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Kurt angle..2 time olympic gold medalist?

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've been hearing some stories lately on here and elsewhere that Kurt Angle is indeed going for the gold medal once again in 2004...


If anyone else has heard abotu this, I wanna know a real source where this is confirmed. This could be huge.


By 2004, which is only what, 2 years away, Kurt Angle has already achieved everything possible in pro AND amateur wrestling. I'm almost positive by that time that Angle would be a cemented, legitimate main event crossover star. The question is if the transition to pro wrestling might affect Angle's amateur skills, because I would be pretty sad if Angle didn't go all the way in 2004!! Also, why didn't he go for it in 2000? Because of his WWF commitment or what?

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The question is if the transition to pro wrestling might affect Angle's amateur skills, because I would be pretty sad if Angle didn't go all the way in 2004!!


I would pay to see HHH come from behind with the chair while he's standing on the podium with his gold medals...

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Guest notJames

Or if he tried to do a moonsault onto one of his opponents.


Probably wouldn't hit then, either...



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Guest Choken One

This is old news but The question has never been answered...but if he does, he needs to start right now.

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Guest Ace309

I really don't think Angle's got what it takes right now.


Ace ducks to dodge all the trash being thrown at him.


I still think he's going to have too much serious competition from others at the 264-pound class (recently dropped from 286). For example, if Steve Mocco can make weight, I think he's definitely got the technique to give it to an Angle that's devoted the last several years of his life to worked wrestling.


If he can make 211, he'd have a very good shot. I doubt it, though - he's put on too much muscle. Before anyone says "Wrestlers know how to cut weight" - yes, I know. But there's only so much water weight a person can cut, and I'd wager by looks that Angle's at least around 250 right now. He's added a ton of muscle weight since the Olympics, in addition to the normal weight all wrestlers carry around above and beyond their weight class.


I'd say that Angle should stick to the WWF. A second gold's not the sure thing everyone seems to think it is.

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Guest Nevermortal

Possibilities of roids coming into play as well. Drug testing in the olympics, fellas....

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Guest Brian

This may be a little off topic, but there's a guy in Japan whpo get huge props from the crowd during his fights because, even though it never works, he did a dropkick. A dropkick in a shoot fight.

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Guest Anglesault
This may be a little off topic, but there's a guy in Japan whpo get huge props from the crowd during his fights because, even though it never works, he did a dropkick. A dropkick in a shoot fight.

A little off topic?



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Guest Brian

Well, I just commented on pro-wreestling in a shoot environment, since everyone was talking about run-ins and Angle dropping big holds.

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

I also think Kurt should stick to WWF. He has nothing to prove and only a reputation to lose. Anything less than gold would hurt both him and the WWF.

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Guest Dangerous A

I don't want to alarm any of you (especially Anglesault), but a couple weeks ago, I was listening to the piledriver radio show. They had Kurt on and he said that he is putting knee surgery off for now. He hurt it, (believe it or not) doing the moonsault off of the cage vs Benoit on Raw. He said that the surgery is inevitable. I am not sure we should jump the gun on him going after the gold if he has impending surgery in who knows how long. That is news straight from the horse's mouth y'all.

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Guest Anglesault
I don't want to alarm any of you (especially Anglesault), but a couple weeks ago, I was listening to the piledriver radio show. They had Kurt on and he said that he is putting knee surgery off for now. He hurt it, (believe it or not) doing the moonsault off of the cage vs Benoit on Raw. He said that the surgery is inevitable. I am not sure we should jump the gun on him going after the gold if he has impending surgery in who knows how long. That is news straight from the horse's mouth y'all.

He hurt it WHEN? Jesus Christ. So he needs to take time off? YES! I've been praying for Kurt to get hurt so he can leave Midcard #### and return a Main eventer!



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Guest Dangerous A

As it says in the post, he hurt it awhile ago. I believe it's like torn cartilage that is really small, but the longer he keeps on it, it will get worse.

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Guest The Masked Yodeler

AS is right.  Kurt's just spinning wheels right now.  Unless the WWF has some big plan for him coming up that we just don't know about, this is the right time to have the surgery.

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Guest muzanisa

From the POV of WWF programming if he wins or loses ignobly the've got some storylines. I believe that a lot of Amateurs wouldn't be too happy about him coming back though.

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I think he may get a bad rap if he gets tested for roids. He trained so hard for the olympics and he wasn't as big as he is now, where he probably trains a lot less harder. Also if he loses it will be a big blow to his cred and would make it look like the WWF ruined hsi skill.

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Guest muzanisa

If he wins he could come back as the American hero. If he loses then he could come back as the dangerous dorky heel.

Funaki "congratulations on winning silver/bronze"

Kurt  destroys him.

Funaki laughs at Kurt

Kurt "you think it's funny that I lost to the Mongolian goatherder in the first round"

Kurt deestroys him.


Either way works.

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Guest Sadyv

Angle did say if he went for the Olympics he stop doing WWF in mid 2002 to get back into wrestling shape, and to drop the useless puffy juice muscle that Vince is so fond of.


Knee surgery probably puts this to rest though, unless its relatively minor stuff.


Incidently, Angle beat Lesnar in a wrestling match they agreed to, so Kurt can still go.


Of the college boys, I'd pick Tommy Rowlands to beat Mocco for the Olympic spot. Rowlands beat Mocco the other day for the national championship, and I think TOmmy is a better athlete than Mocco.


Rowlands also seems to be good at figuring out how to beat people that have beat him before.

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