT THE HELL? AP pulled Undisputed off of ZsasZ by his foot, and he locks in the ANKLELOCK! He must be running on pure adrenaline!”


Undisputed is writhing and a tap-out seems imminent. Suddenly, ZsasZ, still on the ground, grabs Undisputed's arm and locks him in a Triangle Choke!


Jesse: “Brilliant! Now if there’s a submission, it will be a draw. And Draws go to the Champion!”


Plex releases the hold and stomps ZsasZ till he lets go. Both men are too spent to do much as of right now anyway. Cappa comes in and tries to BUST A CAP, but Undisputed wisely breaks off and rolls to the (relative) safety of the outside.


JR: “With all the action in the ring, I haven’t noticed till now that both Gladiator and Reject have scaled the cage from opposite sides. It looks like someone’s leaving this match in a stretcher tonight.”


Jesse: “Of course, JR. Why else do you think these matches pop the ratings?”


Both men unsteadily walk across the ceiling panels as the crowd watches in breathless amazement. While they don’t wish serious injury on anyone, ironically they would feel wronged if they weren’t given a huge injury or two. With this in mind, Gladiator plunges fearlessly, almost recklessly into his foe. He spears Reject in the center of the cage and begins pounding on him with punches. Reject manages to get to his feet, and lucky for him, because Gladiator isn’t quite done yet…


Jesse: “What the hell? Reject is on the edge of the cage right above us, and Gladiator… He’s charging…REJECT WITH A FLYING HEADSCISSORS! MOVE, JR!”


Reject’s desperation maneuver takes out Gladiator, himself, and the announce table. Back in the ring, the remaining four men are battling it out. Undisputed, AP, and Cappa are involved in three-way combat while ZsasZ has slipped out of sight for a moment…


JR: “I’m STILL in shock after what just happened to Reject and Gladiator. MY GOD what is it gonna take? Well… back to the action. Cappa and Undisputed seem to have forged a temporary alliance to get rid of Angle-Plex, who is still a bit woozy. Double Vertical Suplex on AP. They pick him up and hit a Doomsday Device. Now, both men are stomping on AP.”


Cappa lays a cheapshot in on Undisputed as it seems the alliance has unraveled. As AP bleeds all over the floor, Cappa whips Undisputed into the ropes, Undisputed leapfrogs over Cappa and hits a dropkick. Cappa kips up and Undisputed kicks him in the gut.


Jesse: “It seems the action has finally cooled a bit, Undisputed whips him into the ropes and… OH MY GOD. ZsasZ just sprung up from under the side of the ring where he was hiding and threw a fireball right in Cappa’s face.”


JR: “He said he had revenge for Cappa ready, I guess that was it.”


ZsasZ calmly steps into the ring, and the fans pop for what they are seeing. For now, Undisputed and ZsasZ stand alone in the ring, while AP leans in the corner, trying to stand with blood dripping down his eyes.


Jesse: “Undisputed said he had ZsasZ’s number. Undisputed said he could beat ZsasZ is they ever fought again. Now Undisputed knows the time for trash talking is over.”


Undisputed is fired up. He stuns ZsasZ with a few nice shots to the face, then he jumps to the second rope and hits a spear from there. He kicks ZsasZ a couple times to the back of the head as he gets up. Undisputed runs into the ropes, but they get pulled down by AP, who had moved outside the ring to get a breather.


Back on the outside, Reject and Gladiator are stirring a bit, Cappa is still down, and AP is stomping a bit on Undisputed. Suddenly, ZsasZ hits a hands-free plancha into AP and Undisputed; smashing into the mesh cage along with his two targets.


JR: “The big man gets some air, and takes out AP and Undisputed!”


Jesse: “You never know what’s going to happen next with this match!”


Reject gets to his feet and gets in the ring, AP goes in with him. He’s a bit fresher than ZsasZ so he could get up faster than ZsasZ did.


Jesse: “Two skilled veterans are about to lock it up here.”


AP hits a belly-to-belly and goes for a quick pin. 1…2…Reject kicks out. Reject gets up, but AP clotheslines him down. AP begins working the knee, dropping an elbow and wrenching on it, but Reject gets his other leg over AP’s throat and turns it into an armbar.


JR: “It looks like AP and Reject are giving us a technical exhibition tonight as well!”


Jesse: “Wrestling holds in a wrestling match? That’s just crazy enough to work!”


AP forces Reject on his back and punches out of the hold. He turns… right into a huge big boot from Gladiator!


JR: “BY GOD, Gladiator might have knocked him out cold with that shot.”


Jesse: “Cover, 1…2…NO! AP kicked out at the last second.”


Undisputed is in the ring now. Gladiator picks up AP into an Electric Chair Drop position, and Undisputed knocks him off with a leg lariat. No cover, because Gladiator spears Undisputed and they both roll out of the ring brawling.


Jesse: “It looks like Gladiator and Undisputed are really having it out!”


JR: “Never mind that, look at the ring!”


In the ring, ZsasZ sees the fallen AP, and begins to smile. He climbs in the ring, and delivers a chokeslam. He covers, but picks AP up at 2.


JR: “What a display of arrogance!”


He picks up AP again, and scoops him up for Fearful Symmetry, but AP slides off his back and hits the MUSHROOM CLOUD!


JR: “The mushroom cloud! He hit it! He hit it! Wait…”


Jesse: “Gladiator is holding down ZsasZ’s feet from the outside, AP must have arranged it!”


JR: “I don’t know if he can tell. Nevertheless, 1…2…3! AP did it! He’s won the new belt!”


AP celebrates to a chorus of boos. AP hears them, stops, and is horrified. As the other wrestlers help ZsasZ to his feet it is apparent to everyone but the fans: AP had no clue about what Gladiator was doing, but has just lost his fans because of it.


AP half-heartedly accepts the belt from Bill Watts, who looks sickened at him; who he sees as a cheater. AP walks back, shell-shocked to Backstage Correspondent Timothy Dalton.


Dalton: AP is there anything you WON’T do to keep that belt now that you’ve stolen it?


AP: It wasn’t…me. I don’t know what’s happened. I didn’t tell Gladiator to…( a realization comes to him.) Oh no. Oh God no. He stole them from me…


Dalton: What are you rambling about?




Dalton: Back to you, JR…


JR: All nite you'll see * boxes, which is a quick cut to the Board Room where Anglesault and Damian are splitting the rosters...We go there now!



Damian: Well, since I get the first pick, I draft Los Infernales as a Tag Team


AngleSault: Easy, Dream Machines


Damian: THE I.O.U


AS: Boogie Knights AND Little Big Men


Damian: You forgot a team


AS: Who?


Damian: Da Mystery Weirdness Connection


AS: Shit


Damian: I've got the tag champs


AS: Suck my ..ck


Damian: If I could find it



(Scene opens in a darkened living room, lit up only by a television set, playing Wrestlemania 8. The camera slowly pans around to a solitary figure on the couch, watching the screen intently with his hands folded.)


"You see this right here?" (points at the screen)"I first saw this when I was eight years old. I remember the only reason I wanted to even see this show was because I thought it was Hulk Hogan's last match, and I wanted to witness history." (laughs) "Well, history sure was made that night- April 5th, 1992- and not because Randy Savage won his second World Wrestling Federation Championship. It was the night that I fell in love with this sport. Many say that love at first sight is a farce- well, those people must not be pro wrestling fans. I was SURE, more sure than I've ever been about anything in my life since, that professional wrestling was what I was put on this planet to do."

"I still remember the day I told my parents that I was going to be a professional wrestler. I remember the screaming, that I would be wasting my life, that I would end up broke and crippled and never be able to play with my children. It didn't matter. It still doesn't. But from then on, I kept it concealed. I hit my wrestling videos and magazines like they were porno. I never talked about it in front of them. The channel was changed if they walked in on me during Monday Night Raw."

"I remember the day I confided in my friends that I wanted to be a proessional wrestler. I remember the laughing, the taunting. They said it was 'gay' and

'fake,' and a sport 'for fat, inbred rednecks.' It didn't matter, and it still doesn't. But football and women were the only things I dared to mention in public from then on."

"I remember the day I told my girlfriend I wanted to be a professional wrestler. She dumped me the next day for a foreign exchange student, saying she didn't want to be stuck with a broke loser, groped by retards at armories while watching me 'fake fight.' It didn't matter, it still doesn't. But I haven't had a date since."

"I'm through trying to be 'normal.' I'm not going to be silent anymore. I tried to please everyone, it didn't feel right. Nothing and no one else matters to me now, everything else is an afterthought-wrestling is my only mistress, and I like it that way. I've been all over the world, perfecting my style, my art, killing my body in every school and dojo I can find, and now on the biggest stage of them all, OaOasT, I've got one mission in mind. No matter what it takes, no matter how much I bleed, how many concussions I get, no matter how many bruises and scars and welts and broken bones I accumulate, I'm going to make wrestling cool. I want the 8 year old fan, the 12 year old fan, the 20 year old fan, to be able to proclaim their fanaticism proudly and without fear, without the laughing and dirty looks and condescension that has plagued me my whole life. Everybody in OaOasT will have to deal with the harsh reality, that Jay Darring can not and will not be denied in his quest to be THE mainstream superstar in this promotion. -I'm done, get out of here, I've got studying to do."


Pan around to the back of the couch as Jay changes the tape in the VCR. "Best of Japan 2002" is seen on the screen, and as the action unfolds, with Jay silently riveted to the screen, we pull back and fade out.)

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

The Slacker's voidless and hollow eyes gaze directly at the leader of the Dungeon of Doom.


Slacker: I actually appreciate you having your buddies punk me out, Logan. I really do. After all, I got to do absolutely nothing in the hospital and I got paid for that. So for that thanks. Not only for that, but for allowing me to lay in a hospital that had my very first match on tape so I could replay my first victory in OAOAST over and over again.


