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Guest Youth N Asia

Weekend Boxoffice report

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Guest Youth N Asia

1 Phone Booth $15,025,000/$15,025,000


2 What a Girl Wants $12,060,000/$12,060,000


3 A Man Apart $11,150,000/$11,150,000


4 Head of State $8,800,000/$25,300,000


5 Bringing Down the House $8,500,000/$111,300,000


6 The Core $6,300,000/$20,921,000


7 Basic $5,400,000/$20,036,000


8 Chicago $5,314,000/$152,182,159


9 Agent Cody Banks $3,700,000/$40,078,000


10 Piglet's Big Movie $3,000,000/$17,000,000


11 Dreamcatcher $2,630,000/$30,151,000


12 The Pianist $2,148,000/$26,622,000

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Guest Mole

I meant to post this yesterday, but I forgot.


Phone Booth will be a steady sleeper and stay hight because of word of mouth.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I would have posted but I've been without internet for about 5 days. I'm only on now cause I'm at a friends house.

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Guest Zero_Cool

I'm going to have to go see Phone Booth. People say it's badass, and Forest Whitaker rocks the body that..you know..


Speaking of Forest, who here has seen Vision Quest? I don't even think he had a line, he was just there, due to it being an 80s teen sports movie and all.

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Guest bob_barron
I meant to post this yesterday, but I forgot.


Phone Booth will be a steady sleeper and stay hight because of word of mouth.

No it won't. It only got a C+ from CinemaScore which doesn't bode well for long term prospects

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Guest Youth N Asia

My buddy downloaded Phonebooth a week ago. It was pretty good, but a little on the short side. I think it's only about an hour and fifteen minutes.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Vin Diesel has a flop! I hope this is the beginning of a trend.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Vin Diesel has a flop! I hope this is the beginning of a trend.

I don't know if I'd call $11.5 million opening weekend a flop.


And to tell you the truth, the previews they showed with LOTRL Two Towers and the one with Final Destination 2 actually made the movie look good. But the one they're showing on tv doesn't do anything for me.


But hey, I'm all about Diesel hate. I still say the guy has some retardation in him...he talks a little too slow to be normal.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

The knock on Phone Booth seems to be that it's just average and it's only 80 minutes.

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Guest El Satanico

Uh...yeah 3rd place and 11.5 mill isn't even close to being a flop.


Besides Knockaround Guys bombed last year so there goes your "Omg a Diesel film flopped" exclamation out the window.


And like Knockaround Guys, A Man Apart is a film the studio shelved and forgot about until Diesel became a star. Both were probably movies that wouldn't have been released if Diesel didn't hit it big.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Safe to say The Core is a flop?...

Dunno, I'd like to know how much they had into it before I call it a flop. An A-List name in the movie could've helped though. They might as well went with nobodies then 2nd or 3rd rate names.


I do love the quote they show in trailers "The movie Armageddon wished it was"...or something like that. Funny how that one made all the money, and this thing won't touch 1/3 of that kind of cash

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Guest Ravenbomb

good to see another great movie gets the #1 spot. Hopefully it has a nice long stay there

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