Logan fumes over the reminder of having lost to this baffoon just last week. He claps his hands, and all of the Dungeon monsters step out, and form a large circle. Mario gets off off his throne and picks up a mace.


To the amazement of the Dungeon of Doom and its leader, The Slacker laughs at them. Horridly, but mockingly as well.


Slacker: Oh, lookie! Big, bad Mario needs to have the whole Dungeon of Doom to fight off one lowly man? Geez, Mario. Your mom should've called you Bowser, considering the fact that you've got as many Koopalings as he does. I mean, are you so terrified of getting your ass handed to you for a second time in a row from The Slacker? Are you that afraid of me? The One And Only Slacker (a.k.a. TOAOS©)?


Figuring that fighting all these guys would land him in the hospital and hospital food sucks, The Slacker decides to spill whatever came into his head as quickly as possible. Yet, in case that failed, the steel baseball bat was in his right hand just in case things went wrong.


Axl Rose: Well he does have a point, Master. and.......um.......I have an album to finish.

Lars Ulrich: I have people to sue.


Mario causes lightning to rain down. As the lightning begins to crash all around, The Slacker realizes that he's holding onto a pure steel bat. Terrified of getting shocked, The Slacker does probably the brightest thing that anyone in his position could do.


He tosses the bat directly at Mario Logan, and it hits him in the face.


Mario: What are you waiting for, get him!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Slacker looks to his left and looks to his right, as the members of the Dungeon of Doom surround him. They prepare to swarm upon him and beat the holey living hell out of him, and he just stands there. Without warning, The Slacker holds up his hand to point as for the Dungeon of Doom members to stop and they do so. The sadistic members grin evilly as they believe he's already giving up!


Slacker: You guys forgot about two things.

HHH: Oh yah?! And what's that?!


HHH poses and spits water


Slacker: Well, first is that you don't take baby steps to get to your opponent. I mean, come off it now. Your infringing on what I'm known for: Slacking Off©.

Axl Rose: And what's the second thing?

Slacker: Cover the bases.

Zodiac: HUH?

Slacker: You don't know what cover the bases. How the hell are you evil minions if you don't know what that means?

James Hetfield: Uh... Well... Um...

David Lee Roth: Could you show us what that means?

Slacker: No interference while I show you. Ok?

Earthquake: ...uh, ok...

Slacker: You promise not to interfer until I show you, right?

Suge Knight: Yeah, sure. We promise.

Frankenstein's Monster: INTERFERENCE BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Once again that horrid laughter fills the air (if you need to know how bad it is, watch Slayers and hear Nada Naga's laugh. Just think of it as male doing that, but only ten times worse.) as The Slacker dashes ahead towards Mario Logan. He lifts up the sledgehammer he pickpocketed off of HHH and prepares to strike down the leader of the Dungeon of Doom, but Mario ducks down, and the Slacker runs into a section of the throne, the Slacker recovers, and the two slug it out.


Mario: Can't you jackasses do anything right?!


The Collective members of the Dungeon of Doom suddenly realizes they were played for fools and begin to hurry to their leader's aid. Coming to the obivious conclusion that an inevitable beat down was coming, The Slacker takes this opportunity to utilize his sure fire way of having no beatdown occur.




With that one phrase, the whole of the Dungeon of Doom makes a beeline for Anglesault, Sault runs out, with all of the monsters chasing him. However, while The Slacker was taking this time to stop that huge beat down, he left himself wide open to Mario zapping him with the Mountie's taser. Mario picks up the fallen Slacker, and tosses him out a door, which leads to a backstage area (go figure). Mario slams the Slacker's head on to a box, and he grabs a ref.


Mario: We now have a match.


Mario drags the Slacker's body to the ring, and tosses him in.


Bell rings, and Mario goes for the cover.


1! 2! and no!


Mario mouths off the referee as it should have been a three count. The Slacker rolls from the ground and manages to position himself onto his feet. Mario continues to bad mouth the ref and backs the poor ref into the corner. Without warning The Slacker lets out that hideous cackle and immediately Mario remembers was still concious. The referee gets away from the corner and moves to a safe place in the ring as he watches The Slacker charge at Mario.


The leader of the Dungeon of Doom dodges the charging baffoon and turns to watch the naive go head long into the ring post. However, The Slacker jumps onto the second turnbuckle and off it; hitting the sLoPpy tAkEdOwN directly into Mario!


Mario immediately grabs his chest and letting out screams of torture from having his torso crushed by The Slacker. Mario continues to writhe on the ground and the referee goes to make sure that Mario hasn't broken his ribs from that crushing move.


The live camera feed goes from in the ring to quickly outside of it, to spot Calvin Szechstein running in from the crowd! He quickly gets over the guard rail and slides into the ring.


With that The Slacker turns around with his arms up in the air and hands held skyward as if to say "what can you do?". But as he turns around, he comes face to face with Calvin! Before The Slacker can ask about why the hell Calvin Szechstein was even there, he gets planted with a DDT!


Meanwhile Mario pulls the referee to him to keep him occupied from seeing the interference that was going on. That being Calvin climbing the turnbuckles and going up to the top ropes. The Slacker rolls over from being face first to the mat, to just having his now glazed covered eyes staring skywards.


Calvin takes up all of but two seconds to jump from the top rope to spin into the Four Hundred And Fifty Degree Splash (Sponsored By Skittles, don't forget). He brings his full weight down onto The Slacker and utterly obliterates whatever resistance was left in the victim.


As Calvin leaves the ring and through the crowd, just as he entered. Mario stands around confused, but as soon as he realized what happens, he tries to make the Slacker tap out to the noogie, but the Slacker counters with a suplex. Both men are down, but Slacker gets up, and is prepared to do the the JA___________The Slack off to Mario, but Freddy runs in and distracts the ref, the Slacker hits him. The other two Faces of Fear, double chokeslam the Slacker, and leave the ringside area, Mario rolls over, and attempts a pin.


1! 2! 3!


Bell rings, and Mario wins.


He stands up with a confused gaze in his eyes, and gives a thumbs up to Calvin, and falls down.





AngleSault: So I get the X Division


Damian: Yeah


AngleSault: And you got the NA Champ?


Damian: Yup


AngleSault: Then I'll take AnglePlex, The Purist, and ohh K Money!


Damian: Fine. Puerto Rican Lightning, Reject, and The Mad Cappa


AS: Ohhhh


Damian: Shut up and continue picking




[Cut to Commercial]

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

A lightning bolt hits the stage. A Puerto Rican flag shows up on the AngleTron and then the words PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING appear. "Bulls on Parade" by Rage Against The Machine start as the crowd begins booing. Pyro shoots off from the top of the arena as the AngleTron switches to footage of Puerto Rican Lightning fightning. Smoke fills the entranceway and out from it comes Puerto Rican Lightning with the Puerto Rican Championship over his left shoulder. Accompanying him is Mr. Boricua, Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez, and Vince Rusco.


Jesse: Here comes our proud Puerto Rican Champion!


The crowd greets the four with huge jeers and boos as PRL and Vince Rusco talk to the camera.


JR: Folks, let us take you back to AngleMania II two weeks ago where The Mad Cappa's former manager, Vince Rusco, turned on him during the Puerto Rican Championship Triple Threat Match.


We go back to AngleMania II where Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez stripping cause Mad Cappa not to notice Vince Rusco coming from behind and knocking him out with his cane. We cut to PRL pinning and retaining the title.


Jesse: If you mind me saying JR, that was a brillant plan which I suspect was made by those four in the ring right now. Only a man of intelligence could think of something that clever and our Puerto Rican Champion, Puerto Rican Lightning is one of the most intelligent men we have in the OAOAST. I think we should give him a hand. Come on JR.


JR (disgusted): No thanks.


P.R. Lightning does the gum swat and enters the ring. He does the HBK pose while pyro goes off behind him. He then heads to the turnbuckle to pose with his belt. He sneers at the crowd then takes the mic.


Before P.R. Lightning can begin to speak, the crowd starts booing loudly again. He tries to speak but everytime he tries, the crowd drowns him out. P.R. is a little annoyed with the crowd and sneers at them. The crowd begin chanting "P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks!". P.R.L. groans and covers his ears to drown out the chant. It doesn't work so he slaps his forehead four times. When that doesn't work he holds on to Mr. Boricua and Ms. Lindsay and Vince Rusco try to calm him down. The crowd continues booing and chanting "P.R. Sucks!"


Jesse: These people are not showing Puerto Rican Lightning the proper respect!


The crowd continues booing and chanting "P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks!" annoying P.R.L. Vince Rusco grabs the mic.


Vince Rusco: You people need to shut the hell up!


Jesse: There ya go! You tell them Rusco!


VR: You people should get down on your knees and kiss his feet because he is better than each and every one of you!!! There is a reason I abandoned The Mad Crappa! It's because he is a bona-fide loser! He ain't going nowhere. Unlike P.R. who is DESTINED for greater things. And at AngleMania he proved it. He proved to the millions of people watching that he is the future! Mad Cappa you got nothin' against Puerto Rican Lightning! He is better than you in every way and there's nothing that you can do about it! Now I am gonna let the man himself speak! PRL, take the mic!!!


The crowd boos. They begin chanting "P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks!" but they don't have an effect on PRL like they did before.


JR: He is an evil, evil man.


Puerto Rican Lightning: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAHAAAAAA!!!! Yes, I did prove to the world that I DESERVE to be Puerto Rican Champion at AngleMania! Now, you were probalby wondering why I was absent from last week's IntenseZone. Well, you see, since I am Puerto Rican Champion, and since I am so damn awesome I needed a break. After the long hard battle I had at AngleMania, I DESERVED a break and I can get one. Why? Because I AM PUERTO RICAN LIGHTNING!!! THE BEST PUERTO RICAN CHAMPION IN THE HISTORY OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!


The crowd continues booing him and chant "P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks!"


PRL: And I have some great news! Due to the pain I gave to NazMistry he has retired from the OAOAST! That's right! I retired NazMistry! HHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! And as for Mad Cappa. You weren't as weak as I thought. You still are weak but not as weak as I thought and you put on a hell of a performance at AngleMania. But I came out the better man and you have to look at yourself in the mirror everyday and accept that!!! I was the better man and that is why I will continue being YOUR Puerto Rican Champion forever!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA



The crowd begins booing.


PRL: But now onto some other issues. Mainly, the OAOAST North American Champion Andrew "Your Hero" Hyland.


The crowd pops.


PRL: Shut up. Now, last week Andrew made some threats in my direction. He actually had the nerve to claim that Puerto Rico wasn't a real country! He had the nerve to claim that the Puerto Rican Championship isn't real! Andrew, you CROSSED The line when you said Puerto Rico wasn't a real country! You can insult me but don't you ever, EVER insult my homeland. I will make sure that you will suffer a punishment so great you're regret the day that you ever messed with Puerto Rican Light--


"The theme from 2001: A Space Oddessy" begins as a mixed reaction greets Andrew Hyland.


Jesse: Uh-oh. This could be trouble for Lightning.


JR: Here comes the OAOAST North American Champion, Andrew "Your Hero" Hyland and boy does he look piss!


Andrew comes out as pyro goes off behind him. He has the North American Title over his right shoulder as the crowd has a mixed reaction to the cocky heel.


Andrew: Greetings, I am Andrew Your Hero and I am the OAOAST North American Champion. Now, I usually come out to entertain you people but this is an exception. Puerto Rican Lightning, I have heard your complaints about me and, unlike you, since I'm not a coward, I have come out here to confront you face-to-face! Now, we have some things in common. We both are champions, although my is legit while yours is some piece of tin you got on your paycheck.


The crowd pops.


Andrew: We also both are cocky and confident although I am more confident than you. And we both are athetic and great wrestlers although I can win a match with one arm tied behind my back while you need a big dumb gorilla and a whore in order to win your matches.


The crowd pops at that while Puerto Rican Lightning is furious!!! He starts pacing and yelling while Vince Rusco tells him to calm down.


JR: Oh, that's not good.


Jesse: How dare Andrew insult the beautiful Lindsay Gonzalez! He has crossed the line there! Lindsay is a classy lady who is more beautiful and more elegant than any of the other female specimens in professional wrestling.


JR: I wouldn't go that far, Jess.


The crowd again begin chanting "P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks!" while PRL tries to calm himself down and get himself together. He finally does but is furious.


PRL: You no good piece son-of-a-bitch piece of crap! How DARE you insult my girl! She has more class and elegance than any of these trailer park trash hookers here! I could kick your ass right now!


Andrew: Then why don't you? Come on, Mr. Puerto Rican Champion! Put your money where your mouth is. Put the Puerto Rican Championship on the line right here and right now! Come on! I got all day! Unless you're a pussy!


The crowd cheers as it anticipates PRL's anwser.


PRL: You want the Puerto Rican Championship belt on the line? You want it now? Well, I am a fightning champion and I will GLADLY put the Puerto Rican Championship right now! Andrew Hyland, get ready to experience your first P.R. Nightmare!


Puerto Rican Lightning vs. Andrew "Your Hero" Hyland for the Puerto Rican Championship


Andrew removes his jacket and heads to the ring. An OAOAST referee heads down to the ring and rings the bell. The crowd cheers as the match is offical. Andrew hands the referee the NA Title and PRL hands the ref the P.R. Championship. The ref raises the belt to let the fans know its for that title. He hands it back to P.R. Lightning, who gives it to Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez. He gets a kiss for good luck from her and hands her the belt. She, Mr. Boricua, and Vince Rusco head to the outside. The camera gets a closeup shot of the Puerto Rican Championship and some of Ms. Lindsay's clevage.


JR: There it is. The Puerto Rican Championship.

Jesse: What a great camera angle. I believe the camera should always stay on that one shot at all times.

JR: Will you stop?


Puerto Rican Lightning and Andrew Hyland circle each other to start. They lockup and PRL gets the advantage with a headlock. However, Andrew reverses and whips Puerto Rican to the ropes. Puerto Rican bounces back and follows up with a leapfrog. Andrew hits the ropes again and Lightning does a reverse leapfrog. One more time to the ropes and Lightning hits several arm-drags and hits a dropkick that sends Hyland to the mat.


JR: Incredible athelicism from Puerto Rican Lightning.

Jesse: That's why he's the Puerto Rican Champion, JR.


Puerto Rican Lightning heads to the mat and applies an arm-bar on Andrew in an attempt to weaken it. The crowd begins booing Puerto Rican Lightning but he is not bothered by it. Vince Rusco instructs P.R. to do some damage to his arm so P.R. obliges by dropping several elbows on Andrew's right arm. Mr. Boricua and Ms. Gonzalez are rooting him on.


JR: Vince Rusco seems to have had an impact on Puerto Rican Lightning. You can see Rusco instructing P.R.

Jesse: That's what a good manager does. He helps his client in his match any way possible.


P.R.L. begins stomping on Andrew who struggles to get up. P.R. heads to a corner and prepares to hit the shinning wizard....but it misses. Andrew waits for Puerto Rican Lightning to get up and hits a brainbuster on him. He goes for the cover.


1...2...Kick out.


Andrew grabs Puerto Rican Lightning and whips him into a turnbuckle. He chops at him as the crowd "Whooooos!" with every chop. He continues chopping and whips PRL to another turnbuckle where Lightning does a Flair Flip onto the ring apron. He turns to the crowd and tells the crowd how smart he is but Andrew hits a clothesline on Lightning that sends him to the outside!


JR: Incredible move by Andrew.

Jesse: Guess Lightning wasn't so smart there, huh JR?

JR: Indeed, he wasn't.


Andrew heads to the outside to catchup with Puerto Rican Lightning while the crowd begins the 10 count. Andrew catches up with Lightning and throws him into the stairs. Andrew picks up Lightning again and throws him to the other stairs then picks him up and throws him back into the ring at the count of 8. Andrew picks up Lightning again and Irish Whips him into the ropes but P.R. comes back with a spinning heel kick on Hyland. He goes for the cover.


1..2..Kick out.


The crowd show their hatred of Puerto Rican Lightning by booing and chanting "P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks!"


Jesse: These fans are morons! They have no respect for Puerto Rican Lightning!


PRL is annoyed and begins punching Andrew. He sneers at the crowd and whips him to the turnbuckle. He follows up with a Stinger Splash then whips him to another turnbuckle and follows with another Stinger Splash. Andrew is dazed and confused so PRL takes the oppturnity to hit a Belly-To-Belly Suplex on him and slam his head repeatley into the mat.


P.R. heads to the ropes and drops some elbows. Then bodyslams Andrew and heads to the top rope. The crowd boos as they know what is coming next.


Jesse: PRL is gonna fly!


Puerto Rican Lightning takes off his left elbow pad, does the "Up Yours!" sign to the audience and hits an elbow drop from the top rope. The FU Elbow Drop! He goes for the cover.


1...2...Kick out!


PRL has a look of anger on his face as the crowd begin chanting "P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks!" as PRL puts his fingers in his ears to drown out the chants. When that doesn't work, he slaps his head four times. Vince Rusco directs P.R. to continue assaulting Andrew so he obliges. P.R. whips Andrew into the ropes but Andrew reverses with a sunset flip for two. He hits a spinning wheel kick on Lightning then does a Fisherman Buster for two. He grabs Puerto Rican Lightning and does a German Suplex on him! He follows with another one! And another one! And another one! And another one! And another one! And another one! And another one! And another one! And another one!


JR: Oh my gawd! 10 German Suplexes! I can't believe Andrew did 10 German Suplexes on Puerto Rican Lightning!


Andrew picks up Puerto Rican Lightning and does a snap suplex on him. He picks him up again but P.R. gouges his eyes and hits a spinning wheel kick on him. He goes for the cover.


1...2...Kick out.


Puerto Rican Lightning whips Andrew to the ropes....and hits the flying forearm! He waits for Andrew to get up....and hits the flying forearm again!


Jesse: Alright JR you know what Lightning is doing. He's setting up for the P.R. Nightmare!


Puerto Rican Lightning picks up Andrew and hits a flying forearm again! He waits for Andrew to get up...and hits one more flying forearm. Then he kips up. The crowd boos as Puerto Rican Lightning heads to a turnbuckle and begins stomping his foot a'la Shawn Michaels. 1,2,3. 1,2,3. 1,2,3. 1,2,3.


Jesse: This is it JR! This is the end!

JR: Puerto Rican Lightning calling up the band.


Puerto Rican Lightning continues stomping his foot waiting for Andrew to get up. When he does P.R. Lightning hits the Sweet Chin Music! He goes for the cover.


1...2...Kick out!!!


PRL is furious. The crowd cheer and begin chanting "P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks! P.R. Sucks!" as Vince Rusco directs Lightning to continue on with punishment. Lightning grabs Andrew but Andrew kicks Lightning in his stomach and hits a snap suplex on him. He heads to the top rope.


JR: Now Andrew is gonna fly!


Andrew heads to the top...and comes down with the flying headbutt! Hyland goes for the cover.


1...2...Kick out!


Meanwhile, Vince Rusco whispers something in Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez's ears. She heads to the ring apron and tries to get Andrew's attention. Vince Rusco distracts the referee while Ms. Lindsay gets Andrew's attention and starts taking off her shirt. The male section of the crowd begin to cheer as Andrew seems to be distracted by Ms. Lindsay. She removes her shirt and starts lifting her skirt up. She shows her thong to Andrew.


Jesse: Oh hell yeah! Keep on going girl. Why stop at your shirt?!


Andrew continues being distracted while Lightning grabs Vince Rusco's cane. He prepares to hit Andrew with it but Andrew notices and kicks P.R. in the gut. He grabs the cane...and smashes it over Puerto Rican Lightning's head. Mr. Boricua and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez get off the ring apron as Andrew goes for the cover.




*Ding, Ding, Ding!*


JR: YES! YES! He's done it! Andrew Your Hero has won the Puerto Rican Championship!

Jesse: NOOOO!!! It's not fair! Andrew cheated to win! He took the cane and smashed it over his head! He cheated!


"The Theme From 2001: A Space Oddeysey" plays as Andrew "Your Hero" Hyland grabs the Puerto Rican Championship and celebrates with it. He holds both the North American Title and the Puerto Rican Championship as Puerto Rican gets up from the cane shot and starts yelling at Vince Rusco. He gives Vince the P.R. Nightmare!!!


JR: Oh my gawd! Puerto Rican Lightning has just given his own manager the P.R. Nightmare!

Jesse: I guess that relationship is over.


Puerto Rican Lightning goes over to the referee and begins talking to him. He points to the AngleTron. The replay shows the cane shot that Andrew gave Puerto Rican Lightning. The referee looks at it and reverses the decision as he takes the belt away from Andrew and gives it back to Puerto Rican Lightning.


JR: Damn!

Jesse: HA! You can't deny that Andrew cheated, JR. He used the cane!

JR: That Vince Rusco gave to Puerto Rican!

Jesse: It doens't matter. The cane was used by Andrew. His hands are at fault with this.


P.R. grabs the Puerto Rican Championship as the crowd boos. P.R. waits for Andrew's back to turn...and hits him with the belt!


JR: Oh what a cheapshot!

Jesse: He had that coming to him JR!


P.R.L. begins beating down on Andrew. He picks him up and gives him the P.R. Nightmare! He and Mr. Boricua begin beating down on Andrew.


JR: Stop the madness!


Suddenly, the crowd cheers at The Mad Cappa heads into the ring. Puerto Rican Lightning freaks out as Cappa begins laying a beating on him. He whips him to the ropes...and gives him the BUST A CAP!!! He lays some shots in on Mr. Boricua and clotheslines him over the top rope!


Jesse: What a cheapshot by Mad Cappa! Shouldn't he be ashamed of himself?


Cappa clears the ring of Puerto Rican Lightning, Mr. Boricua, and Ms. Lindsay Gonzalez. He helps Andrew out of the ring as Vince Rusco comes too. The crowd is hot as Rusco and Cappa make eye contact.


Jesse: Watch. Cappa is going to go crawling back to Rusco.

JR: Will you stop?


Cappa and Rusco look at each other. Rusco seems to be pleading with Cappa. He tells him if he could be his manager again. The crowd boos that as Cappa looks at them for an anwser. Rusco keeps pleading and finally puts his hand out. Cappa looks at the crowd.


Jesse: Cappa is going back to Vince Rusco! He is!


Cappa is hestitant. He looks at Rusco than at the crowd. The crowd boos. Finally, Cappa shakes Vince's hand to huge boos from the crowd.


Jesse: Yes! He did it! I told you JR! He's coming back!

JR: I refuse to believe it.


Suddenly, Cappa delivers the BUST A CAP! on Rusco!!! The crowd roars with approval as Rusco is knocked out cold.


Jesse: NOOOO!

JR: Yes! Way to go kid! I knew you had it in you!

Jesse: The Mad Cappa is gonna regret the day he messed with PRL! Mark my words.

JR: It seems the Puerto Rican Lightning/Mad Cappa feud is finish.

Jesse: Lightning will make Cappa suffer! He will!


"Let Me Clear My Throat" by DJ Kool begins playing as Cappa stands over an unconsicious Vince Rusco. The crowd begin chanting "Go Cap-pa! Go Cap-pa! Go Cap-pa! Go Cap-pa!" as Cappa begins dancing.


Jesse: Cappa won't be smiling for long.


Cappa leaves the ring and dances all the way to the entrance as Vince Rusco is still knocked out in the ring.


JR: Well it looks like we got a slobberknocker Jesse!

Jesse: Indeed we do JR. P.R. is gonna teach Andrew some respect to his woman.


JESSE: ANother promo?


JR: Yup! Workrate my ass!


Cut to: Dream Machines lockerroom


I know I'm supposed to address the heldDOWN thing or whatever, but like I have a totally more important issue to discuss. Last week Parka, had a PMS moment on me and started rambling about how I'm a joke and how no one takes me seriously. Oh my god! I was so pissed off, ya know. It was like the time Courtney Cox did house sitting for me and ate all my Doritos. Only Parka didn't give me any flowers so I was even more pissed off. Then the VCR ate the movie I rented so I had to pay Blockbuster $15 for it. It was like such a mega awful day. I mean its one thing when people you don't even know call you ditzy and a moron. But when your tag team partner and your most favoritest person in the whole wide world tells you that you have no focus and that no one cares about you, it like really hurts. You can't help but be a tiny bit sad, ya know. Anyway, sorry to waste your time with my problems. Unless, you work for blockbuster. Then I hope you get the clap.


JR: Umm err..


JESSE: I'm telling ya, an open bar would do us wonders.


JR: Maybe Damian will grant us that after the split


JESSE: He better, or Im going to HeldDOWN!


Kotz Vs Shattered Dreams


"The Wreckoning" by Boomkat hits as Shattered Dreams solemnly makes his way down the entrance ramp. The crowd gives him a mixture of cheers and boos. As SD enters the ring, "The devil is a DJ" plays over the speaker as Kotzenjunge comes down the ramp.


:: Kotz grabs a microphone from the ring announcer and enters the ring. The crowd starts a "Kotz" chant. ::


Kotz: Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate your cheers, but enough about me. Let's talk about this man, Shattered Dreams.


Crowd: BOOOO!


Kotz: Please be honest! Tell me how you really fell about him!


Crowd: BOOOO!


Kotz: Are you sure?


Crowd: BOOOO!


Kotz: So you really don't like him? That's to bad. Because I like him. I see a lot of the Boogie Knights in Shattered Dreams. I see a guy who likes to have fun. A guy who likes to get down and have a kick ass time. I see a guy who likes to PARTAY!


::Crowd cheers::


Kotz: But, I also see a boy who is lost and confused. Shattered Dreams, I see the way Parka treats you. I hear the way he talks you and the things he says to you. I watch you struggle to meet his unbelievably high expectations. I know you can't do it. I know you can't do it, because you don't want to do it. You don't want to be a bad ass. You don't want to be a take no prisoners type of guy. You don't want to be part of the Dream Machines. You just want to have a MUTHAFUCKIN good time! Just like me and Zorin. Believe me when I say there is more of the Boogie Knights in you then you will ever know. That's why I'm offering my hand in friendship to you.


::Kotz sticks his hand out. SD stares into Kotz's eyes. Before he can make a decision the crowd begins to murmur as Peter Knight and The Parka come out onto the entrance ramp. ::


Parka: Dreams! Dreams, you get out of that ring right now! The fact that you haven't punched Kotz's lights out, shows me what kind of a moronic cream puff you truly are. You make me sick. If you're not willing to fight, then get your ass back into the EL Camino and play with your Barbie dolls. Kotz, prepare yourself for a beating of a life time. Dreams, be sure to take notes. This is how real men conduct themselves.


:: Parka and Knight walk towards the ring. However, they're stopped when Max Zorin nails them with chair shots to the back of the head. ::


::Zorin darts towards the ring with the intention of hitting Shattered Dreams, who has a completely blank expression on his face ::


Kotz: Hey, wait. Zorin, buddy. Chill out for a second. Everything is cool. He's one of us. He's just a little confused.


:: Zorin stares at Kotz as if he had just grown a third eye::


Kotz: Trust me. Just trust me. Don't hurt him. He's one of us. He's one of us.


::Zorin throws the chair to the ground and leaves the ring. Kotz nods to SD and leaves the ring with his partner. The BK3's entrance music begins to play, causing SD to smile and nod his head to the beat::


JESSE (on hype duty): An officially Tony winning and endorsed promo by the Purist next after this commercial from UnManly Smooth LegZ!


JR: Do they have it for chest hair too? I got a friend who needs...


JESSE: Shut up!



AngleSault: Fool. I pick Zack


D: You hate Zack


AS: Exactly:


D: Hmm...well I'll take Evenflow...those guys do not need to be together


AS: Fair


D: And I'll take BPP


AS: The cripple?


D: Shutup


AS: Ohh for the "potential" I'll take Superstar


D: Damn I wanted him


AS: Tough shit Sherlock


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Guest Big Poppa Popick

The screen goes black and white, meaning only one -- or two things -- the appearance of The Purist and his manager Jim Cornette, both decked out in tuxedo's for tonight's anniversary.



If you morons can't tell, tonight is supposed to be a big night for the OAOAST. I gotta tell you something. Ever since The Purist made his debut two months ago, everybody in the OAOAST has been hiding in fear of this man.


Cornette points to The Purist.



The only way we got a match for AngleMania, was to beat the hell outta somebody, during a match. That's exactly what we did two weeks ago. Now that guy's gone. Maybe that's why NOBODY wants to face the best wrestler in the OAOAST -- and without a doubt -- the world today!


Crowd boos.



We got some split, or whatever, going down tonight. To the Purist and myself, we don't care where we land, because we're gonna do two things: beat people up and take the OAOAST title, so that belt can have some class again, instead of being stuck with a Peter Engel mark. That's all we got to say; carry on with you're horrible little lives.


Cut to: Coffee room


::Crystal is getting some coffee when Widow approaches her::

Widow: Crystal…

::Crystal whips around looking like she is ready to fight::

Widow: Whoa, whoa, calm down. I just came here to apologize to you for SpiderPoet’s interference last week.

Crystal: (smiles slightly) Well, he didn’t cost me the match…

Widow: (eyes narrow) Thanks for the info Sherlock. Look, I thought we had a great match and was wondering if you wanted to have a rematch?

Crystal: (laughs a little) Yeah, and it will be so fair with your boyfriend there.

Widow: No interference, just a straight up wrestling match, I promise. What do you say?

Crystal: Alright, it’s a deal.

Widow: May the best woman win.


JESSE: We have a coffee room?


JR: Apparently


JESSE: Damn! We need a wet bar


JR: Tell Dames that


JESSE: I will! ::storms off::


We return to IZ and immediately zoom in on the Slacker's locker room, where the somewhat upset individual is laying down on a bench. A couple of lockers behind him have large dents in them, presumably from a fit of rage by Slacker. Now, however, the Slacker looks ready to fall asleep... until his door is busted open, and Calvin Szechstein steps inside, nattily attired in a suit and red tie.


"Slacker, baby! Look, I'm sorry about what happened in your match, but my people at Mountain Dew told me I had to get their product across, and they wanted me to run in on your match to do it. No hard feelings - just business, right?


The Slacker looks down at Calvin's arm and back up at his face. "Look, man, it's really not that big of a deal - I can take a loss once in a while, right? It's the whole... oh, screw it, I'll tell you later."


Szechstein looks down at Slacker, a bit upset that the smaller man can't tell him anything. "Why can't you tell me now? Here," Calvin sticks a hand inside his suit and pulls out a bottle of Pepsi Crystal, handing it to Slacker and continuing, "this stuff will make you have not a care in the world. Take a sip, calm down, and tell me what's wrong."


Slacker looks at the bottle. "I'll tell you later, man, I'm not thirsty."


Szechstein looks down at Slacker, his white complexion turning a bright red. "You don't like Pepsi?"


"Well, if you want the truth I was always a Coke man myself..."


Calvin looks at Slacker, horrified. He turns around, adjusting his tie, and the door bursts open again, the large figure of Terry Simmons stepping into view! Slacker looks at the big man and that familiar "why-me" crosses his face, as Simmons charges across the room, catching Slacker as he stands up with the clothesline from hell! Slacker is left lying on the hard tile floor as Simmons turns away from him, smiling. As he walks by Szechstein the smaller man drapes an arm across his back.


"We need to see about getting you a new finish... how about the Mountain Dew LiveWire leg drop? You know, they're coming out with that new orange flavor, we could get you some bright orange tights and..."


Szechstein's voice trails off as we fade to black.


[Dungeon of Doom, with the creepy music playing]

Mario is sitting on his throne, with blue mist surrounding him; he still appears to be suffering the affects of his recent match with the Slacker.


Mario: At AM II, I was told that I would only be allowed to have one monster at my side if I lost to Jingus, but since when have I listened to anyone here?! Some of you would like to know my opinion on the roster split, well, top tell you all the truth, I think its extremely ghey to be HeldDown. Seriously, that show is a joke; they have nothing but mere jobbers. So far IZ has brought in talent I would like to work with, so please draft me there with my monsters as one unit. Now to my real purpose for this promo, I’ am bringing in a monster so powerful that even the Holy Bible Kid once bowed to him at one time, I’ am talking of Super Shredder!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!


The wall breaks open, and Super Shredder is winded from his action. Suddenly an OAOAST official interrupts.


Random official: Mario, what did Jingus tell you! Either you put your toys back in the box, or you will not be placed on any show! Which is it?!


Super Shredder struggles to get to the official.


Official: All right, I’m signing your pink slip this instant.

Mario: Back down!

Official: Good Mario, you have already taken your first step in becoming an actual wrestler.

Mario: All right, two monsters, one as my sidekick, the other as your janitor.

Official: Fine!


The camera pans to Axl Rose who is wearing a Denny’s uniform while sweeping the floor, Mario goes over and takes away his broom and gives it to Shredder. As soon as Shredder sweeps, his elbows separate. Mario turns to his monsters.


Mario: Well it’s been a good ride, but one day I promise you all, that you will be able to work in an e-fed again. Remember, the Dungeon will never die! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mario and the official leave as the monsters all wave good-bye to their careers. Mario turns back and puts “Out of Business” sign on the Iron Gates of Fate. As Mario leaves with the official, suddenly……………….


Voice: 3! 2! 1! And now!!


An explosion is heard, and the Dungeon implodes.


Official: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, that I hired a demolition crew to demolish the Dungeon to make sure you follow your promise. You also need to make some more changes, like wash your hair, change your clothes, and bathe a least once a week.

Mario: I lived in there!

Official: I’ll buy you a large carrying case, until you find a real home, oh and who was your monster.


Mario snaps his fingers, and Jason comes out, and tosses the official through the gates. Mario raises his arm.


Mario: Jason, you know what to do.


Jason drags the official by the hair and he and Mario deliver a Pit Stop to the official. The official’s face becomes distorted and green. (Watch the Ring for details)


Mario: Let’s go see if we end up on IZ.


Mario and Jason leave.



D: I'll take the Dungeon


AS: What a move!


D: and Nanks


AS: I'm Scared


D: Orion too


AS: Doesn't he hate BPP


D: So BPP can kick his ass


AS: As If... Give me Simmons (he's funny), Gladiator, and Paul Stanley


D: You're in a hurry


AS: Missing my Sopranos repeat


D: How you DOIN?


AS: Shutup and pick


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Guest Big Poppa Popick

::Scene opens in Crystal's locker room as she finishes adjusting her kneepads. She gives herself a quick smile in the mirror and heads towards the door as Black Widow's music can be heard as she makes her entrance for their match. She pulls it open to see SPIDERPOET standing right outside, grinning wickedly at her. It's one of the most sadistic smiles she has ever, ever seen and it causes her to back up a step or two, which is normally not something she would do in such a situation. She quickly tries to throw the door closed, but SP effortlessly pushes it back, slamming it back against the wall.


JR: Oh my Gawd, what the hell is HE doing there!

Jesse: Look at that LOOK in his EYES, JR.

JR: I see it Jesse . . . and I don't like it.


He steps in, adjusting his elbow pads and his gloves, glaring at Crystal. "So," he says, his casual, calm voice betraying the wicked stare his eyes throw at her. "You can't possibly think I'd let your little stunt last week go unanswered, do you? You FORCED ME to hit the woman I LOVE with my CRUTCH!"


JR: What? He's crazy! It was a damn disrespect to Widow to try and help her cheat!

Jesse: Hey, like he said, that's the 'Boyfriend Thing,' JR!


Crystal, now recovering her wits, sneers at him. "I didn't force you to do anything you idio--"


"YOU FORCED ME TO HIT HER! I WAS TRYING TO HELP AND YOU DIDN'T PLAY ALONG." Poet picks up a chair and clinks it shut. "Then you try and bury the hatchet . . . try to make me look like the bad guy. Give her a re-match and not let me help?" Poet slowly raises the chair.


JR: NO. No, no, now Poet don't --


Crystal, again paralyzed by the sheer intensity this man is giving off, shakes her head. "What are you TALKING about? What are you doing?"


"Finishing the job I started last week."





Jesse: " . . . "


Poet swung for the fences, and Crystal actually goes airborne, slamming into a nearby wall before her eyes roll into the back of her head and she slumps to the ground. Poet glares at her, runs his hands through his hair, and throws the chair down before simply exiting the room.


JR: Some -- Somebody get that girl some help! He could have killed her! Somebody get to the back!

Jesse: I need a drink . . .



Out in the ring, Black Widow watches the AngleTron in shock and horror, having come out for her match. The footage was aired to the arena and she saw it all. She hesitates for a moment before bailing out of the ring and running up the ramp.


JR: Jesse, I'm not sure that she knew about this . . .

Jesse: Oh, she knew Ross. She probably masterminded the whole thing!


Widow reaches the top of the stage to see SpiderPoet emerge from the curtain, smiling to himself as he limps out. The two exchange words, and it apparently becomes rather heated, and she finally slaps him. Hard. Across the face. And then she storms behind the curtain, leavin SP rubbing his jaw as the crowd cheers Widow's actions. He looks around at the mass of people, mouths off a few choice words and raises a one finger salute to all of them before hobbling back behind the curtain himself.


* * *


JR: And now, after last week's tragic accident, we have Bill Watts standing at John Hopkins Medical Center with a word on Big Poppa Popick's condition...Bill?


BW: JR, I can hear you loud and clear. Right now I am standing outside of BPP's hospital room, having special permission to be in this wing. Normally they don't allow visitors even back here due to the trauma treatments ongoing in this section of the ward.


JR: What kind of treatment is he getting?


BW: Well first JR the doctors have told me that BPP is suffering from three physical injuries evident after that botched Pop Drop ::replay shows in bottom left corner:: First, 2nd and 3rd vertebrae snapped and were crushed. They've since been repair and doctors can safely say that feeling is beginning to return to BPP's lower body.


JR: That's good news.


BW: Relatively. Additionally, the spinal mishap also lodged a bone fragment cortex tissue immediately above the spinal column. Doctor's tell me that this region in partical, the DeFoor's dimple, is thought to control and regulate certain sights and sounds. The damage he has received has warped this area, leaving a pocket of fluid intermixed. Right now, when BPP is awake, he is partially aware of who he is and where he is at, but will lapse into a quasi trance state where he will see and hear and speak to things that are not there


JR: That is not good news.


BW: It gets worse. We already knew he was preoccupied with religion before as a way of handling issues with Sandman and internal OaOasT Problems. It was these thoughts that were on his mind when the injury happened, and so his delusions are of the spiritual kind. At times he behaves and acts like a different person. Doctors are working with BPP when he is in his normal state to stabilize these personality changes. They have strategies for this that they hope work, but right now, BPP is in no state to compete or otherwise.


JR: Our prayers go out with him, I am sure the fans are pulling for him to make it.


BW: So am I JR. So am I.



AS: Fine, I guess I should pick myself


D: Yup...Give me Jailbait and Tiger dood


AS: Isn't Van Siclen back?


D: Yup


AS: I'll take him, he owes me a job


D: Who else?


AS: CanadianChik...I like my women


D: Too bad they don't like you


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Guest Big Poppa Popick

Orion in the ring with his F13 Title belt.



All right, Popick, I'm giving you a second chance. Because I'm such a nice guy, I'm giving you another shot at MY F13 Title belt. I know you're back there; enough with this "Oh, I'm injured" bullshit!



Oh, come on! We know that Popick isn't even in the arena tonight; he's at home recuperating from his injuries last week at the hands of Zach Malibu! This is just disrespect, plain and simple!



Duh, we just had Bill Watts at the John Hopkins hospital talking about it



If you don't come out here, it will PROVE what I think once and for all: that you're nothing but a FRAUD! Come on, Popick!


"Hate Me Now" hits and Reject stands at the top of the ramp with a microphone. He opens his mouth to speak, but thinks better of it and charges the ring instead. The ref rings the bell...



...And this impromptu title match is on!


F13 Title Match: Orion © vs. Reject


Reject slides in under the bottom rope, nails Orion with several right hands, and clotheslines him over the top rope. He follows him outside and whips Orion into the ringsteps. As Reject reaches down to pick him up by the hair, Orion headbutts him low to turn the tide. Taking control, he slams Reject's head into the side of the ring and rolls inside, waiting for Reject to follow him. As Reject rolls back in, Orion drops an elbow on him and covers; it only gets a one-count.


Orion whips Reject into the ropes and bends down to back body drop him, but Reject leapfrogs him and keeps running. Orion turns around and gets a flying bodypress! 1...2...Orion barely gets his shoulder up in time! Reject bounces off the ropes to clothesline Orion but is met with a crescent kick! Reject stumbles back into the corner. As the referee goes over to check on him, Orion stumbles into the opposite corner and quickly exposes the middle turnbuckle.



And now Orion's exposing that solid steel! There's no need for that!



Come on JR, he's setting him up for the 315! This'll make sure it puts him out!


Orion goes over to Reject and goes for a corner-to-corner whip. Reject reverses it, however, sending Orion flying back-first into the exposed steel.


JR And now Orion gets a taste of his own medicine!


Reject goes for a spear to finish Orion, but he moves out of the corner just in time, sending Reject's face and shoulder into the ringpost and exposed corner- andsetting him up perfectly for the 315. With Reject kneeling facing into the corner, Orion (still selling the back injury) stumbles to the opposite corner. Running across the ring, he delivers a Bossman straddle to Reject, slamming his face into the steel- a 315. Reject falls backward toward the center of the ring. Orion falls on top for the cover. 1....(Orion puts his feet on the bottom rope)2....3! The ref calls for the bell.

Winner and still F13 Champion: Orion



WHAT THE HELL! Orion just cheated his way ti a victory over Reject! He demands respect, but cheats every chance he gets!


Orion rolls to the outside and backs up the ramp, celebrating as "Headstrong" plays over a chorus of boos. Reject is still motionless in the ring and is now bleeding from the forehead.


Cute to: Backstage




"Come on, Widow. Let me in."


We are looking at the women's locker room, where paramedics have been in and out, but Widow has personally barred SP from getting in. The anger and frustration is very evident in his voice and the twisted sneer on his face. "Damn it, Widow, I'm not gonna ask again. Let me in or I'll break friggin' door down!"




"Hey Poet, why don't you leave the lady alone. You've done enough damage for one night." SP turns towards the sound of the voice, a voice that is trying to calm him down, a voice of reason. The voice of ROAD AGENT RICK MARTEL. As the camera widens to include him in the shot, SP turns and sees who it is. He looks Martel up and down, choosing his words carefully.


"Back off, Roadie. I'm not in the mood to deal with a has-been today."


"Spidey, Watts sent me to tell you to just drop this stuff tonight, ok? There's some major stuff we've got going on and we don't need somebody to get seriously hurt back here tonight over something stupid. So . . . for us . . . drop it."


Spidey rubs his jaw as he mulls over the request. Suddenly, his hand lashes out and wraps around Martel's throat and SP is forcing him back into the hall away from the locker rooms. "SOMETHING STUPID? STUPID?" SP forces Martel back against two stacked equipment crates and lays two quick rights into him before hoisting him up into a press and suddenly dropping, hitting the TILDEBANG~! on RICK MARTEL! SP gets up and sneers at the fallen agent. "There, Ricky. I dropped somethin'." SP spits on him, looks towards the locker rooms again, and walks off, clearly distraught and angry.



AS: Fine...You can have Rob Roy


D: Adam Roy


AS: Whatever...damn scots


D: He's not...


AS: Brockk


D: Over-rated


AS: He's mine


D: Whoop-de-do


AS: Who else for you smartass?


D: Ice, Jay, and Undisputed


AS: Damn, gives me Flik and Colvid


D: Yup


AS: We done?


D: Yup


AS: Wrong


D: ?


::AngleSault jumps over the table and Angle-Plexes Damian through the contract table


AS: Bring it bitch


D: owwwww



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Guest Big Poppa Popick

We come back, and the lights in the arena have gone out, as fans are shrouded in darkness. All of a sudden, the TV flashes the images from the AngleTron, of water dripping from a faucet, into the hands of someone...someone looking into a mirror...Zack Malibu.


*Wake me up*


Wake me up inside


*I can't wake up*


Wake me up inside


*Save me!*


Call my name and save me from the dark.


The ever-popular "Bring Me To Life" booms over the PA, as Zack Malibu and Alison recieve a heroes welcome. The Preppy One and his main squeeze head down to the ring, no doubt with a lot on their mind after the events of last week.


Zack gets into the ring, somewhat more mellowed, almost somber. He requests the mic from the ring announcer, and his music fades out.


Zack begins to talk, but waits for the cheers to die down a bit. He gives a seemingly half-hearted smile, not because he doesn't appreciate it, but it looks like he's been replaying last week over and over in his head.


ZM:"The reason I'm out here, is because..."


Off-camera voice:"Oh GIVE IT A REST!"


The fans, in shock, turn to see who said that. Barging out from the back, live mic in hand, is EvenflowDDT, wearing a neck brace!?


EfDDT:"Come off it already Zack. Enough with the puppy dog eyes,and the sympathy pleas. I'm sick of it.


Evenflow enters the ring, his face a cocky grimace. Zack is both shocked and appalled, as Alison takes her spot at his side, away from her former flame.


EfDDT:"Why are you really out here, Zack? I'll tell you why. I'll explain it to you, and to all these people, because even you don't believe why. You don't WANT to believe why. The truth is Zack, is that YOU have become the monster! You put the blame on me all this time, but it's obvious that it's been you all along. That little green monster known as envy...the bug known as jealousy, has finally brought you over the edge. Boys in the truck, rollllllllllllll that tape for me!"


EvenflowDDT points up to the AngleTron as if he's a game show host pointing out a prize. There, on the AngleTron, is an image of last week, when Zack Malibu dropped Big Poppa Popick with a POP Drop. As a result of the move, BPP told Zack he couldn't move."


EfDDT:"I love this part..."


The same footage, now shown in slow motion...then rewound...then shown AGAIN...




Zack's voice booms through the arena, causing Evenflow to turn back around. Over his shoulder, you see the AngleTron go back to the view we see on TV.


EfDDT:"Whatsa matter, Zack? Does the truth hurt? Does it hurt as much as say, paralysis? I'm just out here to ask why, Zack? What did we ever do to you? What did I ever do to you? We're your friends, man... how the hell could you ignore that? Why'd you have to hurt me, Zack, why'd you have to take everything I worked for? Why did you have to cripple Popick, Zack? Because he won a title shot? Are you that afraid of defeat? What are you going to do, injure everyone on the god damn roster because they pose a threat to you?"


Zack goes to respond, but Evenflow knocks his mic away.




JR:"Fans, we apologize for the langauge."


EfDDT:"For nearly a year, Zack...nearly a year you had me blinded. It's true, I was the happiest I'd ever been. The glitz, the glamour, oh yeah, we lived the life. But then it all went to hell, I got screwed up, and instead of sticking with me you just went for that belt. Oh, that belt! It's so big and shiny, I bet it looks GREAT on your wall, with your diplomas, your trophies, all your achievements; you're nothing but a shallow little kid, a superficial son of a bitch. Why did you chase that belt, Zack? Because of some fantasy you cooked up, some boyhood dream? Or was it for the money, Zack? The fringe benefits of being on top...that was it, wasn't it? That's all you care about, is being in charge, being the boss...who was the leader of The In Crowd? Holy shit, it was YOU! Who's the big bad champion...Oh my God, it's ZACK MALIBU! Does that make you happy? Do you enjoy backstabbing everyone to stay on top? Do you enjoy having all that blood on your hand and on your conscience? I guess, so, but it makes me SICK!"


Zack goes to respond again...




EvenflowDDT rips the mic out of Zack's hand, and THROWS IT INTO THE CROWD!


EfDDT:"You're afraid, Zack. You're afraid of losing that pull, losing that stardom. You don't want to burn out, you don't want to fade away, well that's too damn bad! Why did you choose me for The In Crowd, anyways? You want to tell the people why...oh wait, you don't have the mic, I do! People, Zack Malibu chose EvenflowDDT for the In Crowd, he made me his "Best Friend" (does quote gesture with his fingers) because I beat his ass. His first PPV match, my first PPV match and who won? It was ME! You might have beaten everyone from Angle-Plex to Mr. Zsasz, but you haven't beaten ME! So what do you do? You suck up to me, you bribe me, you persuade me to join your merry charade, and you know what, I bought it. I ate your shit with a silver spoon and washed it down with vintage champagne, and now I regret EVERY DAMN MINUTE OF IT. You're no champion, you're no hero. You're a fraud. And what, now you want to play chivalrous and swipe the girl away from the villain? You make ME OUT TO BE THE VILLAIN! I am a VICTIM, People! A victim of circumstances brought upon me by THIS MAN! What the hell did I ever do? I fought your battles, Zack. I bled for you. I stuck up for you when Superstar started seeing right through you,and I lived in denial for nearly a year. I actually thought being little more than your lackey made me accepted, popular, and respected. But when I lost it all...I saw the bigger picture. Sometimes it takes a tragedy to see where you are, and where you're going. I was useless; carelessly cast aside like a piece of fuckin' trash. Because that's all I really am now, right? A rich kid come loser come rich kid come loser come nothing. What about me? What about evenflow? You just cut me off, and now that you've invited bigger and better victims to leech I've had a one way ticket to midcard hell while you got all you ever wanted. What more could you get? What don't you possibly have? When are you going to stop? Are you just going to keep breaking others for the hell of it? No more, Zack. I'm tired. I'm sick of it. I'm coming after you, and I'm going to hit you where it hurts. You see this neck brace around my neck, you think maybe something happened, a car wreck on the way here, maybe a sprain? No, Zack, it's a reminder...that you broke your friends neck on national TV. Think of BPP when you look at me Zack, c'mon, try and break MY neck! Think of the way you destroyed my spirit, my career. Think of how you cut me off when I depended on you the most. Oh, and see her? That girl on your arm, let her remind you of me, because she was mine first, and YOU TOOK HER AWAY! You could have had any girl, and you took MINE? I DID EVERYTHING FOR HER! I NEARLY DIED FOR HER! I TOOK ON HER OWN FLESH AND BLOOD FOR THE RIGHT TO LOVE HER, AND WHAT DO YOU DO? YOU TAKE ALL THAT AND YOU SPIT IN MY FACE! I HATE YOU! I...hate....you..."


Evenflow's voice starts getting softer, he seems to be calming down, as Zack and Alison look on perplexed, and in horror.


EfDDT:"Go ahead, Zack. You too, Alison. Pretend it's all a lie. Pretend that I'm the charade, I really don't care. Because I have nothing to lose anymore. And the man with nothing to lose is the most dangerous man of all."


EvenflowDDT seems spent just from that promo, and throws the mic at Zack's feet. Evenflow gives him a cold stare, and then turns and exits, not to any music, or boos, just to stunned silence.


*Commercial Break*

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

::Widow walks off while Crystal looks at her with a thoughtful look in her eyes::


JR: That probably pumped Evenflow up for his match next against the Superstar...He'll be back on in a minute!


The Superstar vs. EvenflowDDT


CUE: “Big Long Now”


The Superstar storms out of the curtain, and is immediately greeted by the jeers of the audience. Superstar walks on, ignoring them. This is his last chance to prove what he’s made of before the roster split. He gets into the ring, and shows off his new “Star Power” shirt before taking it off and waiting for his opponent.


CUE: “I’m Only Shooting Love”


EvenflowDDT enters the arena and, like Superstar, is overwhelmed with a negative reaction. He slowly walks to the ring, obviously with his mind on the OAOAST Heavyweight Champion, Zack Malibu. When he goes to enter the ring, Superstar charges with a baseball slide, taking him down and the match is on!




Superstar grabs Evenflow by the hair and drives him into the guardrail immediately. He peppers him with punches, but Flow is able to get a knee to the gut and get some punches of his own, before sending Superstar into the ring.


Superstar attempts a vertical suplex, but Evenflow blocks it and lands a jawbreaker. Evenflow grabs Superstar by the legs, and catapults him into the turnbuckle. Superstar stays there, so Evenflow clotheslines him, to the back of the head, over the top rope!


Evenflow takes his time exiting the ring, which actually gives Superstar time to recover. SS grabs Flow and whips him HARD into the steel ring steps. Superstar charges in with a clothesline, but Evenflow moves, and Superstar’s arm CRASHES into the ring post! Superstar shouts in pain, and clutches his shoulder. Evenflow notices this immediately, and lands some punches on the shoulder, and whips HIM into the stairs, as Superstar goes in shoulder-first. Flow rolls SS back into the ring, and covers him, for two.


Superstar reverses an Irish whip, but telegraphs a backdrop, and Evenflow gets a snap suplex. He goes right back to the arm, working in a modified armbar. Superstar fights out and reaches his feet, but Evenflow turns it into a hammerlock. SS escapes this by going under Flow’s legs, turning it into a PUMPHANDLE SLAM. Cover gets two. Superstar follows this up by whipping Evenflow into the ropes and nailing a Samoan Drop. SS picks him up and goes for the high-angle back suplex, but Evenflow lands on his feet, and when Superstar turns around, nails him with a SPEAR~!


Evenflow then locks in a CROSS ARMBREAKER. Superstar tries to fight out, but can’t, so instead focuses on making it to the ropes. He eventually does, but Evenflow doesn’t let go of the hold. Finally, at the five count, Flow breaks, and gets in the referee’s face. Superstar uses this to pop behind him and nail a German Suplex, but immediately afterwards he clutches his arm. Both men get up at the same time, and charge at each other. They BOTH duck clotheslines, and as they run at each other again, Evenflow catches Superstar with a Single Arm DDT. Cover: 1, 2, NO~! Evenflow picks Superstar up, hoists him onto his shoulders, and brings him down into a SHOULDERBREAKER. Flow turns Superstar onto his stomach, and quickly locks in the CRIPPLER CROSSFACE~!


Evenflow WRENCHES the hold in, as Superstar looks like he’s about to tap. However, he makes it to the ropes, and since Evenflow once again doesn’t let go immediately, Superstar uses the ropes to lift himself up, with Evenflow ON his shoulders…into a DEATH VALLEY DRIVER~! Superstar covers: ONE, TWO, NO! Superstar slowly picks Evenflow up, but Flow gets an undetected low blow. He sets up Superstar for the Primadonna, but Superstar lifts him over with a bridging suplex! One, two, NO~! Evenflow and Superstar both use the turnbuckle to get up, and once they do, Superstar ducks a wild clothesline, and nails a High-Angle Belly-to-Back suplex. Instead of covering, Superstar goes up top, but MISSES a Frog Splash. Evenflow waits for him to get up, and KICK WHAM BOGUS JOURNEY~! Evenflow WRENCHES in the armbar, and Superstar looks like he may give up. However, he finally spins out of the hold, but Evenflow kicks him RIGHT in the arm to take him down again.


This time, Evenflow goes to the top rope (!), and goes for a MOONSAULT (!!!), and MISSES! Superstar takes this opportunity to lock in the MAIN EVENT SLEEPER~! Evenflow is fading fast…the arm drops once…the arm drops twice…the arm drops THR-…NO!! Evenflow is NOT out, and elbows out of the predicament. Superstar goes for a brainbuster, but Evenflow goes behind him, and locks in a CROSSFACE CHICKENWING!! Superstar’s shoulder is ripping at the seams, but he shows no signs of giving in. However, he IS slowly fading out. But when Evenflow tries to bring Superstar to the mat, he fights it, and runs to the turnbuckles, and escapes with a modified SLICED BREAD #2~! With one arm, Superstar covers: 1…2…3NO~!!!!!!!


Using his one good arm, Superstar hoists Evenflow onto his shoulder in Tombstone position…STAR POWER DRIVER~! Cover: 1…2…3!


No, the referee informs Superstar that Flow’s foot was on the bottom rope! Irritated over this, Superstar sets up Evenflow for the Star Power…but while lifting Evenflow up, his shoulder gives out, and he drops Evenflow, while collapsing to the ground, hitting the referee in the process! Superstar uses his good arm to grab the ropes and get up, but walks right into the KICK WHAM…EVENFLOW DDT~!!!!!! Cover, but there’s no ref to count the pinfall! Evenflow goes to check on the referee, which gives Superstar recovery time, as he sneaks in a LOW BLOW! With EvenflowDDT doubled over, Superstar runs to the ropes…THE DOWNFALL~!!!!!! But once again, there’s no ref to count the pin, so Superstar doesn’t bother. He spies the top turnbuckle as his target, and slowly makes his way up. Once on the top rope, he tries to position himself, but his arm is bothering him.


Evenflow is UP, and he runs into the rope, dropping Superstar groin-first onto the rope. Evenflow runs, but Superstar sees it coming, and fires off punches with his good (right) arm, which stagger Evenflow. Evenflow stumbles backwards, and Superstar once again stands on the top rope. However, Evenflow charges again, scales the ropes, and nails a beautiful








Superstar’s arm may be WRENCHED out of the socket! Evenflow hooks the leg on the pin, as the referee comes back into position!










Winner: EvenflowDDT (via a Top Rope Armdrag)


JESSE: What?


JR: Wasn't that great?


JESSE: Supershit didn't win, that makes me happy


JR: Still bitter


JESSE: Like a lemon


JR: Up next World Title, Zack and K Money


JESSE: Nice Transition


JR: Bite me.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

"777" by Danzig hits, as the lights go down. Suddenly, pyro explodes, echoing through the arena, and when the smoke clears, K Money and Josie are standing at the entranceway. Money turns to each side, smirking at the crowd, who greets him with a blend of both boos and cheers. He powerwalks down the aisle, followed closely by his main squeeze. K Money hops up on the apron, nodding his head and making the belt motion across his waist, as tonight he's being given the chance of a lifetime.


Again, the lights go down, as the soft beginning to Evanescence's "Bring Me To Life" begins to play. Every eye on the arena is focused on the AngleTron, viewing the entrance video for the World Champion...




*Wake me up*


Blue and gold pyro shower Zack and Alison, exploding just as the song moves into the heavier chorus. Zack and Alison each head to a side of the stage, working the crowd up into a frenzy as only they can. The crowd goes nuts for the popular prep, as he makes his way down the aisle, this time to take on the hot young newcomer who awaits him in the ring.


Jesse:"I've gotta question Zack Malibu's persistence. The guy had back to back matches last week. He came off that incredible title win to take on Big Poppa Popick, and while we know what happened there, what about the ankle? I think this is a stupid move."


JR:"Why is it stupid? To be a fighting champion?"


Jesse:"To be fighting with a bad wheel is. He's had one week of rest. You don't see K Money walking around with a broken ankle...he could take this one!"


JR:"I think Zack is gonna be just fine."


Jesse:"We'll see JR..."


Malibu gets in the ring, as Alison stays on the outside in the corner. Josie, who is up on the apron rubbing K Money's shoulders, hops down. The young superstar comes forward as the bell rings, and this one begins NOW!


Looks like both men are looking for a lockup...NO, K Money takes Zack down with a quick arm drag. He looks for a dropkick, but Zack swats it away, sending him crashing to the mat. Money gets up, and Zack sends him stumbling backwards with two chops across the chest, drawing the traditional "WHOO!" in honor of Ric Flair from the crowd. Zack attempts an Irish Whip, but Money reverses, pulling Zack in for a belly to belly suplex...COUNTER by Zack, who rolls K Money over to the mat with a headlock! Money quickly slips free, and locks his legs over Zack's head...Zack tries to get up, but gets taken down with a headscissors by K Money! Zack gets right back up, but K Money is well aware, and sends Zack into the ropes, however he makes the mistake of putting his head down! Zack kicks him, sending him back to a standing position, then follows with a lariat that folds K Money in half! Money rolls out under the bottom rope and into the arms of Josie as quickly as he can, while Zack continues to work the crowd, Alison leading the applause.


JR:"Some great matwork by the champion and challenger there. Looks like K Money has had some good influences."


Jesse:"Paul London, Scoot Andrews, Michael Modest...they're all great wrestlers, great technicians all of them. With inspiration like that, this K Money is sure to go places."


K Money comes back in, slingshotting himself over the top rope and landing on his feet. He raises his arms in a gloating fashion, draws mostly boos. However, he extends a hand to Zack. Zack slaps it in a "high five" manner, and the two begin to circle each other.


Lockup in the center of the ring, and K Money attempts a go behind...countered by Zack...K Money breaks Zack's grip, and then jumps forward, hooking his legs under Zack's arms and following through with a victory roll! The referee dives to the mat for the count...just a 2!


Zack gets up, and K Money tries to nail him with a superkick, but Zack catches it, and makes the "no way" motion to K Money! Zack swings his leg away, then plants Money with an inverted atomic drop! As Money is reeling, Zack comes up and puts him on the mat with a Russian Legsweep, then floats over into a pin! Again, the ref slides down...Kickout at 2 by K Money!


JR:"Zack had that move well scouted."


Jesse:"Well, considering he's been using the School's Out version of a superkick since, oh, his DEBUT, I'd say he's pretty familiar with it."


JR:"I don't remember you being this sarcastic when running for Governor."


Jesse:"I wasn't, but working alongside you, it comes in handy."


JR:"Bitter, Jess?"


Jesse:"Me? You're the one stuck under a cowboy hat...I stopped wearing those things years ago!"


The back and forth action in the commentators booth continues, as does the action in the ring. K Money and Zack trade chops back and forth, the sound of the blows filling the air in the arena. K Money attempts to send Zack into the turnbuckles, but Zack counters, only to have Money counter, and Zack crashes into the turnbuckles chest first! K Money then charges the corner himself, as Zack is staggering backwards out of it, springs to the top, and leaps off, turning in mid air and flattening Zack with a crossbody! Money hooks the leg! 1...2...KICKOUT!


Money seems a bit shocked, but keeps up the offense. He pulls Zack up in a front facelock, keeping him stunned with forearms to the back. Money then lifts Zack up, and drops him stomach first across the top rope! Money then runs to the corner, jumps up again, and this time turns in mid air and legdrops Zack off the top rope! Josie yells for K Money to cover Zack, and he obliges! 1...2...Zack kicks out AGAIN!


JR:"This kid is on top of his game tonight! He's definitely got the champion well scouted."


Money pulls Zack up again, then puts him back on the mat with a beautiful standing dropkick. Money then hops over Zack, and springs up to the top rope, then floats over and moonsaults Zack...NO! ZACK ROLLED OUT OF THE WAY!


Jesse:"Ooh, that might have been too many high risk moves for Money, and it caught up to him."


JR:"The youngster is very graceful, but this ain't about showing off."


Zack pops up and comes at Money, who is dazed. Zack hits two elbows to the side of K Money's face, catching him right on the cheek. Zack then spins around, trying for a Roaring Elbow~! but K Money ducks it, and drops Zack with a belly to back suplex! K Money goes over to the corner, and leans against it. Josie hops up on the apron to check on her man.


Alison encourages Zack to get up, slamming on the apron and getting the crowd more into things. Money turns back to Zack, who is on his feet, and nails him with a punch...another punch, and another punch, the final one backing him into the ropes. He Irish Whips Zack to the other side, but Zack reverses it. This time, Zack puts his head down, and K Money returns the favor from earlier in the match, kicking Zack's head up, then leaps up with a huracanrana...NO! Zack holds on...SITOUT POWERBOMB! MONEY GOT DRILLED INTO THE CANVAS! 1...2...KICKOUT BY K MONEY!


Josie puts her hand over her heart, nearly going into conniptions that her guy lost his big chance. Zack picks K Money up, and drops him with a side slam, right in the same spot he was just powerbombed in. Zack goes up to the top, and Josie starts freaking out. She jumps up on the apron, and starts distracting Zack! Alison jumps up on the other side, and when the ref goes to tend to her, Josie knocks Zack off balance, crotching him on the top rope! Alison comes into the ring, and the crowd goes NUTS as she dives at Josie, and nearly goes through the ropes, spearing Josie off the apron! Alison shouts down to Josie, but doesn't see K Money coming up behind her! She turns, and he starts yelling at her for...MISSLE DROPKICK BY ZACK! Zack came off the top and took out K Money before anything could happen to Alison! Alison gets out of the ring, as Zack goes for the cover...2 3/4 OF A COUNT!


JR:"Oh man, business is picking up for sure in this one!"


Jesse:"Hey, this is a great match. Great action, hot women...this could be better than AngleMania!"


Zack goes to pick K Money up, but Money throws his legs up around Zack's neck, using his leg muscle to squeeze and bring Zack to the ground! Zack tries to fight it, but Money keeps the scissors locked on tight. Zack looks like he's getting worn, as the oxygen is getting cut off from his system. With his last ounce of energy, he fights up, pulling K Money up with him...POWERBOMB!...NO, K Money breaks the hold, and lands on his feet. He kicks Zack in the stomach, and bounces off the ropes, nailing Zack with a spinning wheel kick! K Money covers again...ZACK KICKS OUT JUST BEFORE 3!


Maintaining his composure, K Money looks at the fallen Zack, and drops an elbow on him to keep him down. He then motions for the top rope, and makes the belt motion again, drawing jeers from the many Zack fans in attendance. Money starts climbing up the ropes, shouting out to the fans, and not seeing that Zack is up behind him! K Money stands on the top rope, his back to the ring, and Zack comes charging, jumping up with a dropkick to the back of Money's leg, taking him down crotch-first and HARD onto the top turnbuckle! Money falls backwards to the mat, and is howling in pain, on his knees. Zack sees him down, and backs up, then charges ahead...ZACK ATTACK TO K MONEY! Zack is on fire now, worked up by sheer adrenaline and the rush of the crowd cheers. He calls for the P.O.P. DROP, but...WHAT THE HELL?


EvenflowDDT has made his way down the aisle! Alison tries to block him, but he lightly shoves her aside. She continues to block him from interfering, and finally he SHOVES her to the floor! Zack sees this and leaps up, springboarding off the top rope and flying through the air with a bodypress onto Evenflow! Zack looks to the crowd, who are chanting his name, and then goes to check on Alison. As he does so, he doesn't realize Evenflow is quick to get up. 'Flow, still sporting a neck brace (like he said he would earlier) knocks a fan over, and grabs their chair! He spins Zack around...EvenflowDDT BY EvenflowDDT, on the steel chair! Zack is out cold, as Alison screams at Evenflow. K Money slides out of the ring, seeing as how Evenflow just cost him the title, and starts to question his actions. Evenflow raises his hands in surrender, saying his problem is with Zack. Money looks discouraged, but before anything can come of it, Evenflow kicks him in the gut, and DDT's HIM on the floor! The crowd drowns 'Flow in boos, as he backs up the ramp. Both women look on to their men, as the camera gets a final shot of Evenflow's sick smiling mug before we fade to black.





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Guest Big Poppa Popick

Props to everyone who did shit


This is our 1 year show. Congrats to those of us who have been around to see this thing through


It's been a wild ride


If you're going to read any show in totality, this is it. This is a milestone for any e-fed


Take a bow y'all


And above all, give feedback


And remember



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